Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj

ehemaliger Director

Consultation Hour
Please make an appointment via E-Mail.

Copyright: Dres Hubacher

Research Topics

  • Society and history of South East Asia with a focus on Indonesia
  • Economic Anthropology (Anthropology of work)
  • Anthropology of Gender and Relatedness
  • Political Anthropology (corruption)
  • History of cultural and social Anthropology


Married with Kathrin Oester, Social Anthropologist and documentary filmmaker.

The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses

by Tobias Haller, Thomas Breu, Tine De Moor, Christian Rohr, Heinzpeter Znoj

Autumn Semester 2021

Karl Polanyi’s «Great Transformation» - substantivistische Wirtschaftstheorie und Kapitalismuskritik

Lecture: History of social and cultural anthropology II

Master colloquia

PhD colloquia

Autumn Semester 2020

History of social and cultural anthropology I

MA, MASA: Cooling the World: Anthropological Holism and the Search for Alternative Ways of Life

Master colloquia

PhD colloquia

Spring Semester 2020

MA: Social Life in Capitalist Ruins

Ethnographische Schreibwerkstatt

Anthropology Research Seminar including mandatory debriefing

PhD colloquia

Autumn Semester 2019

course research II

Lecture: History of social and cultural anthropology II

Master colloquia

PhD colloquia

Spring Semester 2019

Course research I

Anthropology of Blockchain

Anthropology Research Seminar including mandatory debriefing

PhD colloquia

Autumn Semester 2018

History of social and cultural anthropology I

Marcel Mauss - Exchange of gifts, magic and body techniques

Master colloquia

PhD colloquia

Spring Semester 2018

Exercise: Erving Goffman's Ethnography of Everyday Life

Seminar: Philippe Descolas "Jenseits von Natur und Kultur"

Master Colloquia

PhD Colloquia

Autumn Semester 2017

Seminar: Depts

Lecture: History of social and cultural anthropology II

Master colloquia

PhD colloquia