Who belongs to the student council?
You –as a student of social anthropology at the University of Bern.
What does the student council want ?
Its aim is to engage itself for the students’ interests and to exercise their right to participate.
The student body is thereby represented by the student council.
How do we get to know your opinion?
There are several options:
Write an E-Mail
or meet us on Facebook 
Talk to us: whenever we meet (at the Institute or on courses). During the semester we plan several meetings at the Restaurant "Grosse Schanze" to have a talk while having a mineral or a beer.
The Plenary Meeting (Vollversammlung)
At the end of each term we, the student council, hold a plenary meeting. It serves as a platform for information about what’s happening at the institute, university politics, your studies and other activities that are going on or are being planned. This is a great opportunity for us students to express our ideas, make proposals and exerise criticism. In order for the student council to be effective it is crucial that as many students as possible participate in the plenary meeting.
The next plenary meeting will be held sometime after the new semester has started, at 18:15 in the Institute of Social Anthropology to which you are cordially invited!
How can we carry through requests?
Having a say at the institute
The student council can participate in the institute’s regular meetings, in order to represent the student’s interests directly.
Furthermore we have a vote when new professors are being elected or we can choose to invite an external lecturer.
If you feel like participating in the student council feel free to approach us (directly or by email), we are always happy to have more support!
Your head student council: Nimal, Rachel, Raphael, Laura, Daria, Angela