Lene Faust is a research fellow in Social Anthropology at the University of Bern since April 2018, working in the project “Religious Rituals as Coping Strategies for Conflicts” headed by Prof. Dr. Michaela Schäuble und Prof. Dr. David Plüss in the framework of the Interfaculty Research Cooperation  (IRC) “Religious Conflicts and Coping Strategies”. 

She has an M.A. in cultural studies with a special focus on social anthropology, Italian studies and musicology at the university of Bremen and obtained her PhD from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. For her doctorate she did fieldwork in Rome (Italy) among neofascists, focusing, among other things, on memory culture, transgenerational dynamics of inheritance of war and violent experiences, political religion and ritual practices like the cult of the dead. 

Her PhD was awarded the Forschungsförderungspreis des Frobenius-Instituts 2020 for the best dissertation in German-speaking socio and cultural anthropology.

In addition, between autumn 2014 and 2018 she contributed conceptually to the scientific program of the Collaborative Research Centre “Media of Cooperation” at the university of Siegen, building up the CRC as scientific coordinator after its start in 2016. 

Her research focuses on political anthropology, anthropology of religion and anthropology of the Mediterranean.