Anthropology Research Seminar

Photo made by Samantha Aiguier, Master student in Social Anthropology

Tuesday, 4.15- 5.45 pm

Everyone is welcome to join.

Program of the Anthropology Research Seminar at the Spring Semester 2025

Seminarraum S221, Lerchenweg 36

  • 25. Februar ChatGPT und jetzt? Versuche akademische Lehre und Forschung in den Geisteswissenschaften mit large language models zu denken. Prof. Tobias Hodel, Digital Humanities, University of Bern; Chair: Prof. Julia Eckert. Raum F-123
  • 04. März no colloquia
  • 11. März  Round table on Forging the authoritarian consensus: Where is the middle? Dr. Agnieszka Pasieka (University of Montreal), Prof. Nitzan Shoshan (Centro de Estudios Sociológicos, El Colegio de México), Dr. Moyukh Chatterjee (Edinburgh University); Chaired by Prof. Julia Eckert and Prof. Erez Levon. Raum F-123
  • 17. März ! Montag ! Fictional Materialities of the Borders: Disentangling Identities from Identification Practices. Ass. Prof. Mahmoud Kesharvaz, University of Uppsala; Chair: Prof. Charles Heller
  • 18 März Beyond exceptionalism and area studies: Transnational feminist perspectives on anti-gender discourses and politics. Prof. Nadje Al-Ali, Brown University; Chair: Dr. Isabel Käser. Raum F022
  • 25. März Sensitive Material: A Study of the Spiritual, sensorial and Legal Personality of Indigenous Artifacts, Within and Without Museum Collections. Prof. David Howes, Concordia University; Chair: Prof. Michaela Schäuble
  • 01. April  Human-jaguar relations in the Ecuadorian Amazon. A doctoral journey. Lisa Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, University of Bern; Chair: Prof. Tobias Haller
  • 08. April Services and Information from the Open Science Team UB Bern Ronja Ulrich, Open Science Team, Universitätsbibliothek Bern Raum F-123
  • 15. April NO COLLOQUIUM
  • 29. April Between Ecological Psychosis and Environmental Catharsis: Reading the Unsettled Landscapes of Taranto, Tarantismo, and the Peasant of Bern. Dr. Jasmine Pisapia, ICI Berlin; Chair: Prof. Michaela Schäuble
  • 06. Mai  Speculating with lithium. Dr. Jonas Köppel, University of Bern; Chair: Prof. Stefan Leins
  • 13. Mai  Subcontractors of Guilt? Holocaust remembrance in postmigrant Germany and Switzerland. Prof. Esra Özyürek, University of Cambridge, together with Christina Späti (University of Fribourg), Asmaa Dehbi (University of Fribourg), Yves Kugelmann (Tachles, Zürich, tbc). !!! 18.15, Kornhausforum Bern (tbc) !!!
  • 20. Mai Anthropology as political labour: on law, state racism, and promises of liberal salvation. Prof. Insa Koch, University of St. Gallen; Chair: Prof. Stefan Leins
  • 27. Mai Institutsfeier (kein Kolloquium)