Number of items at this level: 2552.
Hilbrandt, Hanna; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Cima, Ottavia; Duplan, Karine; Marquardt, Nadine; Péaud, Laura; Pütz, Marco; Véron, René; Vorbrugg, Alexander
Editorial: Expanding knowledge geographies.
Geographica Helvetica, 79(3), pp. 239-240.
Dreschke, Anja Susanne
Bridging Concepts: "Presence/Presenza/Anwesenheit"; "Co-Becoming/Mit-Sein/Mutuality of Being";"Coevalness";"Positioning" and "Critical Ethnocentrism" [Performance or Exhibition].
Presence and co-presence Rethinking the work of Ernesto de Martino and Julius Lips. Villa Vigoni. 29.07.2024.02.08.2024
Torresan, Angela; Favero, Paolo
(24 July 2024).
Working with the non-observable: audio-visual modes of doing and undoing knowledge [Visual Anthropology Network (VANEASA) Panel] (Unpublished).
EASA Conference - European Association of Social Anthropology.
23.-26. Juli 2024.
Dreschke, Anja Susanne
Rievocazione storica dell’antico rito del Tarantismo [Performance or Exhibition].
Rievocazione storica dell’antico rito del Tarantismo. Galatina. 30. Juni 2024
Schäuble, Michaela
(25 April 2024).
Decolonizing and/or Re-Appropriating the Archive? (Unpublished).
Lecture series "Decolonizing Anthropology".
Mangold, Conor P.; Frey, Louise; Battaglia, Sofia; Hostettler, Ueli
Enquête auprès du personnel pénitentiaire : évaluation des thèmes centraux
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Schäuble, Michaela; Schäuble, Michaela
(19 April 2024).
Biss der Liebe – ekstatische Heiligenverehrung in Süditalien (Unpublished).
Morso d'amore", Biss der Liebe, wird im süditalienischen Apulien bis heute umgangssprachlich der Tarantismus genannt. Dabei handelt sich um ein kulturelles Phänomen, das von Medizinern im Mittelalter auch als ›Tanzwut‹ oder ›Choreomanie‹ bezeichnet wurde..
Bapolisi, Wyvine Ansima; Dumbaugh, Mari; Felber, Selina; Bisimwa, Ghislain; Merten, Sonja
Family planning in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: personal beliefs, intimate partner negotiations and social pressure. (In Press).
Culture, health & sexuality, pp. 1-15.
Taylor & Francis
Schäuble, Michaela
(27 March 2024).
Are Spiders good to think with? (Unpublished).
Anthropological Crossroads. Colloquium Institute of Social Anthropology University of Basel.
Schäuble, Michaela; Pierri, Paola
(25 March 2024).
Ethnographic Research in (Big) Data (Unpublished).
Ethnography Talks. Transdisciplinary Conversations in Anthropology and Beyond.
St. Gallen.
Schäuble, Michaela
(22 March 2024).
Abschlusspodium - Auf den Spuren von Architektur und Ritualisierung. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur religiösen Nutzung von Räumen (Unpublished).
Auf den Spuren von Architektur und Ritualisierung – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven zur religiösen Nutzung von Räumen.
Bordoli, Andrea
(7 March 2024).
“Burnt Creek: Extractivisms, ecologies and re-mediations in subarctic Québec” (Unpublished).
“Images, Sound and performance as ways of knowing”.
March 2023.
Köppel, Jonas; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan
What Should “We” Do? Subjects and Scales in the Double-Bind between Energy Transition and Lithium Extraction.
The Extractive Industries and Society, 17(101376)
Burger, Tim; Mahar, Usman; Schild, Pascale; Walter, Anna-Maria
The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the field beyond research.
Bielefeld: transcript
Walter, Anna-Maria; Schild, Pascale; Mahar, Usman; Burger, Tim
Introducing the Multi-Sided Ethnographer.
Burger, Tim; Mahar, Usman; Schild, Pascale; Walter, Anna-Maria
The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the field beyond research (pp. 15-34).
Bielefeld: transcript
Schild, Pascale
Intimate Suspects: Politics of fieldwork and intimacy under state surveillance.
Burger, Tim; Mahar, Usman; Schild, Pascale; Walter, Anna-Maria
The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the field beyond research (pp. 235-257).
Bielefeld: transcript
Molnár, Zsolt; Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Yildiz; Babai, Dániel; Díaz, Sandra; Garnett, Stephen T; Hill, Rosemary; Bates, Peter; Brondízio, Eduardo S; Cariño, Joji; Demeter, László; Fernández-Llamazares, Álvaro; Guèze, Maximilien; McElwee, Pamela; Öllerer, Kinga; Purvis, Andy; Reyes-García, Victoria; Samakov, Aibek; Singh, Ranjay K
Towards richer knowledge partnerships between ecology and ethnoecology.
Trends in ecology & evolution, 39(2), pp. 109-115.
Féaux de la Croix, J; Burger, L
Taken along the Edge of Empires: ‘The Eagle of the Ninth’ by Rosemary Sutcliff (In Press).
Pöhlmann, T; Sumerauer, D
Meilensteine: Eine Bibliothek der ethnographischen Imagination. Milestones: a library of ethnographic imagination.
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Publishing
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Disappearing Dams and Emerging Glaciers: materializing hopes and fears on a major highland river in Kyrgyzstan (In Press).
Breyfogle, N; Brown, P
Water, Power and Empire in Asia. Histories of Science, Environment, and Technology Series.
University of Pittsburgh Press
Féaux de la Croix, J; Samakov, A
Disaster Studies: the Example of the Aral Sea (In Press).
Eite, K; Wergin, C
Handbuch Umweltethnologie.
Berlin: Springer
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Experimenting with Visual Arts for Impact: Tracing Central Asian River Life (In Press).
Krause, F; Strang, V
Water, Objects and Infrastructure: Traversing scales in material relations.
London: Berghahn
Poudyal, Mahesh; Kraft, Franziska; Wells, Geoff; Das, Anamika; Attiwilli, Suman; Schreckenberg, Kate; Lele, Sharachchandra; Daw, Tim; Torres-Vitolas, Carlos; Setty, Siddappa; Adams, Helen; Ahmad, Sate; Ryan, Casey; Fisher, Janet; Robinson, Brian; Jones, Julia P. G.; Homewood, Katherine; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Keane, Aidan; Macamo, Celia; ...
Nature’s contribution to poverty alleviation, human wellbeing and the SDGs.
Scientific data, 11(1)
Nature Publishing Group
Leins, Stefan
Märkte, Modelle, Märchen: Techniken der Plausibilisierung unter Wirtschaftsexpert:innen.
Kirsch, Thomas G.; Wald, Christina
Vorläufige Gewissheiten: Plausibilität als soziokulturelle Praxis. Edition Kulturwissenschaft: Vol. 293 (pp. 321-337).
Bielefeld: Transkript
Strasser, Sabine
Hiking Ethnography. A Short Essay on Fieldwork Mobility on Foot.
Burger, Tim; Mahar, Usman; Schild, Pascale; Walter, Anna-Maria
The Multi-Sided Ethnographer. Living the Field beyond Research. Culture and Social Practice (pp. 55-71).
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Weissman, Samuel
Disenchanted Modernities. Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological changes and Local Responses.
Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 3.
Zürich: Lit Verlag
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Décarboner les réseaux de production mondiaux : résistance et changement dans le secteur de l'aluminium au Mozambique et en Afrique du Sud (Unpublished).
Research seminar of the department of social anthropology.
University of Lausanne.
7 March 2024.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo
Political ecologies of the future: Introduction to the special issue.
Geoforum, p. 104023.
Bub, Laurenz; Cerri, Alberto; Galusser, Martin; Leins, Stefan; Ringger, Beat
Kreislaufwirtschaft: Greenwashing oder transformatives Konzept?
Franzini, Luzian; Mosimann, Nadja; Ringger, Beat; Zwicky, Pascal
Noch Hoffnung? Von den Möglichkeiten der Solidarität im Wirbel von Krisen. Denknetz Jahrbuch (pp. 135-143).
Zürich: Edition 8
Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten
Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva
Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 13-36).
Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess
Rehsmann, Julia; Stetter, Bitten; Caduff, Corina
Sterben gendern. Wie Geschlechterverhältnisse das Lebensende prägen.
Caduff, Corina; Stetter, Bitten; Afzali, Minou; Müller, Francis; Soom Ammann, Eva
Sterben gestalten. Möglichkeitsräume am Lebensende (pp. 195-215).
Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess
Leins, Stefan
Money Rules the World, but How? Debating Power in the Anthropological Work on Finance.
Bozzini, David; Fresia, Marion; Killias, Olivia; Lavanchy, Anne
Engagements: Penser la responsabilité de l’anthropologue avec Ellen Hertz (pp. 65-76).
Neuchâtel: Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Reassembling Transnational Legal Conflicts across Global Institutions: Ethnographic Perspectives on Claims of Authority over the Mediterranean Sea (Submitted).
Ways of Seeing International Organizations: New Perspectives for International Institutional Law.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Santer, Kiri Olivia
What a socio-legal approach to the accountability gap in migration control can tell us about contemporary governance?
Leins, Stefan
Beyond Mining: Physical commodity traders, market intermediation and the role of (de-)coupling (In Press).
Journal of Cultural Economy
Taylor & Francis
Bordoli, Andrea
(5 December 2023).
“Ethnography as Literary Form: writing for film” (Unpublished).
Ethnography as Literary Form, Social Anthropology Department, University of Basel.
Schäuble, Michaela
(December 2023).
Rauschhafte Massenphänomene: Raserei, Tanzwut und Fallsucht.
uniFOKUS(6), pp. 42-46.
Universität Bern
Bordoli, Andrea
(28 November 2023).
“Positionalities: Mediating proximity/distance in ethnographic fieldwork and art practice” (Unpublished).
Proximity/Distance” interdisciplinary lecture series, departments of Anthropology and Art History, University of Bern.
Bordoli, Andrea
(18 November 2023).
Lichens, Dust and Iron: Audiovisual explorations of extractivism in Schefferville and Matimekush – Lac John, QC (Unpublished).
Pushing the Boundaries, Experimenting with the Visual.
15-19 November 2023.
Sonay, Ali; Ramm, Christoph; Strasser, Sabine
(16 November 2023).
Die andere Türkei. 100 Jahre umkämpfte Republik (Unpublished).
Die andere Türkei. 100 Jahre umkämpfte Republik.
Borel, Manon-Julie
(14 November 2023).
Living Distant Neighbourhoods: Ethnographic Accounts from the Closed Armenian–Turkish Border (Unpublished).
Old Roads and New Routes: Exploring Ethnographic Perspectives on Geopolitical Shifts in Eastern Europe.
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
14 November 2023.
Schäuble, Michaela
(November 2023).
Amitav Ghosh: Imagining Worlds (Unpublished).
Amitav Ghosh: Imagining Worlds.
Stadttheater Bern, Grosse Bühne.
Bordoli, Andrea
(1 October 2023).
Of celluloid, plants, and archival monsters: Leandro Listorti’s HERBARIA.
MicroReview Swiss Society for Artistic Research
Swiss Society for Artistic Research
Bordoli, Andrea
(Re)Encountering the Field: Past Memories and Early Reflections from Northern Québec
Social Anthropology Department, University of Bern
Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson; Bordoli, Andrea; Wagner, Magali Julia; Sánchez Celaya, Maria Georgina
Aesthetics of Regeneration [Performance or Exhibition].
Rippl, Gabriele; Schuppli, Susan; Richter, Virginia; Schneemann, Peter Johannes; Schäuble, Michaela; Mantoan, Diego; Dürbeck, Gabriele; Müller, Timo; Bonifacio, Valentina; Chatterjee, Sria; Bordoli, Andrea; Sánchez Celaya, Maria Georgina; Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson; Wagner, Magali Julia
(8 September 2023).
Remediations: Ecologies, Encounters, Engagements (Unpublished).
SNSF Sinergia Project.
Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick
Participatory guarantee systems in Senegal: shifting labour dynamics in agroecology.
The journal of peasant studies, 51(2), pp. 466-488.
Schäuble, Michaela; Sela, Kodjo Adjei
(September 2023).
Imag(in)ing Vodun/Vodou: Filmic Approaches to a Spiritual Practice (Unpublished).
Visual Approaches to Vodun and Vodou.
University of Zürich, Zürich.
14-15 Sep 23.
Schäuble, Michaela
(September 2023).
Listening to Ice.
Programmheft Kino Rex Bern, p. 26.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Empowering Housewives in Southeast Turkey: Gender, State and Development.
I.B. Tauris
Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan
Art and Activism in Iraqi Kurdistan: Feminist Fault Lines, Body Politics and the Struggle for Space.
LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series, 70, pp. 1-25.
Ambord, Simone; Hostettler, Ueli
Die Einführung von Schulsozialarbeit an Gymnasien in der Schweiz. Ein Vergleich mit der Volksschule.
Zipperle, Mirjana; Baur, Katharina
Emprische Facetten der Schulsozialarbeit (pp. 249-264).
Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
Schild, Pascale
(30 August 2023).
Contested Solidarity: Azad Kashmir, Pakistan and the Kashmiri freedom struggle.
Conflict and Law Centre Blog
Research Society of International Law, Islamabad/Lahore
Schild, Pascale
The angry earth: disaster in anthropological perspective, edited by Anthony Oliver-Smith & Susanna M. Hoffman, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2020.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 29(4), pp. 980-981.
Gmür, Désirée; Haller, Tobias
Resetting the forestry commons: Constitutionality as a conflict resolution strategy in African woodlands.
Forest policy and economics, 153, pp. 1-9.
Elsevier Science
Cobarrubias, Sebastian; Cuttitta, Paolo; Casa-Cortés, Maribel; Lemberg-Pedersen, Martin; El Qadim, Nora; İşleyen, Beste; Fine, Shoshana; Giusa, Caterina; Heller, Charles
Interventions on the concept of externalisation in migration and border studies.
Political geography, 105(102911), pp. 1-10.
Pfiffner, Roger; Windlinger, Regula; Hostettler, Ueli
When do pupils talk about their problems? Explaining pupils’ intentions to seek help from school social work services.
Children and youth services review, 152, p. 107077.
Simlai, Trishant; Dutta, Anwesha; Huff, Amber; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Massé, Francis; D'Souza, Pearl
Labour perspectives on frontline conservation work.
Current Conservation, 17(1), pp. 19-23.
Windlinger, Regula; Warwas, Julia; Hostettler, Ueli
Employee retention at schools in challenging contexts – can transformational leadership alleviate intentions to resign?
Swiss journal of educational research, 45(1), pp. 15-26.
Bern Open Publishing
Borel, Manon-Julie
(7 June 2023).
Uncertainty, Fears and Promises: An Ethnographic Perspective on the Sealed Border Between Armenia and Turkey in Times of Conflict (Unpublished).
"Living Uncertainty”, SIEF2023 16th Congress.
Brno, Czech Republic.
7-10 June 2023.
Schild, Pascale
Peace for Kashmir? The (Non-)Politics of “Civilian Peacebuilding” Across the Line of Control.
Duschinski, Haley; Bhan, Mona; deBergh Robinson, Cabeiri
The Palgrave Handbook of New Directions in Kashmir Studies (pp. 397-412).
Palgrave Macmillan
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Demay, Clémence; Benoit, Lucie
Civil disobedience and climate trials in Switzerland - What are they fighting for in the Swiss courts?
Schild, Pascale
Beyond politics: In/civilities of ‘non-political’ peacebuilding for Kashmir.
Peacebuilding, 11(3), pp. 273-287.
Taylor & Francis
Schild, Pascale
Introduction to the special issue: In/civility in peace and conflict.
Peacebuilding, 11(3), pp. 245-256.
Taylor & Francis
Grgic, Marina; Jutzi, Michelle; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
Reform@work: Zentrale Resultate aus der Befragung der Lehrpersonen zu Medien und Informatik während der dritten Projektphase
Bern: PHBern: Institut für Forschung, Entwicklung und Evaluation
Fischer, Eva
Kallawaya, Inc. - the making of the Kallawaya (1532-2008): a historical, relational, and comparative approach.
Estudios Atacameños, 69, pp. 1-39.
Universidad Católica del Norte
Schäuble, Michaela
(May 2023).
Framing Agnes.
Programmheft Kino Rex Bern, pp. 26-27.
Ombere, Stephen O; Nyambedha, Erick O; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Local perspectives on policy implementation of free maternity health services in Kenya: Implications for universal health coverage.
African journal of reproductive health, 27(5s), pp. 71-81.
Women's Health and Action Research Center
Jutzi, Michelle; Stampfli, Barbara; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
Schulversuch Spitalacker: Fünf Lektionen am Vormittag
Bern: PHBern, Schwerpunktprogramm Governance im System Schule
Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan
(27 April 2023).
Art Making in Iraqi Kurdistan: Violence, Body Politics and the Struggle for Space.
Middle East Centre.
Avetisyan, Armine; Karayazı, Ihsan; Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
What's next? Civil Dialogue Work in Armenia and Turkey
What's Next
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Cavanagh, Connor; Fletcher, Robert
Securing conservation Lebensraum? The geo-, bio-, and ontopolitics of global conservation futures.
Geoforum, 153, p. 103752.
Zimmermann, Bettina M; Paul, Katharina T; Araújo, Emília R; Buyx, Alena; Ferstl, Sebastian; Fiske, Amelia; Kraus, David; Marelli, Luca; McLennan, Stuart; Porta, Vittoria; Prainsack, Barbara; Radhuber, Isabella M; Saxinger, Gertrude
The social and socio-political embeddedness of COVID-19 vaccination decision-making: A five-country qualitative interview study from Europe.
Vaccine, 41(12), pp. 2084-2092.
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor P.; Hostettler, Ueli
Bildungsbedarfe und Zufriedenheit mit den eigenen Fort- und Weiterbildungen: Haltungen in der Berufsgruppe Aufsicht und Betreuung im Schweizer Justizvollzug.
Forum Strafvollzug. Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, 72(1), pp. 20-25.
Gesellschaft für Fortbildung der Strafvollzugsbediensteten e.V.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(7 March 2023).
Venomous Critters in Poisened Landscapes: Environmental Entanglements of a Religious Cult in Puglia (Unpublished).
RAI Film Festival Conference.
Bristol UK.
07. März.
Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle; Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe; Menet, Joanna
Editorial SJSCA 28/2022.
Swiss journal of sociocultural anthropology, 28, pp. 5-8.
Windlinger, Regula; Jutzi, Michelle; Stocker, Mira; Mayland, Camille; Hostettler, Ueli
Governance, Schulautonomie und freie Schulwahl. Bericht zuhanden der Stiftung
Bern: PHBern, SPP Governance im System Schule
Ober, Maya
(18 January 2023).
Multiple Feminisms, Collective Struggles.
Schäuble, Michaela
The hero and the ‘whore’: Croatia’s sexualised and gendered (self-)ascriptions and its desire for European Belonging.
Pulkinnen, Tuija; Helms, Elissa
Borders of Desire: Gender and Seuxality at the Eastern Borders of Europe (pp. 117-143).
Manchester: Manchester University Press
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Cavanagh, Connor
Rescaling the land rush? Global political ecologies of land use and cover change in key scenario archetypes for achieving the 1.5 °C Paris agreement target.
The journal of peasant studies, 50(1), pp. 262-294.
Shackleton, Ross T.; Walters, Gretchen; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Djoudi, Houria; Fritz, Livia; de Micheaux, Flore Lafaye; Loloum, Tristan; Nguyen, Thi Hai Van; Sithole, Samantha; Andriamahefazafy, Mialy; Kull, Christian
Navigating power in conservation.
Conservation science and practice, 5(3)
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Governing Through Scalar Elasticity: An Analysis of the Accountability Gap in Migration Control in the Central Mediterranean.
Social & Legal Studies, 33(1), pp. 3-20.
Ngom, Ndeye Marame; Baratoux, David; Bolay, Matthieu; Dessertine, Anna; Abass Saley, Abdoulatif; Baratoux, Lenka; Mbaye, Modou; Faye, Gayane; Yao, Alphonse Kouakou; Kouamé, Kan Jean
Artisanal Exploitation of Mineral Resources: Remote Sensing Observations of Environmental Consequences, Social and Ethical Aspects.
Surveys in geophysics, 44(1), pp. 225-247.
Strasser, Sabine
Following Agency: Handlungsmacht in feministisch- anthropologischer Perspektive (Unpublished).
Workshop: Follow the Agency.
Institut für Ethnologie, LMU München.
16.-17. Februar 2023.
Strasser, Sabine; Sökefeld, Martin
Affective Economies of Removal. Ethnographic Perspective of (In)Voluntary Return (Submitted).
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS
Eckert, Julia
Practice Movements.
Snow, David A.; della Porta, Donatella; McAdam, Doug; Klandermans, Bert
The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (pp. 1-3).
Marfurt, Franziska; Haller, Tobias; Bottazzi, Patrick
Green Agendas and White Markets: The Coloniality of Agroecology in Senegal.
Land, 12(7), p. 1324.
Eckert, Julia
Decolonising the political: Presence, law and obligation.
Anthropological theory, 23(4), pp. 436-458.
Sage Publications
Schäuble, Michaela
«Afronauten: Visionen extraterrestrischer Kolonisierung».
Alles lebt Mehr als menschliche Welten (pp. 165-168).
Hatje Cantz Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
«Aufgezeichnete Geschichte(n): Über Joe Sacco».
Inspirationen: Über die Entstehung ethnologischen Denkens.
Edition Trickster im Peter Hammer Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
“The Potentiality of Form: The Video Essay as Critical Practice in Audiovisual Anthropology” (Submitted).
Film as Empirical Art.
Manchester University Press
Siegl, Veronika
Intimate Strangers: Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine and the Making of Truth.
Ithaca [New York]: Cornell University Press
Schäuble, Michaela
Feral Atlas Schweiz. Beiträge zum mehr-als-menschlichen Anthropozän.
[Software & Other Digital Items]
Schäuble, Michaela
"Framing Agnes" Filmgespräch mit Chase Joynt (Unpublished).
Film screening Framing Agnes.
Kino Rex.
Schäuble, Michaela
Relazione sulla realizzazione ed estratti del film documentario (Unpublished).
Il ritmo ed il battito della pizzica tarantata.
Schäuble, Michaela
"Geological Filmmaking" Filmgespräch mit Sasha Litvintseva (Unpublished).
Film screening Geological Filmmaking.
Kino in der Reitschule Ciné Liminal.
Schäuble, Michaela
"Listening to Ice" Filmgespräch mit Susan Schuppli (Unpublished).
Film Screening Listening to Ice.
Kino Rex.
Haller, Tobias; Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka; Oberlack, Christoph; Lundsgaard-Hansen, Lara M.; Hurni, Kaspar; Weissman, Samuel
The new global connect: Mega-infrastructure projects and their local impacts
(Swiss Academies Factsheets 18 (1)).
Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT)
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Oxford Encyclopaedia of Anthropology.
Oxford University Press
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Freiheitsentzug im höheren Alter – Zentrale Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven.
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Alter, Delinquenz und Inhaftierung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege (pp. 367-384).
Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor; Frey, Louise; Hostettler, Ueli
Hafterleben von älteren männlichen Gefangenen in der Schweiz.
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Alter, Delinquenz und Inhaftierung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege (pp. 165-188).
Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene
Sterben und Tod intra und extra muros.
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Alter, Delinquenz und Inhaftierung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege (pp. 207-221).
Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Wilde, Frank; Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Alter, Delinquenz und Inhaftierung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege (v-ix).
Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Ghanem, Christian; Hostettler, Ueli; Wilde, Frank
Alter, Delinquenz und Inhaftierung. Perspektiven aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Edition Forschung und Entwicklung in der Strafrechtspflege.
Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Eckert, Julia; Six, Clemens; Tran, Anh
Die Wurzeln des Hindunationalismus [Audio].
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Penati, Beatrice
Environmental Humanities in Central Asia Relations Between Extraction and Interdependence.
Routledge Taylor & Francis
Eckert, Julia
Decolonising Global Solidarity (Unpublished).
International Workshop on Researching Global Solidarity.
University of Bremen, Germany.
5-6 October 2023.
Eckert, Julia
Auch das Asylrecht ist Teil des Nie Wieder.
Transforming Solidarities
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Reeves, Madeleine
The Central Asian World.
London: Routledge
Aitpaeva, Gulnara; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Relating to people, homeland and environment the Kyrgyz way? A dialogue between activism and engaged scholarship.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Penati, Beatrice
Environmental Humanities in Central Asia: Relations between Extraction and Interdependence. Environmental Humanities Series.
London: Routledge
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne Eileen; Penati, Beatrice
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Penati, Beatrice
Environmental Humanities in Central Asia: Relations between Extraction and Interdependence. Environmental Humanities Series.
London: Routledge
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Reeves, Madeleine
Introduction: Situating Central Asian Worlds.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Reeves, Madeleine
The Central Asian World. Anthropology Series.
London: Routledge
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Reeves, Madeleine
Polyphonic Afterword: Anthropology for Central Asian Worlds.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Reeves, Madeleine
The Central Asian World. Anthropology Series.
London: Routledge
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Supporting Transnational Independent Journalism in Turkey and Armenia: How Funding Organizations Can Support Stronger Strategic Collaboration through Peer-to-Peer Learning for Peace.
Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
A warm welcome or an act of domination? News reporting of Armenia-Turkey relations.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep; Avetisyan, Armine
What the Turkish election means for Armenia-Turkey relations.
LSE Europpblog.
Leins, Stefan
Ökonomische Anthropologie im (Nach-)Krisenmodus.
Köppel, Jonas
Lithium Trajectories in Bolivia and beyond: Encounters against the Supply Chain.
(Dissertation, Geneva Graduate Institute, PhD in Anthropology and Sociology)
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Demay, Clémence; Benoit, Lucie
Civil Disobedience on Trial in Switzerland.
Ghomashlouyan, Moslem
Landscapes of il/legality: contraband mobility in the Kurdish mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Unpublished).
LSE Kurdish Studies Conference.
24-25 April 2023.
LSE Middle East Center, London, UK.
Ghomashlouyan, Moslem
Conspicuous Statecraft: contraband mobility in the Kurdish mountains of the Iran-Iraq border (Unpublished).
British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Conference.
3-5 July 2023.
University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Ghomashlouyan, Moslem
Fighting for mobility justice: practicing feminism in a Kurdish border village in Iran. (Unpublished).
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Science’s Commission of Anthropology of the Middle East Conference.
Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes, Istanbul, Turkey.
6-8 September 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Water Poetics and Competing Futurities: Borderlands Landscape Ethnography. (Unpublished).
RAI Film Festival Conference.
7-8 March, 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Multimodal Proximities and Practices: Where the Monsoon Waters Will (Unpublished).
Researching Otherwise.
LUS Methodology Seminar, ETH, Zurich.
6 October, 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Ecological Practices of Care (Unpublished).
Sensing Technologies Symposium: Imaginaries, Futurities, Practices of Control and Care.
University of Bern. Bern.
21 October, 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Anthropological Poetry (Unpublished).
Anthropological Poetry.
University of Basel.
15 November, 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Settler Ontologies and Hybrid Assemblages (Unpublished).
Amitav Ghosh: Imagining Worlds public reading an conversation.
Buehnen Bern.
06 November, 2023.
Alexandra, Darcy
Multimodal Engagement as Accompaniment (Unpublished).
Multimodal Interventions: Critical and Creative Engagements with Migration, Borders and Violence.
Lisboa, Portugal.
28 November, 2023.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
EU Border Externalisation and the Role of Frontex (Unpublished).
Asylex Academy.
6 May 2023.
Merten, Sonja; Haller, Tobias
Interwoven Landscapes: Gender and Land in the Kafue Flats, Zambia.
Land, 12(9), p. 1657.
Ombere, Stephen Okumu; Nyambedha, Erick Otieno; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Anti-Politics and Free Maternal Health Services in Kilifi County, Kenya.
African studies, 82(1), pp. 85-97.
Taylor & Francis
Santer, Kiri Olivia
The Swiss National Science Foundation: structure, funding schemes and experiences (Unpublished).
“Ideare, progettare, realizzare: L’organizzazione del progetto scientifico nelle aree umanistiche”.
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy.
19 May 2023.
Santer, Kiri
Cooperative interdiction in the Central Mediterranean: Law, externalization and the fragmentation of responsibility in migration control (Unpublished).
Oberseminar - Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Ethnologie.
Institut für Ethnologie LMU München, Deutschland.
4 December 2023.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Eine Infrastruktur der Abschreckung.
Saner, Fabian
Almanach Entwicklungspolitik: Gehen müssen, bleiben können. Infrastrukturen der globalen Migration (pp. 107-118).
Luzern: Caritas-Verlag
Arnold, Carmen; Ashley, Sophie; Bachmann, Lene; Bindschedler, Lisa; Bornhauser, Leo; Eggenberg, Neva; Flügel, Nina; Hutmacher, Christophe; Imdorf, Elena; Kingsley, Alexandra; Kleeb, Ruben; Lüthi, Till; Müller, Lorena; Németh, Deborah; Oppitz, Sebastian; Plüss, Kristelle; Plüss, Kristelle; Reinhardt, Svenja; Sutter, Lucy; Vögeli, Anaëlle; ...
New Debates and Implementations of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A Critical Social Anthropology Perspective
University of Bern: Institute of Social Anthropology
Haller, Tobias; Weissman, Samuel
The Great ‘Anti-politics’ Progress Machine: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Disenchanted Institutional Change and Dramas of Grabbed Commons.
Neef, Andreas; Ngin, Chanrith; Moreda, Tsegaye; Mollett, Sharlene
Routledge Handbook of Global Land and Resource Grabbing (pp. 358-372).
London: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Heller, Charles
Mission Accomplished? The Deadly Effects Of Border Control In Niger
Border Forensics
Heller, Charles; Pezzani, Lorenzo; Stierl, Maurice
Migration: Security and Humanitarianism across the Mediterranean Border.
Peters, Kimberley; Anderson, Jon; Davies, Andrew; Steinberg, Philip
The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space.
London: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Heller, Charles; Pezzani, Lorenz; Stierl, Maurcie
Contesting the lethal Mediterranean frontier.
Van Liempt, Ilse; Schapendonk, Joris; Campos-Delgado, Amalia
Research Handbook on Irregular Migration (pp. 361-372).
Edward Elgar Publishing
Radhuber, Isabella M.; Fiske, Amelia; Galasso, Ilaria; Gessl, Nicolai; Hill, Michael D.; Morales, Emma R.; Olarte-Sánchez, Lorena E.; Pelfini, Alejandro; Saxinger, Gertrude; Spahl, Wanda
Toward global citizenship? People (de)bordering their lives during COVID-19 in Latin America and Europe.
Global Public Health, 18(1), pp. 1-16.
Taylor & Francis
Saxinger, Gertrude; Krasnoshtanova, Natalia; llmeier, Gertraud
“Stuck in between: Transportation Infrastructure, Corporate Social Responsibility and the State in a small Siberian Oil Town”.
Ziker, John P.; Ferguson, Jeanne; Davydov, Vladimir
The Siberian World (pp. 378-392).
London: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Herrmann, Thora Martina; Brunner Alfani, Francesca; Chahine, Anne; Doering, Nina; Dudeck, Stephan; Elster, Josef; Fjellheim, Eva; Henriksen, Jan Erik; Hermansen, Nina; Homberg, Aslak; Kramvig, Britt; Keskitalo, Anja Márjá Nystø; Omma, Elle Merete; Saxinger, Gertrude; Scheepstra, Annette; van der Schot, Jorrit
Comprehensive Policy-Brief to the EU Commission: Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research.
Áltá - Kárášjohka - Leipzig - Oulu: University of Oulu, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research- UFZ, The Indigenous Voices (IVO) research group – Álgoálbmogii jienat, Arctic University of Norway UiT, Saami Council
Jain, Rohit
Den Schalter umlegen... Eine historische Chance für eine transformative Erinnerungspolitik in Zürich.
E-Publikation zur Ausstellung «Blinde Flecken – Zürich und der Kolonialismus» (pp. 94-96).
Zürich: Stadt Zürich
Ober, Maya
Polyvocal Feminist Practices of Design.
Revista Chilena de Diseño: creación y pensamiento, 8(15), pp. 1-6.
Universidad de Chile
Ober, Maya
Feminismo Popular: Desde los Barrios a la FADU. El impacto de las Jornadas del Diseño Social del AUGE‐FADU en el Campo Proyectual.
Actas de las IX jornadas de estudio y reflexión sobre movimientos estudiantiles (pp. 284-293).
Buenos Aires: Guadalupe Seia; Nayla Pis Diez
Ober, Maya
The Impact of Feminismo Popular on the Design Field (Unpublished).
Gender(ed) Labour, Biannual Conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS).
University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
14.-15. September 2023.
Ober, Maya
Displaying the excluded: the clash between the HfG Ulm’s democratic ideals and the reality of the admission practices (Unpublished).
Displaying Design Design History Society Conference, ESAD.
Matosihnos, Portugal.
7.-9. September 2023.
Ober, Maya
Feminismo Popular: Desde los Barrios a la FADU. El Impacto de las Jornadas del Diseño Social del AUGEFADU en el Campo Proyectual (Unpublished).
X Jornadas de Estudio y Reflexión sobre Movimientos Estudiantiles.
Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, University of Buenos Aires.
September 2023.
Stallone, Sabrina
Dis/articulating Urban Futures. Promises, Affects and Un/Wanted Bodies on Zurich Land Reserves.” (Unpublished).
Research Platform “The Challenge of Urban Futures.
University of Vienna.
Stallone, Sabrina
Future of the city / City of the future” (Unpublished).
Zethno Talk, Das Gleis.
Stallone, Sabrina
“Commoning in a Growing City.” Walking tour of Stadionbrache in collaboration with key fieldwork interlocutor Anaju Haugwitz (Unpublished).
INURA Conference 2023 “The Right to the Planet. Reconsider the Urban Question”.
Stallone, Sabrina
„On Densification” (Unpublished).
Tsüri Panel Discussion.
Stallone, Sabrina
„Wem gehört die Zukunft? Ein Abend zu Wohn- und Bodenpolitik“ (Unpublished).
Denknetz Panel Discussion.
Stallone, Sabrina
“Sabrina Stallone discussing urban futures.”.
Zethno Pod.
Stallone, Sabrina
“Plötzlich muss man sich fragen, ob man das Recht auf ein Leben in der Stadt verdient hat.“ (In Press).
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Türkiye-Ermenistan Arasındaki Sivil Toplum İlişkileri [Civil Society Relations between Turkey and Armenia].
Açık Radyo.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Kadının görünmez ev emeği [Women's invisible domestic labour].
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Journalism for post-war dialogue: Independent news media in Armenia and Turkey (Unpublished).
German Anthropological Association Annual Conference.
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.
26-29 July 2023.
Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa
Everyday Conviviality in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Unpublished).
POLLEN Conference.
Durban, South Africa.
Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa
Co-habitation in the Amazon: The jaguar between conservation organizations and local institutions (Unpublished).
IASC Biennial Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.
Nairobi, Kenya.
Ober, Maya
Weaving Resistances: Feminist Practices of Design, from Education, Institutional Life to Professional Sphere, 2023(8(15)).
Universidad de Chile
Schäuble, Michaela
(14 December 2022).
Ausser sich sein – Choreomanie und religiöse Ekstase in Süditalien. (Unpublished).
Ringvorlesung Collegium Generale.
Universität Bern.
14. Dezember 2022.
Bordoli, Andrea
(10 December 2022).
Burnt Creek: Experimental Audio-visual Approaches to Extractivism and Natureculture Assemblages in Schefferville, QC (Unpublished).
Mediating the Ecological Imperative Midterm Evaluation Workshop.
Stallone, Sabrina
(8 December 2022).
Dis/articulating Urban Futures. Promises, Affect and Un/Wanted Bodies on Zurich Land Reserves. (Unpublished).
Landscape and Urban Studies Doctoral Crit.
ETH Zurich.
8 December 2022.
Stallone, Sabrina
Smart Complaints? ‘Wild’ Things and the Promise of (Un)happiness in Urban Crowdsourcing Apps.
Urban Transcripts Journal, 5(2)
Gargallo, Eduard; Haller, Tobias; Chatty, Dawn; Weissman, Samuel; Meessen, Heino; Giger, Markus; Maisuradze, Roman; Iashvili, Nikoloz; Chkhobadze, Nino
The new green grabbing frontier and participation. Conserving drylands with or without people.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities.
Pase, Andrea; Hofman, Irna; Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; Cirillo, Davide; Giger, Markus; Abebe, Manuel; Hurni, Kaspar; Bertoncin, Marina
Large-scale agricultural investments in drylands: Facing some blind spots in the grabbing debate.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change. Interventions, Investments and Identities.
Zimmermann, Bettina M.; Wagenaar, Hendrik; Kieslich, Katharina; Prainsack, Barbara; Meyers, Gert; Buyx, Alena; El-Sayed, Seliem; Fiske, Amelia; Galasso, Ilaria; Geiger, Susi; Hangel, Nora; Horn, Ruth; Johnson, Stephanie; Kuiper, Janneke M.L.; Lucivero, Federica; McLennan, Stuart; Paul, Katharina T.; Pot, Mirjam; Radhuber, Isabella; Samuel, Gabrielle; ...
Democratic research: Setting up a research commons for a qualitative, comparative, longitudinal interview study during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SSM - qualitative research in health, 2, p. 100158.
Ombere, Stephen O; Nyambedha, Erick O; Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Measures adopted by indigent mothers in Kilifi County to tackle maternal health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study.
African journal of reproductive health, 26(12s), pp. 57-65.
Women's Health and Action Research Center
Schäuble, Michaela; Senkpiel, Fabiana
(25 November 2022).
«Sehen und Zeigen». Workshop Transfer auf die eigene Forschung in interdisziplinären Tandems. (Unpublished).
SINTA-Modul GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg.
Universität Bern.
25.11. 2022.
Schäuble, Michaela
(24 November 2022).
Autoethnografische Methoden. Methodenwerkstatt (Unpublished).
SINTA-Modul, GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg.
Universität Bern.
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor P.; Hostettler, Ueli
(15 November 2022).
Zufriedenheit und Arbeitsalltag von Anstaltsleitungen. Ergebnisse aus Befragungen aus der Schweiz.
Justiznewsletter (Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges), 19(36), pp. 2-7.
Stallone, Sabrina
Smart Complaints? «Wilde» Dinge und das Versprechen von (Un-)Glück in urbanen Crowdsourcing-Apps.
VIGIA, 2, pp. 104-116.
Unterweger, Gisela; Sieber Egger, Anja
Lebenswelten von Kindern.
Gesundheitsförderung für und mit Kindern. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen für die Praxis 8 (pp. 14-17).
Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz
Affolter, Laura
(27 October 2022).
“Politik im Gerichtssaal? Rechte der Natur und Buen Vivir in Ecuador” (Unpublished).
41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.
Strasser, Sabine
(27 October 2022).
Ambivalences of Un/Deservingness: Tracing Vulnerability in the EU Border Regime (Book Presentation) (Unpublished).
Anthropology Talks. Transdisciplinary Conversations in Anthropology and Beyond.
Universität St. Gallen.
Ohm, Britta
The Chair: A Short History of Structural Unfreedom, Anti-Democracy, and Disenfranchisement in German Academia.
Vatansever, Aslı; Kölemen, Aysuda
Academic Freedom and Precarity in the Global North. Free as a Bird (pp. 17-39).
London: Routledge
Jutzi, Michelle; Stampfli, Barbara; Wicki, Thomas; Windlinger, Regula; Stocker, Mira; Hostettler, Ueli
Erfahrung Ganztagesschule in der Stadt Bern – Phase 2. Bericht zur Begleitforschung zu den drei neu eröffneten Ganztagesschulen in der Stadt Bern
Bern: PHBern, Schwerpunktprogramm Governance im System Schule
Schäuble, Michaela
(7 October 2022).
Of spiders, dead olive trees and industrial contamination: an artistic-ethnographic site visit in Puglia (Unpublished).
International Conference: Toward a Sustainable Attitude. Aesthetics, the Arts, and the Environment.
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
6-8 October 2022.
Mooser, Sandra
Nollywood-Inspired Migrant Filmmaking in Switzerland: Practice, Performance and Meaning.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Faust, Lene
Vesuv und Ätna. Zwei Vulkane, zwei Heilige.
Kürzeder, Christoph; Mensch, Steffen
Tanz auf dem Vulkan. Leben und Glauben im Schatten des Vesuv. (pp. 102-107).
Berlin: Deutscher Kunstverlag
Schäuble, Michaela
(30 September 2022).
Critical Acts of Repetition? (Ritual) Performance and Reenactment from an Anthropological Perspective (Unpublished).
Symposium: Performance Conservation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
HKB (online).
30. September 2022.
Santer, Kiri; Gennari, Lucia
(29 September 2022).
The development of push back and pull back management in the Central Mediterranean and the consequent modification of the prospects for litigation. (Unpublished).
International conference: Freedom of movement in West Africa and from the sub-region to Europe. What remains of the right to leave any country, including his own, after externalization policies?.
Santer, Kiri
(16 September 2022).
Multi-pronged approaches to accountability for human rights violations in migration control: litigating border violence and the displacement of the rights-bearing subject. (Unpublished).
Inaugural conference of the Swiss Network for Law and Society: Voices of Law.
University of Lausanne.
15-16 September 2022.
Schäuble, Michaela; Alexandra, Darcy
(10 September 2022).
Multimodale Herangehensweisen in Forschung und Lehre & Einblicke in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte (Unpublished).
Lange Nacht der Forschung.
Universität Bern.
10. September 2022.
Santer, Kiri
(8 September 2022).
Negotiating the EU's carbon border adjustment mechanism: economic competitivity and regulatory constraints in an era of global heating (Unpublished).
International workshop on Environmental Justice, EnJust.
University of Bern.
7-9 September 2022.
Stallone, Sabrina
(2 September 2022).
’Es wird Eng! Es wird Trist!’ Zurich’s Promised, Threatened and Crowded Futures. (Unpublished).
Royal Geographical Society, Annual International Conference.
University of Newcastle.
2 September 2022.
Ober, Maya
Design is not for the weak: On the use in design education.
Arcos Design, 15(2), pp. 258-267.
Saxinger, Gertrude
The FIFO Social Overlap: Success and Pitfalls of Long-Distance Commuting in the Mining Sector.
Southcott, Chris; Abele, Frances; Natcher, David; Parlee, Brenda
Extractive Industry and the Sustainability of Canada’s Arctic Communities (pp. 123-145).
McGill-Queen's University Press
Isenhardt, Anna; Frey, Louise Emily; Hostettler, Ueli
Befragung zur Sicherheit in Unternehmen bezüglich digitaler und physischer Angriffe:
Auswertungsbericht zuhanden des Verbands Swissmem
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie
Fischer, Carolin; Insberg, Manuel
(18 August 2022).
The questionable Safe Haven: Restraints and concessions in refugees’ experiences of safety and healing (Unpublished).
21st Nordic Migration Research Conference - RE:MIGRATION - New perspectives on movement, research, and society.
Strasser, Sabine
Ambivalences of Un/Deservingness: Tracing Vulnerability in the EU Border Regime.
Tošić, Jelena; Streinzer, Andreas
Ethnographies of Deservingness. Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality. EASA Book Series: Vol. 45 (pp. 251-277).
New York, Oxford: Berhahn
Käser, Isabel; Mahmoud, Houzan
(30 July 2022).
Pockets of Feminism, Art and Activism in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Santer, Kiri
(29 July 2022).
Politics of naming, cooperative deterrence and the de facto suspension of the right to asylum. (Unpublished).
EASA 2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons.
University of Belfast.
26-29 July, 2022.
Insberg, Manuel; Fischer, Carolin
(26 July 2022).
Asylum and the remaking of lives: Exploring narratives and prospects of healing and safety among refugees in Norway and Switzerland (Unpublished).
17th EASA Biennial Conference: Transformation, Hope and the Commons.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(July 2022).
Arachnoid Webs: on creating a research-based multimodal website. (Unpublished).
EASA22: Transformation, Hope and the Commons.
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast.
26-29 July, 2022.
Fischer, Carolin; Insberg, Manuel
(29 June 2022).
The questionable Safe Haven: Restraints and concessions in refugees’ experiences of safety and healing (Unpublished).
19th IMISCOE Annual Conference.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(29 May 2022).
Moving Images / Shifting Voices - (Re-)Negotiating Authorship and Essayistic Montage in Ethnographic Cinema (Unpublished).
Collaboration and Authorial Diversity in Film. German International Ethnographic Film Festival (GIEFF), Panel: Working in Different Ways.
Paulinerkirche, Göttingen.
28-30 May 2022.
Strasser, Sabine
(22 May 2022).
Love is …responsibility. Asylum and border politics in the 21 century (Unpublished).
Interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe FHNW, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland.
Stallone, Sabrina
(10 May 2022).
Aff-active Citizenship: Grounding Inclusion, Exclusion and Participation on Zurich’s Brachen. (Unpublished).
Research Seminar Public Space Research Group.
Graduate Center, City University New York.
10 May 2022.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne; AG Visuelle Anthropologie, DGSKA
(5 May 2022).
(Re-)Searching – Layering – Transmitting. Setting up a Camera Ethnography in Southern Italy (Unpublished).
Werkstattgespräch: (Re-)Searching – Layering – Transmitting. Setting up a Camera Ethnography in Southern Italy.
Stallone, Sabrina
(3 May 2022).
Aff-active Citizenship: Grounding Inclusion, Exclusion and Participation on Zurich’s Brachen. (Unpublished).
Commin(ing) Struggles Workshop.
Hochschule St. Gallen.
3 May 2022.
Perler, Laura; Schurr, Carolin
Geographies of assisted reproduction: The Spanish egg donation economy as a global/intimate contact zone.
Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 68(2), pp. 313-333.
Haller, Tobias
From commons to resilience grabbing: Insights from historically-oriented social anthropological research on African peasants.
Continuity and Change, 37(1), pp. 69-95.
Cambridge University Press
Larsen, Peter Bille; Haller, Tobias; Kothari, Ashish
Sanctioning Disciplined Grabs (SDGs): From SDGs as Green Anti-Politics Machine to Radical Alternatives?
Geoforum, 131, pp. 20-26.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne Eileen; Roberts, Flora
Big Dam Biographies in Central Asia: Tracing goals, actors, and impacts from World War II to the present day.
Dorondel, Stefan; Serban, Stelu
A New Ecological Order: Development and the Transformation of Nature in Eastern Europe (pp. 156-178).
Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University Press
Bordoli, Andrea
(25 April 2022).
“Worlding Landscapes in Times of Ecological Crisis: Film, Labor and the Senses” (Unpublished).
McGill University, Critical Media Lab talk series.
Schild, Pascale
From earthquake victims to citizens: dependencies and precarious claims on the state in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
Citzenship studies, 26(3), pp. 305-321.
Taylor & Francis
Schäuble, Michaela
(4 April 2022).
Interfering in the “Field”? When you Co-create what you Study in Ethnographic and Art-based research (Unpublished).
Laboratory of Arts-based Research. Re-appropriating and Re-presenting Documentaries and (Mediated) Memories.
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wien/Vienna.
April 4-6, 2022.
Larsen, Peter; Bleeker, Mô; Hertz, Ellen; Käser, Isabel; Leemann, Esther; Mossman Riva, Susan; Schapira, Raphael; Schulz, Yvan
Anthropological Engagement in the International Sphere: A Conversation Grounded in Swiss Experiences.
Tsantsa, 27, pp. 108-129.
Grgic, Marina; Jutzi, Michelle; Stocker, Mira; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
Reform@Work: Lehrpersonenbefragung Medien und Informatik. Auswertungen zentraler Themen
Bern: PHBern: Institut für Forschung, Evaluation und Entwicklung
Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli; Mangold, Conor
Arbeitsalltag und Zufriedenheit von Anstalts- und Gefängnisleitenden im Schweizer Justizvollzug: Ergebnisse einer explorativen Befragung.
Kriminologie - Das Online-Journal | Criminology - The Online Journal, 4(1), pp. 1-19.
Universität zu Köln
Siegl, Veronika
(22 March 2022).
‚Leihmütter‘ der Ukraine: Wer bestimmt über den schwangeren Körper?“.
Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst, 2022(261)
Gen-ethisches Netzwerk e.V.
Käser, Isabel
The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Video of book discussion) [Movie].
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University.
Richers, Julia; Strasser, Sabine
(15 March 2022).
Expertinnen über Ukraine-Flüchtlinge: Es kommen Frauen und Kinder – was heisst das für die Schweiz? (Interview).
Bordoli, Andrea
(3 March 2022).
Worlding Extractive Landscapes: experimental filmic approaches (Unpublished).
“Thinking with Water, Critters and Landscapes: Multimodal Engagements”.
March 2022.
Rehsmann, Julia
Failing livers, anticipated futures and un/desired transplants.
Anthropology & medicine, 29(1), pp. 92-106.
Taylor & Francis
Lorca, Mauricio; Olivera Andrade, Manuel; Escosteguy, Melisa; Köppel, Jonas; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan; Hufty, Marc
Mining indigenous territories: Consensus, tensions and ambivalences in the Salar de Atacama.
The Extractive Industries and Society, 9
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Guignard, Noëmi
(15 February 2022).
Le travail, une histoire! (Interview).
Podcast Histoire vivante.
Radio Télévision Suisse RTS
Jutzi, Michelle; Stampfli, Barbara; Windlinger, Regula; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
Vor, während und nach der Schulschliessung: Erfahrungen von Schüler*innen im Fernunterricht. Schlussbericht zur Teilstudie der Schweiz im Rahmen der internationalen WERA-Studie «Students’ Experience of Uncertain Times: Mental Health and Virtual Learning in Class and in Extended Education
Bern: PHBern, SPP Governance im System Schule
Stallone, Sabrina
A future factory for Europe. Positioning the European Pavilion in the quest for a common future.
Eurozine : the netmagazine, pp. 1-6.
Stallone, Sabrina
(24 January 2022).
Un/Building Urban Futures: Promise, Affect and Un/Wanted Bodies in Zurich’s Interstices. (Unpublished).
Research Seminar, Human Geography Department.
Humboldt University Berlin.
Schäuble, Michaela; Amberg, Annette
Führung durch die Ausstellung "Vídeo nas Aldeias: An Audiovisual Movement by and Among Indigenous Peoples in Brazil". [Performance or Exhibition].
Finissage der Ausstellung von Vídeo nas Aldeias mit Führung und Kinoabend.
Dirtl, Theresa; Saxinger, Gertrude; Prainsack, B.; Spahl, W.; Radhuber, I.
(13 January 2022).
Die Menschen kümmern sich wieder mehr um sich. Solidaritätsstudie zur Corona-Pandemie.
Solidaritätsstudie zur Corona-Pandemie.
Online: Universität Wien
Ohm, Britta
Defying Responsibility: Modes of Silence, Religious Symbolism, and Biopolitics in the COVID-19 Pandemic in India.
Lüddeckens, Dorothea; Hetmanczyk, Philipp; Stein, Justin B.; Klassen, Pamela E.
The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Medicine and Health. Routledge Handbooks.
London: Routledge
Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe
Labour, Incorporated: Dependent contracting, product traceability, and wageless work in Africa’s ‘responsible’ mines.
Cahiers d'Études africaines, 1-2(245-246), pp. 123-151.
Bolay, Matthieu
Des réseaux aux chaînes d'approvisionnement. Économies morales et performances de moralisation dans le commerce de l'or au Mali post 2012.
Politique africaine, 2(166), pp. 147-172.
Degai, Tatiana; Petrov, Andrey N.; Badhe, Renuka; Egede Dahl, Parnuna P.; Döring, Nina; Dudeck, Stephan; Hermann, Thora M.; Golovnev, Andrei; Mack, Liza; Omma, Elle Merete; Retter, Gunn-Britt; Saxinger, Gertrude; Scheepstra, Annette J. M.; Shadrin, Chief Vyachelav; Shorty, Norma; Strawhacker, Colleen
Shaping Arctic’s Tomorrow through Indigenous Knowledge Engagement and Knowledge Co-Production.
Sustainability, 14(3), pp. 1-4.
Gmür, Désirée; Haller, Tobias; Champion, Louis
Special Issue "The Past and the Present of Food Sustainability and Resilience of Local Food Production".
Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Klenk, Nicole L.; Ryan, Melanie; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Brennan, Ruth; Charli-Joseph, Lakshmi; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Haller, Tobias; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Spierenburg, Marja; Tengö, Maria; ...
Co-productive agility and four collaborative pathways to sustainability transformations.
Global environmental change, 72, p. 102422.
Käser, Isabel
Art and Artistic Practices in Peace Mediation: Building Common Ground and Creating ‘ah-hah Moments.
Dahrendorf, Nicola; Reichert, Dagmar
Arts in Peace Mediation.The Story So Far (pp. 63-90).
London: artasfoundation
Strasser, Sabine; Tibet, Eda Elif
Reprint of "The Border Event in the Everyday: Hope and Constraints in the Lives of Young Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers in Turkey".
Lems, Annika; Oester, Kathrin; Strasser, Sabine
Children of the Crisis. Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth In and en Route to Europe (pp. 40-57).
London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor; Frey, Louise; Hostettler, Ueli
Personalbefragung im Justizvollzug: Auswertungen zentraler Themen
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Vorbrugg, Alexander; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Making sense of (the Russian war in) Ukraine: On the politics of knowledge and expertise.
Political geography, 98, p. 102700.
Eckert, Julia M.
Anthropology and Political Participation.
Giugni, Marco; Grasso, Maria
The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation. Oxford Handbooks (pp. 101-115).
Oxford University Press
Wohleser, Angela
Schelling. Flexible Grundrisse, additive Gesamtformen - das Grosstafelbausystem von Claude Schelling.
System & Serie. Systembau in der Schweiz – Geschichte und Erhaltung (pp. 114-117).
Zürich: gta Verlag
Santer, Kiri
Les Foulards Violets : lutter contre l’islamophobie à travers un féminisme inclusif (Entretien: Kiri Santer).
Questions au féminin, pp. 54-56.
Commission fédérale pour les questions féminines, CFQF
Loher, David
Contestare la temporalità egemonica del capitale. Lotte anti-amianto dopo il disastro a Casale Monferrato.
Pusceddu, A.M.; Ravenda, A.F.
Il laboratorio oltre la metropoli. Antropologia pubblica della provincia italiana. Antropologia per la società: Vol. 17 (pp. 121-148).
Firenze: editpress
Loher, David; Affolter, Laura; Zinn, Isabelle
Engaged Anthropology in and Beyond Switzerland, 2022(27).
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Historical Political Ecology of the Tarangire Ecosystem: From Colonial Legacies, to Contested Histories, Towards Convivial Conservation?
Kiffner, Christian; Bond, Monica L.; Lee, Derek E.
Tarangire: Human-Wildlife Coexistence in a Fragmented Ecosystem. Ecological Studies: Vol. 243 (pp. 25-46).
Cham: Springer
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities.
London: Routledge
Gmür, D.; Felber, S.; Owolodun, B.; Ollier, C.; Camara, L.; Beye, A.; Haller, T.
4. Climate change, vulnerability of food systems and institutional transformations in Senegal.
Bruce, Donald; Bruce, Ann
EurSafe 2022. Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility (pp. 40-45).
The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Warner, Jeroen; Samimi, Cyrus
Drylands, frontiers, and the politics of change.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 1-12).
London, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Warner, Jeroen; Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias
Environmental crisis narratives in drylands.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 32-50).
London, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Sternberg, Troy; Bolay, Matthieu; Haller, Tobias; Niederberger, Thomas
The ‘open cut’ in drylands: Challenges of artisanal mining and pastoralism encountering industrial mining, development, and resource grabbing.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 93-111).
London, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Haller, Tobias; Pase, Andrea; Warner, Jeroen; Hashimshony-Yaffe, Nurit; Kronenburg García, Angela; Bertoncin, Marina
Mega-infrastructure projects in drylands: From enchantments to disenchantments.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 112-131).
London, Routledge Taylor & Francis
Pas, Annemiek; Haller, Tobias; Blanco-Gutiérrez, Irene; Sternberg, Troy; Meyfroidt, Patrick
Alternative perspectives: A bright side of natural resource governance in drylands.
Kronenburg García, Angela; Haller, Tobias; van Dijk, Han; Samimi, Cyrus; Warner, Jeroen
Drylands Facing Change: Interventions, Investments and Identities (pp. 236-252).
London: Routledge Taylor & Francis
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Politics and Poetics: Responding from Both Ends.
Comparative studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 42(3), pp. 685-688.
Duke University Press
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Anstoss: Zwiebeln kaufen.
Neue Wege - Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus, 2022(3), pp. 3-4.
Vereinigung Freundinnen u. Freunde d. Neuen Wege
Stutte, Sarah; Dankwa, Serena O.
«Die Schwarze Meerjungfrau ist keine Erfindung von Disney».
Katholisches Medienzentrum
Stutte, Sarah; Dankwa, Serena O.
In Kenia verboten, in Baden zu sehen: Spielfilm über lesbische Liebe.
Katholisches Medienzentrum
Dankwa, Serena O.
Power critical
Medicus Mundi Schweiz Bulletin
Huwiler, Sandra; Dankwa, Serena; Habtemariam, Selam
Was uns der Krieg in der Ukraine über Rassismus lehrt.
Medienart Annabelle AG
Siegl, Veronika
Leihmutterschaft in Zeiten des Krieges.
Femina politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politik-Wissenschaft, 2022(2), pp. 124-128.
femina politica e.V.
Stallone, Sabrina; Arjona Soberón, Mariana
Interrupted Futures: Transformed Activist and Research Knowledge Practices in Times of ‘Crisis’.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (ZfE) / Journal for social and cultural anthropology (JSCA), 147(1), pp. 53-74.
Stallone, Sabrina
A Cocktail of Feminist Fuel: Revisited.
PROVENCE Magazine, pp. 182-187.
Fritzsche, Bettina; Hekel, Nicole; Kuhn, Melanie; Neumann, Sascha; Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela; Weitkämper, Florian
Produktion von Vulnerabilitäten und symbolische Exklusion in Kreisen: Eine Analyse der Konstitution von Öffentlichkeitsverhältnissen über pädagogische Grenzziehungspraktiken.
Hünersdorf, Bettina; Breidenstein, Georg; Dinkelaker, Jörg; Schnoor, Oliver; Tyagunova, Tanya
Going public? Erziehungswissenschaftliche Ethnographie und ihre Öffentlichkeiten (pp. 119-133).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Ivanova-Chessex, Oxana; Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela
Schule im Lockdown: Familiale Aushandlungen von Bildungsverantwortung während der ersten Welle der COVID19-Pandemie.
Budde, Jürgen; Lengyel, Drorit; Böning, Caroline; Claus, Carolina; Weuster, Nora; Doden, Katharina; Schroedler, Tobias
Schule in Distanz – Kindheit in Krise. Auswirkungen der Covid-19 Pandemie auf Wohlbefinden und Lebensbedingungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Edition: Persönlichkeitsbildung in Schule (pp. 53-72).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela
Kompetent oder zu erziehend? Schulische Adressierungen von Eltern in unterschiedlichen
sozioökonomischen Kontexten.
Journal für Schulentwicklung, 22(3), pp. 1-9.
Studien Verlag
Borel, Manon-Julie
Uneasy Promises: Critical Reflections on the Negotiated Reopening of Road and Railway between Armenia and Turkey.
17th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons.
26-29 July, 2022.
Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela
Über Befremdung zu anderem Wissen: Ethnographische Erkundungen in Schweizer Kindergärten.
Tošić, Jelena; Markom, Christa
Einführung in die Bildungsanthropologie: Ein Lehrbuch.
Wien: New academic press
Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela; Kaiser, Fabienne; Buser, Fränzi
The Mid-Morning Snack Between Public Discourse Health Norms, School Public and Family Habits: An Ethnographic Look at Eating Situations in Kindergarten.
Hünersdorf, Bettina; Breidenstein, Georg; Dinkelaker, Jörg; Schnoor, Oliver; Tyagunova, Tanya
Going public? Erziehungswissenschaftliche Ethnographie und ihre Öffentlichkeiten (pp. 49-67).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Felber, Selina Chiara
“Conservation, Food Insecurity and Coping Strategies: The Impact of Protected Areas on Local Ecological Knowledge and Reciprocity in Pay Bedik, Senegal" (Submitted).
Seventh International Convention on Food History and Culture.
Tours (France).
2-3 June 2022.
Felber, Selina Chiara
«Local food systems in crisis: Transformation of coping strategies to mitigate food insecurity in Senegal from an intersectional and institutional perspective» (Submitted).
PAAA Conference, 7-12th August.
Zanzibar, Tanzania.
7-12th August.
Felber, Selina Chiara
Climate Change, Vulnerability of Food Systems and Institutional Transformations in Senegal (Submitted).
EurSafe Conference.
Edinburgh, UK.
7.-10.9. 2022.
Felber, Selina Chiara
“Local people’s agency and responses to green grabbing and their influence on food security” (Submitted).
Swiss Researching Africa Days.
28-29 October 2022.
Felber, Selina Chiara
Local People's Agency and Responses to Green Grabbing and its Influence on Food Resilience based on Long-Standing Coping Strategie (Unpublished).
Conference/Workshop of the Synergia project "Foodways".
Nice, Uni Cote d'Azure, FR.
Felber, Selina Chiara
Foodways in Africa: An integrated approach on pots, animals and plants in Senegal (Unpublished).
Phil.-hist. Forschungstage, University of Bern.
4th of April 2022.
Linder, Adrian
"Anang" and "Andreas": Provenance research on human remains in Germany as a lens on inter-colonial history.
International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter, 92, pp. 40-41.
Scheelen-Nováček, Kristina; Linder, Adrian
Stumm gemachte Randfiguren der Kolonialgeschichte erzählen.
Kultur leben, 2, pp. 27-29.
Arbeitskreis selbständiger Kultur-Institute AsKI
Linder, Adrian
Provenienzforschung an menschlichen Überresten als „globale Mikrogeschichte“ am Beispiel von zwei Randfiguren.
Thüringer Museumshefte 31 (pp. 31-45).
Museumsverband Thüringen e. V.
Linder, Adrian
Zoological Objects? Re-contextualising: Cabinet of Natural History or Cabinet of Art.
Human Beings. Human Remains at the Schloss Friedenstein Foundation Gotha (pp. 45-47).
Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha
Linder, Adrian; Scheelen-Nováček, Kristina
Possible traces of metabolic and infectious diseases in colonial skulls from the former Dutch Indies (19th century) (Unpublished).
23rd Paleopathology Association European Meeting.
Vilnius, Lithuania.
25.-29. August.
Linder, Adrian
Mörder, Opfer, Helden oder zoologische Objekte? Einige Ergebnisse des Projekts „Provenienz und Geschichte der Sammlung indonesischer Schädel der Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha (2020–2022)“ (Unpublished).
Tuesday Talk, Forschungskolleg Transkulturelle Studien / Lab Koloniales Erbe / Professur für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Bolay, Matthieu
Miners on the move: Expellable labor, flexible intimacies, and institutional recast in West African artisanal gold mines.
American Ethnologist, 49(4), pp. 521-535.
American Anthropological Association
Bolay, Matthieu; Schulz, Yvan
Les conditions disputées d’un approvisionnement « responsable » en or. Vigilance, traçabilité et transparence dans le secteur suisse de l’affinage.
Revue internationale des études du développement, 249(249), pp. 63-88.
Strasser, Sabine; Sökefeld, Martin
Un/commoning Asylum: Genealogies of Exclusion and the Restoration of the Right to Refuge (Unpublished).
EASA Biannual Conference.
July 25-29, 2022.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Speisetabus: Die kulturelle Konstruktion des Ekels.
uniFOKUS, Dezember, pp. 42-45.
Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Warum funktionieren Tauschmittel? Der gesellschaftliche Rahmen des Geldes.
SAGW-Bulletin, 3, pp. 21-25.
Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Ein Winter ohne Zentralheizung und Funktionskleidung? Wie konnten die Menschen während der Eiszeit die Winter überstehen, als es bei uns so kalt war wie heute am Nordkap?
4bis8, Dezember(8), pp. 8-9.
Doering, Nina Nikola; Dudeck, Stephan; Elverum, Shelly; Fisher, Charleen; Henriksen, Jan Erik; Herrmann, Thora Martina; Kramvig, Britt; Laptander, Roza; Milton, Justin; Omma, Elle Merete; Saxinger, Gertrude; Scheepstra, Annette J M; Wilson, Katherine
Improving the relationships between Indigenous rights holders and researchers in the Arctic: an invitation for change in funding and collaboration.
Environmental Research Letters, 17(6), 065014.
IOP Publishing
Marie, Jasser; Radhuber, Isabella; Prainsack, Barbara; Saxinger, Gertrude; Kieslich, Katharina
Zur Rolle der Wissenschaft in Pandemien: Für eine interdisziplinäre, transregionale und solidarische Forschung.
Sozialwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 62(1), pp. 79-98.
Sancho-Reinoso, Alexis; Saxinger, Gertrude; Fink, Christoph; Povoroznyuk, Olga; Wentzel, Sigrid Irene; Illmeier, Gertraud; Schweitzer, Peter; Krasnoshtanova, Natalia; Kuklina, Vera
Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage.
Polar geography, 45(3), pp. 157-176.
Taylor & Francis
Saxinger, Gertrude; Wilson, Emma; Batterbury, Simon; Ounémoa, Arlette; Kowasch, Matthias; Poady, Antoine Cano; Loquet, Jacques
Co-design of a research project proposal on mining development in New Caledonia (Unpublished).
Mining the Connections 2022.
University Laval, Quebec City, Canada.
April 25-27, 2022.
Saxinger, Gertrude; Dudeck, Stephan; Sandström, Per
Positionalities between activism and research with Indigenous communities in extractive industries contexts (Unpublished).
Mining the Connections Conference.
University Laval, Quebec City, Canada.
April 25-27, 2022.
Saxinger, Gertrude; Dudeck, Stephan; Herrmann, Thora; Kramvig, Britt; Sandström, Per
Mainstreaming decoloniality in European Arctic research. Engaging with challenges, opportunities, and options for action (Unpublished).
Annual Meeting of the Research Group Polar and Marine Politics.
Universität Hagen Germany.
Gartler, Susanna; Hogan, Joella; Saxinger, Gertrude
Living Culture, Learning Skills, Telling our Stories: The Making of a Northern Tutchone Cultural Center.
Friedrich, Doris; Hirnsperger, Markus; Bauer, Stefan
More than ‘Nature’. Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North 3 (pp. 301-324).
Lit Verlag
Ober, Maya
Affective Classroom: On Choosing Life, Vulnerability and Weakness in Design Education.
Van der Veer, Joannette
Unununimimimdededesign: The Hesitant State of Design.
Ober, Maya
El oído feminista: desafíos y luchas de las prácticas feministas en la educación del diseño (Unpublished).
VII Virtual Symposium International of Design Researchers.
Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
22 July 2022.
Ober, Maya
Descolonizando y despatriarcalizando la educación del diseño: desafíos, tensiones y luchas en el ámbito universitario (Unpublished).
VI Congreso de Estudios Poscoloniales y VIII Jornadas de Feminismo Poscolonial "Viajar-Mundes poscoloniales desde el sur. Performances de la tierra y artivismos.
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
5 December 2022.
Käser, Isabel; Mitchell, Jolyon
Mediation, Peacebuilding, Arts, and Religion.
Mitchell, Jolyon; Millar, Suzanna R.; Po, Francesca; Percy, Martin
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace (pp. 573-588).
Käser, Isabel Martina
The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (book launch) (Unpublished).
LSE Middle East Centre.
Käser, Isabel Martina
A Struggle in a Struggle: A history of the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement (Unpublished).
Cambridge History of the Kurds.
Cambridge University.
Käser, Isabel Martina
The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished).
Book discussion.
Watson Institute, Brown University USA.
Käser, Isabel Martina
The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished).
Book discussion.
Kurdish Gender Studies Network (online).
Käser, Isabel Martina
The Kurdish Women's Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities (Unpublished).
Book discussion.
Colloquium of the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern.
Käser, Isabel Martina
Mothers and Martyrs: the Struggle for Life and the commemoration of Death in Maxmur Camp (Submitted).
The Margins of Insurgent Control: Spaces of Governance.
Wageningen University, Niederlande.
Käser, Isabel Martina
Claiming Spaces: Youth, Art and Gender in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Post-ISIS (Submitted).
MESA Annual Conference.
Ohm, Britta; Panesar, Rita; Horakh, Andrea
Darshan - The Changed Gaze: Looking Back in Wonder and Concern.
Dastavezi The Audio-Visual South Asia, 4(1), pp. 87-96.
Ohm, Britta
Aborting Kashmeer, erasing Kashmir: A trajectory of storytelling and political censorship in India.
South Asian popular culture, 20(1), pp. 77-96.
Taylor & Francis
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
Academic Freedom: How we can Think about it and Work against its further Deterioration (Unpublished).
European Alliance for Asian Studies (EAAS) annual meeting.
Museu do Oriente, Lisbon.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
The (Im)Possibility of a Term: 'Pasmanda', the (Non-)Addressability of the State, and the Ghettoization of Communication (Unpublished).
'The Limits of Online Visibility'.
Free University Berlin.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
Under the Chair: Structural and Material Conditions of Knowledge Production in German Academia (Unpublished).
Unsettling the Hegemonic Gaze: Translation and Transfer of Knowledge on South-East Europe.
University of Regensburg.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
'Fake News' of a Pogrom and Image Politics of Soap Opera: Populist Antedating and Continued Media Imperialism in India (Unpublished).
'Populist Aesthetics in Cultural Perspectives: Truthmaking, Faking, and the Politics of Affect in (Digital) Media'.
Center for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), University of Heidelberg.
Hostettler, Ueli
Le système d’exécution des peines est bien inspiré de miser sur la formation.
#prison-info, 47(1), pp. 4-8.
Bundesamt für Justiz
Wolf, Anna-Lena
Beyond “Enclaves”: Postcolonial Labor Mobility to and from Assam Tea Plantations.
Anthropology of work review, 43(1), pp. 49-58.
Siegl, Veronika; Rehsmann, Julia
Beginnings and Ends of Life: Ethnographic Explorations and Methodological Reflections, 45.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Arzhantseva, Irina; Dağyeli, Jeanine; Dubuisson, Eva-Marie; Härke, Heinrich; Penati, Beatrice; Ueda, Akira; Wooden, Amanda
Roundtable studying the Anthropocene in Central Asia: the challenge of sources and scales in human–environment relations.
Central Asian survey, 41(1), pp. 180-203.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Gullette, David
Contexts of Work: Resources.
Montgomery, David W.
Central Asia: Contexts for Understanding (pp. 445-456).
University of Pittsburgh Press
Leins, Stefan
Narrative Authority: Rethinking Speculation and the Construction of Economic Expertise.
Ethnos, 87(2), pp. 347-364.
Taylor & Francis
Barros, Izabel; Jain, Rohit; Randeria, Shalini
Helvécia = Schweiz? Gegen die Kolonisierung der Geister, des Blicks und der Erinnerung.
Smaz, Dom; Machado Neves, Milena
Helvécia. Eine Schweizer Kolonialgeschichte in Brasilien (pp. 186-204).
Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers
Jain, Rohit
Who cares about Escher? I do/n't.
Widerspruch - Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik(79), pp. 103-108.
Jain, Rohit
Schwarzenbach geht uns alle an! Gedanken zu einer vielstimmigen, antirassistischen Erinnerungspolitik.
dos Santos Pinto, Jovita; Ohene-Nyako, Pamela; Pétrémont, Mélanie-Evely; Lavanchy, Anne; Lüthi, Barbara; Purtschert, Patricia; Skenderovic, Damir
Un/Doing Race. Rassifizierung in der Schweiz (pp. 309-329).
Zürich: Seismo
Bolokan, Dina; Bozdogan, Aysegül; Midvighi, Andreea; Megan, Kelly; Schüpbach, Yvonne; Stallone, Sabrina; Thym, Anika
(28 December 2021).
Review of the Summer School “Doing Research Otherwise: Politics and Possibilities in Gender Studies” 2021.
Online: Universität Basel
Faust, Lene
Neofaschismus in Italien. Politik, Familie und Religion in Rom. Eine Ethnographie.
Kultur und soziale Praxis.
Bielefeld: Transcript
Lewengard, Johanna; Ober, Maya; Crippa, Benedetta
(22 December 2021).
Teach What You Need to Learn. A conversation about the Swedish Master program critically addressing visual standards and promoting “norm creativity.”.
Online: Futuress
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja
(15 December 2021).
Fragments from the Field: The Video Essay as Critical Practice in Audiovisual Anthropology. (Unpublished).
After Lunch Lecture. 60 Minutes in Ethnography, Theory, Anthropology.
Global South Study Centre, Köln University.
Strasser, Sabine
(2 December 2021).
Producing Intimate Knowledge: re-turns to feminist epistemologies in times of uncertainties (Unpublished).
HSG Ethnography Talks.
St. Gallen.
Bordoli, Andrea
(1 December 2021).
Complice Press
Jud, Rahel; Weber, Ralph
(December 2021).
Interview mit China-Experte Ralph Weber (Teil II).
Tibetfocus, 154, pp. 11-12.
Gesellschaft Schweizerisch-Tibetische Freundschaft (GSTF)
Aeberli, Annina; Schwer, Sophie; Michel, Johanna
Tong Tana. Das indigene Naturverständnis.
Bruno Manser Fonds
Aeberli, Annina
(December 2021).
Die beseelte Natur. Eine Welt voller Geister.
Tong Tana, pp. 1-4.
Aeberli, Annina Rahel
(December 2021).
Land ist unser Leben.
Tong Tana, pp. 5-8.
Stallone, Sabrina
(26 November 2021).
’Emancipation instead of fabric prison’? Citizenship, embodied spatial practice and the Swiss public sphere. (Unpublished).
Swiss Gender Studies Association, Women's Suffrage and Democracy Today: Critique, Memory, Visions / Panel:Critique. 5. Politics of (non) citizenship: Processes of exclusion and the mobilisation of gender/sexualities.
University of Zurich.
Eckert, Julia
(25 November 2021).
Rechtsstaatsförderung in fragilen Kontexten der Gegenwart und Zukunft (Unpublished).
zum Runder Tisch „Rechtsstaatsförderung nach politischen Umbrüchen".
RSF Hub (Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Rechtsstaatsförderung), Freie Universität Berlin.
25. November 2021.
Jud, Rahel; Leitenberg, Danaé
(19 November 2021).
Krise an den Grenzen.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
Corporate Publishing, Universität Bern
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(19 November 2021).
Legal scaffoldings of interdiction in the Central Mediterranean: a socio-legal approach to the emergence of the Libyan Search and Rescue Region. (Unpublished).
Interdisciplinary conference: Maritime Conflicts and Promises in History and Present..
Online conference hosted by the TU Darmstadt.
19-20 November 2021.
Sánchez Celaya, Maria Georgina; Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson; Gustson, Alice; Bordoli, Andrea
(18 November 2021).
The Ecological Crisis Seen Through a Blueberry Filter (Submitted).
The Ecological Crisis Seen Through a Blueberry Filter.
Stadtgalerie Bern.
Sánchez Celaya, Maria Georgina; Sarfin, Jonathan Sampson; Gustson, Alice Friederike
(5 November 2021).
Culture and Sustainability: Visions of the Future(s) (Submitted).
Sustainability Day 2021: "The future is now!".
Fabrikstrasse 8, room B301.
Omwenyeke, Sunny; Bähr, Miriam; Eckert, Julia; Voss, Ehler
(4 November 2021).
Roundtable: Solidarität neu befragen. Widersprüche und Möglichkeiten. (Unpublished).
Abschlussveranstaltung des Projekts „Eine Uni – Ein Buch: Die Uni Bremen liest ‚Die Pest‘ von Albert Camus“.
„Kukoon“, Buntentorsteinweg 29-31, 28201 Bremen.
Affolter, Laura
‘Was wir von Pflanzen lernen können und müssen. Rezension zu “Die Pflanzen und ihre Rechte. Eine Charta zur Erhaltung unserer Natur” von Stefano Mancuso.
Soziopolis - Gesellschaft beobachten
Rey, Jeanne; Bolay, Matthieu; Gez, Yonatan N
Cosmopolitan enclaves: An introduction.
Critique of anthropology, 41(4), pp. 331-344.
Sage Publications
Santer, Kiri
Bordering Responsibility. The Unaccountable Politics of Migration Control in the Central Mediterranean (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Sozial Anthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Gmür, Désirée
(26 October 2021).
The impact of Ndieael Special Reserve and Senhuile agricultural investment on local food production systems, food security and resilience in Senegal. (Unpublished).
Anthropology and Conservation Conference.
25. - 29. Oktober 2021.
Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa; Haller, Tobias; Zangger, Ariane Nora; Weissman, Samuel
(26 October 2021).
Convivial Constitutionality: Human-Predator Interrelations in Complex Social-Ecological Systems (Unpublished).
RAI2021: Anthropology and Conservation.
Virtual Conference (online).
25-29 October 2021.
Felber, Selina
(26 October 2021).
Co-Existing Cultural and Natural UNESCO World Heritage Sites as a Field of Resource Conflict (Unpublished).
Anthropology and Conservation Conference.
25. - 29. Oktober 2021.
Jutzi, Michelle; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
(26 October 2021).
Ganztagesschule in Entwicklung.
Berner Schule, 153(5), pp. 12-13.
Geschäftsstelle Bildung Bern
Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela
‚Russischer Drill‘, ‚orientalische Verwöhnung‘ und ‚Schweizer Perfektion‘: White privilege und Wissensbestände von Lehrpersonen zu Familien im Schweizer Kindergarten.
Chamakalayil, Lalitha; Ivanova-Chessex, Oxana; Leutwyler, Bruno; Scharathow, Wiebke
Eltern und pädagogische Institutionen. Macht- und ungleichheitskritische Perspektiven (pp. 37-53).
Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
Gmür, Désirée
(22 October 2021).
Continuities, ruptures and transformations of local food systems: The impact of agro-industrial developments and climate change on household nutrition, food sustainability and food security among Fulani groups in the Senegal River Valley. (Unpublished).
Sinergia Projekt: Foodways in West Africa: An integrated approach on pots, animals and plants.
Universität Bern.
Felber, Selina
(22 October 2021).
Interplay between Particiaptory Conservation, Local Food Sustainability and Social Capital in Pays Bedik Area (Unpublished).
Conference of the Synergia project "Foodways".
Universität Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela; Hürzeler, Luzia
(21 October 2021).
„Sozialanthropologie & Künste“ Workshop Forschung aktuell – Fallbeispiele und ihre Methoden. (Unpublished).
SINTA-Modul, GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg.
Universität Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela; Radwan, Nadia Susanne; Sweers, Britta
(21 October 2021).
Podiumsdiskussion: Wie wissenschaftlich muss künstlerische Forschung sein? Wie künstlerisch darf eine Dissertation sein? (Unpublished).
SINTA-Modul , GSAH Walter Benjamin Kolleg.
Universität Bern 21.10.2021.
Ober, Maya
(18 October 2021).
Feminist Practices in-between: Bridging Activism and Design (Unpublished).
“Design x Intersectional Feminism”.
Department of Social Science of the University of Basel.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(14 October 2021).
Assembling Cooperative Interdiction at the EU’s external border: Law and Policy in Practice. (Unpublished).
International Conference: Alternative Approaches to International Organizations in International Law: Potentials, Complexities, and Pitfalls..
Graduate Institute, Geneva..
14-15 October 2021.
Fischer, Carolin; Stock, Miriam; Scherr, Albert; Breit, Helen; Scheibelhofer, Paul
(7 October 2021).
Flucht und Männlichkeiten (Unpublished).
7. Oktober.2021.
Käser, Isabel; Jäger, N.; Schneider, J.
(October 2021).
Für die kurdischen Frauen steht viel auf dem Spiel.
bärner studizytig(25), pp. 19-23.
Lange, Christoph; Perl, Gerhild; Faust, Lene
(28 September 2021).
LAB: Utopian and Dystopian Futures of Water Worlds – Mediterranean Crises and the Making of Liminal Infrastructures (Unpublished).
Welten. Zonen. Atmosphären. Seismographien des Anthropozäns.
Borel, Manon
(24 September 2021).
Das Zufluchtsland wird Konfliktgebiet.
Surprise : Strassenmagazin(509), pp. 8-13.
Verein Strassenmagazin Surprise
Borel, Manon
(22 September 2021).
Berginz, S.
Der Surprise Talk zum Surprise Strassenmagazin, 509.
Online: Verein Surprise
Richter, Marina; Ryser, Barbara; Hostettler, Ueli
Punitiveness of electronic monitoring: Perception and experience of an alternative sanction.
European journal of probation, 13(3), pp. 262-281.
Schäuble, Michaela
(16 September 2021).
Das ethnographische Selbst als Positionierung und Werkzeug: Forschen, Erzählen und Reflektieren. (Unpublished).
Workshop «Migrating the Self – Autobiografie zwischen den Disziplinen» Auto_Bio_Grafie als Performance. Ein tanzhistoriografisches Innovationsfeld.
Universität Bern.
Mugler, Johanna
(8 September 2021).
Demanding a different share: multiple and evolving fiscal spaces in international tax. (Unpublished).
Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten.
5–8 September 2021.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(8 September 2021).
The Swiss popular vote about the EFTA-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement of 2021 and
the debate about large-scale oil palm plantations. (Unpublished).
Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten.
5–8 September 2021.
Santer, Kiri
(7 September 2021).
Reconceptualising access to territory as a redistributive issue in and around the
central Mediterranean. (Unpublished).
Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten.
5–8 September 2021.
Lindt, Angela
(6 September 2021).
Sharing visions of rights and legal obligations: transnational struggles against
corporate impunity (Unpublished).
Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten.
5–8 September 2021.
Eckert, Julia
(6 September 2021).
Thinking beyond structural postponement (Unpublished).
Against structural postponement On the legitimacy and possibilities of new institutions of sharing.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Murten.
5–8 September 2021.
Wyss, Anna; Fischer, Carolin
Working for Protection? Precarious Legal Inclusion of Afghan Nationals in Germany and Switzerland.
Antipode, 54(2), pp. 629-649.
Jud, Rahel; Weber, Ralph
(September 2021).
Interview mit China-Experte Ralph Weber (Teil I).
Tibetfocus, 153, pp. 9-10.
Gesellschaft Schweizerisch-Tibetische Freundschaft (GSTF)
Stallone, Sabrina
(September 2021).
“Un/Building Urban Futures? Counterplanning as a Feminist Future-making/Future-contesting Practice.” (Unpublished).
SIAC 3rd National Conference “Anthropology of the Future, Future of Anthropology".
Moghaddari, Sonja; Giudici, D.
(September 2021).
Is another world possible? Futures in the anthropology of social movements (Unpublished).
SIAC 3rd National Conference “Anthropology of the Future, Future of Anthropology”.
22.-25. September 2021.
Ober, Maya
The past dwelling within Materials.
Baumhakl, Werner
Material. Jahrbuch des Studiengangs Industrial Design (pp. 150-153).
Basel: HGK, Institute of Contemporary Design Practices
Ober, Maya
(23 August 2021).
The Last Shift. Field notes from La Entrega Final, or how feminist activism plays itself in the Chair of Gender and Design at FADU, Buenos Aires.
Online: Futuress
Schäuble, Michaela; Alvarez, Constanze
(18 August 2021).
Der Kreis – Mehr als nur eine Form.
Online: Bayern 2
Chambers, Josephine M.; Wyborn, Carina; Ryan, Melanie E.; Reid, Robin S.; Riechers, Maraja; Serban, Anca; Bennett, Nathan J.; Cvitanovic, Christopher; Fernández-Giménez, María E.; Galvin, Kathleen A.; Goldstein, Bruce E.; Klenk, Nicole L.; Tengö, Maria; Brennan, Ruth; Cockburn, Jessica J.; Hill, Rosemary; Munera, Claudia; Nel, Jeanne L.; Österblom, Henrik; Bednarek, Angela T.; ...
Six modes of co-production for sustainability.
Nature sustainability, 4(11), pp. 983-996.
Käser, Isabel
The Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement: Gender, Body Politics and Militant Femininities. (In Press).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ober, Maya
(26 July 2021).
Moving from the margins to the mainstream: on feminist curricula and intersectional practices. An interview with Maya Ober.
Online: The New New
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja
(22 July 2021).
Essay Films as Multimodal Ethnographic Practice. (Unpublished).
Workshop “Anthropology beyond text? Experiments, devices and platforms of multimodal ethnographic practice.
Workshop Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, IfEE, HU Berlin.
22-23 July 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(17 July 2021).
Limits and possibilities offered by Walter Benjamin’s Critique of Violence for understanding the EU’s contemporary regime of maritime interdiction in the Central Mediterranean Sea (Unpublished).
Working with Benjamin on Law..
ZfL Berlin.
15-17 July 2021.
Affolter, Laura; Eule, Tobias Georg
(9 July 2021).
Procedural (In)Justice as Practice: Ethnographic insights from Switzerland and Germany (Unpublished).
18th IMISCOE Annual Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(8 July 2021).
Entangled Hopes: Towards Relational Coherence (Unpublished).
ICON-S conference / Entangled Legalities Beyond the State.
06. - 09.07.2021.
Schild, Pascale
(7 July 2021).
Reciprocal Vulnerability in the Face of Patriarchal Violence.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Käser, Isabel Martina; Al-Ali, Nadje
(7 July 2021).
Decolonizing feminism? A transnational feminist analysis of Jineolojî (Unpublished).
Knowledge, Power and Middle Eastern Studies, 2021 BRISMES Annual Conference.
Kent, online.
5.-9. Juli 2021.
Zürcher, Vera; Kohler, Pascal
(July 2021).
Beyto: cultural fundamentalism in Swiss cinema.
Knowledge Production in Migration Studies. Reflexive, Feminist and Postcolonial Approaches.
Universität Bern.
Frey, Louise; Hostettler, Ueli; Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor P.
Aperçu du travail dans les établissements de détention durant la pandémie de Covid-19. Premiers résultats de la troisième enquête auprès du personnel pénitentiaire.
#prison-info, 46(1), pp. 37-43.
Bundesamt für Justiz
Alves de Matos, Patrícia; Pusceddu, Antonio Maria; Perl, Gerhild
(24 June 2021).
The politics of human vulnerability: tracing intersections of care, nature and the state (Unpublished).
SIEF2021: Breaking the Rules: Power, Participation, Transgression.
Helsinki [online].
19. - 24.06.2021.
Alexandra, Darcy
(24 June 2021).
Water Poetics: Practices of Care in a Carceral Landscape. (Unpublished).
SIEF 15th Congress “Breaking the Rules? Power, Participation, Transgression”.
Helsinki (online).
18-24 June 2021.
Stallone, Sabrina; Soberón, Arjona Mariana
(23 June 2021).
“Interrupted futures: transformed counter-hegemonic knowledge practices in times of crisis” (Unpublished).
SIEF 15th Congress “Breaking the Rules? Power, Participation, Transgression”.
Helsinki (online).
18-24 June 2021.
Ernst, Meret; Ober, Maya
(10 June 2021).
Where methods meet form.
Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Roma 2021. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series: Vol. 2 (pp. 1159-1174).
Rome: Cumulus
Schneider, Nicole; Ober, Maya
(9 June 2021).
Hybridity as a culture of making.
Design Culture(s). Cumulus Conference Roma 2021. Cumulus Conference Proceedings Series: Vol. 2 (pp. 1994-2010).
Aalto: Cumulus
Eckert, Julia; Kocher, Eva
(4 June 2021).
Law (Unpublished).
»Manufacturing Collectivity. Exploring the Nexus of Gender, Collectivities, and Law«.
02. - 04.06.21.
Bolay, Matthieu
Fabricating the Integrity of Gold in Refineries: Digital Visibility and Divisibility.
Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26, pp. 85-104.
Bordoli, Andrea
(June 2021).
Per Voi Oggi La Luce del Sole non Splenderà.
L'Atelier Magazine(20), pp. 25-44.
L'Atelier Magazine, EPFL
Käser, Isabel
A Struggle within a Struggle: The History of the Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement.
Bozarslan, Hamit; Gunes, Cengiz; Yadirgi, Veli
The Cambridge History of the Kurds (pp. 893-919).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Ober, Maya; Gebrayel, Imad
(26 May 2021).
"design exit" and affective classrooms (Unpublished).
unununimimimdededesign symposium.
25-27 May 2021.
Lindt, Angela
(18 May 2021).
Down by Law: Criminalization of Social Protest in Peru’s Mining Regions (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Ethnologisches Seminar.
Universität Luzern, Luzern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(14 May 2021).
Rintracciare il tarantismo: gestic thinking and the filmic, site-specific exploration of a multifaceted phenomenon (Unpublished).
Aprire le porte della memoria. Una giornata di studi su Ernesto de Martino.
Uni Roma 3 (online).
14 May 2021.
Perl, Gerhild; Strasser, Sabine
(12 May 2021).
Transnational moralities: Europe’s persistent politics of irresponsibility.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Schneider, Janine
(12 May 2021).
Es findet eine Gentrifizierung des Alpenraums statt.
bärner studizytig(24), pp. 21-25.
Schäuble, Michaela
(7 May 2021).
(Dis)Entangling Spider Dances (Unpublished).
Off the Grid - Geomedia 2021.
5.-8. Mai 2021.
Alexandra, Darcy
(27 April 2021).
Against Purity: Audiovisual evocations and landscapes of extraction (Unpublished).
Mediating the Ecological Imperative Lecture Series.
University of Bern.
April 27, 2021.
Bordoli, Andrea
(27 April 2021).
Against Purity: Audiovisual evocations and landscapes of extraction (Unpublished).
Contamination Interdisciplinary Lecture Series, Mediating the Ecological Imperative Sinergia Project, UniBE.
Schäuble, Michaela
(26 April 2021).
The conserveability of performance: A conversation about reenactment and artistic/ritualistic performance with Prof. Michaela Schäuble (Unpublished).
Performance: Conservation, Materiality Knowledge.
26. April 2021.
Schäuble, Michaela; Belloni, Jacopo
(20 April 2021).
Artists talk: Jacopo Belloni in conversation with Michaela Schäuble. (Unpublished).
CASTRO, Artists talk.
Perl, Gerhild
(7 April 2021).
The promise of Solidarity.
Anthropological Theory Commons.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(2 April 2021).
Causing versus enabling: the juridification of struggles against border externalization in the Central Mediterranean. (Unpublished).
ASA conference on Responsibility.
University of St Andrews.
29 March - 2 April 2021.
Stallone, Sabrina
(1 April 2021).
„Un/Building Urban Futures: Promise and Anticipation in the Interstice.” (Unpublished).
Research Seminar, Graduate School for Gender Studies (GSGS).
University of Bern..
1. April 2021.
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Liechti, Karina; Nahrath, Stéphane; Rohr, Christian; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Ostrom’s legacy on robustness and the ‘Swiss commons lab’: Introductory reflections on change and power in commons studies.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-13).
London: Routledge
Santer, Kiri
(29 March 2021).
Migrants refoulés en Libye, le naufrage européen.
Association Orient XXI
Stuber, Martin
Urban Commons in Alpine Areas: The Case of the Bürgergemeinde Chur (Canton Grisons).
Viallon, François-Xavier; Stuber, Martin; Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 105-146).
London: Routledge
Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel
Transformations of common pastures and woodlands in Switzerland. A historical perspective.
Viallon, François-Xavier; Stuber, Martin; Wunderli, Rahel; Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 17-34).
London: Routledge
Perler, Laura; Siegl, Veronika
(28 March 2021).
Gerechtigkeit auf Kosten der Eizellenspenderinnen? Gastkommentar zur Fortpflanzungsmedizin.
Der Bund
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja
(25 March 2021).
The potentiality of form. Essayistic modes in ethnographic documentary and the making of an Italian ritual. (Unpublished).
RAI Film Festival conference 2021, “Creative Engagement with Crisis».
Bristol (online).
19-28. March 2021.
Schäuble, Michaela
A Political Passion Play: Review of The New Gospel.
Society for Cultural Anthropology
Ober, Maya
(25 March 2021).
Following the Otherwise. Contributions of Intersectional Feminist Design Pedagogies Towards Socially Transformative Practice.
Botta, M.; Junginger, S.
SDN Symposium: Design as Common Good. Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values (pp. 974-988).
SUPSI, HSLU, swissdesignnetwork
Affolter, Laura
Trained to Disbelieve: The Normalization of Suspicion in a Swiss Asylum Administration Office.
Geopolitics, 27(4), pp. 1069-1092.
Taylor & Francis
Aronsson, Anne
(18 March 2021).
Social Robots in Elder Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
u:japan lecture series.
University of Vienna; Vienna, Austria.
Stallone, Sabrina
(10 March 2021).
A Cocktail of Feminist Fuel. A chronicle of recent events unfolding in the Swiss public and mediatic spaces, centered around the racist anti-Muslim “face covering” referendum.
Designing Resistance.
Schwaller, Corinne
(10 March 2021).
Precarity as (new) normality?
A-id Agenda for international development.
Online: A-id
Strasser, Sabine
(10 March 2021).
Verbunden mit der Initiative Minderheiten: Sabine Strasser, Freundin und Kooperationspartnerin.
Verbunden mit der Initiative Minderheiten, 30 Jahre Initiative Minderheiten.
Online: IM BLOG. Der politische Weblog der Initiative Minderheiten
McNevin, Anne; De Genova, N; Eckert, Julia; Sharma, Nadita
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, pp. 7-14.
Stierl, Maurice; Bojadzijev, Manuela; Genova, N De; Eckert, Julia; Khosravi, Shahram; Lecadet, Clara; Mazzara, Federica; McNevin, Anne; Nyers, Peter
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, pp. 14-26.
Bojadzijev, Manuela; Eckert, Julia; Fontanari, Elena; Mazzara, Federica; Stierl, Maurice; Squire, Vicki; Tazzioli, M
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, pp. 26-33.
Tazzioli, M; De Genova, N.; Eckert, Julia; Huysmans, Jef; van Baar, Huub
The Mob.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, pp. 44-49.
Ober, Maya
(7 March 2021).
The Void. What the lack of documentation on Feminist Yiddish periodicals brings to light.
Online: Futuress
Jud, Rahel
(4 March 2021).
Ölpalmplantagen - aus der Nähe betrachtet.
News. Satigny.
Online Blog: Referendum Stop Palmöl
Schäuble, Michaela
>>The Struggle between the Self and the God>>. Maya Derens haitianisches Filmmaterial (1947-1952).
Bertrams, Björn; Roselli, Antonio
Selbstverlust und Welterfahrung. Erkundungen einer pathischen Moderne (226 -253).
Wien: Turia & Kant
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland - Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations.
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli
Verwahrungsvollzug aus Sicht der Verwahrten. Vom Umgang mit andauernder (Un-)Sicherheit.
Sackgasse Verwahrung? Wege aus dem Dilemma = Internement: Dans l’impasse? Pistes de réflexion pour en sortir. Caritas, Fachgruppe Reform im Strafwesen: Vol. 12 (pp. 71-78).
Bern: Stämpfli Verlag
Siegl, Veronika; Bigler, Christine; Büchler, Tina; Perler, Laura; Schurr, Carolin
Transnationale Reproduktive Mobilität aus der Schweiz
(Stellungnahmen und Gutachten zur Fortpflanzungsmedizin).
Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 February 2021).
Megaplantagen sind schlecht für Umwelt und Gesellschaft. Die Befürworter des Freihandelsabkommens mit Indonesien haben unrecht.
Tagesanzeiger, p. 13.
Briner, Maja; Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 February 2021).
Interview im Abschnitt "Methoden wie im Wilden Westen".
St. Galler Tagblatt, p. 18.
Moradi, Fazil; Bhabha, Homi K.; Eckert, Julia; Dikeni, Leslie; Mamdani, Mahmood
(25 February 2021).
From the Colonial Nation-State to a Decolonized Political Community (Unpublished).
Virtual Symposium at the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study.
25 February 2021.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(24 February 2021).
Governance assemblages in cooperative deterrence: the case of the Libyan Coast Guard (Unpublished).
Western Intervention in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings: Political Containment, Neoliberalism, and Imperial Legacies.
University of Oxford.
23-25 February 2021.
Saxinger, Gertrude
Rootedness along the way: meaningful sociality in petroleum and mining mobile worker camps.
Mobilities, 16(2), pp. 194-211.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(16 February 2021).
Indonesische Palmölplantagen bedrängen die Indigenen.
Wenger, Karin
Echo der Zeit.
Brechbühl, Alain; Hostettler, Ueli; Manetsch-Imholz, Rahel; Schaub, Jann; Scheidegger, Nora; Weber, Jonas
Electronic Monitoring im Kontext von häuslicher Gewalt. Untersuchung zuhanden des Bundesamts für Justiz (BJ). Schlussbericht vom 5. Februar 2021
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie
Käser, Isabel Martina
(1 February 2021).
Talk at workshop Fieldwork in Kurdistan: Navigating Obstacles and Future Opportunities (Unpublished).
University of Rojava’s workshop: Fieldwork in Kurdistan: Navigating Obstacles and Future Opportunities.
February 2021.
Schwaller, Corinne
(February 2021).
Vom (Un)Sinn von Arbeit.
Online: Universität Bern
Kohler, Pascal
(February 2021).
On Non-Capitalist Subjectivities, Prefigurative Politics, and the Role of Anthropologists in Cooling the World.
Institut für Sozialanthropologie - Hervorragende Arbeiten.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Kunz, Nina; Suter, Miriam; Dankwa, Serena O.
(31 January 2021).
50 Jahre Frauenstimmrecht. Gesellschaft.
SRF Online
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 January 2021).
«Die Tricks der Plantagenindustrie erinnern an den Wilden Westen».
Allheilig, Gaby
CDE Spotlight.
Stallone, Sabrina; Bialasiewicz, Luiza; McCann, E.
(20 January 2021).
Focalizing new-Fascism.
Minor Revisions.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(19 January 2021).
Media/Violence: Researching Relations between Mediated and Physical Anti-Minority Violence in India, (Unpublished).
lecture series (asynchronous) “Introduction to Visual and Media Anthropology”.
Institute of Anthropology, University of Heidelberg.
January 19, 2021.
Eckert, Julia
(13 January 2021).
Denial, singularisation, and coherence: Navigating multiplicity (Unpublished).
Multiple Legalities Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(13 January 2021).
Comment on „Colonial legal encounters" (Unpublished).
Multiple Legalities Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(13 January 2021).
Navigating Multiplicity in Law (Unpublished).
Multiple Legalities: Conflict and Entanglement in the Global Legal Order, Virtual Conference.
HU Berlin and WZB Berlin.
13. - 15.01.2021.
Eckert, Julia
(13 January 2021).
(Post)Colonial Legal Encounters (Unpublished).
Multiple Legalities: Conflict and Entanglement in the Global Legal Order, Virtual Conference.
HU Berlin and WZB Berlin.
13. - 15.09.2021.
Aronsson, Anne; Frumer, Y.; Roquet, P.; White, D.
(6 January 2021).
Japan’s Emotional Robots (Unpublished).
the Association for Asian Studies 2020 conference.
Boston, USA.
Mugler, Johanna; Eckert, Julia; Stahlmann, Friederike
Analyse von Handlungskontexten: Kontextanalyse aus (rechts-)ethnologischer Perspektive (In Press).
Kötter, M.; Deppe, J.; Trappe, J.; Schneider, T.; Röder, T.
Handbuch zur deutschen Rechtstaatsförderung.
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag
Fischer, Carolin
Transnationalism and diaspora as epistemology and practice.
Carmel, Emma; Lenner, Katherina; Paul, Regine
Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration. Elgar Handbooks in Migration (pp. 47-59).
London: Edward Elgar Publishing
Aronsson, Anne
Social Robots in Elderly Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Submitted).
Japanese review of cultural anthropology
Japanese Society of Ethnology
Aronsson, Anne
Social Robots in Elder Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Edit Technology and the Human ‘Touch’: Histories of Automation and Interconnection in Japan.
Seattle, Washington.
25.03.2021 – 28.03.2021.
Faust, Lene
Negotiating social conflicts within a religious cult: The role of history for the ‘ntuppatedde in the cult of Agatha in Catania/Sicily.
Heyden, Katharina; Brändli, Adrian
Claiming History in Religious Conflicts. Bibliotheca Helvetica Romana: Vol. 39 (pp. 297-312).
Basel: Schwabe
Fuchs, Sandhya Irina
Punishing the Police or When Performance Heals: Securing Dalit Rights through Human Rights Hearings (In Press).
Realizing Justice? Normative Orders and the Realities of (In)Justice in India.
Delhi: Manohar
Affolter, Laura
Asylum Matters: On the Front Line of Administrative Decision-Making.
Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies.
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Affolter, Laura
Regular Matters: Credibility Determination and the Institutional Habitus in a Swiss Asylum Office.
Comparative migration studies, 9(1)
Springer Open
Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Schäuble, Michaela; Zillinger, Martin
Rethinking the Mediterranean (In Press).
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Special Issue: Vol. 146.
Schäuble, Michaela; Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Zillinger, Martin
Rethinking the Mediterranean (Teil 2) (In Press).
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie. Special Issue: Vol. 146.
Schäuble, Michaela
Introduction. Rethinking the Mediterranean.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie
Schäuble, Michaela
Performing and Re-enacting Lament in the Mediterranean: Ritual Mourning and the Migration of Images in Rural Southern Italy.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146, pp. 53-74.
Mugler, Johanna; Johansson, M. S.; Smith, R.
Advancing an Anthropology of Tax: Genealogies, Landscapes, and Futures. (Submitted).
Anthropologies of Taxation. Ethnographies of Fiscal Relations.
Cambridge University Press
Mugler, Johanna
The political economy of domestic resource mobilization in Africa: structural privileges and priority rights in international tax law. (Unpublished).
Taxpayer Rights, Human Rights: Issues for Developing Countries, 5th International Conference on Taxpayers Rights.
Athens, Greece (Online Only).
27 – 28 May 2021.
Dankwa, Serena O.; Filep, Sarah-Mee; Klingovsky, Ulla; Pfruender, Georges
Bildung.Macht.Diversität. Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum (In Press).
Bielefeld: trancript Verlag
Käser, Isabel Martina
Knowledge, Power and Middle Eastern Studies (Unpublished).
BRISMES Conference.
University of Kent, UK.
Ohm, Britta
Media against communication: media/violence and conditionalities of Muslim silencing in Northern India.
Media, Culture & Society, 43(4), pp. 750-763.
Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela
Studies in the Arts? Überlegungen zu einem künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Doktoratsprogramm.
Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela
Studies in the Arts – Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design (pp. 7-14).
Bielefeld & London: trancript Verlag
Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela
Studies in the Arts – Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design.
Image: Vol. 195.
Bielefeld & London: trancript Verlag
Adam, James Natia; Adams, Timothy; Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias
Decentralization for Increased Sustainability in Natural Resource Management? Two Cautionary Cases from Ghana.
Sustainability, 13(12), p. 6885.
Wyss, Anna; Fischer, Carolin
Männlichkeit im Spannungsfeld: Auswirkungen ambivalenter Darstellungen afghanischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland und der Schweiz.
Z'Flucht : Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung, 5(1), pp. 44-76.
Schär, Andrea; Brechbühl, Sabine; Senn, Marianne; Beck, Barbara; Cattin, Florence; Ballmer, Ariane; Bär, Barbara; Brunner, Mirco; Hafner, Albert; Prado, Elena; Znoj, Heinzpeter; Meller, Harald
Das bronzezeitliche Grab und die Bronzehand von Prêles. Ergebnisse der Table ronde vom 30. Oktober 2019 in Bern.
Hefte zur Archäologie im Kanton Bern: Vol. 8.
Bern: Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern
Eckert, Julia
Entangled Hopes. Towards Relational Coherence.
Krisch, Nico
Entangled legalities beyond the state. Global Law Series (pp. 399-423).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Calvão, Filipe; Bolay, Matthieu; Bell, Lindsay
Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26.
Bolay, Matthieu; Rey, Jeanne
Frontiers of cosmopolitanism: Educational enclaves and the extractive roots of international schools.
Critique of anthropology, 41(4), pp. 421-437.
Sage Publications
Calvão, Filipe; Bolay, Matthieu; Bell, Lindsay
Dis/connection Matters: Natural, Synthetic, and Digital.
Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 26, pp. 7-17.
Bolay, Matthieu
Disentangling Mining and Migratory Routes in West Africa: Decisions to Move in Migranticised Settings.
Social Inclusion, 9(1), pp. 235-246.
Cogitatio Press
Calvão, Filipe; Mcdonald, Catherine Erica Alexina; Bolay, Matthieu
Cobalt mining and the corporate outsourcing of responsibility in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Extractive Industries and Society, 8(4), pp. 1-10.
Bolay, Matthieu; Knierzinger, Johannes
Corporate gift or political sacrifice? State-sponsored CSR and electricity provision in Guinean extractive enclaves.
Political geography, 84, p. 102300.
Schapendonk, Joris; Bolay, Matthieu; Dahinden, Janine
The conceptual limits of the ‘migration journey’. De-exceptionalising mobility in the context of West African trajectories.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(14), pp. 3243-3259.
Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Schäuble, Michaela; Zillinger, Martin
Rethinking New Media and Mediterranean Publics.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146(2), pp. 1-10.
Steyns, Melissa; Dankwa, Serena O.
Revisiting Critical Diversity Literacy: Grundlagen für das einundzwanzigste Jahrhundert.
Dankwa, Serena O.; Filep, Sarah-Mee; Klingovsky, Ulla; Pfruender, Georges
Bildung.Macht.Diversität: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum (pp. 39-58).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Klingovsky, Ulla; Dankwa, Serena O.; Filep, Sarah-Mee; Pfruender, Georges
Bildung.Macht.Diversität – ein verschlungenes Feld.
Dankwa, Serena O.; Sarah-Mee, Filep; Klingovsky, Ulla; Pfruender, Georges
Bildung.Macht.Diversität: Critical Diversity Literacy im Hochschulraum (pp. 17-36).
Bielefeld: transcript
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Book Reviews: Response by the Author.
Africa, 91(4), 690 -693.
Cambridge University Press
Saxinger, Gertrude; Krasnoshtanova, Natalia; Illmeier, Gertraud
Neglected Transportation Infrastructure.Corporate Social Responsibility and the Russian State in a Small Siberian Oil Town.
Sibirica : journal of Siberian studies ; the journal of Russia in Asia and the North Pacific, 20(3), pp. 1-45.
Berghahn Journals
Saxinger, Gertrude
Social dimensions of mining in Yukon Territory
(Statistical Analyses 167).
Tromsø: Arctic Council Secretariat
Krasnoshtanova, Natalia; Illmeier, Gertraud; Saxinger, Gertrude
Tokma – small village off the big roads.
Irkutsk: Russian Academy of Sciences/V.B Sochava Institute for Geography
Kohler, Pascal; Zürcher, Vera
"Der Kampf für das Frauenstimmrecht war lang und hart. In den letzten 50 Jahren wurde viel erreicht. Aber der Kampf ist nicht zu Ende.".
Genderstudies, 37, pp. 11-13.
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung, Universität Bern
Eibach, Joachim; Haller, Tobias
Pioneering political ecology: perceptions of nature, Indigenous practices and power relations during Alexander von Humboldt's travels in Latin America.
Journal of political ecology, 28(1), pp. 663-676.
University of Arizona
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Mann, Stefan
Commons and peasant studies: Insights from social anthropology, human geography and agrarian economics.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations (pp. 45-56).
London: Routledge
Haller, Tobias; Bertogliati, Mark; Liechti, Karina; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Transformation and diversity: Synthesis of the case studies.
Haller, Tobias; Liechti, Karina; Stuber, Martin; Viallon, François-Xavier; Wunderli, Rahel
Balancing the Commons in Switzerland. Institutional Transformations and Sustainable Innovations. Earthscan from Routledge (pp. 277-300).
London: Routledge
Aeberli, Annina
Malaysias Bürger*innen zweiter Klasse.
Südostasien : Zeitschrift für Politik, Kultur, Dialog, 37(4)
Verein für entwicklungsbezogene Bildung zu Südostasien e.V., Philippinenbüro e.V. und Stiftung Asienhaus
Faust, Lene; Pfeifer, Simone
Dark Ethnography? Encountering the ‘Uncomfortable’ Other in Anthropological Research: Introduction to this Special Section.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146, pp. 81-90.
Faust, Lene
Moral Challenges in Anthropological Research among Italian Neo-Fascists:
The Significance of the Body.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 146, pp. 173-192.
Faust, Lene
Im Namen der Toten. Neofaschismus in Italien: Krieg, Täterschaft und Trauma in transgenerationaler Perspektive.
Paideuma, 67, pp. 169-192.
Faust, Lene; Pfeifer, Simone
Special Section: Dark Ethnographies.
Faust, Lene; Pfeifer, Simone
Special Issue: Dark Ethnography? Encountering the ‘Uncomfortable’ Other in Anthropological Research, 145.2.
Berlin: Reimer
Coppens, Laura
The Aesthetics of Accountability (In Press).
Preisig, Barbara; von Niederhäusern, Laura; Krusche, Jürgen
Trading Zones: Camera Work in Artistic and Ethnographic Research 26 (pp. 7-18).
Zürich: Institute for Contemporary Art Research, Zurich University of the Arts
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Performance-Ethnographie an der Schnittfläche von künstlerischer und sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung.
Gartmann, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela
Studies in the Arts. Neue Perspektiven auf Forschung über, in und durch Kunst und Design. Image: Vol. 195 (pp. 31-44).
Bielefeld, Germany: transcript Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Allheilig, Gaby
Sustainability is the decisive issue of the future – and CDE supplies policy-ready knowledge for it.
Annual report 2020 of the Center for Development and Environment.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die rechte Hand von Prêles, Les Combettes. Reflexionen über Robert Hertz’ Konzept der religiösen Polarität.
Brechbühl, Sabine; Senn, Marianne; Beck, Barbara; Cattin, Florence; Bär, Barbara; Prado, Elena; Meller, Harald; Schär, Andrea; Ballmer, Ariane; Brunner, Mirco; Hafner, Albert; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Das bronzezeitliche Grab und die Bronzehand von Prêles. Ergebnisse der Table Ronde vom 30. Oktober 2019 in Bern. Hefte zur Archäologie im Kanton Bern: Vol. 8 (pp. 82-87).
Bern: Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern
Lems, Annika; Oester, Kathrin; Strasser, Sabine
Lems, Annika; Oester, Kathrin; Strasser, Sabine
Children of the Crisis. Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth In and en Route to Europe (pp. 1-21).
London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Lems, Annika; Oester, Katharina; Strasser, Sabine
Children of the crisis : ethnographic perspectives on unaccompanied refugee youth in and en route to Europe.
Research in ethnic and migration studies.
London, New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Flesler, G.; Neidhardt, Anja; Ober, Maya
NOT A TOOLKIT. A Conversation on the Discomfort of Feminist Design Pedagogy.
Mareis, C.; Paim, N.
Design Struggles. Intersecting Histories, Pedagogies, And Perspectives. PLURAL (pp. 205-225).
Amsterdam: Valiz, with Swiss Design Network SDN
Loher, David; Affolter, Laura; Zinn, Isabelle
Dis/connection Matters: Natural, Synthetic, and Digital, 26.
Bordoli, Andrea
Terra Australis Incognita.
Antarktikos Magazine 1 (p. 85).
Rotterdam: Daarzijn
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Colonizing landscapes/landscaping colonies: from a global history of landscapism to the contemporary landscape approach in nature conservation.
Journal of political ecology, 28(1)
University of Arizona
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Transformation is not a metaphor.
Political geography, 90, p. 102450.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Decolonising Conservation Science and Practice in Tanzania.
Conservation and society, 19(2), pp. 130-132.
Wolters Kluwer
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Book review: Power in Conservation. Environmental Anthropology Beyond Political Ecology. Carpenter C. 2020. Routledge.
Geographica Helvetica, 76(1), pp. 47-49.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Asiyanbi, Adeniyi P.; Dutta, Anwesha; Huff, Amber; Lund, Jens Friis; De Rosa, Salvatore Paolo; Steinberger, Julia
Commentary: Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future.
Frontiers in conservation science, 2
Frontiers Media
Saxinger, Gertrude; Sancho Reinoso, Alexis; Wentzel, Sigrid Irene
Cartographic storytelling: reflecting on maps through an ethnographic application in Siberia (In Press).
Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 199(2), pp. 242-259.
Geographical Society of Finland
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
Spirals of Silence and Invisibility: 'Pasmanda' and the Problem of Addressability (Unpublished).
Muslim Political Formations in India.
Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies (BGMCS), Free University Berlin.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
Political Freedom and Structural Unfreedom: Dependencies, Disenfranchisement and low-cost Academic Labour in Germany (Unpublished).
Free as a Bird: Academic Precariat and the State of Academic Freedom in the Global North”.
Philip Schwartz-Initiative/Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation/Bard College Berlin.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne Eileen; Rippa, Alessandro
Resources for Teaching Environmental Anthropology in Fearful and Inspiring Times.
Resources for Teaching Environmental Anthropology in Fearful and Inspiring Times.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Incarnating Water in Central Asia: Hydro-Relations Along a Transboundary River.
Water Alternatives, 14(1), pp. 12-31.
Water Alternatives
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne Eileen
An Imagined Bridge Biography. Alternative River Story.
Naryn-Syr Darya: Three River Stories
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(17 December 2020).
How Hindutva got into the Soap: Competition, Privatization and Violence in Indian Television Seriality since 2000. (Unpublished).
online lecture series "Chai Time Conversations".
Dept. of South Asia and South-East Asia, Institute of the Middle and Far East, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
December 17, 2020.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(15 December 2020).
Ageing in Diaspora (Unpublished).
Framing Ageing: A Clinical, Cultural, and Social Dialogue.
Haller, Tobias; Zangger, Ariane Nora; Weissman, Samuel; Alvarado Grefa-Lüscher, Lisa
(14 December 2020).
Convivial Constitutionality: Human Predator Interrelations in Complex Social Ecological Systems. (Unpublished).
Convivial Constitutionality: Human Predator Interrelations in Complex Social Ecological Systems..
Universität Bern, onine.
Alexandra, Darcy
(9 December 2020).
Smartphone Anthropology (Unpublished).
Smartphone Anthropology.
University of Fribourg.
December 9, 2020.
Mangold, Conor P.; Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Women in Correctional Institutions: An Exploration into Swiss Correctional Institutions.
Grafl, Christian; Stempkowski, Monika; Beclin, Katharina; Haider, Isabel
„Sag, wie hast du’s mit der Kriminologie?“ – Die Kriminologie im Gespräch mit ihren Nachbardisziplinen. Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft e.V.: Vol. 118 (pp. 625-641).
Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(3 December 2020).
'Mediated Ethnography' as a Solution to Anthropological Research in Precarious Times? (Unpublished).
“Being 'Here', Researching 'There': Reflecting on Spatial and Temporal Remoteness in Ethnography”.
Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin, online.
December 2-3, 2020.
Eckert, Julia; Knöpfel, Laura
Special Issue on Corporate Responsibility.
Journal of Legal Anthropology: Vol. 4.
Berghahn Journals
Eckert, Julia; Knöpfel, Laura
Legal responsibility in an entangled world.
Journal of Legal Anthropology, 4(2), pp. 1-16.
Dann, Philipp; Eckert, Julia
Norm Creation beyond the State.
Foblets, Marie-Claire; Goodale, Mark; Sapignoli, Maria; Zenker, Olaf
The Oxford Handbook of Law and Anthroplogy (pp. 808-826).
Oxford University Press
Lindt, Angela
Transnational Human Rights Litigation: A Means of Obtaining Effective Remedy Abroad?
Journal of Legal Anthropology, 4(2), pp. 57-77.
Affolter, Laura
The Responsibility to Prevent Future Harm: Anti-Mining Struggles, the State, and Constitutional Lawsuits in Ecuador.
Journal of legal anthropology, 4(2), pp. 78-99.
Notter, Fabienne; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Globalisierte Küche und Speisetabus.
Da+Dort(79), p. 5.
Caritas Aargau / HEKS Aargau/Solothurn / Anlaufstelle Integration Aargau
Alexandra, Darcy
(December 2020).
Not the Apocalypse.
Treibhaus. Der Klimapodcast, 14.
Käser, Isabel Martina
(December 2020).
Gender and Kurdistan (Unpublished).
Seminar on ‘Gender and Kurdistan’.
Botan International, online.
December 2020.
Santer, Kiri
(December 2020).
On empty streets and fieldwork limitations.
Anthro Blog.
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern: Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 November 2020).
The boom of bakar batu festivals in Papua between cultural resistance and indirect rule (Unpublished).
Graduate studies programme at the Faculty of Humanities.
Universitas Indonesia.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 November 2020).
Sozialanthropologie in der Praxis und als Studium (Unpublished).
Vortrag am Gymnasium Neufeld.
Gymnasium Neufeld.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Sexarbeit. Macht. Rassismus.
Ich bin Sexarbeiterin: Porträts und Texte (pp. 121-129).
Zürich: Limmat Verlag
Affolter, Laura; Eule, Tobias Georg
(24 November 2020).
Radikale Bürgerlichkeit.
Jallo, Zainabu
We Take Care of Our Own.
Odhiambo, Christopher; Roos, Hilde
Opera & Music Theatre. African Theatre: Vol. 19 (pp. 194-230).
Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer
Ober, Maya
(20 November 2020).
Making Space as a Practice of Resistance: Learnings from within the Institution (Unpublished).
Critical Gender and Diversity Knowledge. Challenges and Prospects.
FHNW University of Applied Sciences, Olten, Switzerland.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(19 November 2020).
Filming Pasts: ethnographic approaches to memory research (Unpublished).
Seminar series, Department of Social Anthropology.
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
Chabrol, Fanny; Kehr, Janina
(17 November 2020).
The Hospital Multiple. Introduction.
The Hospital Multiple.
Online: Somatosphere
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(13 November 2020).
The megaliths of highland Jambi – witnesses of an old trade route (Unpublished).
Graduate studies programme at the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas.
Universitas Indonesia.
November 13, 2020.
Affolter, Laura
(12 November 2020).
Challenging State Politics: The Mobilisation of Nature’s Rights in Constitutional Lawsuits against Mining (Unpublished).
Civil Society and the Law: Civil Disobedience, Protests and the (Re)Writing of Environmental Politics.
12. - 13.11.20.
Haller, Tobias
(10 November 2020).
Energy Ethics, Renewable Energy and Social Sustainability: Large-Scale Green Energy Projects, Commons Grabbing and Resilience (Unpublished).
University of St Andrews, online.
9-13 November 2020.
Nadje, Al-Ali; Käser, Isabel
Beyond Feminism? Jineolojî and the Kurdish Women’s Freedom Movement.
Politics & gender, 18(1), pp. 212-243.
Cambridge Univ. Press
Schäuble, Michaela
(5 November 2020).
Wie sehen sie mich? „Die Menschwerdung des Affen“ von Heike Behrend erinnert an die kritische Tradition der Ethnologie.
Der Freitag. Die Wochenzeitung, 2020(45)
Der Freitag Mediengesellschaft
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(3 November 2020).
Filming Pasts: ethnographic approaches to memory research (Unpublished).
Seminar series, Department of Social Anthropology.
University of Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland.
Aronsson, Anne; Holm, Fynn; Kaul, Melissa
Finding Agency in Nonhumans. Introduction.
Relations: beyond anthropocentrism, 8(1-2), pp. 7-14.
LED Edizioni Universitarie
Aronsson, Anne
Friendship and Work culture of Women Managers in Japan: Tokyo after Ten by Swee-Lin Ho (Submitted).
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Richter, Marina; Ryser, Barbara; Hostettler, Ueli
Evaluation Electronic Monitoring. Schlussbericht zuhanden des Amts für Justizvollzug und
Wiedereingliederung Kanton Zürich, Bewährungs- und Vollzugsdienste Zürich-Altstetten
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(30 October 2020).
The development of vernacular architecture in highland Jambi – from Austronesian roots to the roadside bungalow (Unpublished).
Graduate studies programme at the Faculty of Humanities.
Universitas Indonesia.
October 30, 2020.
Haller, Tobias; Gmür, Désirée Ruth; Merten, S.; Felber, Selina Chiara; Owolodun, Babatunde
(29 October 2020).
Foodways Sinergia Project meeting Food systems in Senegal (Unpublished).
Foodways Sinergia Project meeting Food systems in Senegal.
29. Oktober 2020.
Eckert, Julia
(28 October 2020).
Laws in Conflict (Unpublished).
Rules and Laws in Protracted Armed Conflict: Concurrence, Negotiation, and Friction.
Utrecht University / Online.
28th Oct 2020.
Alexandra, Darcy; Zia, Ather
(27 October 2020).
What does anthropology sound like? Poetry.
André-Johnson, Cory-Alice
anthropod. The podcast of the Society for Cultural Anthropology.
Online: Society for Cultural Anthropology
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Horror in the Andes: Ayacuchean Cinema In-the-making. [Movie].
Journal of Anthropological Films (2).
Online: Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA)
Bordoli, Andrea
The Depth Beneath, The Height Above.
Journal of anthropological films, 4(2)
Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA)
Kehr, Janina
For a more-than-human public health.
BioSocieties, 2020(15), pp. 650-663.
Palgrave Macmillan
Schäffler, Hildegard
Psychische Gesundheit und Verletzlichkeit im Schatten von Covid-19 Politiken.
Femina politica. Zeitschrift für feministische Politik-Wissenschaft, 29(2), pp. 135-136.
femina politica e.V.
Oxby, Clare
Born into Bondage? Iklan Lives along the Rural-Urban continuum (Tuareg, Sahel).
Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage, 10(1-2), pp. 128-160.
Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(17 October 2020).
Stories They Tell (Unpublished).
El Anatsui: Triumphant Scale.
Kunstmuseum Bern.
October 17, 2020.
Aronsson, Anne
Work and Family Balance for Middle-class Families in Paris and Tokyo. (Submitted).
Contemporary Japan
de Gruyter
Stallone, Sabrina
(14 October 2020).
The promise of (fieldwork) planning.
Fieldwork meets crisis.
Online: Boasblog
Ober, Maya; El-Bakry, M.; Neidhardt, A.; Moritsch, H.
(2 October 2020).
Bodies in/and Spaces.
Haele, U.
“Entweder oder – sowohl als auch. Gendersensibles Design” Symposium (pp. 65-76).
St. Pölten: New Design University
Aronsson, Anne
(October 2020).
Technology and the Human ‘Touch’: Automation and Interconnection in Japan (Unpublished).
Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs.
East Lansing, MI, USA.
06.10.2020 – 18.10.2020.
Aronsson, Anne
(October 2020).
Social Robots in Elder Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs.
Bloomington, Indiana, USA.
16.10.2020 – 18.10.2020.
Käser, Isabel Martina
(October 2020).
Briefing on gender and conflict in Syria (Unpublished).
SOAS Executive Briefing on ‘Syria and Environs’ for UNICEF staff in Syria.
October 2020.
Aronsson, Anne
Invisibility by Design: Women and Labor in Japan’s Digital Economy by Gabriella Lukács (Submitted).
Social science Japan journal
Oxford Univ. Press
Alexandra, Darcy
(29 September 2020).
Against a Virtual Wall: Surveillance and Futurity in US Mexico Borderlands. (Unpublished).
Research Seminar.
Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern.
September 29, 2020.
Schäuble, Michaela
Perception of the Seen and Unsee World. A conversation with Paul Stoller.
Tsantsa – Journal of the Swiss Anthropological Association, 25, pp. 187-195.
Insberg, Manuel
(11 September 2020).
Forschung zwischen Praxisrelevanz und ethischem Anspruch (Unpublished).
Ethnografie im Kontext von Migration und Flucht.
University of Zurich.
Strasser, Sabine
(10 September 2020).
Unter Beobachtung. Ethnographie an den Grenzen Europas (Unpublished).
Ethnografie im Kontext von Migration und Flucht.
ISEK, University of Zurich.
10. - 11.09.20.
Schäuble, Michaela
(10 September 2020).
Practices and Performances in the Mediterranean (Unpublished).
International Conference Material Culture in Transit.
Bernisches historisches Museum, online.
September 10, 2020.
Alexandra, Darcy
(10 September 2020).
Writing as a Practice of Care (Unpublished).
Situating Knowledge Summer School.
Center Gender Studies, University of Basel.
September 10, 2020.
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole
(10 September 2020).
Hybridity as a Culture of Making (Unpublished).
International Conference of Creativity and Innovation in Design.
Barreira Arte + Diseño Center in Valencia, Spain.
10 –11.09.2019.
Leins, Stefan
(10 September 2020).
Ein Botschafter anderer Möglichkeiten: David Graeber (1961-2020).
Die Wochenzeitung WOZ
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(8 September 2020).
Introduction: The EU & Italy in Libya. Discussing the politics of complicity in border externalisation (Unpublished).
The EU & Italy in Libya. Discussing the politics of complicity in border externalisation.
Istituto Svizzero di Roma.
Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle
Tsantsa, 25, pp. 6-7.
Fuchs, Sandhya
‘Give me the space to live’: trauma, casted land and the search for restitution among the Meghwal survivors of the Dangawas massacre.
Contemporary South Asia, 28(3), pp. 392-407.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Mugler, Johanna; Jud, Rahel
(August 2020).
Neue Formen der Online-Kommunikation: zu welchem Preis? Gedanken zur Sicherheitslücken und Umgang mit Datenschutz bei ZOOM.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Perl, Gerhild
(24 July 2020).
Panel: Disappearances at the margins of the state: migration, intimacy and politics. (Unpublished).
18th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
21. - 24.07.2020.
Loher, David
(24 July 2020).
Labour as future-making. Asbestos production, social struggles, and the contested meanings of a sustainable future. (Unpublished).
EASA Conference 2020. Panel "Rethinking work, power, and social reproduction in and beyond Europe".
21. - 24.07.2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(24 July 2020).
Narrating truth and doing justice: Imagining (alternative) futures in contemporary Andean Cinema (Unpublished).
EASA conference.
21.-24. July 2020.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(24 July 2020).
Re-Imagening the past as a strategy of future-making in Southern Italian Tarantism (Unpublished).
EASA conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe.
Lisbon (Portugal) online.
20-24 July 2020.
Perl, Gerhild
(23 July 2020).
The arbitrary production of emotional turmoil (Unpublished).
18th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
Lisboa, Spain.
20. - 24.07.2020.
Schwaller, Corinne
(23 July 2020).
Learning to Live with Uncertainty: Young Adults in Barcelona between Subjection and Resistance to Precarity (Unpublished).
16th EASA Biennial Conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe.
Lisbon (virtual).
20. - 24.07.2020.
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-Daniel
(23 July 2020).
The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. (Unpublished).
IASC African Commons Web Conference.
Haller, Tobias; Käser, Fabian; Ngutu, Mariah
Does Commons Grabbing Lead to Resilience Grabbing? The Anti-Politics Machine of Neo-Liberal Agrarian Development and Local Responses.
Land, 9(7), p. 220.
Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias
The drama of the grabbed commons: anti-politics machine and local responses.
The journal of peasant studies, 48(6), pp. 1304-1327.
Strasser, Sabine; Sökefeld, Martin
(July 2020).
The affective economy of deportation and return (Unpublished).
Panel at the EASA Biannual Conference.
21. - 24.07.20.
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(July 2020).
Balancing acts backstage: migrant hospitality workers in the Swiss Alps (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA).
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(25 June 2020).
Palmöl und die Bedrohung des Weltklimas.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(20 June 2020).
The Diasporic Condition (Unpublished).
Crossing Borders, Pt 3: On the (Digital) Threshold.
June 19-20, 2020.
Eckert, Julia
(12 June 2020).
Ethos/Ethics/Sentiments of Bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Ethos/Ethics/Sentiments of Bureaucracies.
Freie Universität Berlin / Online.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
From muted places: Objects of resistance. [Performance or Exhibition].
Soho in Ottakring Art Festival.
Vienna, online: SOHO
Hostettler, Ueli; Pfiffner, Roger; Ambord, Simone; Brunner, Monique
Schulsozialarbeit in der Schweiz. Angebots-, Kooperations- und Nutzungsformen.
Bern: hep Verlag
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor Peter; Hostettler, Ueli
Das soziale Klima in Gefängnissen und Anstalten des Schweizer Straf- und Massnahmenvollzugs: Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung von Personal und Gefangenen.
NKrim - Neue Zeitschrift für Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik, 1(1), pp. 53-65.
Helbling Lichtenhan Verlag
Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor Peter; Hostettler, Ueli
Die Erforschung des sozialen Klimas im Justizvollzug.
Justiznewsletter (Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges), 17(31), pp. 17-23.
Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges
Kaul, M.; Holm, F.; Aronsson, Anne
(June 2020).
Toward an Understanding of Nonhuman Minds: From Animal to Artificial Agency. (Unpublished).
Toward an Understanding of Nonhuman Minds: From Animal to Artificial Agency.
University of Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland.
04.06.2020 – 06.06.2020.
Jutzi, Michelle; Wicki, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli
(June 2020).
Extended Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Situation in the Swiss Canton of Bern.
Newsletter - WERA-IRN EXTENDED EDUCATION. An International Research Network (IRN) of the World Education Research Association (WERA), 2020(June), p. 7.
Schäuble, Michaela; Wildner, Kathrin
(27 May 2020).
Trancedisciplinarity? Transgressing Global Realities (Unpublished).
Transdisziplinarität in und mit den Künsten.
ZHdK, online.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(21 May 2020).
India: Biopolitics of Silence and Symbolism (Unpublished).
webinar "Virulent Hate: Violent Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic".
Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, Northwestern University, Illinois (US).
May 21, 2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
LASA 2020, International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara, Mexico. 13.-16.5.2020
Schäuble, Michaela
(12 May 2020).
Feldforschung Draussen und im Netz.
Universität Bern in Zeiten Coronas, Carte Blanche.
Universität Bern: Universität Bern
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(May 2020).
In and out of time: Future-making and Speculation in the Swiss Alps (Unpublished).
Presentation Institutes Colloquium of the Institute of Social Anthropology.
University Bern [online].
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(24 April 2020).
The Stranger and the City: Home in Times of COVID. (Unpublished).
The Stranger and the City: Home in Times of COVID.
Amherst University, Massachusetts.
April 24, 2020.
Stallone, Sabrina
(10 April 2020).
Virus and The City: Urban Experiences in Self-Isolation.
Online: Allegra Laboratory
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(1 April 2020).
Narrating memories of violence: ethnography between subjectivity and complicity (Unpublished).
Navigating challenging research relationships.
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle.
1. Apr. 2020.
Bolay, Matthieu; Rey, Jeanne
Corporate Cosmopolitanism: Making an Asset of Diversity and Mobility at Swiss International Schools.
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 19(1), pp. 106-130.
University of British Columbia, Okanagan
Aronsson, Anne
(21 March 2020).
Social Robots in Elderly Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
"Japan’s Emotional Robots” conference at the Association for Asian Studies.
Boston, USA.
Strasser, Sabine
(18 March 2020).
Decentring Deportation: Circulation and Population Control beyond Europe and the United States (Unpublished).
International Workshop: Decentring Deportation: Circulation and Population Control beyond Europe and the United States.
Bern, online.
Affolter, Laura
(10 March 2020).
The Responsibility to Protect: Using the Constitution against the State (Unpublished).
Colloquium, Institute of Social Anthropology.
Unversity of Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(6 March 2020).
Flucht - Tarantismo: Odyssey Of An Italian Ritual (Unpublished).
Odyssey of an Italian Ritual by FLEE project.
Gallery Last Tango Zürich.
March 06, 2020.
Hofmann, Hansueli; Hellmüller, Priska; Hostettler, Ueli
Eine Schule leiten. Grundlagen und Praxis (2. überarbeitete Auflage).
Bern: hep Verlag
Käser, Isabel Martina
(March 2020).
Moving Bodies and Transgressing Borders: the PKK in the Kurdish Middle East (Unpublished).
Talk at the Graduate Institute in Geneva.
March 2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
Medellin International Film Festival. Colombia. 13.-16.2.20
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(7 February 2020).
Rituale zur Konfliktbearbeitung im tradititionellen Indonesien - ein Kulturvergleich zur Horizonterweiterung (Unpublished).
Versöhnt leben.
Universität Bern.
6.-8. 2. 2020.
Moghaddari, Sonja
(February 2020).
Dire La Colère En Iran: Subjectivités Entre Censure et Non-Censure.
Carnets de Terrain.
Jutzi, Michelle; Wicki, Thomas; Züger, Laura; Hostettler, Ueli
Erfahrung Ganztagesschule. Koordination von Unterricht und ausserunterrichtlichen Angeboten in der Schule Schwabgut, Stadt Bern.
Bern: PHBern - SPP Governance im System Schule
Santer, Kiri
(30 January 2020).
À Rome, le regard porté sur la Méditerranée.
Eckert, Julia
(28 January 2020).
Complicity and Entanglement (Unpublished).
Ethnologisches Kolloquium.
Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg.
28. Januar 2020.
Zwahlen, Fabienne; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina; Konopatsch, Cathrine Julia; Hostettler, Ueli
Wirtschaftsspionage in der Schweiz. Schlussbericht zuhanden des Nachrichtendienstes des Bundes (NDB)
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie
Fuchs, Sandhya
(10 January 2020).
The Gift of a Bicultural Upbringing.
Online-Blog (Sapiens): The Wenner‑Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
Aronsson, Anne
(6 January 2020).
Emotional Technologies and the Emergence of New Relationships: Toward a Conceptualization of Interaction with Social Robots (Unpublished).
Conference at Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS).
Freie Universität Berlin; Berlin, Germany.
Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Inmate Violence and Correctional Staff Burnout: The Role of Sense of Security, Gender, and Job Characteristics.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(1-2), pp. 173-207.
Aronsson, Anne Stefanie
Contemporary Japanese Career Women: Reflections on Profession, Life, and Purpose.
Qualitative report, 25(3), pp. 569-595.
Nova University & Northern Illinois University
Eckert, Julia
(January 2020).
Unsere Gegenwart soll gerechter werden.
Vogue (München), 2020(1), p. 180.
Condé Nast Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Käser, Fabian; Ngutu, Mariah
Does Commons Grabbing lead to Resilience Grabbing? The Anti-Politics Machine of Neo-Liberal Development and Local Responses.
Lems, Annika; Oester, Kathrin; Strasser, Sabine
Children of the Crisis: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in and En Route to Europe.
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 46(2), pp. 315-335.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Between Vision and Realty: Film- making in the Andes (Submitted).
Vich, Cynthia; Barrow, Sarah
Peruvian Cinema in the Twenty First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds.
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Afrodescendant and indigenous people alliances and palm oil monocultures in Latin America: territorial control and counterbalance of power (In Press).
Alternautas, 7
Alternautas London
Affolter, Laura
Keeping Numbers Low in the Name of Fairness. Ethos and Ethics in a Swiss Asylum Administration.
Eckert, Julia
The Bureaucratic Production of Difference. Kultur und soziale Praxis (pp. 27-57).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Creativity and Perseverance in a Precarious Context: Filmmaking in Ayacucho Between Artistic Vision and Lived Reality.
Vich, Cynthia; Barrow, Sarah
Peruvian Cinema of the Twenty First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds (pp. 85-102).
Berlin: Palgrave Macmillan
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
The Imagined Homoconference: 'Activistism' and the Politics of Indirection.
Spronk, Rachel; Hendricks, Thomas
Readings in Sexualities from Africa. Readings in African studies (pp. 171-186).
Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanna
Knowledge production, reflexivity, and the use of categories in migration studies: tackling challenges in the field.
Ethnic and racial studies, 44(4), pp. 535-554.
Routledge & Kegan Paul
Perl, Gerhild
Book Review: How Lifeworlds Work: Emotionality, Sociality, and the Ambiguity of Being. Michael Jackson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017. 240 pp.
American Ethnologist, 47(3), pp. 346-347.
American Anthropological Association
Eckert, Julia
The Bureaucratic Production of Difference. Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations.
Culture and social practice.
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Eckert, Julia
The Office. Ethos and Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies.
Eckert, Julia
The Bureaucratic Production of Difference. Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations. Culture and social practice (pp. 7-26).
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Beihilfe – mittelbare Verantwortung in einer verflochtenen Welt.
Seibert-Fohr, Anja
Entgrenzte Verantwortung. Zur Reichweite und Regulierung von Verantwortung in Wirtschaft, Medien, Technik und Umwelt. Berlin, Heidelberg (pp. 73-89).
Eckert, Julia
Das Gegebene und das Mögliche.
Kittelmann, Udo; Knapstein, Gabriele
Katharina Grosse. It Wasn’t Us (pp. 88-91).
Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Auf den zweiten Blick.
Kittelmann, Udo; Knapstein, Gabriele
Katharina Grosse: It Wasn’t Us (pp. 178-182).
Berlin: Hatje Cantz
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole; Perl, Gerhild; Kehr, Janina
Valuation Struggles: Rethinking the Economy in Times of Crisis. A Conversation with Susana Narotzky, Patrícia Matos and Antonio Maria Pusceddu.
Tsantsa, 25, pp. 175-186.
Moghaddari, Sonja
Internal Diversity: Iranian Germans between Local Boundaries and Transnational Capital.
Global Diversities.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan
Moghaddari, Sonja
Localizing Iranian diaspora politics: A comparative approach to transnational critique and incorporation.
Confluences méditerranée, 113(2), pp. 77-89.
Aronsson, Anne; Holm, Fynn
Multispecies Entanglements in the Virosphere: Rethinking the Anthropocene in Light of the 2019 Coronavirus Outbreak.
The anthropocene review, 9(1), pp. 24-36.
Aronsson, Anne
Japanese Career Women and the Burden of Caring for Aging Relatives in an Aging Japan: Tensions between Hope and Fear (Submitted).
Contemporary Japan
de Gruyter
Eckert, Julia
Neglect and the imaginations of care; some brief thoughts inspired by Monique Nuijten's work.
Rasch, Elisabet Dueholm; Salemink, Oscar; Büscher, Bram; Köhne, Michiel
Engaged Encounters: Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendship with Monique Nuijten (pp. 45-48).
Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers
Fuchs, Sandhya
“We Don't Have the Right Words!”: Idiomatic Violence, Embodied Inequalities, and Uneven Translations in Indian Law Enforcement.
Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 43(2), pp. 177-194.
Hostettler, Ueli; Isenhardt, Anna; Mangold, Conor P.
Les collaborateurs doivent être pleinement opérationnels et en parfaite santé. Résultats de la deuxième enquête nationale sur le personnel pénitentiaire.
#prison-info, 45(2), pp. 32-36.
Bundesamt für Justiz
Loher, David
Governing the Boundaries of the Commonwealth. The Case of So-Called Assisted Voluntary Return Migration.
Eckert, Julia M.
The Bureaucratic Production of Difference. Ethos and Ethics in Migration Administrations (pp. 113-134).
Bielefeld: transcript-Verlag
Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle
Penal Institutions and Their Hybridizations "in Action", 25.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dierks, Klaas
Die letzten Tage des Sommers. Ein E-mail Dialog (mit Klaas Dierks).
Nierhaus, I.; Heinz, K.
Unbehaust Wohnen. Konflikthafte Räume in Kunst – Architektur – Visueller Kultur. wohnen+/-ausstellen: Vol. 7 (pp. 227-248).
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
Tracing Tarantism - An ethnographic study of Apulian ritual between art performance and cultural heritagen. (Unpublished).
Departmental Seminar, Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religion, University of Lausanne.
University of Lausanne/ online.
Strasser, Sabine
Dynamiken der Globalisierung oder die Suche nach Gerechtigkeit in den Ruinen des Kapitalismus.
SAGW Bulletin, 2020(1), pp. 38-40.
Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Haller, Tobias
Institution Shopping and Resilience Grabbing: Changing Scapes and Grabbing Pastoral Commons in African Floodplain Wetlands.
Conservation & society : an interdisciplinary journal exploring linkages between society, environment and development, 18(3), pp. 252-267.
Medknow, Wolters Kluwer
Zingerli, Claudia; Haller, Tobias
Researching African environments: lessons for shared research.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 29(3), pp. 198-200.
Oekom Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia
Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches to Researching African Environments.
Culture and Social Practice.
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia
Towards collaborative and integrative research in African environments. An Introduction.
Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia
Towards Shared Research: Participatory and Integrative Approaches to Researching African Environments. Culture and cocial practice (pp. 11-24).
Bielefeld: trancript Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, C.
Conclusion. Explorations and lessons for shared research.
Haller, Tobias; Zingerli, Claudia
Towards Shared Research Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments. Kultur und soziale Praxis (pp. 167-182).
Bielefeld: trancript Verlag
Aronsson, Anne; Holm, Fynn
Conceptualizing Robotic Agency: Social Robots in Elder Care in Contemporary Japan.
Relations: beyond anthropocentrism, 8(1-2), pp. 17-35.
LED Edizioni Universitarie
Vagneron, Frédéric; Kehr, Janina
Médecine globale et humanités médicales critiques: enseigner l’histoire et l’anthropologie de la santé aux étudiant(e)s en médecine.
Levèfe, Céline; Vagneron, Frédéric; Zimmer, Alexis
Humanités Médicales. Des sciences sociales aux transformations de la medicine. La personne en médecine (pp. 143-148).
Paris: Doin
Kehr, Janina
Toward the Otherwise. Medicine, Anthropology, Politics.
Journal of Social & Cultural Anthropology / Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie, 145(1), pp. 27-45.
Mugler, Johanna
With whom we share what: on changing perceptions and obligations of redistribution. (Unpublished).
Wenner-Gren Anthropology of Tax Workshop.
Buxton, Derbyshire.
12-15 August 2020.
Mugler, Johanna
"But it is legal”: on the determinants of national corporate tax cultures (Unpublished).
Global Business Anthropology Summit.
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin.
17-19 June 2020.
Mugler, Johanna
Business as Usual. Studying with Ethnographic Methods the Worlds of International Tax Professionals (Unpublished).
Workshop: Business as usual? Anthropology and the study of ‘unusual’ subjects.
University of Vienna.
14-15 May 2020.
Mugler, Johanna
Anthropology of Taxation. Historical and Comparative Perspectives. (Unpublished).
Workshop: an Anthropology of Tax.
26–30 April 2020.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Doing time – visual notes on waiting without quite knowing for what exactly.
entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography, 3(2), pp. 79-85.
S-M. Nolas and C. Varvantakis
Käser, Isabel Martina
Leaving the movement: former PKK militants and the remaking of post-revolutionary subjectivities (Unpublished).
Annual Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA).
Washington D.C., USA, online.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
Ageing and Diaspora (Unpublished).
Framing Ageing: A Clinical, Cultural, and Social Dialogue.
UCD Dublin.
Dec 15, 2020.
Moghaddari, Sonja
The Affective Ambiguity of Solidarity: Resonance Within Anti-Deportation Protest in the German Radical Left.
Critical Sociology, 47(2), pp. 235-248.
SAGE Publications
Moghaddari, Sonja; Ringel, Felix
Anthropologies of the Future.
EASA Network of Ethnographic Theory.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
No Go World: how fear is redrawing out maps and infecting our politics by Ruben Andersson.
Tsantsa(25), pp. 214-216.
Santer, Kiri; Dendena, Francesco
A Garden to be Reinvented/Against the Aesthetics of the Garden.
Orto (pp. 86-107).
Roma: Nero
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Indirect Rule and the Politics of Fragmented Responsibility in the Central Mediterranean (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie.
Universität Bern.
Saxinger, Gertrude
Multilokalität als Normalisierungspraxis und synchrone Raumintegrationsleistung bei Fernpendelnden in der Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie in Russlands Arktis.
Danielzyk, Rainer; Dittrich-Wesbuer, Andrea; Hilti, Nicola; Tippel, Cornelia
Multilokale Lebensführung und räumliche Entwicklungen: ein Kompendium. Forschungsberichte der ARL: Vol. 13 (pp. 322-328).
Hannover: RL Academy for Spatial Research and Planning
Ghomashlouyan, Moslem; Karimian, Mohamadhasan
The Politics of Policy Change: Welfare, Medicare, and Social Security Reform in the United States.
Social Security Quarterly, 16(3), pp. 171-212.
Social Security Research Institute
Fischer, Carolin
Manifestations and Contestations of Borders and Boundaries in Everyday Understandings of Integration.
Migration letters, 17(4), pp. 531-540.
Transnational Press London
Fischer, Carolin; Achermann, Christin; Dahinden, Janine
Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion from Intersectional Perspectives.
Migration letters, 17(4), pp. 477-485.
Transnational Press London
Achermann, Christin; Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin
Special Issue: Revisiting Borders and Boundaries: Exploring Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion, 17(4).
Transnational Press London
Perl, Gerhild
The Production of Illicit Lives: Racial Governmentality and Colonial Legacies Across the Strait of Gibraltar.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145(2), pp. 255-274.
Bolay, Matthieu; Calvão, Filipe
Seeing inside the stone. Visual refractions and the apprenticeship of evaluation in the global diamond industry.
Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 14(3), pp. 1-20.
Rey, Jeanne; Mettraux, Richard; Bolay, Matthieu; Gremaud, Jacqueline
Les trajectoires d’insertion professionnelle des enseignants formés à l’étranger: de la précarité à la reconnaissance?
Formation et pratiques d’enseignement en questions, Hors-série(4), pp. 161-181.
Conférence des directeurs des hautes écoles pédagogiques et institutions assimilées de Suisse romande et du Tessin
Rey, Jeanne; Bolay, Matthieu; Gez, Yonatan N.
Precarious privilege: personal debt, lifestyle aspirations and mobility among international school teachers.
Globalisation, Societies and Education, 18(4), pp. 361-373.
Schulz, Yvan; Bolay, Matthieu; Hertz, Ellen
Les limites de l’autoréglementation dans le secteur suisse de l’affinage d’or. Une analyse sous l’angle de l’initiative pour des multinationales responsables.
Online: PenserLaSuisse
Geslin, Philippe; Bolay, Matthieu; Bussy, Gaëtan
iMoMo. Management de l’eau. (In Press)
(Anthropotechnology from Inside 1).
Neuchâtel: Hes-So/He Arc Ingénierie
Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Schäuble, Michaela; Zillinger, Martin
Rethinking the Mediterranean: Extending the Anthropological Laboratory Across Nested Mediterranean Zones.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145(2), pp. 175-196.
Holdermann, Simon; Lange, Christoph; Schäuble, Michaela; Zillinger, Martin
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, Special Issue: Rethinking the Mediterranean (Teil 1), 145(2).
Gmür, Désirée
Not Affected the Same Way: Gendered Outcomes for Commons and Resilience Grabbing by Large-Scale Forest Investors in Tanzania.
Land, 9(4), pp. 1-17.
Ober, Maya
Searching in a Void.
The Feminist Findings Zine, p. 8.
Liberation in Print collective
Keane, Aidan; Lund, Jens Friis; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Burgess, Neil D.; Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt; Homewood, Katherine
Impact of Tanzania’s Wildlife Management Areas on household wealth.
Nature sustainability, 3(3), pp. 226-233.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Book review: Postwachstumsgeographien: Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien.
Geographica Helvetica, 75(4), pp. 369-370.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Anstoss: Die Grausamkeit des Schönen.
Neue Wege - Beiträge zu Religion und Sozialismus, 2020(7), pp. 3-4.
Vereinigung Freundinnen u. Freunde d. Neuen Wege
Pfiffner, Roger; Hostettler, Ueli; Ambord, Simone; Brunner, Monique
Erfahrungen mit der Schulsozialarbeit in der Schweiz.
impuls. Magazin des Fachbereichs Soziale Arbeit, 2020(3), pp. 22-25.
Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit
Leins, Stefan
‘Responsible investment’: ESG and the post-crisis ethical order.
Economy and society, 49(1), pp. 71-91.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Eckert, Julia
Durkheim in World Society: Roger Cotterrell’s Concept of Transnational Law.
Ratio juris, 32(4), pp. 498-508.
Stoica, Georgeta; Eckert, Julia; Bodirsky, Katharina; Hirslund, Dan V.
Precarity without borders: visions of hope, shared responsibilities and possible responses.
Social Anthropology, 27(S2), pp. 78-96.
Loher, David; Strasser, Sabine; Monterescu, Daniel; Dabagi, Esra; Gallo, Ester; Shore, Cris; Gupta, Akhil; Mathur, Chandana; Anton, Lorena; Zane, Rodica; Lems, Annika; Khosravi, Shahram; Sariaslan, Zeynep; Salazar, Noel B.; Montoya, Ainhoa; Peréz, Marta; Kovac, Uros; Tilche, Alice; Loperfido, Giacomo; Matos, Patricia; ...
On politics and precarity in academia.
Social Anthropology, 27(S2), pp. 97-117.
Coppens, Laura
Taste of Hope [Performance or Exhibition].
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel. 19.12.2019
Stallone, Sabrina
(19 December 2019).
Building Gendered Futures: Rawabi and Urban Palestinian-ness (Unpublished).
ACES/ACMES Annual Conference “Mobilizing Cities: Urban Geopolitics in Europe and the Mediterranean”.
University of Amsterdam.
19. - 20.12.2019.
Eckert, Julia
(17 December 2019).
The solidarity of concern.
Anthropology Theory Commons
Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina
Sterben im Justizvollzug. Juristische, ethische und praktische Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen.
Bewährungshilfe, 66(4), pp. 356-366.
Forum Verlag Godesberg
Loher, David
(13 December 2019).
Recovered from Dust.Imagining a Future in Casale Monferrato after the Asbestos Disaster (Unpublished).
La città. Antropologia applicata ai territori. VII SIAA Convengo.
12. - 14.12.2019.
Affolter, Laura
(11 December 2019).
Using the Constitution against the State: Legal Struggles against Mining in Ecuador (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie Luzern.
Kehr, Janina
(10 December 2019).
Altergraphies. An essay on method in anthropology (Unpublished).
Chair of Science Studies. Seminar Series.
University of Luzern.
10 December 2019.
Aronsson, Anne
(9 December 2019).
Social Robots in Elderly Care: Challenges and New Directions for Emotional Technologies in Contemporary Japan. (Unpublished).
Professor Gentiane Venture Lab.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering.
Haller, Tobias
(6 December 2019).
Zusammenleben mit Prädatoren in der Schweiz? Zwischen Naturschutz und Kulturlandschaftsverlust (Unpublished).
Universität Bern.
Lindt, Angela
(3 December 2019).
Judicialization of Peru’s Mining Conflicts: Between Human Rights Litigation and Criminalization of Protest (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
Ethnofest. Athens, Greece. 27.11-4.12.19
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Poetic visuality. An essay on the carceral experience.
Visual Ethnography, 8(2)
Altrimedia Edizioni
Perl, Gerhild
(29 November 2019).
One death, multiple losses: Everyday mourning in the aftermath of a shipwreck. (Unpublished).
The sea in the 20th-21st centuries and the “forbidden migrations”..
28-29 November 2019.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(27 November 2019).
Entertaining Hindutva: Competition, Privatization and Violence in Indian Soap Operas since 2000 (Unpublished).
Colloquium of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology.
University of Tübingen.
Siegl, Veronika
(26 November 2019).
Imaginaries of freedom and coercion. An ethnography of surrogacy in Ukraine (Unpublished).
Colloquium of the Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies.
University of Zürich.
Aronsson, Anne
(26 November 2019).
Social Robots in Japanese Elderly Care: Symbolic Interactionism and the Dramaturgy of Self (Unpublished).
Professor Gracia Liu-Ferrer and Professor Glenda Roberts’ Ph.D. seminar.
Waseda University; Tokyo, Japan.
Haller, Tobias
(22 November 2019).
Swiss Commons Institutions under Change: Lessons from a comparative study on pastures and forests in Switzerland from 1750 onwards (Unpublished).
CfP: Historical Forms of Sustainability - Models for the Future? Collective Forests and Pastures since 1700 in a European Perspective.
Universität Bern.
22. - 23.11.19.
Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Movie].
SVA Film and Media Festival. Vancouver BC, Canada. 20-24 November 2019
Siegl, Veronika
(16 November 2019).
Zehn Monate. Leihmutterschaft in Russland (Unpublished).
Frauenkörper und ihre Geschichten: der andere Blick. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychosomatik in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe.
Medizinische Universität Wien.
15. - 16.11.19.
Käser, Isabel Martina
(16 November 2019).
Irade’ – obtaining “the will to resist” in the Kurdistan Women’s Liberation Movement (Unpublished).
Annual Middle East Studies Association Conference (MESA).
New Orleans, USA.
14. - 17.11.2019.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja
(15 November 2019).
Crisis and Communitas in Southern Italian Tarantism (Unpublished).
Symposium: Crisis and Communitas: Performative Concepts of Commonality in Arts and Politics.
Universität Zürich UZH.
Eckert, Julia
(15 November 2019).
Ethnographische Rechtsforschung (Unpublished).
Ethnographische Rechtsforschung.
Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
Ethnografische Filmtage Bremen. Bremen Kino City. 12.-14.11.2019
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(8 November 2019).
Rescue under pressure: criminalisation and the shifting meanings of humanitarianism in the Central Mediterranea (Unpublished).
The Global as Method: Ethnographic Scales in the 21st century.
08. - 09.11.2019.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(7 November 2019).
Social Anthropology's Close Encounters with Religion (Unpublished).
Wissenschaft und Religion.
7-8 November 2019.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(7 November 2019).
‘I run and run but I don’t get anywhere’: Precarity as life on a treadmill (Unpublished).
Mobility and the Future of Work.
06. - 08.11.2019.
Perl, Gerhild
(5 November 2019).
Death during Migration and the Politics of Grief Reconsidered (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Käser, Isabel Martina
(4 November 2019).
What kind of femininity? What kind of liberation? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement’s struggle for a new order (Unpublished).
3rd International Congress of Kurdish Studies.
Duhok and Erbil, Iraq.
1.-5. Nov. 2019.
Perl, Gerhild; Strasser, Sabine
(1 November 2019).
Empty spaces.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Coppens, Laura
(1 November 2019).
Taste of Hope - Vom Alltag einer selbstverwalteten Teefabrik.
Radio Corax.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror In the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
In Short Film festival. Lagos.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Movie].
Short Long World Festival. Corrientes, Argentina. 7-10 November 2019
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine
(November 2019).
Unsere Migrationsgesetze sind nicht genderneutral.
FIZ Magazin. Fachstelle für Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration(3), pp. 8-9.
FIZ Fachstelle Frauenhandel und Frauenmigration
Kimengsi, Jude Ndzifon; Aung, Pyi Soe; Pretzsch, Jürgen; Haller, Tobias; Auch, Eckhard
Constitutionality and the Co-Management of Protected Areas: Reflections from Cameroon and Myanmar.
International journal of the commons, 13(2), pp. 1003-1020.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(30 October 2019).
Die rechte Hand von Prêles. Reflexionen über Robert Hertz’ Konzept der religiösen Polarität (Unpublished).
Die Bronzehand von Prêles. Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung.
Schäuble, Michaela
(28 October 2019).
Sextourist oder queerer Vordenker.
Die Welt
Alex Springer
Aronsson, Anne
(26 October 2019).
Social Robots in Elderly Care: Challenges and New Directions for Emotional Technologies in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Emotional Machines: The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan.
Freie Universität Berlin.
Schäuble, Michaela
(25 October 2019).
Instrumentalizing Historical Hostilities and Advancing Religious Conflict: The Case of Mart Bax and the Marian Apparitions of Medjugorje (Unpublished).
Claiming History. The Role of Historical Reasoning in Religious Conflicts.
Istituto Svizzero, Rom.
Käser, Isabel Martina
(22 October 2019).
Militant Femininity: The Kurdish Women's Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics (Unpublished).
Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern.
Aronsson, Anne
(21 October 2019).
Social Robots in Elderly Care: The Turn Toward Emotional Machines in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Public Innovation and Emerging Technologies in Health and Social Care across Japan and Europe.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Haller, Tobias
(15 October 2019).
Social Anthropology and Nutrition-Health Group in Researching Foodways in Senegal (Unpublished).
Workshop: Social Anthropology and Nutrition-Health Group in Researching Foodways in Senegal.
Universität Genf.
Loher, David; Strasser, Sabine
The Politics of Precarity: neoliberal academia under austerity measures and authoritarian threat.
Social Anthropology, 27(S2), pp. 5-14.
Eckert, Julia
(11 October 2019).
Progress and Protest (Unpublished).
Progress and Protest.
Nomis Foundation, Bevers.
11.-13.10 2019.
Strasser, Sabine
(2 October 2019).
Nur wer er es verdient! Krisenstimmungen und Grenzziehungen in Europa (Unpublished).
Grenzen der Zugehörigkeiten: Das Ende der Aushandlungen im Kontext globaler Mobilität.
Universität Konstanz, Raum A701.
02. Oktober 2019.
Mugler, Johanna
(1 October 2019).
Internationale Steuerrechtstechnokraten nicht mehr unter sich. Anthropologische Perspektiven auf die Macht und Ohnmacht des nicht-politischen Verhandlungsvakuums (Unpublished).
Tagung der deutschenDGSKA (Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie) “Das Ende der Aushandlungen?”.
Universität Konstanz.
29.09. - 02.10.2019.
Reade, Paul James
(1 October 2019).
The end of negotiations and the beginning of everyday ethics (Unpublished).
DGSKA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie) Tagung.
Universität Konstanz.
29.09. - 02.10.2019.
Kehr, Janina
(1 October 2019).
On the Otherwise in Anthropology and Medicine (Unpublished).
DGSKA-Conference “The End of Negotiations?”.
University of Konstanz.
29. September - 2 October 2019.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
Oaxaca Film festival. 4-10. October 2019
Leitenberg, Danaé
(October 2019).
Contradictions in Paradise.
Mugler, Johanna
(October 2019).
Tax me if you can: the dematerialisation of property and corporate income tax. (Unpublished).
An Anthropology of Tax workshop.
27–30 October 2019.
Siegl, Veronika
(30 September 2019).
Free to choose? The fragile truths of commercial surrogacy (Unpublished).
Conference of the German Anthropological Association.
University of Konstanz.
29.09. - 02.10.2019.
Strasser, Sabine; Perl, Gerhild; Käser, Isabel Martina; Bilgin, Ayata
(27 September 2019).
Affective and Material Methodologies (Unpublished).
Affective and Material Methodologies.
University Bern.
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(26 September 2019).
Anthropology at/of Home (Unpublished).
Conducting Research in Alpine Communities: Social, Ethical and Epistemological Challenges and Innovations.
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale.
Käser, Isabel
(20 September 2019).
What Kind of Femininity? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics’ (Unpublished).
What Kind of Femininity? The Kurdish Women’s Liberation Movement between Revolution, Militarism and Body Politics.
Brown University.
20. Sep. 2019.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene
End of life in prison: challenges for prisons, staff and prisoners.
Ugwudike, Pamela; Graham, Hannah; McNeill, Fergus; Raynor, Peter; Taxman, Faye S.; Trotter, Chris
Routledge companion to rehabilitative work in criminal justice (pp. 812-821).
Mugler, Johanna
(17 September 2019).
Performance of International Criminal Justice (Unpublished).
Nuremberg Benchmarks: Performance of International Criminal Justice.
The Hague.
Salis Gross, C.; Steffen-Bürgi, B.
(16 September 2019).
Sorgende Gemeinschaften, Pilotprojekt Kanton Bern (Unpublished).
Kantonales Austauschtreffen Deutschschweiz KAD. Lebensqualität und Gesundheit im Alter.
Zürich, Volkshaus.
Salis Gross Cöplü, Corina; Biedermann, A
(13 September 2019).
Workshop zum Thema «Caring Communities: Allen ihre eigene Vision?» (Unpublished).
2. Tagung des «Netzwerkes Caring Communities Schweiz».
Zürich, Migros Genossenschaftsbund am Limmatplatz.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(12 September 2019).
From Entitlements to Privileges: The Normalisation of Precarity in (Post-)Crisis Spain (Unpublished).
Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association: The Future of Work.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Strasser, Sabine
(12 September 2019).
The Vulnerability of Deservingness: Readmission and Resettlement in the EU Border Regime (Unpublished).
Schweizer Gesellschaft für Geschlechterforschung (SGGF).
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban; Rai, Chatur Bhakta
Nuja: Text, Melody, and Movement of a ‘New Grain’ Ritual Performance among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal.
Gaenszle, Martin
Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and their Contexts. Harvard Oriental Series: Vol. 93.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Salis Gross, Corina; Koller, S.
(3 September 2019).
Workshop zum Thema «Gestärkt in die Pensionierung: Alkoholprävention und Stärkung der psychischen Gesundheit (Unpublished).
Präventionstag Fachverband Sucht zum Thema «Lebensverlaufsansatz und Übergänge im Leben».
Zürich, Migros Genossenschaftsbund am Limmatplatz.
3. September 2019.
Schild, Pascale
(2 September 2019).
Kashmir braucht internationale Unterstützung.
Der Bund, p. 8.
Der Bund Verlag AG
Haller, Tobias
(1 September 2019).
Kommunal verwaltete Wälder und Weiden in der Schweiz im Wandel (Unpublished).
Waldtag zum Thema «Kommunal verwaltete Wälder und Weiden in der Schweiz im Wandel».
Burgergemeinde Bannwil.
Stallone, Sabrina
A White City Turned Pink: Tel Aviv as Israel’s Homonormative LGBTQ+ Flagship.
Queer Media and Popular Culture, 4(3), pp. 257-270.
Alexandra, Darcy
(September 2019).
Mattering Stories (Unpublished).
Salient Stories: Debates on (re) presentation and communication of Hydro-social research.
University of Cologne.
September 25-27th 2019.
Marti, Irene; Stalder, Tamara; Hostettler, Ueli
Bericht - Evaluation des Projekts „Unabhängige Beratungsstelle für Menschen im Freiheitsentzug und ihre Angehörigen“ von
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Bialasiewicz, Luiza; Stallone, Sabrina
Focalizing new-Fascism: Right Politics and Integralisms in Contemporary Italy.
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(3), pp. 423-442.
Jallo, Zainabu
(29 August 2019).
Die Trommeln des Candomblé.
Völkerkundemuseum Der UZH
Jallo, Zainabu
(29 August 2019).
Yorùbá-Kosmologien in den Amerikas.
Völkerkunde Museum, Universität Zürich
Strasser, Sabine; Tosic, Jelena; Streinzer, Andreas
(22 August 2019).
Europe’s Un/deserving Configurations, Moralizations and Culturalisations of Inequality in Comparative Perspective (Unpublished).
Europe’s Un/deserving Configurations, Moralizations and Culturalisations of Inequality in Comparative Perspective.
August 22-23, 2019.
Lindt, Angela
(20 August 2019).
Roundtable Discussion: Indigenous Lawfare (Unpublished).
Bergen Exchanges 2019.
Bergen Global, Centre on Law and Social Transformation.
19. - 23.08.19.
Rehsmann, Julia
(August 2019).
An Urgent Matter: Materiality and Temporality in Liver Transplants (Unpublished).
Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Association "On Time".
28—30 August 2019.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress "World Solidarities" audio-visual programme in Poznan. Poland. 27-31. August 2019
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(August 2019).
In and out of time: temporal conflicts in a touristic village in the Swiss Alps (Unpublished).
Finnish Anthropological Association Conference.
28.-30. August 2019.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(26 July 2019).
Growing Rice according to the Hijrah Calendar (Unpublished).
The fourth International University Symposium on Humanities and Arts.
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia.
Alexandra, Darcy
(17 July 2019).
Reflective Community Practice through Audiovisual Montage (Unpublished).
International Summer School.
University of Zurich.
July 17th 2019.
Aronsson, Anne
(16 July 2019).
Being Nikkei Today (Unpublished).
Dr. Sarah LeBaron von Baeyer’s seminar “Introduction to Diaspora Studies.
University of Heidelberg; Heidelberg, Germany.
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David
(14 July 2019).
The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses. (Unpublished).
ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions.
University of Edinburgh, UK.
June 12-14, 2019.
Schild, Pascale
(10 July 2019).
Nice to know oder grenzüberschreitende Wissenschaft? Ein selbstreflexiver Bericht eines interdisziplinären Versuchs.
THoR Blog
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(5 July 2019).
Objects in Migration (Unpublished).
Harvard University.
Haller, Tobias
(3 July 2019).
Institutional Change in the Management of Swiss Commons (Pastures and Forests): The SCALES-Projekt (Unpublished).
IASC Biennal Conference Lima.
Haller, Tobias
(2 July 2019).
Connecting europe and the global commons: a new institutional political ecology (NIPE) perspective (Unpublished).
IASC Biennal Conference Lima.
Mugler, Johanna
Measuring Justice. Quantitative Accountability and the National Prosecuting Authority in South Africa.
Cambridge Studies in Law and Society.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Haller, Tobias
The Different Meanings of Land in the Age of Neoliberalism: Theoretical Reflections on Commons and Resilience Grabbing from a Social Anthropological Perspective.
Land, 8(7), pp. 1-22.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(25 June 2019).
Re-enactment as an audio-visual research tool: from De Martino to today (Unpublished).
Matera & Galatina.
24.-25. Juni 2019.
Kehr, Janina
(22 June 2019).
Black Skin, White Masks (Unpublished).
20. Internationale Schillertage.
Nationaltheater Mannheim.
20. - 30.06.2019.
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(19 June 2019).
Ici, nous vivons par et pour le tourisme!: pouvoir et inégalités dans un village des Alpes suisses (Unpublished).
Association internationale pour la recherche interculturelle (ARIC) 27th International Congress.
Haute école de travail social, Genève.
17. - 21.06.2019.
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Anne G. Mahler. From the Tricontinental to the Global South. Race, Radicalism,
and Transnational Solidarity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2018. 347 pp.
Revista iberoamericana, 85(267), pp. 341-350.
Instituto Internacional de Literature Iberoamericana
Shala, Mirelinda; Morina, Naser; Salis Gross, Corina; Maercker, Andreas; Heim, Eva
A Point in the Heart: Concepts of Emotional Distress Among Albanian-Speaking Immigrants in Switzerland.
Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry, 44(1), pp. 1-34.
Haller, Tobias
(14 June 2019).
Land Grabbing and the Political Economy of Investments in export horticulture in Africa (Unpublished).
ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions.
University of Edinburgh, UK.
11 - 14.06.2019.
Alexandra, Darcy
Society for Humanistic Anthropology 2018 Writing Awards Poetry First Prize (tie).
Anthropology and Humanism, 44(1), pp. 166-168.
Haller, Tobias; Paese, Andra; Kronenburg García, Angela; Bertoncin, Marina
(13 June 2019).
Institutional change, conflicts and responses in the Sahelian commons (Unpublished).
ECAS Conference: Connections and Disruptions.
University of Edinburgh, UK.
June 11-14, 2019.
Kehr, Janina
(13 June 2019).
Rhythms of Care and Violence in Austerity Spain (Unpublished).
Materialities, Moralities and Policies of Care. Making Medicine in Austere Times.
University of Bern.
11. - 13.06.2019.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(8 June 2019).
§ Objetos Rituals em Transformaçao Cultural -Uma Oficina de Crítica Icônica (Submitted).
From the sacred to the spectacular
Swiss National Science Foundation
Schäuble, Michaela
Tarantismus [Performance or Exhibition].
Ekstase. Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern. 03.06.2019
Coppens, Laura
Taste of Hope [Performance or Exhibition].
Summer Special. Zürich Ethnologischer Verein. Völkerkundemuseum Universität Zürich. 1.6.2019
Haller, Tobias; Adams, Timothy; Gmür, Désirée Ruth; Käser, Fabian David; Lanz, Kristina Verena; Marfurt, Franziska; Ryser, Sarah; Schubiger, Elisabeth; von Sury, Anna Asha; Gerber, Jean-David
Large Scale Land Acquisition as Commons Grabbing: A comparative study on cases from Africa.
Lozny, Ludomir R.; McGovern, Thomas
Global Perspectives on Long Term Community Resource Management. Studies in Human Ecology and Adaptation: Vol. 11 (pp. 125-164).
Berlin, New York: Springer International Publishing
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Líricas del retorno: Ecos de la afrocolombianidad, entre lo atávico y lo contemporáneo.
Cantos y poemas: antología crítica de autoras afro-descendientes de América Latina.
Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia
Santer, Kiri
(June 2019).
Villes refuges | Exclusions d’État versus inclusions urbaines.
Revue Vivre Ensemble. Bulletin de liaison pour la défense du droit d’asile, 173
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
South Film and Arts Academy Festival. Chile.
Fischer, Carolin
(29 May 2019).
Die Schweizer Einwanderungspolitik aus einer Gender Perspektive.
NCCR – on the move blog.
Aronsson, Anne
(29 May 2019).
Research Methodologies in Anthropology (Unpublished).
Professor Hiromi Yoshio’s seminar on diversity in Japanese literature.
Waseda University; Tokyo, Japan.
Lanz, Kristina Verena; Prügl, Elisabeth; Gerber, Jean-David
The poverty of neoliberalized feminism: gender equality in a ‘best practice’ large-scale land investment in Ghana.
The journal of peasant studies, 47(3), pp. 525-543.
Coppens, Laura
(25 May 2019).
What to design in the ruins of capitalism? Designing Kinship through the lens of interspecies relationships and Indigenous Futurisms (Unpublished).
Design Conference: Dilemma, Dillemma!.
Bern University of the Arts, Progr Bern.
24. - 25.05.2019.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(24 May 2019).
‘Ownership’ in Contentious Reforms: The Issue of Responsibility in Tunisia’s Security Sector Reform (Unpublished).
EASA Lawnet Workshop: Concepts, paradigms and slogans: From human rights to human dignity and sustainability.
University of Helsinki.
24. May 2019.
Aronsson, Anne
(23 May 2019).
Social Robots as Part of Emerging Emotional Technologies: Challenges and New Directions for Elderly Care in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Professor Gracia Liu-Ferrer and Professor Glenda Roberts’ Ph.D. seminar.
Waseda University; Tokyo, Japan.
Schäuble, Michaela; Tošić, J; Streinzer, A; Lange, K; Zillinger, M
(22 May 2019).
Rurality and Future-Making. Comparative Perspectives from Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean (Unpublished).
Rurality and Future-Making. Comparative Perspectives from Europe, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean.
22.05.2019 - 24.05.2019.
Lindt, Angela
(22 May 2019).
Corporate Liability from Below: Struggles for Rights, Justice and Responsibility in the Context of Transnational Mining Projects in Peru (Unpublished).
Forum GSH "Hands-on Research".
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(22 May 2019).
The mountain is our capital: Politics of future-making in the Swiss Alps (Unpublished).
German Anthropological Association (GAA) Conference on Rurality and Future-Making.
22-24 Mai 2019.
Schild, Pascale; Schild, Pascale
Alltag nach dem Erdbeben. Eine politische Ethnografie des Wiederaufbaus in Azad Kaschmir, Pakistan.
Umweltethnologie: Vol. 1.
Bielefeld: transcript
Kehr, Janina
(21 May 2019).
Grenzen des Weniger. Medizin in Zeiten akkumulierter Austerität (Unpublished).
Moralische Ökonomien.
University of Zurich.
21. - 22.05.2019.
Aronsson, Anne
(21 May 2019).
Health, Individualized Technology, Quality of Life and Aging: Challenges and New Directions for Elderly Care in Contemporary Japan. (Unpublished).
Aging and Gerontology – Quality of Life, International Academic Forum (IAFOR).
Tokyo, Japan.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Introduction on commons in a glocal world: linking local and global systems, power processes and local reactions in the management of common pool resources.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 1-19).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Ohm, Britta
(9 May 2019).
Debate: Why the Indian Elections are more about Narendra Modi than anything else.
The conversation
The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited
Lindt, Angela
(8 May 2019).
Transnationale Zivilklagen aus der Perspektive von sozialen Bewegungen des Globalen Südens (Unpublished).
„Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)?“: Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht.
8. Mai 2019.
Affolter, Laura
(8 May 2019).
“Sorgfalt” als Pflicht des Staates: Verfassungsklagen in Ecuador (Unpublished).
Workshop ‘Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)? Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht’.
University of Bern.
Eckert, Julia
(8 May 2019).
Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)? Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht (Unpublished).
Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)? Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht.
Loher, David
(8 May 2019).
Konzernverantwortung im Globalen Norden. Ein historischer Blick auf die Asbestindustrie (Unpublished).
Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)? Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht.
Universität Bern.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
Governing the Central Mediterranean through Indirect Rule: Tracing the Effects of the Recognition of Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Tripoli.
European Journal of Migration and Law, 21(2), pp. 141-165.
Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli; Ramseier, Erich
Effects of Social Relations at Work and Support from Family and Friends on the Consequences of Inmate Violence on Correctional Staff Burnout.
Criminal justice and behavior, 46(10), pp. 1405-1426.
Alexandra, Darcy
(1 May 2019).
Designing Collaboration (Unpublished).
Flucht und Migration Seminar.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Design & Kunst.
May 1st 2019.
Schäuble, Michaela
Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1960s Southern Italy.
Visual Anthropology, 32(1), pp. 33-55.
Taylor & Francis
Giger, Markus; Nolte, Kerstin; Anseeuw, Ward; Breu, Thomas; Chamberlain, Wytske O.; Messerli, Peter; Oberlack, Christoph; Haller, Tobias
Impacts of large-scale land acquisitions on common-pool resources: evidence from the land matrix.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 257-279).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Salis Gross, Corina
(30 April 2019).
Corina Salis Gross über den Umgang mit Impfskeptikern [Interview].
Radio SRF 1
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(25 April 2019).
The Politics of Security Sector Reform: ‘Ownership’ Between The EU And Tunisia (Unpublished).
Workshop: Security, Borders and International Development: Intersections, Convergence and Challenges..
University of Warwick.
25. - 26.04.2019.
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David
(24 April 2019).
The drama of the grabbed commons: CSR as anti-politics machines and local responses (Unpublished).
4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme (GLP).
Bern, Switzerland.
Fischer, Carolin; van Houte, Marieke
Dimensions of agency in transnational relations of Afghan migrants and return migrants.
Migration Studies, 8(4), pp. 554-572.
Oxford University Press
Stallone, Sabrina
(21 April 2019).
Building Gendered Futures. Rawabi and Urban Palestinian-ness (Unpublished).
8th International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG).
Athens, Greece.
19-23 Apr 2019.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(19 April 2019).
Techniques of Memory: Landscape, Iconoclasm, Medium and Power.
University of California, Berkeley.
April 17-19, 2019.
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(16 April 2019).
Stranger in Paradise: Representations of time, the mountain and displacement in the Swiss Alps (Unpublished).
SIEF (International Society for Ethnology and Folklore) 14thCongress.
Santiago de Compostela.
April 2019.
Reade, Paul James
(15 April 2019).
The super highway that never was: tourism and transformation in a Mexican town (Unpublished).
14th Congress SIEF (Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore).
Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
14. - 17.04.2019.
Fischer, Carolin
(2 April 2019).
Afghanische Migration nach Deutschland: Geschichte und aktuelle Debatten.
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(2 April 2019).
Lasting Beginnings of 'Fake News': The Televised 2002 anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat, India (Unpublished).
Presentation / Lunch lecture at International Institute for Asian Studies.
Leiden, Netherlands.
Coppens, Laura
(1 April 2019).
Taste of Hope. Die Praxis des Ethnographischen Filmemachens (Unpublished).
Universität Luzern.
1. April 2019.
Aronsson, Anne
(1 April 2019).
Health, Individualized Technology, Quality of Life, and Aging: Challenges and New Directions for Elderly Care in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro’s seminar.
Osaka University; Osaka, Japan.
Lems, Annika; Tosic, Jelena
African-European Trajectories of Im/mobility: Exploring Entanglements of Experiences, Legacies, and Regimes of Contemporary Migration, 2.
Migration and society
Tosic, Jelena; Lems, Annika
Introduction to the Special Issue African-European Trajectories of Im/mobility:
Exploring Entanglements of Experiences, Legacies, and Regimes of Contemporary Migration.
Migration and society, 2
Jud, Rahel
(April 2019).
An Encounter with Kalamoti.
Universität Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
Vision du Reel. Switzerland. 5-13 April 2019
Tibet, Eda Elif
Learning to be freed: Deep Encounters with the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Youth in Turkey.
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Schäuble, Michaela
(29 March 2019).
Capture the Spectacle! Theorising re-enactment and the aesthetics of performativity in "contested footage" (Unpublished).
Expanding the Frame: Ethnographic Film and its Others.
16th RAI Film Festival, Bristol.
Siegl, Veronika
(28 March 2019).
Agencies as “buffers”? How infertility agencies shape the discourses and practices of surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
14th Global Labour University Conference.
Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin.
27. - 29.03.2019.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(26 March 2019).
(Im)mediated Fascism and its Limits (Unpublished).
International seminar : Media as the battleground for politics: Indian elections 2019.
Brussels Center for Journalism Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium.
Siegl, Veronika
(22 March 2019).
Secret Conceptions – Anonymous Exchanges. The Moral Economy of Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
The Moral Dimensions of Economic Life: Cross-Regional Perspectives.
University of Oxford.
Mugler, Johanna
(21 March 2019).
What’s wrong with paying taxes voluntarily? (Unpublished).
Springtime in Amsterdam. Peter Sloterdijk and others on voluntary taxation in a globalised world.
The Center for Tax Law, University of Amsterdam..
Strasser, Sabine; Tibet, Eda Elif
The Border Event in the Everyday: Hope and Constraints in the Lives of Young Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers in Turkey.
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 46(2), pp. 354-371.
Faust, Lene; Pfeifer, Simone
(20 March 2019).
Extended Practice — Dealing with challenging research situations.
Somatics Toolkit, Extended Practice.
Aronsson, Anne
Book review of Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan by Professor Gill Steel.
Journal of Japanese Studies, 47(1), pp. 140-145.
Society for Japanese Studies
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Pursuing the Perpetual Conflict: Ethnographic Reflections on the Persistent Role of the ‘Terrorist Threat’ in Contemporary Peru.
History & memory, 31(1), pp. 59-86.
Indiana University Press
Faust, Lene
(March 2019).
Rechtsruck in Italien - Nachklang einer Forschung.
Anthroblog, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Chase, Elaine; Otto, Laura; Belloni, Milena; Lems, Annika; Wernesjö, Ulrika
Methodological Innovations, Reflections and Dilemmas: The Hidden Sides of Research with Migrant Young People Classified as Unaccompanied Minors.
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 46(2), pp. 457-473.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
Navigating Precarity. Fragile Livelihoods, Meanings of Work, and Aspirational Expectations of Highly Educated Young Adults in Barcelona. (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Lawrence, Andy
Horror in the Andes [Performance or Exhibition].
RAI film festival. Bristol, UK. 27-30 March 2019
Siegl, Veronika
(28 February 2019).
"There's a Crack in Everything." Or: How Leonard Cohen inspired my research on commercial surrogacy.
Medicine Anthropology, Theory
Perl, Gerhild
Traces of Death. Exploring Affective Responsiveness Across the Spanish-Moroccan Sea. (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Universität Bern, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät)
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(28 February 2019).
Exchange and trade in societies without state and market – insights from economic anthropology (Unpublished).
Frontiers or Interaction Zones? Borderlands as Areas of Communication and Mobility.
Coppens, Laura
(27 February 2019).
Die Kunst des filmischen Beobachtens im anthropologischen Film «Taste of Hope» (Unpublished).
Trading Zones: Working with the camera at the interface of art and ethnography.
ZhDK Zurich, Switzerland.
27. Februar 2019.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(15 February 2019).
Mediating Tarantism –How to create shared experiences of an Apulian ritual (Unpublished).
Creating Shared Experience - Sensory Ethnography and Collaborative Filmmaking.
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja Susanne
(8 February 2019).
Tracing Tarantism – An ethnographic study of an Apulian ritual between art performance and cultural heritage (Unpublished).
GLOBAL TRACES Conference: Art Practice, Ethnography, Constested Heritage.
University of Oslo, Norway.
Haller, Tobias
(6 February 2019).
Paradigm Change or Old Wine in New Bottles? Debating and Reformulating SDGs – An Experiment (Unpublished).
Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.
Haller, Tobias
(4 February 2019).
Towards a New Institutional Political Ecology (NIPE): How to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies Workshop (Unpublished).
Towards a New Institutional Political Ecology (NIPE): How to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies workshop.
The Sheffield Institute for International Development, UK.
Kehr, Janina
(February 2019).
Grüsse aus dem Bunker.
Anthroblog, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(23 January 2019).
Ecstasy: A review of two recent exhibitions on consciousness-expanding experience.
Ober, Maya; Lewengard, Johanna; Crippa, Benedetta
(23 January 2019).
Expanding Knowledges: Pedagogies of Freedom for Visual Communication.
Basel: depatriarchise design
Siegl, Veronika
Leihmutterschaft in der Ukraine. Aufstieg – und Fall? – eines lukrativen internationalen Marktes.
Ukraine-Analysen(211), pp. 8-13.
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen
Strasser, Sabine
(22 January 2019).
Readmission and Resettlement: Distribution of Un/Deservingness under the EU-Turkey Border Regime (Unpublished).
Readmission and Resettlement.
Department of Ethnology, Universität Hamburg.
Eckert, Julia
(18 January 2019).
From micro to macro, from critique to norms (Unpublished).
Conducting, structuring and analyzing socio-legal data.
Law and Society Institute, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Alexandra, Darcy
(14 January 2019).
Digital Storytelling as Engaged Research: Visual Anthropology in Governmental, University and Community Contexts (Unpublished).
The Art of Scientific Storytelling Conference.
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste.
January 14th 2019.
Mugler, Johanna
Regulatory Capture? Fiscal Anthropological Insights into the Heart of Contemporary Statehood.
The journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 50(3), pp. 379-395.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(January 2019).
Confinement, Surveillance and Resistance.
Anthroblog, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Kobi, Madlen
Constructing Cityscapes: Locality, Materiality and Territoriality on the Construction Site in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Northwest China.
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 43(1), pp. 46-62.
Schäuble, Michaela
"Aber alles kann nicht zur Inszenierung werden": Doku-Fiktion, ethnographische Rekonstruktion und der poetische Realismus in den Filmen Luigi di Giannis (In Press).
Barck, Joanna; von der Heiden, Anne
Magie und Medien. Das filmische Schaffen von Luigi die Gianni.
Wien: Sonderzahl
Wettstein, Marion
YouTube and the Rising Trend for Indigenous Folk Dance: The Case of the Sakela Dance of the Rai in Nepal and their Diasporas.
Schleiter, Markus; de Maaker, Erik
Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia.
London: Routledge
Affolter, Laura; Miaz, Jonathan; Poertner, Ephraim
Taking the „Just“ Decision. Caseworkers and Their Communities of Interpretation in the Swiss Asylum Office.
Gill, Nick; Good, Anthony
Asylum Determination in Europe: Ethnographic Perspectives. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies (pp. 263-284).
Palgrave Macmillan
Siegl, Veronika
Uneasy Thankfulness and the Dilemma of Balancing Partiality in Surrogacy Research.
Stodulka, Thomas; Dinkelaker, Samia; Thajib, Ferdiansyah
Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography. Theory and history in the human and social sciences (pp. 87-96).
Cham: Springer
Perl, Gerhild
Migration as survival: Withheld stories and the limits of ethnographic knowability.
Migration and society. Advances in Research, 2(1), pp. 12-25.
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Toledo, Daniela; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Käser, Fabian David; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan
Actor-specific risk perceptions and strategies for resilience building in different food systems in Kenya and Bolivia.
Regional environmental change, 19(3), pp. 879-892.
Tibet, Eda Elif; Yalcin, Fatma
The Architects of Syria’s Future Are Dropping Out: The Closure of the Syrian Temporary Education Centers in Turkey.
Forced migration review
Refugee Studies Centre
Schäuble, Michaela
Der Zauberlehrling (Nachwort).
Stoller, Paul; Olkes, Cheryl
Im Schatten der Zauberer. Als Ethnologe bei den Songhai im Niger (pp. 399-406).
Bern: Piet Meyer Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela; Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Coppens, Laura
Visuelle Forschungsmethoden.
Beer, Bettina; König, Anika
Methoden ethnologischer Feldforschung. Ethnologische Paperbacks.
Berlin: Reimer Verlag
Lems, Annika; Oester, Kathrin; Strasser, Sabine
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies JEMS, (Special Issue).
Haller, Tobias; Ngutu, Mariah; Käser, Fabian David
Special issue Land: "Does Commons Grabbing lead to Resilience Grabbing? The Anti-Politics Machine of Neo-Liberal Agrarian Development and Local Responses", (Special Issue).
Lems, Annika
Being Inside Out: The Slippery Slope between Inclusion and Exclusion in a Swiss Educational Project for Unaccompanied Refugee Youth.
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 46(2), pp. 405-422.
Strasser, Sabine
Beyond Belonging? Prozesse translokaler Beziehungen und nationaler Politik.
Grasl-Akkilic, Senol; Schober, Marcus; Wonisch, Regina
Aspekte der österreichischen Migrationsgeschichte.
Wien: Edition Atelier
Coppens, Laura
Taste of Hope [Movie].
Srikandi Films
Haller, Tobias
Towards a new institutional political ecology: how to marry external effects, institutional change and the role of power and ideology in commons studies.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 90-119).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Niederberger, Thomas; Kobi, Madlen; Haller, Tobias
The open cut: mining, transnational corporations and the commons.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management (pp. 336-351).
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses.
Earthscan Studies in Natural Resource Management.
Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge
Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Rist, Stephan
Assessing Food Systems and Their Impact on Common Pool Resources and Resilience.
Land, 8(4), p. 71.
Padfield, Rory; Hansen, Sune; Davies, Zoe G.; Ehrensperger, Albrecht; Slade, Eleanor M.; Evers, Stephanie; Papargyropoulou, Effie; Bessou, Cécile; Abdullah, Norhayati; Page, Susan; Ancrenaz, Marc; Aplin, Paul; Dzulkafli, Shahirah Balqis; Barclay, Holly; Chellaiah, Darshanaa; Choudhary, Sonal; Conway, Samantha; Cook, Sarah; Copeland, Alison; Campos-Arceiz, Ahimsa; ...
Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil.
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, pp. 1-17.
Pucken, Valerie-Beau; Schüpbach-Regula, Gertraud; Gerber, Manuela; Salis Gross, Corina; Bodmer, Michèle
Veterinary peer study groups as a method of continuous education-A new approach to identify and address factors associated with antimicrobial prescribing.
PLoS ONE, 14(9), e0222497.
Public Library of Science
Tosic, Jelena; Lems, Annika
Migration and Society, 2(1).
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Ulfe, Maria Eugenia
Antropología Visual y “Activismo de la Memoria” en el Perú.
Forma - Revista d’Estudis Comparatius, 18, pp. 81-105.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Lindt, Angela
Mit Recht zu Gerechtigkeit: Rechtsmobilisierung in Perus Bergbaukonflikten.
Tsantsa(24), pp. 99-102.
Rehsmann, Julia
Dancing Through the Perfect Storm: Encountering Illness and Death
in the Field and Beyond.
Stodulka, Thomas; Dinkelaker, Samia; Thajib, Ferdiansyah
Affective Dimensions of Fieldwork and Ethnography. Theory and History in the Human and Social Sciences (pp. 189-200).
Cham: Springer
Affolter, Laura
“Sorgfalt” als Pflicht des Staates. Verfassungsklagen in Ecuador.
Workshop «Sorgfalt oder Pflicht(erfüllung)?: Interdisziplinärer Workshop zur Sorgfaltsprüfungspflicht».
8. Mai 2019.
Mugler, Johanna; Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
Visionen bedeuten Hoffnung in einer Zukunft ohne Arbeit.
Uniaktuell. Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern, 2019
Abteilung Kommunikation der Universität Bern
Schwaller, Corinne
Crisis, austerity and the normalisation of precarity in Spain - in academia and beyond.
Social Anthropology, 27(S2), pp. 33-47.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Jud, Rahel; Bachrioktora, Yudi
Rain forest anomy: National parks, REDD+ implementation and the run to the forest in Jambi, Indonesia.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses. Earthscan studies in natural resource management (pp. 414-433).
Abington, New York: Routledge
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Horror in the Andes [Movie].
Royal Anthropological Institute
Salis Gross, Corina; Killikelly, Clare
Sociosomatics in the Context of Migration.
Maercker, Andreas; Heim, Eva; Kirmayer, Laurence J.
Cultural Clinical Psychology and PTSD (pp. 41-54).
Boston: Hogrefe Publishing
Soom Amman, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Rauber, Gabriela
Das “gute Sterben” gestalten: Lebensende im Heim.
Höpflinger, François; Hugentobler, Valérie; Spini, Dario
Wohnen in den späten Lebensjahren. Grundlagen und regionale Unterschiede. Age Report: Vol. 4 (pp. 259-266).
Zürich: Seismo-Verlag
Soom Amman, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Rauber, Gabriela
Assurer la qualité de la fin de vie dans les EMS.
Höpflinger, François; Hugentobler, Valérie; Spini, Dario
Habitat et vieilissement. Réalités et enjeux de la diversité. Age Report: Vol. 4 (pp. 267-275).
Zürich: Seismo
Schaaf, Susanne; Salis Gross, Corina; Schnoz, Domenic; Koller, Stephan
Früherkennung und Frühintervention bei problematischem Alkoholkonsum im Alter.
SuchtMagazin, 45(5), pp. 19-24.
Rauber, Gabriela; Soom Amman, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Die Pflege der Beziehungen. Ein Blick auf Informalität im Altersheim.
NOVAcura, 50(7), pp. 23-27.
Schaaf, Susanne; Salis Gross, Corina; Schnoz, Domenic; Koller, Stephan
FFF – Fit für Früherkennung und Frühintervention bei problematischem Alkoholkonsum von älteren Menschen
Zürich: ISGF
Salis Gross, C.; Roder, U.; Paz Castro, R.
Ansätze und Erfolgskriterien zur Förderung der gesundheitlichen Chancengleichheit bei benachteiligten Bevölkerungsgruppen
Bern: Public Health Services
Mugler, Johanna
From Access to Justice to the Price of Justice. IMPRS-REMEP Report 2019
Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Zurschmitten, Sabine
Churches, Mission, and Development. An Introduction.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Zurschmitten, Sabine
Churches, Mission, and Development in the Post-Colonial Era. Christian Engagements between Holistic and Modernist Schemes of Improvement (pp. 7-22).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Zurschmitten, Sabine
Churches, Mission, and Development in the Post-Colonial Era. Christian Engagements between Holistic and Modernist Schemes of Improvement.
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Dale, Cyprianus Jehan Paju
Catholicism, Development ideology, and the Politics of (De)colonization in West Papua.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Zurschmitten, Sabine
Churches, Mission, and Development in the Post-Colonial Era. Christian Engagements between Holistic and Modernist Schemes of Improvement (pp. 135-161).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Kehr, Janina
It’s also the System. Republican Dilemmas in French Tuberculosis Prevention.
Macdonald, Helen; Harper, Ian
Understanding Tuberculosis and its Control. Anthropological and Ethnographic Approaches (pp. 88-105).
London und New York: Routledge
Kehr, Janina; Bermudez-Moreno, E.
Esto no es vida. Crisis crónica y luchas para cuidarse.
Perez Alonso, Edith; Girón, Antonio; Ruiz-Gimenez, Juan Luis
Los Cuidados. Saberes y Experiencias para cuidar los barrios que habitamos (pp. 69-74).
Madrid: Ecologistas en Accion
Käser, Isabel
Mountain Life is Difficult but Beautiful!” The Gendered Process of Becoming ‘Free’ in PKK Education.
Drechslová, Lucie; Çelik, Adnan
Kurds in Turkey: Ethnographies of Heterogenous Experiences. Kurdish Societies, Politics, and International Relations (pp. 11-30).
Lenham: Lexington Books
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin
Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies.
Routledge international handbooks.
New York: Routledge
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin
Diaspora studies: an introduction.
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin
Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge international handbooks (pp. 1-10).
Abingdon, New York: Routledge
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine
Using pragmatism to approach ‘diaspora’, its meanings and political implications.
Cohen, Robin; Fischer, Carolin
Routledge Handbook of Diaspora Studies. Routledge international handbooks (293 -301).
Abingdon, New York: Routledge
Gmür, Désirée
Grabbing the female commons: large-scale land acquisitions for forest plantations and impacts on gender relations in Kilolo district, Iringa Region, Tanzania.
Haller, Tobias; Breu, Thomas; De Moor, Tine; Rohr, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Commons in a Glocal World: Global Connections and Local Responses (pp. 301-317).
New York: Routledge
Wa Baile, Mohamed; Dankwa, Serena Owusua; Naguib, Tarek; Purtschert, Patricia; Schilliger, Sarah; Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Racial Profiling: Struktureller Rassismus und antirassistischer Widerstand.
Postcolonial Studies: Vol. 31.
Bielefeld: transcript
Arvin, Bahare; Ghomashlouyan, Moslem
A Survey of Strategies to Promote Ethical Citizenship in Tehran.
Socio-cultural Research Journal of Rahbord, 29(7), pp. 147-185.
Loher, David
Book Review. Anthropology and Law. A Critical Introduction.
Tsantsa, 24, pp. 137-138.
Affolter, Laura; Loher, David; Zinn, Isabelle
Decolonial Processes in Swiss Academia and Cultural Institutions: Empirical and Theoretical Approaches, 24.
Bolay, Matthieu; Rey, Jeanne
Les temporalités de l'éducation internationale : Pratiques et technologies de l'accélération sociale.
Anthropologica, 61(1), pp. 137-149.
University of Toronto Press
Schubiger, Elisabeth; Rey, Jeanne; Bolay, Matthieu
Fostering the Next Generation of "Responsible World Leaders". The Learning of Corporate Social Responsibility in Swiss International Schools.
Tsantsa, 24, pp. 121-126.
Rey, Jeanne; Bolay, Matthieu; Schubiger, Elisabeth
Généalogie de l'`élève cosmopolite' et marchandisation de l'`international' dans des établissements scolaires privés en Suisse.
Sieber Egger, Anja; Unterweger, Gisela; Jäger, Marianna; Kuhn, Melanie; Hangartner, Judith
Kindheit(en) in formalen, nonformalen und informellen Bildungskontexten: Ethnografische Beiträge aus der Schweiz. Kinder, Kindheiten und Kindheitsforschung: Vol. 20 (pp. 259-278).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Groten, Anja; Ober, Maya
Working From Within: depatriarchise design.
Laranjo, Francisco
Radical Pedagogy. Modes of Criticism: Vol. 4 (pp. 50-61).
Eindhoven: Onomatopee
Ober, Maya; Neidhardt, Anja
Form, function, content, payroll: micro and macro politics of design.
The Fourth Estate Utopias(1), pp. 23-186.
London: House of Common Affairs
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole
La Cultura del Fare.
Baumhakl, W.
Gestaltungsorte. Jahrbuch des Studiengangs Industrial Design (pp. 112-123).
Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Resisting Legibility: State and Conservation Boundaries, Pastoralism, and the Risk of Dispossession through Geospatial Surveys in Tanzania.
Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 6(1)
Stockholm University Press
Leins, Stefan
A kapitalizmus narratívái: A pénzügyi elemzők szerepe belülről.
Pallas Athéné
Leins, Stefan
A Research Agenda for Economic Anthropology.
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Kesselring, Rita; Leins, Stefan; Schulz, Yvan
Valueworks: Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain
Genf: Swiss Network for International Studies
Leins, Stefan
There is no alternative: Ökonomie zwischen ideologischer Schließung und praktischer Vielfalt.
BoasBlog: The end of negotiations.
Féaux de la Croix, J E; Nazarova, D; Zhumanalieva, D; Zhumabaev, A
The Untold Life of Bridges. Photographic Display.
Naryn-Syr Darya: Three River Stories
Esentaeva, Z; Féaux de la Croix, J E; Maksatbekova, A; Nazarova, D; Nazarova, D; Kanybek, Kyzy
Dinner in Naryn in the Year 2350. Art Installation.
Naryn-Syr Darya: Three River Stories
Köppel, Jonas
Lithium Transformations: An Unfinished Story.
Transformations, 33, pp. 27-47.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(14 December 2018).
Horror in the Andes (Unpublished).
Swiss School of Latin American Studies (SSLAS).
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(14 December 2018).
The Theater Times
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(11 December 2018).
Horror in den Anden – Identitätspolitik und Horrorfilme in Peru.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(6 December 2018).
Standing Up for Those Who Dare to Speak Out (Unpublished).
Standing Up for Those Who Dare to Speak Out.
Maison de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.
Schäuble, Michaela
(6 December 2018).
Wie Wunder gemacht werden.
VSAO-Journal -Verband schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärzte / Journal ASMAC(6), pp. 30-31.
Mediservice VSAO-ASMAC
Perl, Gerhild
(4 December 2018).
What is lost when we lose somebody?
Exploring everyday mourning in the aftermath of a shipwreck. (Unpublished).
Gastvortrag Universität St. Gallen.
St. Gallen.
Tibet, Eda Elif
The Sentient Ecology of Cappadocia: dovecote paintings, pigeons, vineyards cave dwellers and fairy chimneys.
Biodiversity, 19(3-4), pp. 225-236.
Taylor and Francis
Siegl, Veronika
The Ultimate Argument. Evoking the Affective Powers of ‘Happiness’ in Commercial Surrogacy.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(2), pp. 1-21.
Rehsmann, Julia
Confined Live(r)s: Self-infliction and Arbitrary Survival in the German Transplant System.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(2), pp. 45-64.
Siegl, Veronika
(December 2018).
Dangerous Surrogates, Secret Economies and the Politics of Motherhood in Russia (Unpublished).
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Dezember 2018.
Rehsmann, Julia
(December 2018).
Broken Skin.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Eckert, Julia; Dann, Philipp
(30 November 2018).
Transnational Law: Norm emergence beyond sovereignty (Unpublished).
Oxford Handbook of Law & Anthropology Review Conference.
Max Planck Society, Berlin.
Adams, Timothy; Gerber, Jean-David; Amacker, Michèle; Haller, Tobias
Who gains from contract farming? Dependencies, power relations, and institutional change.
The journal of peasant studies, 46(7), pp. 1435-1457.
Taylor & Francis
Perl, Gerhild
(23 November 2018).
'Research assistants' and the composition of the ethnographic text (Unpublished).
SEG-SSE-SAA Annual Meeting: Knowledge (Trans) Formations in Anthropology..
Zürich, Schweiz.
Strasser, Sabine
(23 November 2018).
What knowledge? Whose knowledge? Current anthropological knowledge production in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association.
Affolter, Laura; Lindt, Angela; Loher, David; Eckert, Julia
(20 November 2018).
Narrative der kausalen Verantwortung (Unpublished).
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Tibet, Eda Elif
Ballad for Syria [Performance or Exhibition].
Participatory filmmaking.
Baumann, Dorothee Elisabeth
(8 November 2018).
Press the power button. Camera instruction manuals of the 20th and 21st centuries from a gender and postcolonial perspective. (Unpublished).
Instructions for Action in the Arts.
Universität Bielefeld, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Historische Bildwissenschaft-Kunstgeschichte / Deutschland.
8. - 9. November 2018.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(6 November 2018).
Building Peace in a Turbulent World (Unpublished).
Building Peace in a Turbulent World. Presenting on ReSTORYing Peace project as part of the enacting global transformation initiative.
Geneva Peace Week.
Kehr, Janina
Colonial Hauntings. Migrant Care in a French Hospital.
Medical Anthropology. Cross-cultural studies in Health and Illness, 37(8), pp. 659-673.
Taylor & Francis
Eckert, Julia
(1 November 2018).
Learning from judicial others: User centred procedural law (Unpublished).
User-centred Law in fragilen Kontexten: Welches Recht, welche Rechte brauchen die Menschen?.
Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin.
Lindt, Angela
(November 2018).
Am Gericht.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Tibet, Eda Elif; Alhafez, Maisa
(29 October 2018).
Sisterhood at times of war: Transcending the mainstream media narrative on refugees and frontiers through the making of the film Ballad for Syria (Unpublished).
Filmscreening Ballad for Syria.
University of Cambridge, Woolf Institute.
Stallone, Sabrina
The Women of Rawabi.
Sardar, Ziauddin
Narratives. Critical Muslim: Vol. 28 (pp. 138-148).
London, United Kingdom: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd
Aronsson, Anne
(24 October 2018).
School to Work Transition” and “Health, Individualized Technology, Quality of Life and Ageing: Challenges and New Directions for Elderly Care in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Anthropology introductory course.
University of Bern.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(23 October 2018).
Ballad for Syria, on making the film (Unpublished).
Dialogue and Democracy Laboratory against hatred speeches event.
Hrant Dink Foundation.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Coppens, Laura; Schäuble, Michaela
(21 October 2018).
Thinking virtual realities: 'experience' in the age of new immersive media (Unpublished).
Symposium of the Commission of Visual Anthropology of the Swiss Anthropological Society (SAS).
Völkerkunde Museum, Universität Zürich, Schweiz.
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli
Hinter den Mauern. Einblicke in die ethnografische Gefängnisforschung.
Bulletin SGS/SSS(153), pp. 28-32.
Seismo Press
Young, Christopher; Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Forschung zu Mitarbeitenden im Justizvollzug: Herausforderungen und Grenzen.
Bulletin SGS/SSS(153), pp. 15-19.
Seismo Press
Ober, Maya; Neidhardt, Anja
(28 September 2018).
Getting Personal: Feminist Politics of Design (Unpublished).
Plan D, Design Festival,.
Zagreb, Croatia.
Affolter, Laura
(23 September 2018).
Protecting the System. Decision-Making in a Swiss Asylum Administration (Unpublished).
Internal training AsyLex.
Flörli, Olten.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(21 September 2018).
Antropología visual y el trabajo de memoria en Perú pos-conflicto (Unpublished).
América Latina en la mira: Poder y representación en fuentes audiovisuals.
Universität Bern, Schweiz.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(14 September 2018).
Learning as Agency: Strategies of Survival among Young Unaccompanied Somali Asylum Seekers in Turkey (Unpublished).
NCCR on the Move: Graduate Conference.
Universität Neuchatel.
Lindt, Angela
(13 September 2018).
Rechtsmobilisierung und Verantwortung transnationaler Unternehmen: Der Fall Máxima Acuña de Chaupe vs. Minera Yanacocha S.R.L (Unpublished).
Abschaffung des Rechts? Vierter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen.
13. – 15. September 2018.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
Live-Reporting and Democracy: The Non-Publishable Crime of the Televised anti-Muslim Violence in Gujarat 2002.
Khan, Amir Ullah; Akhtar, Abdul Azim
Vision 2025. Socio Economic Inequalities : Why does India's economic growth need an inclusive agenda?
New Delhi: Institute of Objective Studies
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(11 September 2018).
Pertanian di Pegunungan West Papua: apa yang kini terjadi dengan salah satu peradaban agraris tertua di dunia ini? [Agriculture in the West papuan highlands. What is happening with one of the oldest agricultural systems in the world?] (Unpublished).
Seminar Teologi Walter Post.
Sentani, Papua Barat.
Affolter, Laura
(10 September 2018).
"Viele Asylsuchende lügen" - Wirklich?
Blog: Fakten statt Mythen, 133.
Bern: Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(10 September 2018).
Understanding the bakar batu boom in the West-Papuan highlands – an economic anthropology approach (Unpublished).
International Conference on the Socio-Economic and Sustainable Development of Papua.
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Cenderawasih, Jayapura.
Perl, Gerhild; Strasser, Sabine
Transnational moralities: the politics of ir/responsibility of and against the EU border regime.
Identities. Global Studies in Culture and Power, 25(5), pp. 507-523.
Taylor & Francis
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanne; Kristol, Anne
(6 September 2018).
Gendernationalismus als neue Spielform eines politischen Nationalismus?
NCCR – on the move blog.
Prof. Gianni D’Amato, Director nccr – on the move
Kehr, Janina
(4 September 2018).
A city of care? Community Healthcare in Austerity Spain (Unpublished).
Valuing Health.
Edinburgh Centre for Medical Anthropology.
Affolter, Laura
Prise de décision en matière d’asile. Le régime de la suspicion.
Vivre Ensemble. Bulletin de liaison romand sur le droit d'asile, 169
Affolter, Laura
(September 2018).
Observing observers.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Affolter, Laura
(September 2018).
Beobachtende beobachten.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Dahinden, Janine; Fischer, Carolin; Menet, Joanna; Kristol, Anne
(September 2018).
Gendernationalism as a new Expression of Political Nationalism?
Gender Campus Blog.
Gender Campus Redaktion
Reade, Paul James
(30 August 2018).
Shifting Sands.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Allegra Lab Association
Leitenberg, Danaé Athalie
(28 August 2018).
Stranger in Paradise.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Allegra Lab Association
Wunderli Götschi, Rahel; Liechti, Karina
(24 August 2018).
Alpweiden: Regulierter Raum zwischen lokalen und nationalen Interessen (Unpublished).
1. Schweizer Landschaftskongress.
23./24. August 2018.
Lems, Annika
(22 August 2018).
On being made feel out of place.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Allegra Lab Association
Lems, Annika; Drotbohm, Heike
(20 August 2018).
Displacement and New Sociabilities: Introduction to Thematic Week.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Allegra Lab Association
Lems, Annika
(17 August 2018).
On Doing Being "Normal": Unaccompanied Refugee Youths’ Attempts to Escape Exceptionalisation (Unpublished).
EASA Conference 2018: Staying, Moving, Settling.
University of Stockholm.
14.-17. August 2018.
Lindt, Angela
(15 August 2018).
Environmental Damages, Transnational Corporations and Legal Responsibility in Peru's Mining Regions (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) biennial conference.
14-17th August 2018.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(15 August 2018).
The Case of the Sarost 5: black holes of responsibility in the central Mediterranean.
Open Democracy
Kehr, Janina
(15 August 2018).
Survival after the Crisis. The Slow Violence of Austerity in Contemporary Spain (Unpublished).
Panel 128 “Environments and Infrastructures of Slow Violence", EASA.
Strasser, Sabine
(14 August 2018).
Introduction: Im/mobility, uncertainty and hope: critical reflections on academic precarity (Unpublished).
EASA Biannual Conference.
14.-17. August 2018.
Moghaddari, Sonja
(August 2018).
On (Not) Being There: Affective Simultaneity across Place and Time.” Academic. Allegra Lab.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(28 July 2018).
Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and the search for Freedom in Turkey (Unpublished).
The unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and legal procedures panel, International Migration Conference.
Lissabon, Portugal.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(5 July 2018).
Learning To Be Freed: Deep Encounters with the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Youth in Turkey (Unpublished).
Methodological Innovations in Cultural Research.
Online Symposium Universität Warwick, Big Blue Button web conferencing platform.
Affolter, Laura
(4 July 2018).
Acquiring an Institutional Habitus: The Shaping of Decision-Makers’ Discretionary Practices in a Swiss Asylum Office (Unpublished).
Annual IMISCOE conference / Who is a ‘refugee’? Exploring the boundaries of the refugee category.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Rauber, Gabriela; Salis Gross Cöplü, Corina
‘Doing death’ the Mediterranean way: End-of-life in a segregated nursing home.
Mortality, 24(3), pp. 271-289.
Taylor & Francis
Lems, Annika
(July 2018).
What's in a song...
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Affolter, Laura
(26 June 2018).
Trainiert, um misstrauisch zu sein... (Unpublished).
Generalversammlung des Luzerner Asylnetz.
Sentitreff Luzern.
Eckert, Julia
(22 June 2018).
Auch ich bin das Volk!
Zeit Online
Lems, Annika
(21 June 2018).
Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Educational Pathways of Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Exploring New Links Between Transnational Migration and Education.
University of Antwerp.
21.-22. Juni 2018.
Ober, Maya
(15 June 2018).
Antagonised identities of south Tel Aviv Neighbourhoods of Shapira and Neve Sha’anan (Unpublished).
Does identity matter? A symposium on architecture and identity.
Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(14 June 2018).
Displaced in Media (Unpublished).
Displaced in Media.
British Film Institute (BFI), London, UK.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(12 June 2018).
Learning to be freed - Transformative Knowledge and Media Creation with Refugee Youth in Turkey and Beyond (Unpublished).
Enacting global transformation across cultures.
Center for International Studies, University of Oxford, UK.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(9 June 2018).
From Kabul to Istanbul, crossing borders without arms: The power of the mind and the becoming of a Paralympic swimming champion (Unpublished).
7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference.
Bergamo, Italy.
Haller, Tobias; Gerber, Jean-David; Rohr, Christian; Mann, Stefan; Nahrath, Stéphane
(8 June 2018).
„Kollektives Ressourcenmanagement“ oder „Allmend-Regelwerke“? Überlegungen zu einem interdisziplinären Forschungsprojekt (Unpublished).
„Pâturages et fôrets collectifs – économie, participation, durabilité“ / „Alpi e boschi comuni – economia, partecipazione, sostentibilità“ / „Kollektive Weiden und Wälder – Ökonomie, Partizipation, Nachhaltigkeit“.
Schäuble, Michaela
(6 June 2018).
Maya Deren und die Kunst des kontrollierten Zufalls (Unpublished).
Medien der Fremderfahrung.
Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln (KHM).
Stallone, Sabrina
(5 June 2018).
Spaces of Appearance and Epistemic Injustice: Breaking the Silence in the Israeli Media Discourse (Unpublished).
Zurich Conference on Postcolonial Language Studies – Changes and Challenges (Biennial Conference IACPL),.
University of Zurich.
04. - 06.06.2018.
Schäuble, Michaela
(1 June 2018).
Reenactment and Realist Representation as Ethnographic Approaches (Unpublished).
Art, Materiality, Representation.
Royal Anthropological Institute and British Museum on Art, London.
Schäuble, Michaela
(June 2018).
Maestro Gigi's Tochter.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli
Bericht „Evaluation Stand der Arbeitsagogik in der JVA Witzwil“ zuhanden der JVA Witzwil
Bern: Universität Bern: Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Coppens, Laura
(31 May 2018).
Die endlich entdeckte politische Form?: Fabrikbesetzungen und Arbeiterkontrolle in Südfrankreich am Beispiel von ScopTI (Unpublished).
Lecture Series, Soziale Kämpfe Heute: Zwischen Rechtsruck und linken Hoffnungen.
Göttingen, Deutschland.
31. Mai 2018.
Perl, Gerhild
(28 May 2018).
Absent Presences: On the im/mobility and imaginaries of the dead and disappeared at the Strait of Gibraltar. (Unpublished).
Séminaire Mort(s) et migration.
Fuchs, Sandhya
(26 May 2018).
Indian Supreme Court curbs one of the world’s most powerful anti-discrimination laws.
Open Democracy
Lindt, Angela
(24 May 2018).
Litigio estratégico en el Perú: Usar la ley en el contexto de proyectos mineros transnacionales (Unpublished).
XXXVI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association.
23. - 26. Mai 2018.
Affolter, Laura
(24 May 2018).
The Normalcy of Digging Deep: Acquiring an Institutional Habitus in a Swiss Asylum Administration (Unpublished).
APAD annual conference /The bureaucratization of asylum.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(23 May 2018).
We need more heroes. Andean horror movies and their social role in reconstructing the past (Unpublished).
Society for Latin American Studies (LASA) conference.
Barcelona, Spanien.
Aronsson, Anne
(22 May 2018).
Health, Individualized Technology, Quality of Life and Ageing: Challenges and New Directions for Elderly Care in Contemporary Japan (Unpublished).
Anthropology research seminar, weekly colloquium.
University of Bern.
Strasser, Sabine
(4 May 2018).
Super Diversity. Eine zentrale Herausforderung für den Zusammenhalt in Europa (Unpublished).
Münchenwiler Seminar on Diversity.
Universität Bern.
Eckert, Julia
(3 May 2018).
Beihilfe - mittelbare Verantwortung in einer verflochtenen Welt (Unpublished).
Entgrenzte Verantwortung.
Universität Heidelberg.
Lems, Annika
Being-Here: Placemaking in a World of Movement.
EASA series: Vol. 35.
New York: Berghahn
Coppens, Laura
(May 2018).
Wie schmeckt Hoffnung?
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Siegl, Veronika
(30 April 2018).
Making a Living by Making Life (Unpublished).
Phil-hist. Forschungstag.
Universität Bern, Schweiz.
Rothenburger, Nadja; Rippl, Gabriele; Schäuble, Michaela; Thurner, Christina; Vauthier, Bénédicte
(30 April 2018).
Auto Bio Grafie. Selbst Leben schreiben / performen / filmen / verkörpern (Unpublished).
Phil.-hist. Forschungstag 2018.
Ober, Maya
(29 April 2018).
Closer Looks at Beyond Change. Accessibility and the Demographics.
Online: depatriarchise design
Gisler, Charlotte; Pruin, Ineke Regina; Hostettler, Ueli
Experiences with Welfare, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Prisoners: Lessons Learned?
(UNRISD Working Paper 5/2018).
Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
Eckert, Julia
(26 April 2018).
Durkheim in World Society (Unpublished).
Sociological Jurisprudence.
Department of Law, Queen Mary University, University of London.
Coppens, Laura
(26 April 2018).
Economy of Hope: The European Workers’ Control Movement (Unpublished).
Resistance and Utopia: Alternative Visions of Development and the Future.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Universität Bayreuth.
Rehsmann, Julia
(25 April 2018).
Exciting waiting: Exploring liver transplantation in Germany.
Medicine Anthropology Theory
Loher, David
(24 April 2018).
Complicity or pragmatism? A labor movement and its fight against the asbestos industry.
Focaal Blog.
Reade, Paul James
(20 April 2018).
Shifting Sands: Displacements and Visions of Freedom in a Mexican Tourist Town (Unpublished).
Displacements: The 2018 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Cultural Anthropology.
Baumann, Dorothee Elisabeth
(20 April 2018).
"Who is serving who?” A media critical analysis of a the camera manual since 1888. (Unpublished).
A Three-day Conference on the Archaeology & Future of Photography.
Rochester New York USA.
20th - 22th April 2018.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(19 April 2018).
From the Sacred to the Spectacular: Candomblé`s Material culture (Unpublished).
Image, Object, Text. Visuality, Materiality, and Knowledge Production since the 16th Century..
Univeristät Bern.
19. - 20.04.2018.
Fuchs, Sandhya
(10 April 2018).
The myth of the false case: what the new Indian Supreme Court Order on the SC/ST Act gets wrong about caste-based violence and legal manipulation.
LSE South Asia Blog.
LSE South Asia Centre
Stallone, Sabrina
(5 April 2018).
Epistemic Violence and the Epistemology of Violence: Testimony and the Public Secret in Breaking the Silence (Unpublished).
ASCA International Conference: Dissecting Violence.
University of Amsterdam.
04. - 06.04.2018.
Siegl, Veronika
(April 2018).
Meine Seele ist nicht hier.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Zwahlen, Fabienne; Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Executive Summary. Bericht Datenauswertung „Umfrage Suchthilfe und Polizei“ zuhanden des Bundesamts für Gesundheit
Bern: Universität Bern - Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Stallone, Sabrina
(29 March 2018).
Urban Aesthetics and Narratives of Pinkwashing in Tel Aviv (Unpublished).
Invited Speaker at Film Screening of “Oriented”.
Campus The Hague, Leiden University.
Schäuble, Michaela
(28 March 2018).
Reenactment and Performance between Ethnographic Research and Cultural Heritage (Unpublished).
Reenactment and Performance between Ethnographic Research and Cultural Heritage.
Museu de les Cultures del Mon, Barcelona.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
(27 March 2018).
Hindu-nationalism and Kemalism: Continuities, Differences and Convergences in Mediatizing Religious Majoritarianism in India and Turkey.
Talk at Jindal School of Journalism and Communication.
Sonipat/Haryana (India).
Siegl, Veronika
Ten Months.
Hildebrand, Sarah
Hope (pp. 41-63).
Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag
Richter, Marina; Ryser, Barbara; Hostettler, Ueli
Evaluation Electronic Monitoring. Zwischenbericht zuhanden des Amts für Justizvollzug Kanton Zürich, Bewährungs- und Vollzugsdienste Zürich-Altstetten
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Zwahlen, Fabienne; Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Bericht Datenauswertung „Umfrage Suchthilfe und Polizei“ zuhanden des Bundesamts für Gesundheit
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Bolay, Matthieu
(25 February 2018).
Reversed rushes? Expulsion as a dominant feature of gold miners’ mobility in Guinea and Mali.
Resource Worlds
Tibet, Eda Elif
(22 February 2018).
Bringing empathy and transformation into academic research (Unpublished).
Youth Participatory filmmaking: Bringing empathy and transformation into academic research.
Maison de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.
Marti, Irene; Gisler, Charlotte; Hostettler, Ueli
Résumé de l’évaluation externe du projet « Les enfants de l’ombre » de Relais Enfants Parents Romands REPR (2015-2017)
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Schäuble, Michaela
(1 February 2018).
Experimental ethnographic film and the Mediterranean Museum (Unpublished).
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
Haller, Tobias; Belsky, Jill M.; Rist, Stephan
The Constitutionality Approach: Conditions, Opportunities, and Challenges for Bottom-Up Institution Building.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 1-2.
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Crafting Our Own Rules: Constitutionality as a Bottom-Up Approach for the development of By-Laws in Zambia.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 3-13.
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(February 2018).
Expulsions aux frontières de l'Europe: Lueur d'espoir à la CEDH.
Revue Vivre Ensemble(166), pp. 22-25.
Mugler, Johanna
(February 2018).
The empty chairs - on the tedious constraints of trans-local research.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(31 January 2018).
The pig festival boom in the West-Papuan highlands - affirming indigenous identity and resisting Indonesian colonialism through ritual (Unpublished).
Globalization, agricultural transformation and the role of export-led agriculture.
Universidad Mayor de San Andres, CIDES-UMSA, La Paz.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(22 January 2018).
Activist Objects: The Materiality and Meaning of Human Remains in Postconflict Peru.
Writing with Light, Cultural Anthropology Website
American Anthropological Association
Goldin, Magdalena Ines; Ober, Maya
(20 January 2018).
Polarised migration: Self-perspectives on Gold, Capital and Exploitation of Women.
Online: depatriarchise design
Eid, Ramez; Haller, Tobias
Burning Forests, Rising Power: Towards a Constitutionality Process in Mount Carmel Biosphere Reserve.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 41-50.
Schäuble, Michaela
(16 January 2018).
Moroloja – ritualisierte Totenklage und ihre medialisierten Inszenierungen im Salento (Süditalien) (Unpublished).
Departmental Seminar Series.
Department of Anthropology and African Studies, University of Mainz.
Fischer, Carolin
Reframing Transnational Engagement: A Relational Analysis of Afghan Diaspora Groups.
Global networks - a journal of transnational affairs, 18(3), pp. 399-417.
Strasser, Sabine
(11 January 2018).
The Crisis Effect: Global Moral Obligations and National Responses to Refugees in Turkey (Unpublished).
Apocalypse Now: Narratives of Crisis and Catastrophe in the 21st Century.
Universität Wien.
Siegl, Veronika
Fragile Truths. The Ethical Labour of Doing Trans-/National Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie)
Wolf, Anna-Lena
(January 2018).
Sagt ein Lied mehr als tausend Worte?
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Schäuble, Michaela
Visual Anthropology.
Callan, Hilary
The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Vol. 12, Anthropology beyond Text. (pp. 1-21).
Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell
Wettstein, Marion
Dancing Who We Are: The Embodiment of Rai Ethnic Identity in Sakela Performance.
Conference Proceedings 2012: The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya (pp. 271-293).
Kathmandu: Social Science Baha
Schäuble, Michaela
'Aber alles kann nicht zur Inszenierung werden'. Doku-Fiktion, ethnographische Rekonstruktion und der poetische Realismus in den Filmen Luigi di Giannis (Submitted).
Barck, Joanna; Von der Heiden, Anne
Tagungsband Magie und Medien. Das filmische Schaffen von Luigi di Gianni.
Wien: Sonderzahl
Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Disziplinarverstösse im Schweizer Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug.
Nicolas, Queloz; Noll, Thomas; von Mandach, Laura; Delgrande, Natalia
Überwachen und Strafen. Neuere Entwicklungen im Justizvollzug = Surveiller et punir. Nouvelles évolutions dans l’exécution des sanctions pénales. Kriminalität, Justiz und Sanktionen KJS: Vol. 18 (pp. 81-101).
Bern: Stämpfli Verlag
Faye, Papa; Haller, Tobias; Ribot, Jesse
Shaping Rules and Practice for More Justice? Local Conventions and Local Resistance in Eastern Senegal.
Human ecology, 46(1), pp. 15-25.
Strasser, Sabine; Piart, Luisa
Intimate Uncertainties: Ethnographic Explorations of Moral Economies Across Europe.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(2), v-xv.
Perl, Gerhild
Hildebrand, Sarah; Perl, Gerhild; Rehsmann, Julia; Siegl, Veronika
hope (pp. 135-175).
Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag
Affolter, Laura
"Der grösste Teil von [unserem] Job ist Unglaubhaftigkeit".
Terra Cognita - Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration, 32, pp. 92-94.
Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen EKM
Jacobi, Johanna; Mukhovi, Stellah; Llanque, Aymara; Augstburger, Horacio Florian; Käser, Fabian David; Pozo, Claudia; Ngutu Peter, Mariah; Delgado, José Manuel Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Rist, Stephan; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Operationalizing food system resilience: An indicator-based assessment in agroindustrial, smallholder farming, and agroecological contexts in Bolivia and Kenya.
Land use policy, 79, pp. 433-446.
Elsevier Science
Siegl, Veronika
Aligning the Affective Body. Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and the Emotional Labour of “Nastraivatsya”.
Tsantsa, 23, pp. 63-72.
Siegl, Veronika
The Presence of Absence in Surrogate Homes.
Chabrol, Fanny; Kehr, Janina
L'hôpital: Vers une nouvelle anthropologie des espaces cliniques.
Kehr, Janina; Chabrol, Fanny
Anthropologie & Santé, 16
de Jong, Willemijn; Perlik, Manfred; Steuer, Noemi; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Urban Dreams: Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso / chapters by Claudia Roth.
New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books
Perl, Gerhild
Lethal Borders and the Translocal Politics of ‘Ordinary People’.
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 27(2), pp. 85-104.
Lanz, Kristina Verena; Gerber, Jean-David; Haller, Tobias
Land Grabbing, the State and Chiefs: The Politics of Extending Commercial Agriculture in Ghana.
Development and Change, 49(6), pp. 1526-1552.
Ngutu, Mariah; Bukachi, Salome; Olungah, Charles; Kiteme, Boniface; Kaeser, Fabian; Haller, Tobias
The Actors, Rules and Regulations Linked to Export Horticulture Production and Access to Land and Water as Common Pool Resources in Laikipia County, Northwest Mount Kenya.
Land, 7(3), p. 110.
Loher, David; Schwaller, Corinne Nicole; Wolf, Anna-Lena
Attuned to the Everyday. A Conversation with Veena Das.
Tsantsa, 23, pp. 163-169.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Between Memories. A collaborative journey into the experience of memory in post-war Peru.
Journal of anthropological films, 2(2), e1559.
Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA)
Wolf, Anna-Lena
Banerjee, Supurna: Activism and Agency in India. Nurturing. Resistance in the Tea Plantations.
Anthropos, 113(1), pp. 273-275.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Eckert, Julia
The morals of liability: some thoughts on “Humanitarians in court”.
The journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 50(3), pp. 375-378.
Tibet, Eda Elif; Deea, Abdi
De Novo: Photography as a way of finding place in the World: Presenting Abdi Deeq’s art-work.
Revue Jeunes et Mineurs en Mobilité, 2018(4), pp. 18-23.
L‘Observatoire de la Migration des Mineurs
Tibet, Eda Elif
Learning as agency: strategies of survival among young unaccompanied Somali asylum seekers in Turkey.
Bhabha, Jacqueline; Kanics, Jyothi; Senovilla Hernandez, Daniel
Research handbook on child migration (pp. 458-477).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Tibet, Eda Elif
Erase & Rewind photography exhibition [Performance or Exhibition].
Urban Struggles in the Mediterranean Cities: The right to the city and the common space Un-Conference.
Tibet, Eda Elif
Work Out [Movie].
Tibet, Eda Elif
Chabeda Barthe, Anne Jemaiyo; Haller, Tobias
Resilience of Traditional Livelihood Approaches Despite Forest Grabbing: Ogiek to the West of Mau Forest, Uasin Gishu County.
Land, 7(4), pp. 1-22.
Ameso, Edwin Ambani; Buckachi, Salome Atieno; Olungah, Charles Owuor; Haller, Tobias; Wandibba, Simiyu; Nangendo, Steve
Pastoral Resilience among the Maasai Pastoralists of Laikipia County, Kenya.
Land, 7(2), p. 78.
Haller, Tobias
Paradigm Change or Old Wine in New Bottles? Debating and Reformulating SDGs - An Experiment (Unpublished)
Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern, Switzerland
Reade, Paul James
Shifting Sands: freedom and possession in a Mexican tourist town (Unpublished).
Penser (avec et par) le tourisme.
Université de Lausanne, Suisse.
Coppens, Laura
Fillieule, Olivier and Guya Accornero (eds.) 2016. Social movement studies in Europe: the state of the art. Oxford: Berghahn Books 526 pp. Pb.: £27.00. ISBN: 9781785330971.
Social Anthropology, 26(2), pp. 283-284.
Afzali Ardekani Krauthammer, Minou
Zur Rolle des Designs in kulturspezifischen Alters- und Pflegeeinrichtungen (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Universität Bern, Phil.-hist. Fakultät)
Znoj, Heinzpeter; von Ah, Manuela
Heirat unter Cousins ist erlaubt.
Wir Eltern, 96, pp. 26-29.
AZ Fachverlage
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Ulfe, Maria Eugenia
Counter Narratives: visual anthropology and ‘memory activism’ in Peru.
AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 6(6.2)
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Cosmografía y mundos maravillosos del subsuelo en Cuentos de la mina de Víctor Montoya.
Hammerschmidt, Claudia
Escrituras globales en contextos locales (pp. 245-261).
Potsdam: INOLAS
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Abolengos afro-femeninos en Úrsula de Maria Firmina dos Reis y Quarto de Despejo de Carolina María de Jesu.
Duraccio, Caterina; Martín Clavijo, Milagro; Aguilar González, Juan
(Des)canonizadas. Escritoras y personajes femeninos (pp. 181-204).
Sevilla: Benilde Ediciones
Linstead, Stephen
Black Snow [Movie].
Steffen-Bürgi, Barbara; Salis Gross, Corina
Sorgende Gemeinschaften schaffen Zugehörigkeit.
Lilie, Ulrich; Beer, Wolfgang; Droste, Edith; Giebel, Astrid
Auf dem Weg zur Sorgekultur. Blinde Flecken in der alternden Gesellschaft (pp. 222-233).
Esslingen: Hospizverlag
Kehr, Janina; Dilger, Hansjörg; van Eeuwijk, Peter
Transfigurations of Health and the Moral Economy of Medicine. Subjectivities, Materialities, Values.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 143(1), pp. 1-20.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Körper als Kapital: Sex als Arbeit.
HAZ-Magazin, pp. 10-11.
Homosexuelle Arbeitsgruppen Zürich
Loher, David
The Mediterranean Incarnate: Region Formation Between Sicily and Tunisia Since World War II by Naor Ben-Yehoyada.
Anthropological quarterly, 91(4), pp. 1445-1449.
George Washington University Institute for Ethnographic Research
Kobi, Madlen
Building Transregional and Historical Connections: Uyghur Architecture in Urban Xinjiang.
Central Asian survey, 37(2), pp. 208-227.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Dankwa, Serena; Seytter, Susanne; Markova, Diliana; Kozhouharova, Nadya
Swiss Bulgarian Bilateral Guidelines for the Identification, Protection and Referral of Trafficked Persons.
Insberg, Manuel
Flucht in Zeiten der Globalisierung.
vonWegen - Magazin der Evangelischen Stadtmission Freiburg e.V., 18(2), pp. 21-22.
Ober, Maya; Baumhakl, W.
Poetry of Light: Eine Fallstudie für forschungsbasiertes Lernen.
Baumhakl, W.
Poetry of Design. Wie wir Zukunft gestalten (pp. 104-111).
Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Ober, Maya; Schneider, Nicole
Textile Landscapes. Experimente mit Textilien.
Baumhakl, W.
Poetry of Design. Wie wir Zukunft gestalten (pp. 120-121).
Basel: HGK, Institut Industrial Design
Ober, Maya
Design ist politisch.
And She Was Like: BÄM! (pp. 18-24).
Köln: Strzelecki Books
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Homewood, Katherine; Lund, Jens Friis; Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt; Burgess, Neil; Msuha, Maurus; Olila, Joseph; Sankeni, Sironka Stephen; Millia, Supuku Kiroiya; Laizer, Hudson; Elisante, Filemon; Keane, Aidan
A quasi-experimental study of impacts of Tanzania’s wildlife management areas on rural livelihoods and wealth.
Scientific data, 5(1)
Springer Nature
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Lund, Jens Friis; Askew, Kelly; Stein, Howard; Noe, Christine; Odgaard, Rie; Maganga, Faustin; Engström, Linda
Between dependence and deprivation: The interlocking nature of land alienation in Tanzania.
Journal of agrarian change, 18(4), pp. 806-830.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
From colonial fortresses to neoliberal landscapes in Northern Tanzania: a biopolitical ecology of wildlife conservation.
Journal of political ecology, 25(1), pp. 144-168.
University of Arizona
Lund, Jens Friis; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
When conservation research goes awry: A reply to Mascia and Mills (2018).
Conservation letters, 11(3), e12461.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Lund, Jens Friis
Territoriality by Conservation in the Selous–Niassa Corridor in Tanzania.
World development, 101, pp. 453-465.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Biopolitical Landscapes. Governing People and Spaces through Conservation in Tanzania (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Food and Resource Economics)
Leins, Stefan
Stories of Capitalism: Inside the Role of Financial Analysts.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Leins, Stefan
Das Geheimnis: Wer was wissen darf (pp. 45-55).
Berlin: Hatje Cantz
Leins, Stefan
Market Forecasting: A Sensitive Practice at the Heart of Neoliberal Capitalism.
Economic Sociology and Political Economy
Leins, Stefan
Volatility Is Back! – A Good Time to Think About the Notion of Stability in Financial Markets.
Rebuilding Macroeconomics
Marti, Irene; Gisler, Charlotte; Hostettler, Ueli
Rapport d’évaluation: Evaluation externe du projet «Les enfants de l’ombre» de Relais Enfants Parents Romands REPR. Phase III, 2016-2017 et vue d’ensemble 2014 - 2017
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(15 December 2017).
Precarity everywhere?
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Santer, Kiri Olivia
(13 December 2017).
The Precariat fights back. A Conversation with Dan Hirslund and Carrie Benjamin.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Schäuble, Michaela
(13 December 2017).
Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished).
Departmental Seminar Series.
ISEK University of Zürich.
Lems, Annika
(12 December 2017).
How to write about precarity from a precarious position.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Tibet, Eda Elif
(12 December 2017).
Learning as Agency: Strategies of Survival and Becoming Among Somali Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Youth in Turkey (Unpublished).
Constructing Viable Futures: Unaccompanied Migrant Young People Transitioning to ‘Adulthood’.
St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford.
Köppel, Jonas
The imperial rationality within BioTrade: A contribution to the neoextractivist debate.
Alternautas, 4(2), pp. 76-91.
Alternautas London
Eule, Tobias Georg; Loher, David; Wyss, Anna
Contested control at the margins of the state.
Journal of ethnic and migration studies : JEMS, 44(16), pp. 2717-2729.
Strasser, Sabine
(16 November 2017).
Introduction (Unpublished).
On Politics and Precarity in Academia. Anthropological Perspectives.
Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern.
Strasser, Sabine; Loher, David
(15 November 2017).
Academia in Dark Times of Austerity Politics and Authoritarianism.
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Lindt, Angela
(10 November 2017).
Strategic Litigation in Peruvian Mining Conflicts: On the Possibilities of Using the National Legislation to Sue Transnational Corporations (Unpublished).
Swiss Anthropological Association (SAA) Annual Meeting.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(17 October 2017).
Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and the Syrian Unaccompanied Minors’ Search for Freedom in Turkey (Unpublished).
The Istanbul Human Security Conference.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Jallo, Zainabu Ojo-Ago
(9 October 2017).
The Culture of Markets: Histories of Global Capitalism..
University of Lucerne.
09. - 13.10.2017.
Perl, Gerhild
(6 October 2017).
On the Mediterranean as an event. The after-life of deceased migrants in the Spanish-Moroccan borderlands. (Unpublished).
Zugehörigkeiten: Affektive, moralische und politische Praxen in einer vernetzten Welt.
Rehsmann, Julia
(5 October 2017).
Lists in Flux, Lives on Hold? Understanding the Accessibility to, and Exclusion from, Transplant Medicine (Unpublished).
Bi-annual conference of the German Anthropological Association (GAA/DGV) “Zugehörigkeiten: Affektive, moralische und politische Praxen in einer vernetzten Welt".
4-7 October, 2017.
Strasser, Sabine; Sökefeld, Martin
(4 October 2017).
Introduction (Unpublished).
The politics of lists: Contestations of inclusion and exclusion at the state/non-state interface.
Conference of the German Anthropological Association, Berlin.
Langenegger, Roger
(October 2017).
Herramienta piloto para analizar la pobreza social y espiritual
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 6).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Strasser, Sabine
(October 2017).
Guests and other unwanted subjects: On the politics of un/deservingness of the EU-Turkey border regime (Unpublished).
EASA Anthropology of Economy Network Workshop: Deservingness - power, morality and inequality in contemporary Europe and beyond.
University of Vienna.
October 27-28, 2017.
Rehsmann, Julia
(22 September 2017).
Incisive Decisions: The Politics of Waiting Lists in Germany (Unpublished).
Organs, tissues, contexts: Politics and practices in the era of transplant medicine.
University of Liverpool.
22nd September 2017.
Eckert, Julia
(9 September 2017).
New forms of civic engagements (Unpublished).
The Shrinking Power of Citizens, International Conference for Freedom and Democracy.
Eckert, Julia
(9 September 2017).
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Rechts (Unpublished).
Democracy and the Role of law, International Conference for Freedom and Democracy.
Eckert, Julia
(9 September 2017).
What have I got to do with it (Unpublished).
Politics and Identity, International Conference for Freedom and Democracy.
Affolter, Laura
(9 September 2017).
Glaubwürdig im Asylprozess (Radio-Interview).
Radio Rabe
Oester, Kathrin; Lems, Annika
(September 2017).
Zwischen Inklusion und Exklusion: Zur Bildungssituation unbegleiteter jugendlicher Asylsuchender.
VPOD Bildungspolitik(203), pp. 6-8.
Verband des Personals öffentlicher Dienste
Siegl, Veronika
(September 2017).
Anleitung zum Glücklichsein. Die affektiven Ökonomien trans-/nationaler Leihmutterschaft (Unpublished).
Present Challenges of Gender Studies.
Universität Köln.
September 2017.
Haller, Tobias
Perceptions and control of assemblage in a ‘Glocal’ World.
Dialogues in human geography, 7(2), pp. 207-211.
Rehsmann, Julia
(24 August 2017).
Confined Live(r)s: Alcohol and the Ethics of Lists and Limits (Unpublished).
4th Contemporary Drug Problems Conference “Making Alcohol and Other Drug Realities".
23-25 August, 2017.
Kehr, Janina
'Exotic No More': Tuberculosis, Public Debt and Global Health in Berlin.
Global Public Health, 13(3), pp. 369-382.
Taylor & Francis
Tibet, Eda Elif
(7 August 2017).
From Mogadishu to Istanbul: An auto-ethnography on childhood, migration and education.
Youth Circulations.
Eckert, Julia
(23 July 2017).
Does Evidence Matter? (Unpublished).
Panel: Evidence in question: anthropological authority and legal judgment, EASA.
Milano, Università Milano Biccocia.
Affolter, Laura
Protecting the System: Decision-Making in a Swiss Asylum Administration (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Eckert, Julia
(13 July 2017).
Three theses about citizenship, democracy and normative change (Unpublished).
Sonderforschungsbereich 700, Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit.
Freie Universität Berlin.
Strasser, Sabine
(12 July 2017).
Everyday bordering: Hope, agency and constraints among young migrants (with Elif Eda Tibet) (Unpublished).
MireKoc International Summer School.
Koc University, Turkey.
July 12, 2017.
Rehsmann, Julia
(7 July 2017).
Chronic Live(r)s: Temporal and Existential Uncertainties in Liver Transplant Medicine (Unpublished).
EASA Medical Anthropology Network | 2017 Biennial Conference Network Meeting “Bodies in Transition — Power, Knowledge and Medical Anthropology".
5-7 July, 2017.
Schäuble, Michaela
(5 July 2017).
The implications of the so-called 'sensory turn' for ethnographic filmmaking and anthropological theory (Unpublished).
Sensory Transformation, CREOLE IP & SENSOTRA Sumemr School.
4.-7. Juli 2017.
Perl, Gerhild
Uncertain Belongings: Absent Mourning, Burial, and Post-mortem Repatriations at the External Border of the EU in Spain.
Hunter, Alistair; Soom Ammann, Eva
Final Journeys: Migrant End-of-life Care and Rituals in Europe.
New York: Taylor and Francis
Langenegger, Roger; Thurnherr, Robin
(July 2017).
Pachamama in der Agrarindustrie: Über das Zusammentreffen eines andinen Glaubens und industrieller Landwirtschaft
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 5).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Tibet, Eda Elif; Alhafez, Maisa
(July 2017).
Making of the film 'Ballad for Syria' (Unpublished).
United Beyond Borders event.
Geneva, Switzerland.
Juli 2017.
Baumann, Dorothee Elisabeth
Pleasure Arousal Dominance.
Genève: Editions Centre de la Photographie
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina
Lebensende im Schweizer Justizvollzug: Fragen und Herausforderungen aus der Sicht der Anstalten sowie der Gefangenen.
BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe, 25(1), pp. 22-25.
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Straffälligenhilfe (BAG-S) e. V.
Perl, Gerhild
(9 June 2017).
The shipwreck of Rota. Moralities of violent death in the Spanish-Moroccan borderlands (Unpublished).
Death at the Margins of the State.
9 - 10 June 2017.
Eckert, Julia
(7 June 2017).
The Politics of Help (Unpublished).
Law Research Seminar Series.
Kings College, London.
Strasser, Sabine; Tibet, Eda Elif
(1 June 2017).
Everyday bordering: hope, agency and constraints of young migrants in Turkey (Unpublished).
Navigating Shifting Social Terrains: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Young Asylum Seekers in Europe.
Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern.
Strasser, Sabine
(June 2017).
Everyday bordering: Hope, agency and constraints of young migrants in Turkey (with Eda Elif Tibet) (Unpublished).
International Workshop: Navigating Shifting Social Terrains: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Young Asylum Seekers in Europe.
Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern.
June 1-2, 2017.
Schäuble, Michaela
(25 May 2017).
Cinematografie Demartiniana, Introduction to the oeuvre of Cecilia Mangini and Luigi di Gianni (Unpublished).
Discussion and Film screenings, freiburger film forum.
22-28 May 2017.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(23 May 2017).
Navigating Precarity – Between Normalization and Resistance (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie.
Schäuble, Michaela
(22 May 2017).
Einführung zur Cinematografie Demartiniana. Ethnographische Dokumentarfilme aus dem Italien der 1950er/60er Jahre (Unpublished).
Freiburger film forum.
22.-28. Mai 2017.
Ober, Maya; Goldin, Magdalena
Polarised Migration.
Migrant Journal. Wired Capital(2), pp. 102-113.
Migrant Journal Press
Eckert, Julia
(13 May 2017).
From Charity to Solidarity (Unpublished).
Conference: The Impossible Order: Europe, Power and the Search for a New Migration Regime.
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam/Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
Schäuble, Michaela
(4 May 2017).
Radicalizing Realism in Documentary Film. Keynote Ethnocineca (Unpublished).
International Documentary Film Festival.
Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina; Queloz, Nicolas
Lebensende im Gefängnis – Rechtlicher Kontext, Institutionen und Akteure: Ein Forschungsprojekt zum Schweizer Justizvollzug im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms „Lebensende“ (NFP 67).
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kriminologie, 16(1), pp. 18-20.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene
Chronik eines angekündigten Todes: Trajektorien und Logiken am Lebensende im Schweizer Justizvollzug.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kriminologie, 16(1), pp. 21-30.
Fuchs, Sandhya
A passion for society: how we think about human suffering.
Social Anthropology, 25(2), pp. 270-272.
Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina
Ältere Gefangene am Lebensende im Schweizer Justizvollzug: Zentrale Erkenntnisse aus einem kürzlich abgeschlossenen Forschungsprojekt.
Justiznewsletter (Bildungsinstitut des niedersächsischen Justizvollzuges), 14(26), pp. 7-15.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(27 April 2017).
Wir begnügen uns nicht mit dem Vermitteln von exotischen Tatsachen (Interview von Birgit Bucher mit Heinzpeter Znoj).
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
¡No Queremos! [Movie].
50 Jahre Institut für Sozialanthropologie an der Universität Bern. Bern. 25.4.2017
Rutt, Rebecca L.; Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Quests for Justice and Mechanisms of Suppression in Flint, Michigan.
Environmental justice, 10(2), pp. 27-35.
Mary Ann Liebert
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(30 March 2017).
Counter-narratives: Visual Anthropology and ‘memory activism’ in Peru (Unpublished).
Trends in Ethnographic Film-making in Latin America.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(6 March 2017).
Tabu – die soziale Konstruktion von Furcht und Ekel (Unpublished).
Vortrag an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz.
Schäuble, Michaela
(2 March 2017).
Auf Grosser Fahrt: Unterwegs mit Ulrike Ottinger (Introduction) (Unpublished).
Film screening of the oeuvre of Ulrike Ottinger.
Kino Rex, Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(2 March 2017).
Auf grosser Fahrt: unterwegs mit Ulrike Ottinger.
Programmheft Kino Rex Bern, 3, pp. 1-2.
Alexandra, Darcy
More Than Words: Co-Creative Visual Ethnography.
Deep Stories: Practicing, Teaching and Learning Anthropology with Digital Storytelling (pp. 113-131).
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban
(8 February 2017).
“Chamdam” as a Feast of Merit: Comparing Status Rituals of the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal and the Ao Naga of Northeast India (Unpublished).
3rd ICEHEP Workshop.
Melbourne, Australien.
Baumann, Dorothee Elisabeth
(2 February 2017).
Eine medienkritische Analyse der Bedienungsanleitung des Fotoapparates ab 1888.
Wer bedient wen? Vom Fotoapparat als Produktionsmaschine zum empathischen Apparat als künstlerisches Experiment. (Unpublished).
Doktorandenkolloquium von Professoren Dr. Ute Holl und Dr. Markus Krajewski Medienwissenschaften Universität Basel.
Universität Basel.
2. Februar 2017.
Strasser, Sabine
(February 2017).
Das Unbekannte ist im Alltag zu finden. (Interview mit Sabine Strasser).
Uni Aktuell, 170(170)
Universität Bern
Schäuble, Michaela
(24 January 2017).
Spektakel der Krise und ihre Medialisierungen (Unpublished).
Probevortrag zur Besetzung der W3-Professur in Medientheologie.
Universität Siegen.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli
End of life in prison: Talking across disciplines and across countries.
Journal of Correctional Health Care, 23(1), pp. 11-19.
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina
End of Life in High-Security Prisons in Switzerland: overlapping and Blurring of “Care” and “Custody” as Institutional Logics.
Journal of Correctional Health Care, 23(1), pp. 32-42.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli
Journal of Correctional Health Care: Special Section End of Life in Correctional Settings in France, Switzerland, UK, and the United States, 23(1).
Strasser, Sabine
(January 2017).
Introduction to the International Workshop "Intimate Uncertainties: existential crises, moral consequences and feminist interventions" (Unpublished).
Intimate Uncertainties: existential crises, moral consequences and feminist interventions..
Schloss Überstorf, Bern.
January 26th-27th.
Rehsmann, Julia
Fighting Hydra: The Uncertainties of Waiting for a Liver Transplant.
Tsantsa, 22, pp. 47-56.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban; Gaenszle, Martin
Increasing Materiality and Emerging Concepts of Ethnic Religious Identity: The Case of ‘Kirat Religion’ in Nepal (Submitted).
Social Analysis
Wettstein, Marion
Review: The Sunuwār of Nepal and their Sense of Communication: A Study in the Culture, Psychology and Shamanism of a Himalayan People (Vol 6. LIT Studies on Asia) by Werner M. Egli. Zürich/Münster: LIT. 2014. 533 pages. (In Press).
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 142, pp. 148-151.
Wettstein, Marion
‘Sakela’: Verkörperung und Leibhaftigkeit lokaler Mythen in den rituellen Tänzen Ostnepals».
Morich, Armin
Kosmischer Tanz: Eranos 2015 und 2016. Eranos.
Basel: Schwabe
Wettstein, Marion
Dance to paper: How to bring together scientific exactitude, ethnographic density, aesthetic claims, and visual readability? (Unpublished)
Siegl, Veronika; Jokela-Pansini, Maaret
On Love and Courage. Interview with feminist scholar and activist Margo Okazawa-Rey.
Genderstudies(30), pp. 4-7.
Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung, Universität Bern
Schäuble, Michaela
Living History? Enacting the Past and Promoting 'Tradition' in the Dalmatian Hinterland.
Nationalities Papers, Special Issue
Taylor & Francis
Affolter, Laura
Asyl-Verwaltung kraft Wissen: Die Herstellung von Entscheidungswissen in einer Schweizer Asylbehörde.
Lahusen, Christian; Schneider, Stephanie
Asyl verwalten: Zur bürokratischen Bearbeitung eines gesellschaftlichen Problems. Kultur und soziale Praxis (pp. 145-171).
Bielefeld: transcript
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Pamuk’un Kars’ı ve Kar’ın Ötekileri (In Press).
Dünya Üzerinde Kar: Kar Üzerine Yazılar.
Yapı Kredi Yayınları
Toggweiler, Michael
Die Odyssee der Pygmäen. Eine andere Geschichte der neuzeitlichen Anthropologie.
Bern: Philosophisch-historische Fakultät, Universität Bern
Gisler, Charlotte; Pruin, Ineke Regina; Hostettler, Ueli
Lessons from Successful Experiences with Welfare, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Prisoners. Internal Report
Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
Alexandra, Darcy
Implicating Practice: Engaged Scholarship Through Co-creative Media.
Digital Storytelling in Higher Education (pp. 335-353).
Palgrave MacMillan
Alexandra, Darcy
Reconceptualising Digital Storytelling: Thinking Through Audiovisual Inquiry.
Digital Storytelling: Form and Content (pp. 167-182).
Palgrave MacMillan
Isenhardt, Anna; Hostettler, Ueli
Auswertungsbericht der Hausärztebefragung zum Thema „virale Hepatitis“ im Auftrag der Swiss Hepatitis Strategie
Bern: Universität Bern – Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie, Prison Research Group
Schneider, Lysann; Haller, Tobias
A Region Under Threat? Climate Change Impacts, Institutional Change and Response of Local Communities in Coastal Yucatán.
Leal Filho, Walter; Keenan, Jesse M.
Climate Change Adaptation in North America: Fostering Resilience and the Regional Capacity to Adapt (pp. 161-175).
Berlin: Springer
Santer, Kiri Olivia; Wriedt, Vera
(De-)Constructing Borders: Contestations in and around the Balkan Corridor in 2015/16.
Movements : journal for critical migration and border regime studies, 3(1), pp. 141-150.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Dehumanizando – über die Konstruktion von Gerechtigkeit(en) fünfzehn Jahre nach Ende des internen bewaffneten Konflikts in Peru.
Bens, Jonas; Zenker, Olaf
Gerechtigkeits-Gefühle: zur emotionalen Re-Formation nach Krisen und Konflikten (pp. 159-190).
Berlin: Transkript Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Geschichte der Ethnologie.
Beer, Bettina; Fischer, Hans; Pauli, Julia
Ethnologie. Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt. (Neunte Auflage. Erweiterte und aktualisierte Neufassung) (pp. 35-53).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kleine Institutsgeschichte.
50 Jahre Institut für Sozialanthropologie an der Universität Bern (pp. 1-17).
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Freiheit in West-Papua - ein Reisebericht.
Kuhn, Konrad J.; Sontag, Katrin; Leimgruber, Walter
Lebenskunst. Erkundungen zu Biographie, Lebenswelt und Erinnerung - Festschrift für Jacques Picard (pp. 514-527).
Köln: Böhlau
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Drei junge Frauen in Sungai Tenang. Ein Bild und seine Geschichte.
Fischer, Eva
From rebellion to democracy: The many lives of Túpac Katari.
History and Anthropology, 29(4), pp. 493-516.
Tibet, Eda Elif
Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and Syrian Unaccompanied Minors’ Search for Freedom in Turkey.
Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), pp. 195-212.
Tibet, Eda Elif
Shattered Dreams: Syrian Unaccompanied Minors and the EU-Turkey Deal.
Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies, 3(2), pp. 25-31.
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Circuitos transnacionales del rap indígena en América Latina. Cultura Emberá en Colombia: Linaje Originarios o Dachi Chachara.
Boletín hispánico helvético(29), pp. 179-214.
Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Transnacionalismo en reconstrucción. Espacios y estéticas del lugar en las artes y en la literatura iberoamericanas.
Boletín hispánico helvético(29), pp. 49-52.
Sociedad Suiza de Estudios Hispánicos
Dankwa, Serena Owusua; Voss, H.-J.; Baumann, S.
A Fiction Called Gender – Über Geschlecht und Kapitalismus.
Dal Molin, Gioia
[f: la rèpete] (pp. 13-22).
Zürich: Edition Fink
Fischer, Carolin
Imagined Communities? Relations of Social Identities and Social Organisation among Afghan Diaspora Groups in Germany and the UK.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 38(1), pp. 18-35.
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine
Gender representations in politics of belonging: An analysis of Swiss immigration regulation from the 19th century until today.
Ethnicities, 17(4), pp. 445-468.
Jud, Rahel; Mattli, Angela
Fahrende Roma in der Schweiz: Bedürfnisse, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven
Bern: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker
Bolay, Matthieu
Anthropotechnological Practice and Time Politics in the Development Industry.
Geslin, Philippe
Inside Anthropotechnology. User and Culture Centered Experience. Inside Anthropotechnology: User and Culture Centered Experience: Vol. 1 (pp. 1-26).
New Jersey: Wiley
Bolay, Matthieu
Pratique anthropotechnologique et politiques du temps dans le contexte de l'industrie du développement.
Geslin, Philippe
L'anthropotechnologie: Cultures et conception. Sciences, société et nouvelles technologies. Interdisciplinarité autour du social: Vol. 1 (29 -50).
Londres: ISTE editions
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Creating ecotourism territories: Environmentalities in Tanzania’s community-based conservation.
Geoforum, 83, pp. 101-113.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Book Review: Benjamin Gardner , Selling the Serengeti: the cultural politics of safari tourism. Athens GA: University of Georgia Press (hb US$79.95 – 978 0 8203 4507 9; pb US$25.95 – 978 0 8203 4508 6). 2016, xxviii + 208 pp.
Africa, 87(3), pp. 647-649.
Cambridge University Press
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Iconic Places in Central Asia. The Moral Geography of Dams, Pastures and Holy Sites.
Kultur und soziale Praxis.
Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Bartelheim, Martin
Introducing the Guadalquivir to the Jaxartes: on a conceptual date with Ressource Cultures and Eurasian Rivers.
Journal for Underwater Archaeology, 17(2), pp. 193-203.
Leins, Stefan
Performativität und ihre Grenzen: Das Verhältnis zwischen ökonomischem Wissen und ökonomischer Praxis am Beispiel der Finanzanalyse.
Maeße, Jens; Pahl, Hanno; Sparsam, Jan
Die Innenwelt der Ökonomie: Wissen, Macht und Performativität in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft (pp. 425-447).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Leins, Stefan
Valueworks Fact Sheet No. 6: Pricing Mechanisms in Copper Trading
Valueworks Working Paper
Leins, Stefan
Valueworks Fact Sheet No. 5: Switzerland’s Role in Commodity Trading
Valueworks Working Paper
Leins, Stefan
Appadurai, Arjun: Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance.
Anthropos, 112(1), pp. 294-295.
Iwe, Karina; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Fehlings, Susanne
Theoretical Promises and Practical Implementation: interdisciplinary encounters between archaeologists and ethnologists in a collaborative research centre (SFB).
Scholz, Anke K.; Bartelheim, Martin; Hardenberg, Roland; Staecker, Jörn
ResourceCultures. Sociocultural Dynamics and the Use of Resources - Theories, Methods, Perspectives. RessourcenKulturen: Vol. 5 (pp. 57-72).
Tübigen: Universität Tübingen
Hostettler, Ueli
Schwerpunktprogramm Governance im System Schule. Detailbeschrieb
Bern: PHBern, SPP Governance im System Schule
Strasser, Sabine
(15 December 2016).
Transnational Morality. The Politics of Death and Responsibility Across the Mediterranean (Unpublished).
Lecture at the University of Maynooth.
Maynooth, Ireland.
Strasser, Sabine
(15 December 2016).
Transnational Morality. The Politics of Death and Responsibility Across the Mediterranean (Unpublished).
Transnational Morality: The Politics of Death and Responsibility Across the Mediterranean.
University of Maynooth.
15. Dez. 2016.
Schäuble, Michaela
(13 December 2016).
Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Tilming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished).
ISEK Universität Zürich.
Eckert, Julia
(12 December 2016).
Any Evidence for Hope? Law and Social Struggles (Unpublished).
Conference: Thinking with Evidence, Seeking Certainty, Making Truth.
New Delhi.
Eckert, Julia
(12 December 2016).
Comments on "The Police-Effect: Structure, Ideology and the Everyday" (Unpublished).
Conference: Thinking with Evidence, Seeking Certainty, Making Truth.
New Delhi.
Eckert, Julia
(9 December 2016).
Comments on Love, Memory, Justice, and Medical Recognition: Evidence in Ethnographic Methods (Unpublished).
Conference: Thinking with Evidence, Seeking Certainty, Making Truth.
New Delhi.
Schäuble, Michaela
(8 December 2016).
Zur Schnittstelle Dokumentation/Fiktion (Unpublished).
Abendvortrag und Workshop der GSA.
Universität Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(4 December 2016).
Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession in 1950s-1960s Southern Italy (Unpublished).
Institut für Sozialanthropologie.
FU Berlin.
Schäuble, Michaela
(4 December 2016).
Voodoo- Die Kraft des Heilens (Unpublished).
Discussion and Film Screening at Bone Festival.
Kino Rex, Bern.
Lems, Annika; Sandra, Gifford; Raelene, Wilding
New Myths of OZ: The Australian Beach and the Negotiation of National Belonging by Refugee Background Youth.
Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 30(1), pp. 32-44.
Taylor & Francis
Mooser, Sandra
Inspired by Nollywood: Migrant Filmmaking in Switzerland.
Drummond, Phillip
Visions of Identity - Global Film & Media. The London Film & Media Reader: Vol. 4 (pp. 220-229).
London: The London Symposium (Academic Conferences London Ltd)
Schäuble, Michaela
(28 November 2016).
Filming States of Trance and Spirit Possession (Unpublished).
Gastvortrag am Institut für Sozial-und Kulturanthropologie.
Freie Universität Berlin.
Perl, Gerhild
(20 November 2016).
Between stasis and movement: Remembering and imagining multilocality in a migrant’s
detention centre in Spain. (Unpublished).
Annual Conference of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).
Minneapolis, USA.
Siegl, Veronika
(10 November 2016).
Paid labour or compensated gifting? Exploring the Moral and Emotional Dimensions of
Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
Moral struggles in and around markets.
Neuchâtel, Schweiz.
Eckert, Julia
Does Evidence matter?
Allegra Lab: Anthropology, Law, Art, World
Strasser, Sabine
(4 November 2016).
Politeness of the Oppressed: Solidarity, Humanitarianism and Gender in Western Turkey (Aegean Area) (Unpublished).
Revisiting Borders and Boundaries. Gendered Politics and Experiences of Migrant Inclusion and Exclusion.
University of Neuchatel.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Rauber, Gabriela; Salis Gross, Corina
(3 November 2016).
Lebensqualität am Ende des Lebens – Kriterien für eine gute Begleitung (Unpublished).
Tagung LangzeitSchweiz.
Piart, Luisa
(November 2016).
Adverse Entrepreneurs and Moral Struggles in Istanbul's Garment Industry (Unpublished).
Conference "Moral Struggles in and around Markets".
Institute of Sociology, University of Neuchâtel.
Lems, Annika
(22 October 2016).
Making Refuge by Catherine Besteman (Book Review).
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Tibet, Eda Elif
(19 October 2016).
Learning as Agency among the Somali Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers (Unpublished).
The Istanbul Human Security Conference.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Strasser, Sabine
(6 October 2016).
Intime Beziehungen zwischen Fremden. Interview with Gamze Ongan. Der politische Weblog der Initiative Minderheiten [Interview von Gamze Ongan].
Im Blog. Der politische Weblog der Initiative Minderheiten
Lems, Annika
Existence in the Details: Theory and Methodology in Existential Anthropology.
Ethos. Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, 44(3), E10-E11.
Society for Psychological Anthropology
Marfurt, Franziska; Käser, Fabian; Lustenberger, Samuel
Local Perceptions and Vertical Perspectives of a Large Scale Land Acquisition Project in Northern Sierra Leone.
Homo Oeconomicus, 33(3), pp. 261-279.
Ohm, Britta
Exzellente Entqualifizierung: Das neue akademische Prekariat.
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 8(16), pp. 109-120.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy
Problematizing debates on wildlife conservation and the war on poaching.
Conservation biology, 30(4), pp. 692-693.
Kehr, Janina
(25 July 2016).
Messianic Medicine. Treating Disease in the Time that is Left.
Somathosphere. Science, Medicine and Anthropology
Huttunen, Laura; Perl, Gerhild
(22 July 2016).
Panel: Missing persons, unidentified bodies: addressing absences and negotiating identifications (Unpublished).
14th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
University of Milano-Bicocca.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(22 July 2016).
Between Imagined Lives and Lived Realities – Precariousness, Feelings of Depreciation, and Social Invisibility among Highly Educated Young Adults in Barcelona (Unpublished).
14th EASA Biennial Conference: Anthropological Legacies and Human Futures.
Mailand, Italien.
Rehsmann, Julia
(21 July 2016).
The Manifold Sites of Information: Managing Uncertainties and Responsibilities in Transplant Medicine.
14th EASA Biennal Conference “Anthropological legacies and human futures".
Mailand, Italien.
20.-23. Juli 2016.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep; Şahin, Nevin
(21 July 2016).
Within the "hot agenda" of the field: a research project on qualitative research and self-reflexivity (Unpublished).
14th EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference) Biennial Conference.
University of Milano-Bicocca, Italien.
20.-23. Juli 2016.
Mooser, Sandra
(20 July 2016).
Paradise In My Mind. (film screening and discussion) (Unpublished).
14th EASA Biennial Conference.
Mailand, Italien.
Lems, Annika
What is Existential Anthropology? (Review of Volume edited by Michael D. Jackson and Albert Piette).
Anthropology and Humanism, 41(1), pp. 121-122.
Piart, Luisa; Arvidsson, Adam; Deka, Maitrayee
(July 2016).
Panel "Brands as sites of collaborative over-production" (Unpublished).
14th EASA Biennial Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(9 June 2016).
Ethos and Ethics of Bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Vienna Ethnography Laboratory.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(4 June 2016).
A ver que pasa – Precarious Livelihoods and Uncertain Biographies of Highly Educated Young in Barcelona (Unpublished).
6th Congress of the Portuguese Anthropological Association: Disputed Futures.
Coimbra, Portugal.
Eckert, Julia; Glick Schiller, Nina; Reyna, Stephen
Positioning Theory: a Re-launch of the journal Anthropological Theory, Special Issue from the Editorial Board 16.
Sage Publications
Käser, Fabian
(10 May 2016).
Food System Impacts on Community Water Projects in the Mount Kenya Region (Unpublished).
IASC Regional Conference: Commons in a 'Glocal World' - Global connections and Local Responses.
Schäuble, Michaela
(8 May 2016).
Does the so-called 'sensory turn' mean the end of storytelling? (Unpublished).
Keynote beim GIEFF-Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival.
Kobi, Madlen
Constructing, Creating and Contesting Cityscapes. A Socio-Anthropological Approach to Urban Transformation in Southern Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China.
Everyday Cultures in China and its Neighboring Countries - Alltagskulturen Chinas und seiner Nachbarn: Vol. 6.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag
Lems, Annika; Moderbacher, Christine
On Being Stuck in the Wrong Life: Homelonging, Movement and the Pain of Existential Immobility.
Gutekunst, Miriam; Hackl, Andreas; Leoncini, Sabina; Schwarz, Julia Sophia; Götz, Irene
Bounded Mobilities: Ethnographic Perspectives on Social Hierarchies and Global Inequalities (pp. 113-128).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Lems, Annika
(16 April 2016).
Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Switzerland and the 'Refugee Crisis': The Emergence of the Child Asylum Seeker (Unpublished).
23rd International Conference of Europeanists.
Strasser, Sabine
(16 April 2016).
Precarious protection: on the multiple meanings of the “refugee crisis“ in Turkey (Unpublished).
23rd International Conference of Europeanists, Resilient Europe?.
Strasser, Sabine; Perl, Gerhild
(16 April 2016).
Transnational Moralities: Death and moral responsibility across the Mediterranean (Unpublished).
Synthesising Transnationalism: Bridging Concepts and Moving Critique.
Wien, Österreich.
16. April 2016.
Schäuble, Michaela
(15 April 2016).
Reenacting the Past and Promoting 'Tradition' in the Dalmatian Hinterland (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium der Graduiertenschule für Ost- und Südosteuropastudien.
Leins, Stefan; Seele, Peter; Vogel, Franziska
Greenwashing in Islamic Finance? An Analysis of Islamic Private Banks' Non-Financial Reports and a Proposal for an Islamic Finance Reporting Initiative Standard.
Journal of religion and business ethics, 3(2), pp. 1-24.
DePaul University
Perl, Gerhild
Uncertain Belongings. Absent mourning, burial, and post-mortem repatriations at the external border of the EU in Spain.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2), pp. 195-209.
Siegl, Veronika
(April 2016).
‘Doing it business-style?’ The Moral and Emotional Work in Surrogacy (Unpublished).
Gender, Justice and the political economy of the cross-border fertility industry.
University of Vienna.
Fischer, Carolin; Dahinden, Janine
(March 2016).
Changing gender representations in politics of belonging: A critical analysis of developments in Switzerland
(Working Papers 6).
Neuchâtel: NCCR - on the move. University of Neuchâtel
Strasser, Sabine
Entangled in Moralities: Studying morals and ethical subjects across borders [Performance or Exhibition].
Entangled in Moralities. Studying morals and ethical subjects across borders. University of Bern. 24.-25.01.2016
Eckert, Julia
(16 January 2016).
Beihilfe als Begriff von Verantwortung in globalen Handlungszusammenhängen (Unpublished).
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
Lems, Annika
Placing Displacement: Place-making in a World of Movement.
Ethnos, 81(2), pp. 315-337.
Taylor & Francis
Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan
Constitutionality: Conditions for Crafting Local Ownership of Institution-Building Processes.
Society & Natural Resources, 29(1), pp. 68-87.
Taylor & Francis
Lems, Annika
Ambiguous Longings: Nostalgia as the Interplay between Self, Time and World.
Critique of anthropology, 36(4), pp. 419-438.
Sage Publications
Lems, Annika
Mobile Temporalities: Place, Ruination and the Dialectics of Time.
Palmberger, Monika; Tosic, Jelena
Memories on the Move. Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past. Migration, diasporas and citizenship (pp. 127-156).
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Strasser, Sabine
The crises effect: global moral obligations, national interventions and the figure of the pitiful/abusive migrant.
Ethnologia Balkanica, 18, pp. 47-66.
Schäuble, Michaela
Visual Anthropology. Mining Imagination: Ethnographic Approaches Beyond the Written Word, 29(4.2).
Taylor & Francis
Schäuble, Michaela
Von der Passion und Poetik des Wahren. Betrachtungen zum audio-visouellen documentarismo demartiniano.
Van Loyen, Ulrich
Der besessene Süden. Ernesto de Martino und das andere Europa. (pp. 105-134).
Wien: Tumulat bei Sonderzahl
Lindt, Angela
‘Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden’: Gold Refining in Switzerland.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 103-116).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
van Holten, Karin; Soom Ammann, Eva
Negotiating the potato: the challenge of dealing with multiple diversities in elder care.
Horn, Vincent; Schweppe, Cornelia
Transnational Aging. Current Insights and Future Challenges. Research in Transnationalism (pp. 200-216).
New York: Routledge
Hunter, Alistair; Soom Ammann, Eva
End-of-life care and rituals in contexts of post-migration diversity in Europe: an introduction.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2), pp. 95-102.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Rauber, Gabriela
The Art of Enduring Contradictory Goals: Challenges in the Institutional Co‐construction of a ‘Good Death’.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37(2), pp. 118-132.
Wartmann, F.; Haller, Tobias; Backhaus, N.
'Institutional Shopping' for Natural Resource Management in a Protected Area and Indigenous Territory in the Bolivian Amazon.
Human organization, 75(3), pp. 218-229.
Society for Applied Anthropology
Haller, T.; van Dijk, H.
Conflicts, security and marginalization: institutional change of the pastoral commons in a 'glocal' World.
Revue scientifique et technique, 35(2), pp. 405-416.
International Office of Epizootics
Bikketi, Edward; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Bieri, Sabin; Haller, Tobias; Wiesmann, Urs
Gendered division of labour and feminisation of responsibilities in Kenya; Implications for development interventions.
Gender, Place and Culture, 23(10), pp. 1432-1449.
Eckert, Julia
Tugend, Recht und Moral: Tendenzen der Verantwortungszuschreibung.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 64(2), pp. 246-257.
De Gruyter
Lems, Annika
Navigating the Movements and Impasses of Everyday life: Young Eritrean Refugees' Hopes of Movement-through-Education (Unpublished).
14th EASA Biennial Conference.
Wolf, Anna-Lena
Juridification of the right to development in India.
Verfassung und Recht in Übersee / Law and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 49(2), pp. 175-192.
Strasser, Sabine; Akçınar, Mustafa
Dersim Dernekleri: political remittances between the Kurdish province Tunceli and Europe.
Serbedzija, Vojin; Nowicka, Magdalena
Global Europe: Migration and Social Remittances. Europe in a Global Context (pp. 143-163).
London: Palgrave
Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina
Lebensende im Justizvollzug. Gefangene, Anstalten, Behörden.
Bern: Stämpfli Verlag
Hostettler, Ueli
Deborah H. Drake, Rod Earle and Jennifer Sloan (Hg.): The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography. (Basingstroke: Palgrave Macmillan) 2015, + 514 Seiten. £ 135 [Review].
Kriminologisches Journal, 48(2), pp. 157-160.
Beltz Juventa
Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina
Sterben im Justizvollzug – Suchtmittelabhängigkeit und Todesfälle.
SuchtMagazin, 42(2), pp. 38-40.
Isenhardt, Anna; Young, Christopher; Hostettler, Ueli
Die Gesundheit des Personals im Schweizer Justizvollzug – Unterschiede zwischen Betreuungspersonal und Spezialdiensten.
Bewährungshilfe, 63(1), pp. 34-49.
Forum Verlag Godesberg
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli
Feldforschung im Justizvollzug: Erfahrungen und Überlegungen zu Fragen des Zugangs zum Feld und zu den Forschungsteilnehmenden.
Tsantsa, 21, pp. 137-143.
Eckert, Julia
Beyond Agatha Christie: Relationality and critique in anthropological theory.
Anthropological theory, 16(2-3), pp. 241-248.
Sage Publications
Siegl, Veronika
Feminismus und Leihmutterschaft. Ein Plädoyer für das Aushalten und Anerkennen von Widersprüchen.
aep-informationen. Feministische Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft, 3, pp. 32-33.
Arbeitskreis Emanzipation und Partnerschaft
Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene; Richter, Marina
Das Leben soll lebenswert bleiben: die Zunahme älterer Gefangener wird sich tiefgreifend auf den Vollzugsalltag auswirken.
Informationen zum Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug, 41(2), pp. 4-12.
Bundesamt für Justiz
Rist, Stephan; Golay, Christophe; Bürgi Bonanomi, Elisabeth; Delgado Burgoa, Freddy; Kiteme, Boniface P.; Haller, Tobias; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe
Towards food sustainability: Reshaping the coexistence of different food systems in South America and Africa – project description
(Towards Food Sustainability Working Paper 1).
Bern, Switzerland: Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern
Mooser, Sandra
Photo Essay: “It’s gonna be me there in the picture”. An attempt to understand audio-visual forms of self-representation by African migrants in Switzerland.
Tsantsa(21), pp. 155-165.
Wettstein, Marion
How ethnic identity becomes real: The enactment of identity roles and the material manifestation of shifting identities among the Nagas.
Asian Ethnicity, 17(3), pp. 384-399.
Wettstein, Marion
Research on the sakela dance among the Rai (Unpublished).
Meeting of the Kirat Rai Academic Council.
Wettstein, Marion
Ten Years of Naga Textile Transformations (fine art prints of drawings of Naga Textiles) [Performance or Exhibition].
Exhibition of fine art prints of drawings of Naga Textiles at the conference “Footprints and futures: the time of anthropology”. University of Durham. 04.-07.2016
Wettstein, Marion
The flirting fly: embodied emotions in the sakela performance of the Rai in Eastern Nepal (Unpublished).
Nepal Symposium.
Vienna, Austria.
Sökefeld, Martin; Strasser, Sabine
Introduction: Under suspicious eyes – surveillance states, security zones and ethnographic fieldwork.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 141(2), pp. 159-176.
Sökefeld, Martin; Strasser, Sabine
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 141(2).
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias
Introduction to The Open Cut: Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 15-34).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias
Part III: Case Study Comparison.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 409-508).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Haller, Tobias
Managing the Commons with Floods: The role of institutions and power Relations for water governance and Food resilience in African Floodplains.
Tvedt, Terje; Oestigaard, Terje; Bakke, Jostein
Water and Food - Africa in a Global Context. A History of Water: Water and Climate Change: Vol. 3 (pp. 369-397).
Uppsala: I.B. Tauris
Niederberger, Thomas
The Rise and Fall of the Explorer Company Uranio AG.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 117-126).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Schober, Eva; Tschannen, Amadea; Niederberger, Thomas Ibrahim Immanuel
The Mopani Copper Mines in the Copperbelt District, Zambia.
Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen Anna; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The Open Cut. Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 127-154).
Lit Verlag
Oxby, Clare; Walentowitz, Saskia
Uranium Mining in Niger: Undermining Pastoralist Lifeworlds.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 155-186).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Niederberger, Thomas Ibrahim Immanuel
The Abuja Rawan and ACC Jamul Cement Plants in Chhattisgarh, India.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 329-362).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Loher, David; Piart, Luisa; Schild, Pascale; Strasser, Sabine; Haller, Tobias
On the New Politics of Distribution: A Conversation with James Ferguson.
Tsantsa, 21, pp. 166-176.
Spoerri, Germaine F.; Niederberger, Thomas
PART IV: Strategies for Action/Research.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The open cut: Mining, transnational corporations and local populations. Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 509-526).
Zürich: LIT Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal: Imagination/Ineffability, 4(2).
Schäuble, Michaela
Introduction. Mining Imagination: Ethnographic Approaches Beyond the Written Word.
AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 4(4.2)
Schäuble, Michaela
Images of Ecstasy and Affliction. The Camera as Instrument for Researching and Reproducing Choreographies of Deviance in a Southern Italian Spider Possession Cult.
AnthroVision - Vaneasa Online Journal, 4(4.2)
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Korruption im und um das indonesische Verteidigungsministerium (Unpublished)
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen.
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen. (pp. 6-10).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Jochum-Müller, Gernot
TALENTE Voralberg.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen. (pp. 13-27).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Wehner, Theo; Wagner, Conrad
Mobility - Vom Teilen zur Sharing Economy.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen. (pp. 46-56).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Schubert, Gottfried
Die Kommune Niederkaufungen.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen. (pp. 60-73).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kochen für die Evolution.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(167), pp. 5-6.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Mooser, Sandra
Migrant Film-making in Switzerland.
Drummond, Phillip; Leng, Dorothy
The London Film & Media Reader 4. Essays from FILM & MEDIA (pp. 220-229).
London: The London Symposium & Academic Conferences London Ltd
Kehr, Janina
The Precariousness of Public Health. On Tuberculosis Control in Contemporary France.
Medical Anthropology. Cross-cultural studies in Health and Illness, 35(5), pp. 377-389.
Taylor & Francis
Kehr, Janina; Condrau, Flurin
Recurring Revolutions: Tuberculosis Treatments in an Era of Antibiotics.
Greene, Jeremy; Condrau, Flurin; Siegel Watkins, Elizabeth
Therapeutic Revolution: Pharmaceuticals and Social Change in the Twentieth Century (pp. 126-149).
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Kehr, Janina
Fragments de la vie Clinique: Traverser l'hôpital.
Bonah, Christian; Filliquet, Pierre
Silence Hôpital (pp. 75-94).
Strasbourg: MESASO
Kehr, Janina
Sind wir je postmigrantisch gewesen? Ein Aufruf zur Debatte.
Geschichte der Gegenwart
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Imaginarios de lo real y territorios de la autoconciencia en Desterrados de Eduardo Antonio Parra.
González de Canales, Júlia; Álvarez, Marta; Gil González, Antonio J.
Metamedialidad. Los medios y la metaficción (pp. 297-313).
Binges: Orbis Tertius
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Stepping stones to peace? Natural resource provisions in peace agreements.
Bruch, Carl; Muffett, Carol; Nichols, Sandra S.
Governance Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. Peacebuilding and natural resources (pp. 71-119).
Oxon: Earthscan
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Constanza López Baquero. Trauma, y cuerpo. El testimonio femenino en Colombia. Estados Unidos: Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica (AILCFH) 2012.
Revista de Estudios Colombianos(48), p. 189.
Plaza & Janés
Kobi, Madlen
Welche Altstadt und für wen? Urbane Transformation, soziale Stratifizierung und ethnische Repräsentationen in Kaxgar (China).
Tsantsa, 2016(21), pp. 96-104.
Moghaddari, Sonja
Fluid Identifications and Persistent Inequalities: Social Boundary Making among Iranians in Hamburg.
Anthropology of the Contemporary Middle East and Central Eurasia, 3(2), pp. 97-119.
Sean Kingston Publishing
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Das Potential einer Analyse von Curricula: Das Fallbeispiel Musik.
Philippe, Philippe; Vögele, Sophie; Vessely, Pauline
Schlussbericht Art.School.Differences: Researching Inequalities and Normativities (pp. 303-329).
Zürich: Institute of Art Education
Bolay, Matthieu
"Il faut être là où l'or sort!" De l'itinérance temporaire au maintien d'un mode de vie mobile chez les orpailleurs de Haute Guinée.
Stichproben : Wiener Zeitschrift für kritische Afrikastudien, 16(30), pp. 111-135.
ECCO, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Afrikanistik
Bolay, Matthieu
Artisanal Gold Miners Encountering Large-Scale Mining in Guinea: Expulsion, Tolerance and Interference.
Niederberger, Thomas; Haller, Tobias; Gambon, Helen; Kobi, Madlen; Wenk, Irina
The Open Cut: Mining, Transnational Corporations and Local Populations. Action Anthropology / Aktionsethnologie: Vol. 2 (pp. 187-204).
Zürich/Berlin: LIT Verlag
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Lund, Jens Friis
Unpacking the Political Economy of Lion Trophy Hunting in Tanzania.
Conservation biology, 31(2), pp. 486-487.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Moyo, Francis; Kicheleri, RosePeter
Austere conservation: understanding conflicts over resource governance in tanzanian wildlife management areas.
Conservation and society, 14(3), pp. 218-231.
Wolters Kluwer
Pfiffner, Roger; Hostettler, Ueli
Kooperationsformen und Nutzungsstrukturen in der Schulsozialarbeit.
impuls. Magazin des Fachbereichs Soziale Arbeit, 2016(2), pp. 34-36.
Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Foot-soldiers of Development: the role of Kyrgyzstani ‘treneri’ in agricultural knowledge transfer.
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina; Shtaltovna, Anastasiya; Schetter, Conrad
Agricultural Knowledge and Knowledge Systems in Post-Soviet Societies (pp. 73-92).
Bern: Peter Lang
Gullette, David; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Everyday Energy Politics in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Citizens’ Needs, Entitlements and Struggles for Access.
London: Routledge
Siegl, Veronika
(9 December 2015).
"Doing it business-style" (Input und Diskussion) (Unpublished).
Streitfall Leihmutterschaft - Transnationale Reproduktionsmärkte, Rechte und Handlungsmacht (Podiumsdiskussion).
Universität Basel.
Strasser, Sabine
(3 December 2015).
Politik des Mitgefühls. Von Ungleichheit und Solidarität in der sozialen Arbeit (Unpublished).
Beratungszentrum für Migranten und Migrantinnen. Festvortrag 25 Jahre Frauenberatung - Arbeitsmarktpolitische Betreuung für Migrationen.
Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien.
Rauber, Gabriela; Salis Gross, Corina; Soom Ammann, Eva
(2 December 2015).
Informelle Tauschbeziehungen am Lebensende im Altersheim und deren Potential für die Palliative Care (Unpublished).
National Palliative Care Congress: Wie kommt Palliative Care an?.
Tosic, Jelena
Reimagining the Balkans. Diversity Beyond and “Straight Through” the Ethno-National.
Vertovec, Steven
The Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies. Routledge international handbooks (pp. 151-158).
Abingdon: Routledge
Moghaddari, Sonja
Engaging with Social Inequalities: The Stakes of Social Relations among Iranian Migrants.
Identity and Exile: The Iranian Diaspora between Solidarity and Difference. Schriften zur Demokratie: Vol. 40 (pp. 105-116).
Berlin: Heinrich Böll Foundation
Mooser, Sandra
(27 November 2015).
Sound? - Ready! (Unpublished)
Rehsmann, Julia
(21 November 2015).
Warten auf das Spenderorgan: Existenzielle Unsicherheiten und emotionale Ambivalenzen (Unpublished).
3rd Annual Day of Liver Transplantation Leipzig “Lebertransplantation heute”.
Leipzig, Deutschland.
21. November 2015.
Wettstein, Marion
(16 November 2015).
Dancing in the Hills: A Comparative View on the ‘Renaissance’ of ‘Folk-Traditions’ in the Eastern Himalayas (Unpublished).
Fourth International SEECHAC Colloquium “Religious Revivals and Artistic Renaissance in Central Asia and the Himalayan Region – Past and Present”.
Heidelberg, Deutschland.
Siegl, Veronika
(14 November 2015).
Moralities of Infertility. Intended Parents’ Perspectives on Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
Annual Conference of the Swiss Ethnological Society.
University of Bern.
Perl, Gerhild
(13 November 2015).
Restless bodies: Post-mortem mobility in the Spanish-Moroccan borderlands (Unpublished).
Annual Conference of the Swiss Ethnological Society: Global Capitalism and the Challenge of Well‐Being in the World.
University of Bern.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(13 November 2015).
Highly Educated Young in Barcelona: Precarious Livelihoods and Uncertain Biographies (Unpublished).
SEG annual meeting 2015: Global Capitalism and the Challenge of Well-Being in the World.
Tosic, Jelena
City of the “Calm”. Vernacularized Mobility and Genealogies of Urbanity in SEE.
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(3), pp. 391-408.
Piart, Luisa
(November 2015).
Waste and Fake Alaturca: Insights on the Global Fashion Industry from Istanbul (Unpublished).
2015 Annual Conference of the Swiss Ethnological Society, Panel IV “Dirty Business: Economies of the Used, the Used Up and the Useless” (convenors: Ellen Hertz, Luisa Piart, Alice Sala, Yvan Schulz).
Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Berne.
Eckert, Julia
(November 2015).
Rechtstransfer und Rechtsübersetzung: Situation und Figuration (Unpublished).
Die Versprechungen des Rechts - Dritter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Eckert, Julia
(November 2015).
"Woran erkennt man Normen" Book Launch von Christoph Möller (Unpublished).
Die Versprechungen des Rechts - Dritter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Tošić, Jelena; Strasser, Sabine
Localising moralities: power and temporality in Southeastern Europe.
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 15(3), pp. 361-367.
Siegl, Veronika
(29 October 2015).
Negotiating Power – Managing Stigma. Intended Parents’ Perspectives on Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine (Unpublished).
International workshop „The ART of reproducing difference. Discussing (in)equality in the context of reproductive travel“.
University of Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
Tarantism Revisited. Ecstatic and Mimetic Pracitses in Art and Anthropology
(Werkstattgespräch und Filmvorführungen gemeinsam mit dem Konzeptionskünstler Joachim Koester) [Performance or Exhibition].
Ausstellung "See, So I See So". Messages from Harry Smith. Temporary Gallery, Köln.
Eckert, Julia
(28 October 2015).
Urban notions of justice (Unpublished).
Seminar für Ethnologie.
Universität Zürich.
Eckert, Julia
(26 October 2015).
Roma in Lagern, ernsthaft?
ZEIT online
Schäuble, Michaela
(25 October 2015).
Does Montage in Film deny the Ambiguity of Images and thereby of Reality? (Unpublished).
Symposium "Monatage as Artistic, Cultural and Scientific Practice".
Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich.
Schäuble, Michaela
(14 October 2015).
Studying Re-enactments. Makeshift method of effective ethnographic research approach? (Unpublished).
Vortrag im Institutskolloquium des Fakultätszentrums für Methoden der Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Wien im Rahmen der Paul-Lazarsfeld Gastprofessur.
Universität Wien.
Wettstein, Marion
(12 October 2015).
Mobile ritual space: Collective ritual dance and temporary appropriation of space in a shamanic local society of Eastern Nepal (Unpublished).
ISARS Conference “Sacred Landscapes and Conflict Transformation: History, Space, Place and Power in Shamanism”.
Delphi, Griechenland.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
(10 October 2015).
Housewives ‘in Progress’: Stories of gender-balanced development in Southeast Anatolia (Unpublished).
International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s Studies 2015.
Ankara, Türkei.
09.-11. Okt. 2015.
Wolf, Anna-Lena
(3 October 2015).
Gerechtigkeits-Gefühle in den Aushandlungsprozessen über gerechte Arbeitsbedingungen in Assams Teeplantagen (Unpublished).
GAA Conference on „Crises: reconfigurations of life, power and worlds”.
Strasser, Sabine
(2 October 2015).
Bedrohlicher Schutz. Effekte der "Flüchtlingskrise" in der Südosttürkei (Unpublished).
DGV-Tagung 2015, Plenarveranstaltung: Machen Krisen Macht, macht Macht Krisen?.
Universität Marburg.
Schäuble, Michaela
(2 October 2015).
'Wie von der Tarantel gestochen.' Das "Spektakel der Krise" und seine Medialisierung in einem süditalienischen Spinnenbesessenheitskult (Unpublished).
"Krise - Trance - Medien", DGV-Tagung.
Aronsson, Anne
Genji and Faust: A Comparative Reading.
The comparatist, 39(1), pp. 252-274.
The University of North Carolina Press
Schäuble, Michaela; Dreschke, Anja; Haller, Dieter; Zillinger, Martin
(30 September 2015).
Krise - Trance - Medien. Panel der Regionalgruppe Mittelmeerraum (Unpublished).
DGV-Jahrestagung 2015.
Universität Marburg.
30.09- 3.10.2015.
Wolf, Anna-Lena
(11 September 2015).
Juridification of the right to development in India (Unpublished).
Dritter Kongress der deutschsprachigen Rechtssoziologie-Vereinigungen on „Die Versprechungen des Rechts“.
Affolter, Laura
(10 September 2015).
Schwarz, weiss und ein bisschen grau. Die soziale Praxis von Recht im Schweizerischen Asylverfahren (Unpublished).
Versprechungen des Rechts.
Kehr, Janina
(4 September 2015).
Unknowing the Old.
Somathosphere. Science, Medicine and Anthropology
Affolter, Laura
(3 September 2015).
The law and the people? The bureaucratic ethos of fairness in asylum decision-making (Unpublished).
Ethos and ethics in migration bureaucracies.
Rottenburg, Richard; Merry Engle, Sally; Park, Sung-Joon; Mugler, Johanna
The World of Indicators. The Making of Governmental Knowledge through Quantification.
Cambridge Studies in Law and Society.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mugler, Johanna
By Their Own Account: (Quantitative) Accountability, Numerical Reflexivity, and the National Prosecuting Authority in South Africa.
Rottenburg, Richard; Engle Merry, Sally; Park, Sung-Joon; Mugler, Johanna
The World of Indicators. The Making of Governmental Knowledge through Quantification. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society (pp. 76-101).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Lems, Annika
(September 2015).
Displaced Stories: The Interplay of Telling and Being in the Face of Displacement (Unpublished).
Worlds of Violence: 9th Pan European Conference on International Relations.
Naxos-Giardini, Sicily.
Eckert, Julia
(September 2015).
Debating Ethos and Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Workshop Ethos and Ethics in Migration Bureaucracies.
Schloss Ueberstorf.
Eckert, Julia
(29 August 2015).
Wir könnten viel mehr Flüchtlinge aufnehmen (Interview von Guido Felder).
Wettstein, Marion
(23 August 2015).
‘Sakela’: Verkörperung und Leibhaftigkeit lokaler Mythen in den rituellen Tänzen Ostnepals (Unpublished).
Eranos Tagung: Kosmischer Tanz.
Ascona, Schweiz.
Eckert, Julia
Tugendethik und Verantwortung - eine sozialanthropologische Perspektive.
Nida-Rümelin, Julian; Heilinger, Jan-Christoph
Anthropologie und Ethik. Humanprojekt: Vol. 12 (pp. 151-170).
Berlin: De Gruyter
Mooser, Sandra
(13 July 2015).
Finding a voice - Nollywood inspired filmmaking practices in Switzerland (Unpublished).
IAMCR 2015.
UQAM Montréal, Canada.
Schäuble, Michaela
(9 July 2015).
Ecstatic Encounters. Spectacle and Re-enactment in the Work of Ernesto de Martino and his Successors (Unpublished).
Vortrag im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz "Mourning, Magic, Ecstatic Healing. Ernesto de Martino".
Zentrum für Literaturforschung (ZLF) Berlin.
Eckert, Julia
(9 July 2015).
Ordering Ambiguity (Unpublished).
Kulturwissenschaftliches Konstanz.
Käser, Fabian; Marfurt, Franziska
(8 July 2015).
Ethnography of a Land Grab and Gendered Coping Strategies in Northern Sierra Leone (Unpublished).
ECAS 2015: 6th European Conference on African Studies.
Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Perl, Gerhild
(19 June 2015).
Uncertain Belongings. Tod, Bestattung und Repatriierung an der EU-Außengrenze in Spanien (Unpublished).
Das Mittelmeer und der Tod. Mediterrane Mobilität und Sepulkrarkultur.
Ruhr University Bochum.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(18 June 2015).
Inzestverbot beibehalten. Gastkommentar.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung(138), p. 20.
Tibet, Eda Elif
(5 June 2015).
Transnational Biographies of Education: Young Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers and their Navigation through Shifting Social Realities in Switzerland and Turkey (Unpublished).
Gendered Regimes of Migration.
Swiss Graduate School in Social Anthropology, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Siegl, Veronika
(June 2015).
Altruistic Pragmatism. Social understandings of surrogate motherhood in Russia (Unpublished).
International Research Seminar in Sociology.
Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
Piart, Luisa
(May 2015).
Dis/entangling Labor Relations and Equivocal Entrepreneurship in Istanbul’s Garment Industry (Unpublished).
Conference "Regular and Precarious Labour in Modern Industrial Settings".
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(May 2015).
Radio Latin Lounge - Im Interview mit Martha-Cecilia Dietrich.
Radio Latin Lounge.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
(29 April 2015).
When Truth goes to Court: the shifting role of testimonies in post-conflict Peru.
Open Democracy
Dale, Cyprianus Jehan Paju
(24 April 2015).
Asia-Africa, from post-colonialism to ‘decolonial’ struggle.
The Jakarta Post
PT. Niskala Media Tenggara
Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina; Queloz, Nicolas; Bérard, Stefan; Marti, Irene
Lay Summary: End-of-Life in Swiss Prisons: Legal Context, Institutions and Actors
Bern: Swiss National Science Foundation - National Research Programme NRP 67 "End of Life"
Eckert, Julia
(10 April 2015).
Virtue, Law and Mercy (Unpublished).
JNU-Warwick Conference: Law by Other Means: Picturing Law, Politics and Justice.
Centre for the Study of Law and Governance.
Schäuble, Michaela
(2 April 2015).
Interview Schweizer Radio SRF1 in der Sendung Nachtclub zum Thema "Rituale" [Interview von Ralph Wicki].
Eckert, Julia
(April 2015).
Book Launch Panel Discussion: The Grammar of Politics and Performance (Unpublished).
Law by other Means. Picturing Law, Politics and Justice.
India International Center.
Eckert, Julia
Gerüchte vom Recht.
Grimm, Dieter; Kemmerer, Alexandra; Möllers, Christoph
Gerüchte vom Recht. Recht im Kontext: Vol. 1 (pp. 227-246).
Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft
Schäuble, Michaela
(3 March 2015).
The Virgin at the Border: Corporeality of Belief and the Politics of Marian Apparitions in Coratia (Unpublished).
Vortrag im Rahmen des Institutkolloquium.
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
Siegl, Veronika
Märkte der guten Hoffnung. Leihmutterschaft, Arbeit und körperliche Kommodifizierung in Russland.
PROKLA Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 178, pp. 99-115.
Vereinigung zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie e.V.
Dankwa, Serena O.
(March 2015).
Doing everything together – Queere Familienformen im ghanaischen Kontext.
SYM(1), pp. 14-15.
Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll
Piart, Luisa
(3 February 2015).
“Fast Fashion”, Surplus Production and Waste: Economic Devaluation and Revaluation in Istanbul’s Clothing Industry (Unpublished).
Vertiefungsvorlesung "Sozialstruktur, Politik und Wirtschaft" (Dr. Olaf Zenker).
Freie Universität Berlin.
Mugler, Johanna
(February 2015).
The emergence of global tax payers: the (re-)making of international business tax law (Unpublished).
IASH Winter school “TransForming Capital”.
Schloss Münchenwiler, Switzerland.
Eckert, Julia
(February 2015).
Transzendentalisierung, Juridifizierung, Moralisierung: Tendenzen der Zuschreibung (Unpublished).
Moralisches Fundament, neoliberale Strategie oder Modebegriff? Politisch-philosophische Perspektiven auf Verantwortung.
Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin.
Schäuble, Michaela
(30 January 2015).
Visuelle Ethnologie in theoretischer Perspektive (Unpublished).
Mit Bildern forschen - Aktuelle Positionen der Visuellen Ethnologie.
Universität Koblenz-Landau.
Schäuble, Michaela
(22 January 2015).
Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion, and the Making of Place in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished).
Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zagreb.
Eckert, Julia
Die Geburt der Ethnologie aus dem Geist der Tragödie.
Allegra. A virtual Lab of Legal Anthropology
Colombini, Jacopo; Hill, Emma; Perl, Gerhild; Stepušaitytė, Vitalija
(8 January 2015).
Politics of Representation (Unpublished).
First Edinburgh Conference in Critical Migration and Border Studies – “Politics, Practices, and Discourses of Mobility”.
Edinburgh, Schottland.
Schild, Pascale
Local Politics of Reconstruction along and across Azad Kashmir’s border with Pakistan.
Contemporary South Asia, 23(3), pp. 292-313.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Eckert, Julia
Practice Movements: The Politics of Non-sovereign Power.
Della Porta, Donatella; Diani, Mario
The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements. Oxford Handbooks in Politics & International Relations.
Cary: Oxford University Press
Eckert, Julia; Reyna, Stephen P.; Glick Schiller, Nina
Anthropological Theory, 14.
Sage Publications
Joniak, Agnieszka
Xinjiang’s geographies in motion.
Asian Ethnicity, 16(4), pp. 428-445.
Landolt, Gabriela; Haller, Tobias
Alpine Common Property Institutions under Change: Conditions for Successful and Unsuccessful Collective Action by Alpine Farmers in the Canton of Grisons, Switzerland.
Human organization, 74(1), pp. 100-111.
Society for Applied Anthropology
Haller, Tobias
Climate change impacts, institutional resilience and livelihoods vulnerability: A comparative analysis of climate change and adaptation strategies in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Rosendhal, Judith; Zanella, Matheus A.; Weigelt, Jes
Pro-poor Resource Governance under Changing Climates - Addressing vulnerabilities in rural Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ecuador and India (pp. 160-181).
Potsdam: IASS
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Between memories [Movie].
Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology
Perl, Gerhild
Versuch einer Antwort. Reflexionen über einen Forschungsaufenthalt an der Grenze.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 164, pp. 22-24.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Schäuble, Michaela
Progressive Folklore oder proletarischer Exotismus? Wie sich die Bilder der Expeditionen des italienischen Ethnologen Ernesto de Martino verselbständigten. In Begeisterung und Blashepmie.
Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, 9(2), pp. 103-109.
Schäuble, Michaela
Stephanie Spray und Pancho Velez: Manakamana (film review).
Visual Anthropologiy Review, 32(2), pp. 204-207.
Schäuble, Michaela
Suhr, Christian and Rane Willerslev (eds.) 2013. Transcultural montage. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 300 pp. ISBN: 978-0-85745-964-0.
Social Anthropology, 23(3), pp. 404-407.
Tosic, Jelena
The Loudspeaker of Faith in the Calm City: Islam and Urban Diversity in Contemporary Balkans.
Roy, Olivier; Elbasani, Arolda
The Revival of Islam in the Balkans. From Identity to Religiosity (pp. 83-102).
Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan
Tosic, Jelena
Review: Elissa Helms, Innocence and Victimhood. Gender, Nation and Woman Activism in Post-War Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Social Anthropology, 23(4), pp. 516-517.
Oxby, Clare
Calendar Pluralism and the Cultural Heritage of Domination and Resistance.
Ruggles, Clive L.N.
Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy (pp. 1107-1113).
New York: Springer
Marti, Irene; Gisler, Charlotte; Hostettler, Ueli
Rapport de l’évaluation externe du projet “Les enfants de l’ombre” de REPR, 2014-2015
Fribourg: Université de Fribourg – Sociologie, politiques social et travail social
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli
Die Auswirkung neoliberaler Steuerung auf die Forschung an Hochschulen.
Baumann, Hans; Herzog, Roland; Ringger, Beat; Schatz, Holger
Denknetz Jahrbuch 2015: Zerstörung und Transformation des Gemeinwesens (pp. 178-185).
Zürich: edition 8
Wettstein, Marion
The Dancers Complied, the Chicken Denied: Explorations into the Pragmatic Work of Rituals among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal.
Shaman. Journal of the International Society for Shamanistic Research, 23(1/2), pp. 163-188.
Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publ
Wettstein, Marion
Review Essay: A Pioneer of Comparative Himalayan Mythology (a review of Miyapma: Traditional Narratives of the Thulung Rai, by N.J. Allen).
European bulletin of Himalayan research, 46, pp. 88-96.
SAI Heidelberg
Wehner, Theo; Znoj, Heinzpeter; Jochum-Müller, Gernot; Lehner, Heidi
Die Zeitvorsorgen Obwalden und St. Gallen.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen. (pp. 30-42).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kommentar zu "Beitragen auf dem Pappelhof".
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Anders Wirtschaften. Gespräche mit Leuten, die es versuchen (pp. 91-93).
Zürich: Conzett
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Geld als Beziehungsmittel. "Geld. Jenseits von Gut und Böse" [Blog].
Lenzburg: Stapferhaus
Kehr, Janina; Engelmann, Lukas
Double Trouble. Towards an Epistemology of Co-infection.
Medicine, Anthropology, Theory, 2(1), pp. 1-31.
Kehr, Janina; Caduff, Carlo
Leiden: Ein Gespräch zur Moral Anthropology.
Historische Anthropologie, 23(1), pp. 115-128.
Kehr, Janina
Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics, and Governance in Global Markets. KaushikSunder Rajan, ed., Durham: Duke University Press Books, 2012, 528 pp. [Rezension].
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 29(1), pp. 39-42.
Kehr, Janina
The 'Other' Disease. Tuberculosis in the (Post-) Colonial Context.
Books and Ideas
La Vie des Idees
Kehr, Janina
Alltägliche Krisen: Flucht, Medizin und Migration. Ein Denkeinstieg.
Medizinethnologie. Körper, Gesundheit und Heilung in einer globalisierten Welt.
Zürcher, Rachel; Hostettler, Ueli; Balmer, Thomas
Kooperation zwischen Erwartungen, Wünschen und Unterrichtsrealität. Wie kooperativ denken und handeln Regellehrpersonen und heilpädagogische Lehrpersonen als Kooperationspartnerinnen und -partner?
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 21(1), pp. 43-49.
Stiftung Schweizer Zentrum für Heil- und Sonderpädagogik
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
La voz lírica y la representación colectiva en la exposición Cantos y Cuentos colombianos de Juan Manuel Echavarría.
Lienhard, Martin
Violencia urbana, los jóvenes y la droga : Violência urbana os jovens e a droga. América latina /África. Nexos y diferencias : Estudios de la Cultura de América Latina: Vol. 43 (pp. 285-297).
Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert
Fischer, Carolin
Exploring the Dynamics of Diaspora Formation among Afghans in Germany.
Christou, Anastasia; Mavroudi, Elizabeth
Dismantling diasporas: rethinking the geographies of diasporic identity, connection and development (pp. 154-161).
London: Routledge
Moghaddari, Sonja
Migrations et Modernités Iraniennes: Les Familles Transnationales.
Bibliothèque iranienne Nouvelle série: Vol. 79.
Paris: Éditions du Cygne
Ghomashlouyan, Moslem; Arvin, Bahareh
Ethical Citizenship in Tehran: Survey Results (Unpublished).
2nd Scientific Conference on Urban Management (Tehran International Award), Tehran Urban Planning & Research Center.
Aronsson, Anne Stefanie
Career Women in Contemporary Japan: Pursuing Identities, Fashioning Lives.
Routledge contemporary Japan: Vol. 56.
New York: Routledge
Insberg, Manuel
Die entmenschlichende Kraft der Bilder - Wie Fotojournalismus zu einer humaneren Flüchtlingspolitik beitragen könnte.
emerge - Fotojournalismus Magazin, 1(1)
Fischer, Carolin
Disaggregating Diasporas as Actors.
Sigona, Nando; Gamlen, Alan; Liberatore, Giulia; Hélène, Neveu Kringelbach
Diasporas Reimagined: Spaces, Practices and Belonging (pp. 180-184).
Oxford: Oxford Diasporas Programme
Ohm, Britta
Organizing Popular Discourse with and against the Media: Notes on the Making of Narendra Modi and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as Leaders-without-Alternative.
Television & New Media, 16(4), pp. 370-377.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Braun, Martin; Henriksen, Christian Bugge
Sustainable Extensification as an Alternative Model For Reducing GHG Emissions From Agriculture. The Case of an Extensively Managed Organic Farm in Denmark.
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 39(5), pp. 551-579.
Taylor & Francis
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Suyarkulova, Mohira
The Rogun Complex: Public Roles and Historic Experiences of Dam-Building in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Cahiers d’Asie Centrale, 25, pp. 103-132.
Wooden, Amanda E.; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Gullette, David
The ‘Great Future of the Country’?: dams and hydroelectricity discourses in Kyrgyzstan.
Freedman, Eric; Neuzil, Mark
Environmental Crises in Central Asia: from steppes to seas, from deserts to glaciers (pp. 52-64).
London: Routledge
Schäuble, Michaela
(5 December 2014).
Ecstasy, Choreography, and Re-enactment: Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Filming Trance and Spirit Possession in Southern Italy (Unpublished).
Envisioning Rituals through Film: Studying Body Techniques as Symbolic Action and Visual Culture, Jahrestagung der AAA (American Anthropological Association).
Mugler, Johanna
(December 2014).
No fear of numbers. No chasing or cheating. No number games. Prosecutors at work with performance measurement systems in the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) in South Africa. (Unpublished).
African Courts: Actors, Institutional Developments and Governance.
LASDEL Niamey, Niger.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(20 November 2014).
Sozialanthropologie: Traditionelle Gesellschaften im Prozess der Globalisierung (Unpublished).
Fach-Tagung der Bernischen Geographie-Lehrer.
Bern, Gymnasium Neufeld.
Roth, Claudia
Entre rêves de grandeur et pragmatisme : les jeunes en milieu urbain au Burkina Faso.
Journal des Africanistes, 84(1), pp. 80-105.
Société des Africanistes
Eckert, Julia
(November 2014).
Die Geburt der Ethnologie aus dem Geist der Tragödie (Unpublished).
100 Jahrfeier der deutschen Ethnologie.
Universität Leipzig.
Eckert, Julia
(November 2014).
Roundtable discussion: The Migration-Security Nexus: the Case of Switzerland in International Perspective (Unpublished).
The Migration-Security Nexus: the Case of Switzerland in International Perspective.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
(31 October 2014).
Emancipation, liberation and empowerment: Feminist Critiques of Turkish Modernism and Development in Southeastern Anatolia? (Unpublished).
Annual Conference of the Swiss Anthropological Association.
Basel, Schweiz.
30. Okt. - 01. Nov. 2014.
Kehr, Janina
(22 October 2014).
Against Sick States: Ebola Protests in Austerity Spain.
Somathosphere. Science, Medicine and Anthropology
Mooser, Sandra
(17 October 2014).
Nollywood inspires Switzerland – Audio-Visual Forms of Self-Representation by African Migrants (Unpublished).
Swiss Researching Africa Days.
Universität Bern.
Käser, Fabian; Marfurt, Franziska; Lustenberger, Samuel
(17 October 2014).
Ethnography of a Land-Deal. Local Perceptions and Vertical Perspectives of a Large Scale Land Acquisition Project in Northern Sierra Leone.
Schweizerische Tage der Afrika-Forschung 2014.
University of Bern.
Strasser, Sabine
(10 October 2014).
Kobane, Syrien (Unpublished).
Ali Baba, Bern.
Kobi, Madlen
Constructing, Creating and Contesting Cityscapes. A Socio-Anthropological Approach to Urban Transformation in Southern Xinjiang, People's Republic of China.
(Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Mooser, Sandra
(1 October 2014).
Medienanthropologische Forschung in Aktion – ein von Nollywood inspiriertes Filmprojekt in der Schweiz (Unpublished).
Forschungskolloquium, Ethnologisches Seminar.
Universität Luzern.
Schäuble, Michaela
Ethnologie als Bildwissenschaft.
Günzel, Stephan; Mersch, Dieter
Bild. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 379-384).
Stuttgart/Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler
Haller, Tobias
(October 2014).
Managing the Commons with Floods: The role of institutions and power relations for water governance and food resilience in African Floodplains (Unpublished).
Water and Food – Africa in a Global Context: Workshop paper presented at the Nordic Africa Institute.
Affolter, Laura
(October 2014).
"Es gibt kein Rezept für die Glaubhaftigkeitsprüfung". Die bürokratische Praxis im schweizerischen Asylverfahren (Unpublished).
Ad-hoc Gruppe "Asyl verwalten: Theoretische Perspektiven und empirische Befunde zur bürokratischen Bearbeitung eines gesellschaftlichen Problems". 37. DGS Kongress.
Piart, Luisa
(20 September 2014).
Adverse Entrepreneurs and the Moral Economy of Istanbul’s Garment Industry (Unpublished).
7th InASEA Congress, Panel "Localising Moralities: Economy, Intimacy and Sociality in Southeast Europe" (chairs Sabine Strasser & Jelena Tosic, discussant Olaf Zenker).
Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Strasser, Sabine
(20 September 2014).
Workshop: Localising Moralities: Economy, Intimacy and Sociality in SEE (Unpublished).
7th InASEA Conference: “Cultures of Crisis: Experiencing and Coping With Upheavals and Disasters in Southeast Europe”.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Strasser, Sabine
(19 September 2014).
The Crises Effect: global moral obligations, peripheral governors and the figure of the pitiful/abusive migrant (Unpublished).
7th InASEA Conference “Cultures of Crisis: Experiencing and Coping With Upheavals and Disasters in Southeast Europe”.
Kadir Has University, Istanbul.
Toggweiler, Michael; Klankert, Tanja; Rice, Erin Michelle; Suter, Fermin
Objekte auf Kulturreise: Wie das @ in unsere Mailbox kam (Ausstellung) [Performance or Exhibition].
Nacht der Forschung. Universität Bern. 06.09.2014
Käser, Fabian; Marfurt, Franziska; Lustenberger, Samuel
(6 September 2014).
Ethnography of a Land-Deal. Local Perceptions and Vertical Perspectives of a Large Scale Land Acquisition Project in Northern Sierra Leone (Unpublished).
8th European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference.
University of Glasgow.
Eckert, Julia
Preventive laws and the policing of the urban poor.
Gooptu, Nandini; Parry, Jonathan
The persistence of poverty in India (pp. 291-316).
New Delhi: Social Science Press
Haller, Tobias
(September 2014).
Land Acquisitions, Common Pool Resources and Common Property Institutions: Some Theoretical Reflexions in Anthropology. Panel The Political Economy of Large Scale Land Acquisitions I: Institutional Diagnostics (Unpublished).
8th conference of the European Commission on Political Research.
Loher, David
(3 August 2014).
The Governance of Voluntariness: Assisted voluntary return migration as law enforcement through the mobilisation of self-responsibility (Unpublished).
EASA Biennial Conference.
31.07.- 03.08.2014.
Affolter, Laura
(3 August 2014).
Deserving to be believed in: Credibility determination in Swiss asylum bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Tracing Eligibilities: Moralities, Performances, Practices. 13th EASA Biennial Conference.
Piart, Luisa
(1 August 2014).
Innovation-cum-precarity in Istanbul’s garment market: new strategies and settings of uncertainty (Unpublished).
13th EASA Biennial Conference, Panel "Innovation and continuity in times of uncertainty: bridging perspectives on economic life" (convenors Niko Besnier & Susana Narotzky).
Mugler, Johanna; Budniok, Jan; Göpfert, Mirko
(1 August 2014).
Collaboration in criminal justice: actors, processes and translations (Unpublished).
Biennial conference of EASA, European Association of Social Anthropologists.
Tallinn, Estonia.
Ohm, Britta
Contesting Interpretational Authority: Democracy and Fascism in the Indian ‘Empowered Public’.
Media International Australia, 152(1), pp. 119-132.
Roth, Claudia
The strength of badenya ties: siblings and social security in old age – the case of urban Burkina Faso.
American Ethnologist, 41(3), pp. 547-563.
American Anthropological Association
Eckert, Julia
(August 2014).
Book launch: ‚States at Work’ by Thomas Bierschenk and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(August 2014).
Discussant at the panel „Kinning the state - state kinning: reconnecting the anthropology of kinship and political anthropology" (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference.
Eckert, Julia
(August 2014).
Workshop: Tracing eligibilities: moralities, performances, practices (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists Conference (EASA).
Strasser, Sabine
(31 July 2014).
Under suspicious eyes: surveillance states, security zones and ethnographic fieldwork (Unpublished).
Workshop at the EASA Conference in Tallinn.
Piart, Luisa
(18 July 2014).
Waste and Fake Alaturca: Revaluation Practices in Istanbul’s Clothing Industry (Unpublished).
"Practices of Materiality" 1st Vienna Ethnography Lab. Department of Methods in the Social Sciences, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology.
University of Vienna.
Loher, David
(7 July 2014).
The Containment of Voluntariness. Programs for Assisted Voluntary Return Migration to Tunisia (Unpublished).
Indemini Summer School.
Indemini CH.
Zenker, Olaf
(July 2014).
South African land restitution and the contested eligibility of white claimants (Unpublished).
EASA 2014 Conference. Workshop Drotbohm/Eckert, European Association of Social Anthropologists.
31.07.– 03.08.2014.
Mooser, Sandra
(27 June 2014).
Inspired by Nollywood. Migrant Filmmaking in Switzerland (Unpublished).
The 4th Annual London Film and Media Conference “Visions of Identity: Global Film & Media”.
Academic Conferences London.
Schäuble, Michaela; Helms, Elissa
(June 2014).
Book presentation panel “Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion and the Making of Place” (Unpublished).
ASN Conference.
Juni 2014.
Eckert, Julia
(June 2014).
What’s Law got to do with it? The Possibilities of Emancipation (Unpublished).
International Conference Gender and the Law.
Gediz University, Izmir.
Eckert, Julia
(June 2014).
„If even they“: Practices of Comparison and Visions of Justice in Urban India (Unpublished).
Realizing Justice in South Asia.
Max Weber Kolleg Universität Erfurt.
Strasser, Sabine
(June 2014).
Workshop: Looking Beyond the ‘Bridge’: Sustaining and energizing Turkey’s European and regional ambitions (Unpublished).
Workshop: Sustaining and energizing Turkey’s European and regional ambitions..
Bogazici Universitesi, Istanbul.
Juni 2014.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Penny, Harvey
(June 2014).
Activist Objects and the Disappeared.
Curating the activist (Blog).
Lems, Annika
(27 May 2014).
A Country Big Enough to Disappear in.
Inside Story
Rehsmann, Julia
(23 May 2014).
Act of Violence - Act of Love (Unpublished).
International Workshop "Family Narratives/National(istic) Narratives.
Universität Zürich.
Schäuble, Michaela
(16 May 2014).
Picturing Post-War Croatia. A Photo-Essay.
Blog of Berghahn Publishers.
Zenker, Olaf
(May 2014).
Why the individual must be defended ~ seemingly against all anthropological odds (Unpublished).
Workshop (Not) outside my culture: The paradoxes of personal autonomy in a plural society.
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung. Halle/Saale.
Schäuble, Michaela
(25 April 2014).
Visual Voice: 'Narrating Victimhood' in Photos. A Photo-Essay.
Blog of Berghahn Publishers.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(10 April 2014).
Kannibalismus aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive (Interview).
Einstein „Schockierendes Ritual“.
Schäuble, Michaela
(10 April 2014).
Bilder der Ekstase. Cinematografia demartiniana - Dokumentar- oder Autorenfilm? (Unpublished).
International Symposium: Italy's 'different status'. Anthropology of the 'possessed South' between Friedrich Nietzsche and Ernesto de Martino.
Vignoi, Italy.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Sariaslan, Emine; Schneeberger, Susanne
Migrationssensitive Palliative Care: Bedarf und Bedürfnisse der Migrationsbevölkerung in der Schweiz. Schlussbericht, finanziert durch das Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Nationale Strategie Palliative Care
Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Schäuble, Michaela
Narrating Victimhood: Gender, Religion, and the Making of Place in Post-War Croatia.
New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books
Zenker, Olaf
(April 2014).
Politics by other means revisited: legal activism and land reform in post-apartheid South Africa (Unpublished).
1994-2014: 20 years of South African Democracy.
University of Oxford, African Studies Centre, St. Antony's College.
Dankwa, Serena
(21 March 2014).
Pidgen Music: Ghana’s neue Jugendkultur.
Musik der Welt.
SRF 2 Kultur
Santschi, Martina
Encountering and 'Capturing' Hakuma. Negotiationg statehood and Authority in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal State, South Sudan.
(Dissertation, University of Bern, Faculty of Humanities)
Strasser, Sabine
(8 March 2014).
Laudatio für: Mag.a Gabriella Hauch. Verleihung Gabriele Possanner-Staatspreis.
Zenker, Olaf
(February 2014).
Diskutant an der Konferenz Doing Gesellschaftstheorie / Doing social theory (Unpublished).
Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Geschichte und Soziologie.
Ganzfried, Miriam
(31 January 2014).
Global Diffusion of Women’s Rights Norms within a Transnational Advocacy Network: The Case of Amnesty International (Unpublished).
Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association.
30. - 31.1. 2014.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(9 January 2014).
Doktorat eröffnet beste Perspektiven.
Der Bund
Der Bund Verlag AG
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Palliative Care und Migration. Literaturrecherche zum Stand der Forschung einer diversitätssensiblen Palliative Care. Teilbericht
Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit
Strasser, Sabine
(January 2014).
Dersim Dernekleri: transnationale Beziehungen zwischen Europa und der Türkei (Unpublished).
Vortrag Oberseminar.
LMU München.
Bluwstein, Jevgeniy; Lund, Jens Friis; Balooni, Kulbhushan
In search of conservation impact. A comment on Schusser 2012: Who determines biodiversity? An analysis of actors' power and interests in community forestry in Namibia.
Forest policy and economics, 38, pp. 227-228.
Elsevier Science
Strasser, Sabine
Repressive autonomy: discourses on and surveillance of marriage migration from Turkey to Austria.
Migration letters, 11(3), pp. 316-328.
Transnational Press London
Strasser, Sabine
Post-Multikulturalismus und „repressive Autonomie“: sozialanthropologische Perspektiven zur Integrationsdebatte.
Nieswand, Boris; Drotbohm, Heike
Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration. Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik (pp. 41-67).
Springer Verlag
Strasser, Sabine; Tosic, Jelena
Egalität, Autonomie und Integration: Post Multikulturalismus in Österreich.
Nieswand, Boris; Drotbohm, Heike
Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration. Die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik (pp. 123-150).
Springer Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Review on Eva Hausbacher, Elisabeth Klaus, Ralph Poole, Ulrike Brandl u. Ingrid Schmutzhard (Hg.). Migration und Geschlechterverhältnisse. Kann die Migrantin sprechen?
L'Homme - europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 25, pp. 164-168.
Conte, Edouard
A Contest of Concepts: 'Ètnos' and 'Ethnicity' Revisited in the Wake of the Cold War.
Kollmar-Paulenz, Karénina; Reinhardt, Seline; Skrynnikova, Tatiana D.
Religion and Ethnicity in Mongolian Societies. Studies in Oriental Religions: Vol. 69 (pp. 9-28).
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz
Strasser, Sabine
Dersim Dernekleri: transnationale Betrachtungen „politischer Flüsse“ zwischen Europa und der Provinz Tunceli/Dersim in der Türkei.
Migration und Entwicklung. Neue Perspektiven. Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung: Vol. 32 (pp. 207-222).
Wien: Promedia/Südwind
Zenker, Olaf; Anders, Gerhard
Transition and Justice: Negotiating the Terms of New Beginnings in Africa.
Development and Change: Vol. 45/3.
Oxford: Wiley
Zenker, Olaf; Anders, Gerhard
Transition and Justice: An Introduction.
Development and Change, 45(3), pp. 395-414.
Zenker, Olaf
New Law against an Old State: Land Restitution as a Transition to Justice in Post-Apartheid South Africa?
Development and Change, 45(3), pp. 502-523.
Siegl, Veronika
Die Blutspende als sozialer Vertrag.
migrazine, 2014(1)
maiz – Autonomes Zentrum von und für Migrantinnen
Siegl, Veronika
Getting in the way of happiness. An interview with feminist theorist Sara Ahmed.
Frauensolidarität, 127(1)
Zenker, Olaf
Linguistic relativity and dialectical idiomatization: language ideologies and second language acquisition in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 24(1), pp. 63-83.
Zenker, Olaf
Review: Melancholia of freedom. Social life in an Indian township in South Africa, by Thomas Blom Hansen.
American Ethnologist, 41(2), pp. 384-385.
American Anthropological Association
Zenker, Olaf
White claimants and the moral community of South African land restitution
(Working paper des Max Planck Instituts für ethnologische Forschung 151).
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Zenker, Olaf
Writing Culture.
Jackson, John
Oxford Bibliographies Online: Anthropology.
New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press
Schäuble, Michaela
Familien Filme(n): Die Kamera als Katalysator für Kommunikation, Konfrontation und Krise.
Bender, Cora; Zillinger, Martin
Medienethnographie: Ein Handbuch. Ethnologische Paperbacks (pp. 307-332).
Berlin: Reimer
Schäuble, Michaela
Friedenskönigin, Apokalyptische Frau oder Handlangerin nationalistischer Demagogen? Der Kult der Gospa Sinjska als visuelle Manifestation lokaler Erinnerung an Krieg und Gewalt.
Troebst, Stefan; Gąsior, Agnieszka
Gebrochene Kontinuitäten. Transnationalität in den Erinnerungskulturen Ostmitteleuropas im 20. Jahrhundert. Visuelle Geschichtskultur: Vol. 13 (pp. 99-123).
Köln, Böhlau: Böhlau
Schild, Pascale
Struggling for Reconstruction: Houses, Homes and "the State" after the Earthquake in Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir.
Scrutiny. A Journal of International and Pakistan Studies, 5/6 2011-12, pp. 33-51.
Eckert, Julia
What is the context in "Law in Context"?
Donlan, Seán Patrick; Heckendorn, Lukas
Concepts of Law. Comparative, Jurisprudential, and Social Science Perspectives (pp. 225-236).
Farnham: Ashgate
Ortiz, Miriam; Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina; Schnabel, Katharina; Walbaum, Torsten; Binting, Sylvia; Fischer, Herbert Felix; Teut, Michael; Kottner, Jan; Suhr, Ralf; Brinkhaus, Benno
Complementary Medicine in Nursing Homes - Results of a Mixed Methods Pilot Study.
BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 14(1), p. 443.
BioMed Central
Joniak, Agnieszka
Totalizing discourses and porous practices: Ethnicity in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Unpublished).
Annual Meeting of the Association of Asian Studies.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Foucault in China (Unpublished).
13th EASA Biennial Conference “Collaboration, Intimacy and Revolution”.
Tallinn, Estonia.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Mobility and identity-negotiations along Xinjiang’s roads (Unpublished).
1st Roadology Workshop (路学工作坊).
Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Chongqing University, China.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Han migration to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Between State Schemes and Migrants’ Strategies (Unpublished).
Jackson School of International Studies, China Studies Program, University of Washington, Seattle.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Development of infrastructure and spatial reorganization in China's Great Northwest (Unpublished).
Public lecture.
Institute of New Rural Development, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming, China.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Go West Young Men: Post-1949 Han migration to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Unpublished).
Institut für Asien‐ und Afrikawissenschaften, Zentralasien‐Seminar, Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Xinjiang’s geographies in motion: The making of Han and Uyghur places at China’s northwestern border (Unpublished).
Lecture in the Lunch Seminar Series.
Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.
Joniak, Agnieszka
The Power of Infrastructure? Transportation networks and the making of state territory in northwest China (Unpublished).
Senior Research Seminar.
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
Haller, Tobias; Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi; Mhlanga, Lindah; Hara, Mafaniso
Defragmenting natural resources management within the Lake Kariba environs.
Nyikahadzoi, Kefasi; Mhlanga, Lindah; Haller, Tobias
Fragmentation of Natural Resources Management. Experiences from Lake Kariba. Defragmenting African Resource Management: Vol. 2 (pp. 163-176).
Wien: LIT Verlag
Haller, Tobias; Mafaniso, Hara
Defragmenting African Resource Management (DARMA) Series, 2014.
LIT Verlag
Haller, Tobias
Making Businesses in the Open: Coping with Economic and Institutional Risk and Insecurity in the Kafue Flats, Zambia.
Journal des Africanistes, 80(1), pp. 60-79.
Société des Africanistes
Eckert, Julia
Verantwortungszuschreibung (Unpublished).
Institut für Vergleichende Kulturforschung. Universität Marburg.
Affolter, Laura
A quest for “truth”? Credibility determination in Swiss asylum bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Tackling asylum proceedings from below? Practices of asylum adjudication in Europe.
Brunner, Bernadette; Oester Znoj, Kathrin; Fiechter, Ursula
Bern West. Ein Sozialraum aus Sicht der Jugendlichen.
Bäschlin, Elisabeth; Mayer, Heike; Hasler, Martin
Bern. Stadt und Region. Die Entwicklung im Spiegel der Forschung. Jahrbuch der Geographischen Gesellschaft Bern: Vol. 64 (pp. 97-118).
Bern: Geographische Gesellschaft Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Welche Kraft ist stärker: Geld oder Liebe?
Stapferhaus Lenzburg,
GELD. Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Handbuch zur Ausstellung.
Lenzburg: Stapferhaus Lenzburg
Perl, Gerhild
Der Telefonengel®. Versuch über das Sterben.
Schreibkraft. Das Feuilletonmagazin(da capo 26)
Edition Schreibkraft Graz
Haller, Tobias
Making business in the open: coping with economic and institutional risk and insecurity in the Kafue flats, Zambia.
Journal des Africanistes, 84(1), pp. 60-79.
Société des Africanistes
Haller, Tobias; Mhlanga, Lindah; Nyikahodozi, Kefasi
Fragmentation of Natural Resources Management: Experiences from Lake Kariba.
Defragmenting African Resource Management (DARMA): Vol. 2.
Berlin/Münster/Zürich/London: LIT Verlag
Neumann, Klaus; Gifford, Sandra; Lems, Annika; Scherr, Stefanie
Refugee Settlement in Australia: Policy, Scholarship and the Production of Knowledge, 1952 − 2013.
Journal of Intercultural Studies, 35(1), pp. 1-17.
Soom Ammann, Eva; van Holten, Karin
Migration und Alter: hier und dort.
Passagen, Forschungskreis Migration und Geschlecht
Vielfältig alltäglich. Migration und Geschlecht in der Schweiz (pp. 236-269).
Zürich: Seismo
Oxby, Clare
Social differentiation of risk: perceptions of the future in drought-prone Central Niger.
Journal des Africanistes, 84(1), pp. 106-129.
Société des Africanistes
Marti, Irene; Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina
Sterben im geschlossenen Vollzug: inhaltliche und methodische Herausforderungen für die Forschung.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kriminologie, 13(1), pp. 26-43.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli; Marti, Irene
Lebensende im geschlossenen Strafvollzug: Ambivalenzen von „care“ und „custody“.
Newsletter Studienbereich Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit(15), pp. 25-30.
Wettstein, Marion
Naga Textiles: Design, Technique, Meaning and Effect of a Local Craft Tradition in Northeast India.
Stuttgart: Arnoldsche Art Publishers
Wettstein, Marion
Workshop on "Kiranti Culture in Contemporary Nepal", Vienna, 4-5 April 2014.
European bulletin of Himalayan research, 44, pp. 93-96.
SAI Heidelberg
Kehr, Janina
Reasons of Conscience: The Bioethics Debate in Germany by Stefan Sperling. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 333 pp. [Rezension].
American anthropologist, 116(2), pp. 477-478.
Balmer, Thomas; Hostettler, Ueli; Zürcher, Rachel
Organisation und Wirkung der Umsetzung des Integrationsartikles im Kanton Bern am Beispiel der Volksschule der Stadt Burgdorf.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik, 20(4), pp. 11-20.
Stiftung Schweizer Zentrum für Heil- und Sonderpädagogik
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Itinerarios líricos de la inclusión: el hip-hop y el rap en Colombia.
Alter/nativas: Latin American Cultural Studies Journal(2), pp. 1-34.
Center for Latin American Studies, The Ohio State University
Bolay, Matthieu
When miners become “foreigners”: Competing categorizations within gold mining spaces in Guinea.
Resources policy, 40, pp. 117-127.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
After the Worker State: Competing and converging frames of valuing labor in rural Kyrgyzstan.
Laboratorium, 6(2), pp. 77-100.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Ismailbekova, Aksana
Ethnographies of Belonging and the Future in Kyrgyzstan. Introduction to themed section of AEER.
Anthropology of East Europe Review, 32(2), pp. 1-16.
Indiana University
Bromber, Katrin; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Lange, Katharina
The temporal politics of big dams in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia: by way of an introduction.
Water history, 6(4), pp. 289-296.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
‘Bringing lights to the yurts’: Visions of future and belonging surrounding pastures and hydropower in Kyrgyzstan.
Anthropology of East Europe Review, 32(2), pp. 49-68.
Indiana University
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne Eileen
‘Everybody loves Flow’: on the art of rescuing a word from its users.
Suomen Antropologi, 39(2), pp. 97-99.
Finnish Anthropological Society
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Posle Gosudarstva Rabochikh: Nyneshniaia Tsennost’ Raboty v Sel’skom Kyrgyzstane (Russian version of ‘After the Worker State’).
Voprosy Istorii Kyrgyzstana, 30(1-2), pp. 195-203.
Gullette, David; Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Mr Light and people's everyday energy struggles in Central Asia and the Caucasus: an introduction.
Central Asian survey, 33(4), pp. 435-448.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Leins, Stefan
Obituary: Swiss Bank Secrecy (1934-2014).
Socializing Finance - A blog on the Social Studies of Finance.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Erfahrungen mit den sowjetischen and postsowjetischen Staudammprojekten am Naryn Fluss.
Schmidt, Matthias
Aktuelle Forschungen zu den Mensch-Umwelt Verhältnissen in Kirgistan 62 (pp. 90-100).
Hannoversche Geographische Arbeiten
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne; Roche, Sophie
Roche, Sophie
Central Asian Intellectuals on Islam: between scholarship, politics and identity (pp. 27-52).
Zentrum Moderner Orient Studien
Kobi, Madlen
(20 December 2013).
Performing (Ethnic) Identities in Urban Public Spaces in Southern Xinjiang, China (Unpublished).
Conference "The Visible and the Invisible", CASCA (Halle-Zürich Centre for Anthropological Research in Central Asia).
Kehr, Janina
Une maladie sans avenir. Anthropologie de la tuberculose en France et en Allemagne.
Lustenberger, Sibylle
(12 December 2013).
Conflicting Ontologies? Rabbinic Kinship Concepts and the Formation of Same-Sex Parenthood in Israel (Unpublished).
Ontologies of Procreation. Formations and Transformations.
Zenker, Olaf
(10 December 2013).
Legal pluralism, communal land tenure and multiple livelihoods in South Africa’s countryside (Unpublished).
Colloquium of Cultures and Development Studies.
Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Zenker, Olaf
(9 December 2013).
Recursive prolegomena: the morally modern state of anthropology (Unpublished).
Research Seminar.
Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa (IARA), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
(December 2013).
Expansion of transportation networks in southern Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Spatial reconfigurations, mobility and identity (Unpublished).
The visible and the invisible: Institutions and identities in contemporary Central Asia.
Zürich University.
Soom Ammann, Eva
(December 2013).
Altern in der Irregularität.
Informationsbulletin der Zürcher Sans-Papiers-Anlaufstelle(27), pp. 1-2.
Zürich: Zürcher Sans-Papiers-Anlaufstelle
Dankwa, Serena
Keine Namen. Kein Geschlecht.
Berlowitz, Shelley; Joris, Elisabeth; Meierhofer-Mangeli, Zeedah
Terra Incognita? Der Treffpunkt Schwarzer Frauen in Zürich (pp. 264-265).
Zürich: Limmat Verlag
Türkmen, Saadet
(23 November 2013).
Experiencing health and illness among migrants from Turkey in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Annual Meeting American Anthropological Association.
Loher, David
(23 November 2013).
Governing Voluntariness? Switzerland’s Programme for Assisted Voluntary Return or How Destitute Migrants Become Productive and Self-Responsible Entrepreneurs (Unpublished).
Contested Control at the Margins of the State.
Affolter, Laura
(23 November 2013).
„Doing credibility“. Credibility assessment in Swiss asylum bureaucracies (Unpublished).
Contested Control at the Margins of the State.
Affolter, Simon Roman
(22 November 2013).
The Informal Form: Recruiting Networks for Cheap and Flexible Work Force in the Agricultural Labour Market (Unpublished).
Contested Control at the Margins of the State.
Marti, Simone
(22 November 2013).
Deregulation strategies and its regulating effects: The case of the termination of Social Assistance for rejected asylum seekers in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Contested Control at the Margins of the State. Control practices and migrants' mobility in the Schengen Dublin area.
Eckert, Julia
(18 November 2013).
Ein Recht auf Fairness.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Ganzfried, Miriam
Le genre comme ressource politique en Suisse. La perception de l'élite politique.
Sarrebruck: Presse Académique Francophone
Kobi, Madlen; Kaufmann, Lena
(9 November 2013).
Panel: Current (Swiss) Contributions to Chinese Anthropology.
Jahreskonferenz der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft SEG.
Türkmen, Saadet
(9 November 2013).
Medical Anthropology at Home (Unpublished).
Jahresversammlung MAS (Medical Anthrologie Switzerland).
Kobi, Madlen
(1 November 2013).
Cultural Identities ‘Under Construction‘. Urban Spatial Transformations and the Construction of Identities in Southern Xinjiang (Unpublished).
Exploratory Workshop on Spatial Transformations in China’s Northwest.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
The Han Minzu, Fragmented Identities, and Ethnicity.
The Journal of Asian Studies, 72(4), pp. 849-871.
Cambridge University Press
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
(November 2013).
The making of state territory from within: Transportation networks in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Unpublished).
The Annual Meeting of the German Association for Chinese Studies.
Würzburg, Germany.
Ohm, Britta
The Ethnographic Moment: Event and Debate in Mediatized Fieldwork.
Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 9(3), pp. 71-97.
Communication and Media Research Institute of the University of Westminster
Zenker, Olaf
(November 2013).
Recursive prolegomena: the morally modern state of anthropology (Unpublished).
112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Panel “Advocacy, Activism, and Engaged Anthropology”.
Zenker, Olaf
(November 2013).
Discussant in the Panel “Pastoralism and the New Commons: Co-Management, Conflict, and Cooperation”. (Unpublished).
112th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).
Zenker, Olaf
(November 2013).
Mind the gaps: renegotiating South African legal pluralism within the post-apartheid state (Unpublished).
Workshop Negotiating Normative Spaces: Insights from and into African Judicial Encounters.
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale.
Lubrich, Oliver; Schrott, Raoul; Rossini, Manuela; Toggweiler, Michael
(31 October 2013).
Moderation des Workshops "Kulturtransfer II" (mit Raoul Schrott) am Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, Universität Bern, 31. Oktober 2013. (Unpublished).
Workshop "Kulturtransfer II".
Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences der Universität Bern.
31. Oktober 2013.
Toggweiler, Michael
(17 October 2013).
Respondenz zum Vortrag von Dr. Thomas Stodulka FU Berlin: Radikaler Empirismus und die Auflösung des cartesianischen Dualismus im Feld. Eine emotionsethnologische Perspektive (Unpublished).
Die Affekte der Forscher.
Loher, David
(16 October 2013).
The Voluntariness of Voluntary Return Migration (Unpublished).
Lucerne Masterclass 2013: Crisis, Critique, Capitalism.
Affolter, Simon Roman
(4 October 2013).
Die hierarchisierte Arbeitsmigration im Landwirtschaftssektor (Unpublished).
Deutscher Geographentag 2013: Neue Geographien der Migration.
Türkmen, Saadet
(3 October 2013).
Health and Illness Experience in the context of migrants from Turkey in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Jahreskonferenz DTTPPP.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
(October 2013).
Roads in Xinjiang: Interfaces of conceived, perceived and lived spaces (Unpublished).
Spatial Transformations in China’s Northwest.
Wolf, Anna-Lena
Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in Indien. Eine ethnologische Betrachtung.
Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag
Marti, Simone; Loher, David
(October 2013).
Die neue Sichtbarkeit der irregulären Migrant_innen durch relokalisierte und deterritorialisierte Grenzpraktiken des europäischen Migrationsregimes (Unpublished).
Deutscher Geografentag.
Strasser, Sabine
(October 2013).
Cosmopolitanism revisted (Unpublished).
Cosmopolitanism revisited. Workshop with Ulf Hannerz and Helena Wulff in cooperation with the Center for Global Studies.
Universität Bern.
Zenker, Olaf
(30 September 2013).
De-judicialisation, outsourced review and all too flexible bureaucracies in South African land restitution (Unpublished).
Africa Studies Workshop.
Harvard University, Cambridge MA.
Loher, David
(26 September 2013).
Von der Bewegung her denken: Migration als soziale Bewegung im eigentlichen Wortsinne (Unpublished).
Österreicheische Gesellschaft für Soziologie-Jahrestagung (ÖGS).
Strasser, Sabine
(6 September 2013).
Zwangsfreiheiten? Zugehörigkeit zur (Sport)Nation durch körperliche Leistung (Forced Freedom. Belonging to the (Sport)Nation by Bodily Achievements) (Unpublished).
Workshop on “Sports and Integration”.
Department of Sports, University of Bern.
Zenker, Olaf
(August 2013).
Implementing state law under chiefly rule: navigating the plural legal orders of South African land restitution (Unpublished).
Panel Hayward, 17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES).
Soom, Eva; Rauber, Gabriela; Salis Gross, Corina
(August 2013).
Caring for ageing migrants in nursing homes: 'doing diversity' while 'doing death' (Unpublished).
IMISCOE Annual Conference 2013, "Crisis and Migration - Perceptions, Challenges and Consequences".
26. - 27.08.2013.
Schäuble, Michaela
(August 2013).
"The Creative Use of Reality": Aesthetic and Political Dimensions of Films on Trance and Spirit Possession (1940s-1960s) (Unpublished).
IUAES 17th Wold Congress.
University of Manchester.
Ohm, Britta
(22 July 2013).
A public for democracy: overcoming mediated segregation in Turkey.
Open Democracy
Kehr, Janina
Une maladie sans avenir. Anthropologie de la tuberculose en France et en Allemagne.
Bulletin Amades(87)
Ohm, Britta
Adrian Athique, Indian Media (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012).
South Asia, 36(2), pp. 312-314.
Türkmen, Saadet
(13 June 2013).
Experiencing health and illness among migrants from Turkey in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Encounters and Engagment- EASA.
Schäuble, Michaela
(11 June 2013).
Romuald Karmakar: mit filmischer Erzählung die Menschen politisch erreichen.
Film- und TV Kameramann, pp. 2-5.
Weber Verlag
Wolf, Anna-Lena
(7 June 2013).
Ausweglos? Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten in Varanasi.
Südasien, 2013(2), pp. 62-67.
Südasienbüro e.V.
Zenker, Olaf
(June 2013).
De-judicialisation, outsourced review and all too flexible bureaucracies in South African land restitution (Unpublished).
Panel Anders/Blundo, AEGIS 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 5).
Zenker, Olaf
(June 2013).
Recursive prolegomena: notes on the morally modern state of anthropology (Unpublished).
International Conference of the Euro-African Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development (APAD): “Fieldwork Relations in the Context of Development or Emergency: Access, Risks, Knowledge, Restitutions”.
Strasser, Sabine
(June 2013).
Dealing with Energy: Political Economies of Security and Risk in Turkey (Unpublished).
Workshop on “Dealing with Energy: Political Economies of Security and Risk in Turkey”.
Bogazici Universitesi, Istanbul.
Toggweiler, Michael
(16 May 2013).
Der Pygmäe im aristotelischen Fernrohr. Auf der Spur eines Un-Dings (Unpublished).
Vortragsreihe Anthropologie des Unheimlichen.
Universität Bremen.
Toggweiler, Michael
(3 May 2013).
Was reist, wenn die Pygmäen reisen? (Unpublished).
Abendvortrag Doktorandenkolloquium.
Institut für Germanistik, Universität Bern.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
(3 May 2013).
Spitex-Pflegende zwischen Emotionalität, Professionalität und wirtschaftlichem Druck (Unpublished).
Würdig altern – würdig arbeiten in Pflege und Betreuung.
Bern, Schweiz.
03. Mai 2013.
Izambert, Caroline; Kehr, Janina; Neuman, Michaël
Georgians love their lives, too.
Pratiques : Les cahiers de la médecine utopique(61), pp. 90-91.
Syndicat de Médecine Générale
Schäuble, Michaela
(5 April 2013).
'The Creative Use of Reality': Embodiment and Cinematography in Early Ethnographic Film (Unpublished).
Mining Imagination: Ethnographic Approaches Beyond Knowledge Production..
Mahindra Humanities Centre Harvard University.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(2 April 2013).
Inzest - das Drama in der Familie (Interview von Nathalie Bursac´ und Ruth Brüderlin).
Migros-Magazin, 2013(14), pp. 32-35.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
(21 March 2013).
Two Xinjiangs: Han and Uyghur geographies of the region (Unpublished).
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies.
San Diego, California.
Mooser, Sandra
(5 March 2013).
Nollywood made in Switzerland. Audiovisuelle Selbstrepräsentationen afrikanischer Migrantinnen und Migranten in einem transnationalen Kontext (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium, Institute of Social Anthropology.
Universität Bern.
Zenker, Olaf
(March 2013).
South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele (Unpublished).
Land Divided: Land and South African Society in 2013, in Comparative Perspectice.
University of Cape Town.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
(28 February 2013).
Territoriality from within: Expansion of transportation networks and the making of Xinjiang, northwest China (Unpublished).
Geography Department, Zürich University.
Türkmen, Saadet
(9 February 2013).
Health and illness experience among migrants from Turkey in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Ganzfried, Miriam
(7 February 2013).
Feministische Wende bei Amnesty International: Gewalt im privaten Bereich als Menschenrechtsverletzung (Unpublished).
3. Schweizerische Geschichtstage.
Universität Fribourg.
7. - 9.2.2013.
Kehr, Janina; Izambert, Caroline; Neuman, Michaël
(7 February 2013).
Affaire des tuberculeux d’Europe de l’Est : mais où est passé le bon sens sanitaire ?
L'Humanité Dimanche, p. 41.
Mugler, Johanna
(February 2013).
Travelling models of audit societies. Differing attitudes towards performance measurement. The National Prosecution Authority at work in South Africa (Unpublished).
How to put models into practice? African perspectives on technologies of ordering in legal, organisational and medical contexts.
Mooser, Sandra
(18 January 2013).
Nollywood in Switzerland. Audiovisuelle Selbst-Repräsentationen afrikanischer Migrantinnen und Migrantinnen (Unpublished).
5th Annual Exchange Meeting „Visual Methods in Research“.
Pädagogische Hochschule Bern.
Schäuble, Michaela
(17 January 2013).
Rekonsturkiton oder Wirklichkeit? Die Suche nach Authentizität in den Filmen Luigi di Giannis und der Cinematografia demartiniana (Unpublished).
Symposion Medien und Magie - Filme von Luigi di Gianni.
Kunstuniversität Linz.
Schäuble, Michaela
(January 2013).
Gendered Performances of Valour and War Guilt Denial in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished).
EastBordNet-Conference “Relocating Borders”.
Januar 2013.
Kobi, Madlen
Stadtraum im Wandel. Urbanisierung, Altstadterneuerung und ethnische Segregation im Uigurisch Autonomen Gebiet Xinjiang, Volksrepublik China.
Tsantsa, 18, pp. 109-113.
Bopp, Tina; Affolter, Simon Roman
Vom helvetischen Flüchtling bis zur neukolonialen Knechtschaft in der Landwirtschaft.
Gurny, Ruth; Tecklenburg, Ueli
Arbeit ohne Knechtschaft: Bestandesaufnahme und Forderungen rund um das Thema Arbeit. Denknetz-Buch.
Edition 8
Affolter, Simon Roman
Moderne Knechte und Mägde.
Terra Cognita, 22, pp. 40-42.
Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen
Ohm, Britta
Meltem Ahiska, Occidentalism in Turkey: Questions of Modernity and National Identity in Turkish Broadcasting (London and New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2010). - pp. 271.
International Journal of Turkish Studies, 19(1&2), pp. 217-220.
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Pennacini, Cecilia
Episode III : Enjoy Poverty (2008) by Renzo Martens.
Tsantsa, 18, pp. 129-130.
Pennacini, Cecilia
Filmer le Kubandwa. Images du corps dans un culte de possession (Afrique des Grands Lacs).
Mondes contemporains, 3, pp. 101-122.
Etudes recherches en anthropologie sociologie et histoire
Strasser, Sabine
Zugehörigkeit zur Sport-Nation durch (körperliche) Leistung.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten, 88, pp. 14-16.
Strasser, Sabine
Über die Gefahren der Reinheit, Rezension: Schubert Richard: Wie Branka sich nach oben putzte. Eine Tragikomödie in drei Akten, Drava Verlag 2012.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten, 86
Mooser, Sandra
Nollywood in Switzerland. A look at the transnational dimensions of Nollywood-inspired filmmaking.
Tsantsa, 18, pp. 34-44.
Zenker, Olaf
Irish/ness is all around us: language revivalism and the culture of ethnic identity in Northern Ireland.
Integration and conflict studies / Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology: Vol. 6.
New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books
Zenker, Olaf
Landreform in Südafrika: Die Neuauflage der Landrückerstattung setzt falsche Akzente.
Afrika-Bulletin, 151, pp. 6-7.
Afrika Komitee
Eckert, Julia
Who is afraid of legal transfers?
Frankenberg, Günter
Order from Transfer. Projects and Problems of Comparative Constitutional Studies. Studies in comparative law and legal culture (pp. 171-188).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publ.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Architectural Developments in Sungai Tenang, 1902-2013.
Proceeding. The First International Conference On Jambi Studies. History, Art and Culture, Religion and Social Change (pp. 63-103).
Jambi: International Conference on Jambi Studies
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Architectural Developments in Sungai Tenang, 1902-2013 (Unpublished).
The First International Conference On Jambi Studies.
21. - 24.11.2013.
Conte, Edouard
Intermediate report 2007-2011 SNSF Project 10001A-116415 "The Application of Islamic Family Law in Palestine and Israel: Text and Context"
Piart, Luisa
Transition, Migration, Capitalism: Female Uzbek Shuttle Traders in Istanbul.
Laruelle, Marlène
Migration and Social Upheaval as the Face of Globalization in Central Asia. Social Sciences in Asia: Vol. 34 (pp. 333-354).
Leiden: Brill
Lustenberger, Sibylle
Tel Aviv - Mumbai - Tel Aviv: Same-Sex couples seeking parenthood in India (Unpublished).
Contesting Fertilities, Families, and Sexualities. Social and Historical Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
Haller, Tobias; Fokou, Gilbert; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Meroka, Patrick
How fit turns into misfit and back: institutional transformations of pastoral commons in African floodplains.
Ecology and Society, 18(1), pp. 1-16.
Resilience Alliance Publications
Mhando, David; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Ludi, Eva
Adaptation to Changes in the Coffee Value Chain and the Price of Coiffee among Coffee Producers in Two Villages in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
African Study Monographs, 34(1), pp. 27-56.
Center for African Area Studies
Haller, Tobias
The Contested Floodplain. Institutional Change of the Commons in the Kafue Flats, Zambia.
Lanham USA: Lexington (Rowman & Littlefield)
Soom Ammann, Eva; van Holten, Karin
Getting Old Here and There: Opportunities and Pitfalls of Transnational Care Arrangements.
Transnational Social Review, 3(1), pp. 31-47.
Taylor & Francis
Soom Ammann, Eva; van Holten, Karin; Baghdadi, Nadja
Familiale Unterstützungs- und Pflegearrangements im transnationalen Kontext - Eine Zwei-Generationen-Perspektive.
Geisen, Thomas; Studer, Tobias; Yildiz, Erol
Migration, Familie und soziale Lage. Beiträge zu Bildung, Gender und Care (pp. 273-293).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Frischer Wind im Pflegeheim dank Kneipp.
Krankenpflege / Soins infirmiers / Cure infermieristiche, 2013(4), pp. 14-17.
Schweizer Berufsverband der Krankenschwestern und Krankenpfleger
Strasser, Sabine; Akcinar, Mustafa
Dersim Dernekleri: transnationale Betrachtungen „politischer Flüsse“ zwischen Europa und der Provinz Tunceli/Dersim in der Türkei (Unpublished).
„Politische Rückflüsse“ und transnationale Beziehungen zwischen Europa und der Provinz Tunceli/Dersim in der Türkei (Political Remittances and transnational relations between Europe and the province of Tunceli/Dersim.
University of Vienna.
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Losing the commons – fighting with magic: Institutional Change, Fortress Conservation and Livelihood Strategies of the Batwa, Kafue Flats Floodplain, Zambia.
Cliggett, Lisa; Bond, Virginia
Tonga Timeline. Appraising Sixty Years of Multidisciplinary Research in Zambia and Zimbabwe (pp. 207-238).
Lusaka/Oxford: Limbani Trust /ABC books
Al Husseini, Jalal; Doraï, Kamal
La vulnérabilité des réfugiés palestiniens à la lumière de la crise syrienne.
Confluences méditerranée, 2013(4), pp. 95-107.
Zenker, Olaf
Linguistic relativity and dialectical idiomatization in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland (Unpublished).
Emergent Ethnographies Seminar.
University of Cape Town, Department of Social Anthropology.
Al Husseini, Jalal
La Jordanie face à la crise syrienne.
Burgat, François; Paoli, Bruno
Pas de Printemps pour la Syrie (pp. 282-288).
Paris: La Découverte
Al Husseini, Jalal
Jordan and the Palestinians.
Ababsa, Myriam
Atlas of Jordan. History, Territories and Society. Contemporain Publications: Vol. 32 (pp. 230-245).
Beyrouth: Presses de l’Ifpo
Al Husseini, Jalal
Challenges facing Jordan's Labour Market.
Ababsa, Myriam
Atlas of Jordan – History, territories and Society. Contemporain Publications: Vol. 32 (pp. 354-368).
Beyrouth: Presses de l'Ifpo
Strasser, Sabine
Rezension: Rosenberger, Siegline/Julia Mourao-Permoser : living rooms – Politik der Zugehörigkeiten im Wiener Gemeindebau, Springer Wien/New York 2013.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten, 86
Joniak, Agnieszka
Han Migration to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Between State Schemes and Migrants’ Strategies.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 138, pp. 155-174.
Schäuble, Michaela
A Plea for Situating Knowledges.
Ethnological Forum/Etnoloska Tribina, 43(36), pp. 33-35.
Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia
Schäuble, Michaela
"Ich will nicht billige emotionale Instinkte anknipsen" (Interview mit Romuald Karmakar).
Film-und TV-Kameramann
Dale, Cyprianus Jehan Paju
Kuasa, Pembangunan, dan Pemiskinan Sistemik.
Labuan Bajo: Sunspirit Books
Wettstein, Marion
Fashion Zeitgeist in Northeast India.
Kuldova, Tereza
Fashion India: Spectacular Capitalism (pp. 73-87).
Oslo: Akademica Publishing
Wettstein, Marion
The Ethnic Fashion Scene in Nagaland.
Archiv für Völkerkunde, 61/62, pp. 31-50.
Verein Freunde der Völkerkunde
Wettstein, Marion
Review: Datta, Birendranath: Cultural Contours of North-East India. 2012.
Anthropos, 108(2), pp. 644-645.
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban
Contesting Power, Negotiating Influence: Rai Shamans and New Religious Movements in Eastern Nepal.
Riboli, Diana; Torri, Davide
Shamanism and Violence. Vitality of indigenous religions (pp. 103-118).
Burlington: Ashgate Publishers
Siegl, Veronika
Ungleiche Reproduktion – reproduzierte Ungleichheit? Entwicklungen und Perspektiven transnationaler Fortpflanzungsindustrien.
Frauensolidarität, 125, pp. 28-29.
Schwaller, Corinne Nicole
Die Ökonomisierung der ambulanten Pflege.
Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen von Pflegenden
aus einer Arbeitswelt im Umbruch.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern: Vol. 58.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie
Kehr, Janina
'The Moral Neoliberal. Welfare and Citizenship in Italy' by Andrea Muehlebach [Rezension].
Social Anthropology, 21(3), pp. 415-416.
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Melodrama y cultura popular en el mundo urbano en la novela Sin tetas no hay paraíso de Gustavo Bolívar Moreno.
Semilla Durán, María Angélica
Variaciones sobre el Melodrama (pp. 365-377).
Madrid: Casa de cartón
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
La representación entre el yo y el nosotros: Cantos y relatos del desplazamiento en Colombia.
Gil González, Antonio J.
Las sombras del novelista. Universitas (pp. 297-310).
Binges: Editions Orbis Tertius
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
’The one who first says I love you’: Gendered Female Relationalities in Postcolonial Ghana.
Nyeck, S.N.; Epprecht, Marc
Sexual Diversity in Africa: Politics, Theory, Citizenship (pp. 170-187).
Montréal: McGill Queen’s Press
Fischer, Carolin
Afghan Diasporas in Britain and Germany: Dynamics, Engagements and Agency.
Yong, Tan Tai; Rahman, Mizanur
Diaspora Engagement and Development in South Asia. International political economy series (pp. 56-74).
London: Palgrave Macmillan
Bolay, Matthieu
Professionalisierung des artisanalen Goldabbaus. Formalisierung des Sektors führt zu Widersprüchen.
Stauffer, H.-U.
Guinea Conakry, 152.
Afrika Bulletin
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Grounding Mobile Ideas: Kyrgyzstani development workers, the notion of knowledge transfer and the ‘third way’.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 138, pp. 217-234.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
How to build a better future? Kyrgyzstani development workers and the ‘knowledge transfer’ strategy.
Central Asian survey, 32(4), pp. 448-461.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Leins, Stefan
Playing the market? The Role of Risk, Uncertainty and Authority in the Construction of Stock Market Forecasts.
Cassidy, Rebecca; Pisac, Andrea; Loussouarn, Claire
Qualitative Research in Gambling: Exploring the Production and Consumption of Risk (pp. 218-232).
London: Routledge
Leins, Stefan
Anthropological Research – Financed by Whom?
Ethical case discussions in the ethnological research
Swiss Ethnological Society
Leins, Stefan
Zurich Gnomes on the run.
Leins, Stefan
Synthetic ETFs are changing the rules of the stock market beauty contest.
Socializing Finance - A blog on the Social Studies of Finance.
Leins, Stefan
Ethical Consumption: Social Value and Economic Practice.
Sociologus, 63(1-2), pp. 174-176.
Duncker & Humblot
Toggweiler, Michael
Die Odyssee der Pygmäen. Eine prekäre Figur auf den neuzeitlichen Spieltischen anthropologischer Differenz (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät, Institut für Sozialanthropologie)
Strasser, Sabine
(October 2012).
The ‘Tradition-Effect’ Reloaded: Repressions, Feminisms and the Making of Honour Crimes in the Post-Multiculturalist EU (Unpublished).
Workshop “Ordering the Social – Producing Change: New Ethnographies on Turkey in Transformation”, Part 2.
Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Strasser, Sabine
(24 September 2012).
Rethinking Citizenship (Unpublished).
Seminar “Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe. Women's Movements, Gender and Diversity, organized by Sasha Roseneil at Birbeck.
Schäuble, Michaela
(12 September 2012).
'The creative use of reality':Researching invisible, imaginary and virtual realms of (religious) experience2 at the 4th German-Israeli Frontiers (Unpublished).
Humanities Symposium (GISFOH), sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (IASH).
Piart, Luisa
Le lien entre le commerce à la valise et l’industrie de la confection à Istanbul.
Anatoli, 3, pp. 23-39.
Paris: CNRS Editions
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
(31 July 2012).
Leitfaden für die Einführungsvorlesung in Religionsanthropologie, 1995 – 2012.
Vorlesungsskript "Einführungsvorlesung in Religionsanthropologie".
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
(31 July 2012).
Leitfaden für die Einführungsvorlesung in Sozialanthropologie, 1995 – 2012.
Vorlesungsskript "Einführungsvorlesung in Sozialanthropologie".
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
(31 July 2012).
Leitfaden für die Einführungsvorlesung in ökonomische Anthropologie, 1995 – 2012.
Vorlesungsskript "Einführungsvorlesung in ökonomische Anthropologie".
Bessin, Marc; Chabrol, Fanny; Kehr, Janina; Michels, David
Le "Réseau des Jeunes Chercheurs Santé et Société": un acteur des sciences sociales de la santé.
Socio-logos, 2012(7)
Association française de sociologie
Perl, Gerhild
(July 2012).
La muerte social: Una reflexión sobre la distinción entre la muerte social antes y después de la muerte biológica mediante ejemplos latinoamericanos. (Unpublished).
54 International Congress of Americanists: "Building Dialogues in the Americas".
Schäuble, Michaela
(12 June 2012).
"Organized innocence": Gendered narratives of self-victimization and the politics of blaming in post- war Croatia (Unpublished).
International Symposium Bridging the Divide in Holocaust and Genocide Studies: Towards a Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Dialog.
University of Haifa (Israel).
Rehsmann, Julia
(24 May 2012).
Über Gewalt und Liebe: Transnationale Adoption in Österreich (Unpublished).
7. Tage der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie. Vienna Anthropology Days.
Institut für Kultur-und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien.
24. - 25.05.012.
Siegl, Veronika
(24 May 2012).
Transversal politics. Equality and difference in antiracist migrant protest (Unpublished).
7. Tage der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie. Vienna Anthropology Days.
Institut für Kultur-und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien.
24. - 25.05.2012.
Strasser, Sabine
(23 May 2012).
Forced and fictitious marriages: transnational relations or anti-multiculturalist politics in Austria (Unpublished).
Departmental Seminar Series “Diaspora and Migration”.
Universität Stockholm.
Aronsson, Anne
(12 March 2012).
What It Means to Study Japanese Culture and Society in America (Unpublished).
Todai-Yale Initiative Junior Scholar Conference workshop.
Yale University; New Haven, USA.
Zenker, Olaf
(8 March 2012).
The transitional justice of land restitution in post- apartheid South Africa (Unpublished).
Wits Anthropology Seminar Series.
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Chabrol, Fanny; Hunsmann, Moritz; Kehr, Janina
Réaliser un doctorat en sciences sociales de la santé: financements, pratiques de recherche et enjeux de professionalisation.
Socio-logos, 2012(7)
Association française de sociologie
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die koloniale Transformation der Hochland-Tiefland-Beziehungen in Zentralsumatra.
Furter, Reto; Head-König, Anne-Lise; Lorenzetti, Luigi; Mathieu, Jon
Hochland – Tiefland: Disparitäten / Terres hautes – terres basses: disparités. Geschichte der Alpen – Histoire des Alpes – Storia delle Alpi: Vol. 17 (pp. 39-56).
Zürich: Chronos
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Geschichte der Ethnologie.
Beer, Bettina; Fischer, Hans
Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick (pp. 33-52).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Es ist Sonntag, der Pfarrer hat frei. Paradoxien säkularisierter Ritualpraxis am Beispiel der Konfirmation im Kanton Bern.
Hangartner, Judith; Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica
Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Festschrift zu Ehren von Hans-Rudolf Wicker (pp. 55-67).
Zürich: Seismo
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Gabentausch – unser alltägliches Ritual.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(153), pp. 19-20.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Schäffler, Hildegard
Ritual als Dienstleistung. Die Praxis professioneller Hochzeitsplanung.
Berlin: Reimer
Zenker, Olaf
The juridification of political protest and the politicisation of legalism in South African land restitution.
Eckert, Julia; Donahoe, Brian; Strümpell, Christian; Biner, Zerrin Özlem
Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations (pp. 118-146).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Zenker, Olaf
On prophets, godfathers, rebels, and prostitutes: distributed agency in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 137(1), pp. 23-45.
Zenker, Olaf
The indicatorisation of South African land restitution
(BAB Working Paper 1).
Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Ganzfried, Miriam
Engendering Human Rights activism: the case of Amnesty International (Unpublished).
Gender, Work and Organization: 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference 2012.
Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.
27-29 Jun 2012.
Joniak, Agnieszka
Roads and railways in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: Instruments of economic development and spatial delineation (Unpublished).
Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies in Toronto.
Toronto, Canada.
15–18 March 2012.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska
Gendered Inequalities: Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men by Helle Rydstrøm.
Anthropos, 107(2), pp. 663-664.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Joniak, Agnieszka
The Peacock flies West’: Han migration to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and its implications for the Uyghur of the Tarim Basin (Unpublished).
International workshop “Mobility and Identity in Central Asia".
Institute of Ethnology, University of Zurich.
25–27 May 2012.
Al Husseini, Jalal
Les camps de réfugiés palestiniens, soixante ans après.
Doraï, Kamel; Puig, Nicholas
L'Urbanité des marges : Migrants et réfugiés dans les villes du Proche-Orient. Un lointain si proche (pp. 39-62).
Paris: Teraèdre
Joniak, Agnieszka
State territory in the making: A case study from China’s northwestern borderlands (Unpublished).
International conference “The State in Asia: Power, Citizenship and the Rule of Law".
Leiden University, the Netherlands.
12–14 December 2012.
Al Husseini, Jalal; Blanc, Pierre
La Jordanie et sa diplomatie des réfugiés palestiniens.
al-Shalabi, Jamal; Faure, Guy-Olivier
Jordan: An Arab Diplomacy in the World.
Beyrouth-Amman: The Arab Institute for Research and Publishing
Kobi, Madlen
From Bazaar to Buxingjie – Characteristics of Chinese Urban Space and its Manifestations in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Unpublished).
Paper Präsentation an der Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS).
Toronto, Kanada.
Fischer, Eva
Buchbesprechung (Review); Blumtritt, Andrea: Die Pluralisierung der Wege des Paares, Geschlechtsspezifische Dimensionen von Modernisierungsprozessen im translokalen Raum der Anden. 324 S. Berlin: Walter Frey Verlag, 2009.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 137(1), pp. 125-130.
Fischer, Eva
Der Lokalsender Upinhuayas - Jugendtreff und Vernetzungspunkt der Generationen (The Local Radio Station in Upinhuaya - Youth Club and Generation Network). Bildessay.
Tsantsa, 17, pp. 4-18.
Kobi, Madlen
Mähallä vs. Xiaoqu. Urban Transformation, Residential Patterns, and Ethnic Segregation in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (P. R. China) (Unpublished).
Präsentation am Institut für Sozialanthropologie.
Universität Bern.
Kobi, Madlen
Climate Change and Adaptations in Urban Built Environment in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (P. R. China) (Unpublished).
Präsentation an der Konferenz, Hydrological and Ecological Responses to Climatic Change and to LUCC in Central Asia.
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences of Xinjiang University, Urumqi, P. R. China.
Kobi, Madlen
Urban Cultural Heritage and Uyghur Identity in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, P. R. China (Unpublished).
Präsentation im Lunch Seminar des Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Culturelle et Sociale.
University of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Marti, Simone
Unsicherheit als strukturierendes Element der Nothilfe (Unpublished).
Kernveranstaltung Graduiertenkolleg IZFG.
November 2012.
Haller, Tobias
We are Ila – we do not plant rice! Institutionelle Landrechte, Wandel und Rituale der Legitimation in den Kafue Flats, Sambia.
Hangartner, Judith; Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica
Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 275-293).
Zürich: Seismo
Marti, Simone; Affolter, Simon Roman; Kalbermatter, Jacqueline
Arbeitsteilung nach Aufenthaltsstatus? Verhältnis zwischen Aufenthaltsstatus und Arbeitsverhältnis am Beispiel des Asylbereichs (Unpublished).
Linke Hochschultage Zürich.
22. November 2012.
Marti, Simone
Widerstand gegen den Asylbunker Hochfeld (Unpublished).
Referat an der Hochschule der Künste Bern.
28. November 2012.
Ohm, Britta Lucia Ida
The Creation of an Anti-Democratic Public through Democratic Media Criticism: the Case of the Gujarat Pogrom 2002 (Unpublished).
Tagung: Creating publics, creating democracies.
University of Westminster, London.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Subjektive Erfahrungen mit Kneipp in Seniorenheimen. Schlussbericht zu einer qualitativen Teilstudie des Projektes „Prävention in der Pflege: Evaluation naturheilkundlicher Massnahmen in Seniorenwohnheimen“.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern und Institut für Sozialmedizin, Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsökonomie der Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Landolt, Gabriela
Survival in the past - survival in the future? Past and present challenges of community-based management of alpine pastures in the canton Graubünden, Switzerland (Unpublished).
Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action.
Utrecht University.
29.11.2012 - 1.12.2012.
Schäffler, Hildegard
The commercialization of wedding ritual: countering uncertainty through festive spending? (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists 12th Biennial Conference - Uncertainty and disquiet - Incertitute et inquiétude Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense.
10-13 Juillet 2012.
Soom Ammann, Eva
Ein Leben in der Fabrik machen und sich die Arbeit denken: Narrativ-biographische Kontingenzherstellung nach dem Erwerbsausstieg.
Hangartner, Judith; Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica
Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 68-84).
Zürich: Seismo
Soom Ammann, Eva
Rezension zu Anja Sieber Egger: Krieg im Frieden. Frauen in Bosnien-Herzegowina und ihr Umgang mit der Vergangenheit. Bielefeld: transcript 2011; 423 S.
Sozialer Sinn, 13, pp. 345-348.
Lucius & Lucius
Salis Gross, Corina; Soom Ammann, Eva; El Fehri, Verena
Die Rolle sozialer Netzwerke beim Rauchstopp.
SuchtMagazin(3/4), pp. 26-29.
Gurtner Vontobel, Renate; Soom Ammann, Eva
Gesundheitsförderung im Alter: Wie erreichen wir alle?
NOVAcura - das Fachmagazin für Pflege und Betreuung, 43(1), pp. 23-25.
Türkmen, Saadet
Gesundheit und Krankheitserfahrung in der Migration. Am Beispiel der Migranten aus der Türkei in der Schweiz. (Unpublished).
IASH Workshop zum Thema „Diskursanalyse“.
Universität Bern.
11. Dezember 2012.
Türkmen, Saadet
Geschichte in der Geschichte (Unpublished).
Projektpräsentation am Doktorandenkolloquium unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. H. Znoj.
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
30. November 2012.
Türkmen, Saadet
Eltern, Kinder und Schule im Migrationskontext (Unpublished).
Durchführung der Weiterbildung: Elternbildung – Elternlehre – Schule, Fachhochschule für Sozialarbeit.
5. Juni 2012.
Türkmen, Saadet
Gesundheit und Krankheitserfahrung in der Migration. Am Beispiel der türkischen Migranten in der Schweiz. (Unpublished).
Projektpräsentation am Institutskolloquium, unter der (Sitzungs-) Leitung von Prof. Dr. E. Conte.
Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern.
23. Mai. 2012.
Oxby, Clare
Touareg and 'sub-Saharan' migrants at the southern borders of the Arab Spring. A view from Tamanrasset, Algeria (Unpublished).
The Arab Spring and Beyond: Human Mobility, Forced Migration and Institutional Responses.
Refugee Studies Centre, International Migration Institute and Oxford Diasporas Programme.
Oxby, Clare
Relatedness – use versus abuse. A re-exploration of Tuareg kinship notions and practices (C. Niger, S. Algeria and cross border migrants) (Unpublished).
African Studies Association UK (ASAUK) Biennial Conference 2012.
University of Leeds.
6-8 september 2012.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Leitung des Moduls "Exchange" (Unpublished).
Swiss Graduate Program in Anthropology.
4./5. Mai 2012.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Experte zum Thema: "Pay Together or Separately? Liabilities in Partner Relationships" (Unpublished).
Schwarzmarkt für Nützliches Wissen.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Doing Death and Doing Diversity in Nursing Homes (Unpublished).
NFP 67 "Lebensende" Kickoff-Tagung.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Aktuelle Forschungen zu Austauschbeziehungen (Unpublished).
Faye, Papa
Local Conventions in Senegal’s Forestry: Significances of institutional choice in constitutionality and democratic representation (Unpublished).
Schweizerische Tage der Afrika-Forschung - Journées suisses d'études africaines - Swiss Researching Africa Days.
Universität Bern.
20. Oktober 2012.
Soom Ammann, Eva
Ein Leben hier gemacht: Altern in der Migration. Vortrag organisiert von infra Informations- und Kontaktstelle für Frauen (Unpublished).
Verein Interkulturelle Bildung und Haus Gutenberg.
Balzers (LI).
Soom Ammann, Eva; Van Holten, Karin
Organizing and Experiencing Elderly Care in a Transnational Setting: The Challenge of Dealing with Multiple Diversities. (Unpublished).
International Symposium "Transnational Aging: Current Insights and Future Challenges".
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Implementation of Naturopathic Methods in Nursing Homes in Germany: Results of a Qualitative Study (Unpublished).
5th European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM) - The Future of Comprehensive Patient Care.
Soom Ammann, Eva; Salis Gross, Corina
Kneippen im Seniorenheim: Eine ethnographische Exploration der Erfahrungen von BewohnerInnen und Pflegenden mit naturheilkundlichen Anwendungen in der Altenpflege (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium Sozialanthropologie.
Universität Bern.
Salis Gross, Corina; Soom Ammann, Eva
Partizipation - Schwer erreichbare und sozial benachteiligte Gruppen (Unpublished).
"L'air du temps" - Hochaltrigkeit im Wandel. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gerontologie SGG SSG.
Haller, Tobias; Acciaioli, Gregory; Rist, Stephan
Constitutionality: Emic Perceptions of Bottom-up Institution Building Processes (Unpublished).
Conference: Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action 2nd Thematic Conference of the IASC (International Association for the Study of the Commons).
Utrecht University.
Haller, Tobias
Pulling Down Fences, Crafting New Rules: Resource Governance, Resistance and Opportunities in Zambia’s Kafue Flats (Unpublished).
3rd International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2012) Research for Global Transformation.
Bern, Switzerland.
20 - 22 August 2012.
Haller, Tobias
Presentation on Panel Land Rights and Citizenship. Between open access, privatisation and collective action: A comparative analysis of institutional change governing use of commonpool resources in African floodplains (Unpublished).
Schweizerische Tage der Afrikaforschung – Journées suisses d'études africaines – Swiss Researching Africa Days, Annual Conference of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SGAS).
19-20 October 2012.
Haller, Tobias
Management of complex commons (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der Schweiz. Ethnologischen Gesellschaft - Colloque Annuel de la Société Suisse d'Ethnologie.
Al Husseini, Jalal
Migrating in a void: the dynamics of the Palestinian refugee migrations in the Middle East and beyond (Unpublished).
Demographic Transition in the Middle East and North Africa: Disciplines in Dialogue.
14-16 January 2012.
Zenker, Olaf
Bush-level Bureaucrats in South African Land Restitution: Implementing state law und chiefly rule (Unpublished).
Tagung: CAS@50: Cutting Edges and Retrospectives.
The University of Edinburgh Centre of African Studies, John McIntyre Centre, Edinburgh.
Zenker, Olaf
South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists 12th Biennial Conference - Uncertainty and disquiet - Incertitute et inquiétude.
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Nanterre.
Zenker, Olaf; Jensen, Steffen
Home, lands and homelands in post-apartheid South Africa (Workshop 030) (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists 12th Biennial Conference - Uncertainty and disquiet - Incertitute et inquiétude.
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Nanterre.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska
Coal in the City: The Social Life of a Cooking Fuel (Unpublished).
4th International Conference of Vietnamese Studies.
National Convention Center, Hanoi.
November 26-28, 2012.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska; Nguyen, Tuan Anh
Letting out Land: Re-distributing Land or Sowing the Seeds of Conflict? (A Case Study of Quynh Doi and Quynh Thanh Communes, Nghe An Province) (Unpublished).
International Conference on Inequality, Conflict and Political Regimes in East and Southeast Asia.
University of Social Sciences and Humanities and Stockholm University, Hanoi.
November 22-24, 2012.
Derks, Ann Elisabeth Annuska
A Social Biography of the Coal Briquette: Exploring Vietnam through an Ordinary Cooking Fuel (Unpublished).
Southeast Asia Update.
Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
June 22, 2012.
Fischer, Eva
Der plurinationale Staatsentwurf als Modell: zum Beispiel Bolivien (Unpublished).
Interdisciplinary lecture series talk at the Department of Political Science.
University of Marburg/Germany.
Fischer, Eva
Die Produktion der Kokablätter - ein Blick auf die sozio-ökonomischen und ökologischen Kontexte (Unpublished).
Institute for Comparative Cultural Research, Cultural and Social Anthopology and Religious Sciences.
University of Marburg/Germany.
Fischer, Eva; Teves, Laura
El uso del término "Capital Social" en la Antropología Social (Unpublished).
54 International Concress of Americanists: Building Dialogues in the Americas.
Vienna, Austria.
15.-20.07.2012 (19.07.2012).
Fischer, Eva; Hoces de la Guardia, Soledad
Los tejidos Andinos: Aportes pluridisciplinarios en las investigaciones de la cultura material (Unpublished).
54 International Concress of Americanists: Building Dialogues in the Americas.
Vienna, Austria.
15.-20.07.2012 (18.07.2012).
Fischer, Eva
Complejidad cultural e identidades complejas (Unpublished).
Textiles, Techne and Power.
Andes, Birkbeck University of London/Great Britain.
15.-17.03.2012 (16.03.2012).
Abraham, Andrea
Geschichten über Körper, Krankheit und Kontext. Zur Untrennbarkeit von Narration und Medizinanthropologie.
Frei-Erb, Martin
Narrative Medizin - Erzählende Medizin. Komplementäre Medizin im interdisziplinären Diskurs: Vol. 17 (pp. 43-54).
Bern: Peter Lang
Abraham, Andrea
Framing quality. Constructions of medical quality in Swiss family medicine.
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Eckert, Julia; Donahoe, Brian; Strümpell, Christian; Biner, Zerrin-Özlem
Law against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Laws Transformations.
Cambridge studies in law and society.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Eckert, Julia
Endstation Sehnsucht: Die Veralltäglichung der Sicherheit und die Grenzen globaler Rechtsversprechen.
Pilgram, Arno; Böllinger, Lorenz; Jasch, Michael; Krasmann, Susanne; Prittwitz, Cornelius; Reinke, Herbert; Rzepka, Dorothea
Einheitliches Recht für die Vielfalt der Kulturen? Strafrecht und Kriminologie in Zeiten transkultureller Gesellschaften und transnationalen Rechts. Schriften zur Rechts- und Kriminalsoziologie: Vol. 4 (pp. 291-314).
Berlin: Lit
Eckert, Julia; Donahoe, Brian; Strümpell, Christian; Biner, Zerrin-Özlem
Introduction: Laws Travels and Transformations.
Eckert, Julia; Donahoe, Brian; Strümpell, Christian; Biner, Zerrin Özlem
Law against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Laws Transformations. Cambridge studies in law and society (pp. 1-22).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Eckert, Julia
Rumours of Rights.
Eckert, Julia; Donahoe, Brian; Strümpell, Christian; Biner, Zerrin Özlem
Law against the State: Ethnographic Forays into Laws Transformations. Cambridge studies in law and society (pp. 147-170).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Eckert, Julia
Theories of Militancy in Practice: Explanations of Muslim Terrorism in India.
Social Science History, 36(3), pp. 47-72.
Duke University Press
Eckert, Julia; Behrends, Andrea; Dafinger, Andreas
Governance – and the State: An Anthropological Approach.
Ethnoscripts, 14(1), pp. 14-34.
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Migration, Differenz, Recht und Schmerz: Sozialanthropologische Essays zu einer sich verflüchtigenden Moderne, 1990-2010.
Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus.
Zürich: Seismo
Schmundt, Manuela
Jaku’eke! Auf, lasst uns uns bewegen! Organisation als Praxis am Beispiel der Organización Campesina del Norte, Nordostparaguay.
Ethnologie: Vol. 45.
Münster: LIT
Schmundt, Manuela
Grenz-Erfahrungen: Landbesetzungen als Rituale des Protests der paraguayischen campesin@-Bevölkerung.
Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica; Hangartner, Judith
Alltag und Ritual: Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Wicker. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 259-274).
Zürich: Seismo
Walentowitz, Saskia
Ties of Milk, Siblingship, and the Gendered Dynamics of Proximity in Muslim Contexts (Unpublished).
African Studies Association UK Biennial Conference.
Walentowitz, Saskia
Dynamics of nasab in a gender-balanced Berber community (Unpublished).
International Conference Demographic Transition in the Middle East and North Africa: Disciplines in Dialogue.
Amman, Jordanien.
Walentowitz, Saskia
Zwischenbericht SNF PZ00P1_121612 Ambizione Forschungsprojekt "Feeding Dilemmas. Anthropological Perspectives on Infant Feeding, Policies and Sciences in Contexts of HIV"
Bern: Universität Bern
Walentowitz, Saskia
Naissance: chez les Touaregs Kel Azawagh.
Chaker, Salem
Encyclopédie Berbère (pp. 5230-5235).
Paris: Leuven
Walentowitz, Saskia; Le Marcis, Frederic; Brives, Charlotte
Matters of concern: negotiating un/certainties in health-related sciences, policies and experiences (EN) (Unpublished).
EASA2012: Uncertainty and disquiet.
Nanterre University, France.
Walentowitz, Saskia
Avatars of exclusive breast feeding: an anthropological account of uncertain breast milk science from postcolonial fights against infant mortality to the prevention of HIV (Unpublished).
EASA2012: Uncertainty and disquiet.
Nanterre University, France.
Walentowitz, Saskia; Citton, Yves
Pour une écologie des lignes et des tissages.
La Revue des Livres(004), pp. 28-39.
Walentowitz, Saskia; Citton, Yves
Habiter par le mouvement. Portrait des transmigrants en tisserands.
Walentowitz, Saskia; ,
AnthropoChildren, 2012.
Université de Liège, Belgien
Berthod, Marc; Bihr, Sibylle; Boller, Boris; Bozzini, David; Chappaz-Wirthner, Suzanne; Kaech, François; Kappus, Elke; Käufeler, Heinz; Lavanchy, Anne; Lichtensteiger, Sabina; Martin, Hélène; Ossipow, Laurence; Regehr, Ursula; Rey, Séverine; Salis Gross, Corina; Schwörer, Tobias; Waldis, Barbara; Walentowitz, Saskia; Wallner, Astrid and Wenk, Irina
Tsantsa, Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft (SEG).
Strasser, Sabine
Über Grenzen verbinden: Rezente Debatten zur Migrationsforschung in der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie.
Fassmann, Heinz; Dhalvik, Julia
Rezente Debatten zur Migrationsforschung in der Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie. (pp. 33-56).
V&R unipress
Zenker, Olaf
White claimants and the moral community of South African land restitution (Unpublished).
Africa Research Forum.
University of Cambridge, Faculty of History.
Zenker, Olaf
South African land restitution, white claimants and the fateful frontier of former KwaNdebele (Unpublished).
Research Seminar on Anthropological Theory.
London School of Economics, Department of Anthropology.
Zenker, Olaf
The indicatorisation of South African land restitution.
Tuesday Research Seminar in African History.
University of Basel, Centre for African Studies, Department of History & Basler Afrika Bibliographien.
Zenker, Olaf
Politics by other means revisited: legal activism and land reform in post-apartheid South Africa (Unpublished).
MAPS lecture series.
Université de Neuchâtel, Institut d'ethnologie.
Zenker, Olaf
State law, customary law and communal land tenure within South African land reform (Unpublished).
Revisiting communal land tenure: perspectives on households, families and work from below.
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, IGK Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History.
Zenker, Olaf
Failure by numbers? Settlement statistics as indicators of state performance in South African land restitution (Unpublished).
The new public good: affects and techniques of flexible bureaucracies.
University of Cambridge, CRASSH.
Zenker, Olaf
The indicatorisation of South African land restitution (Unpublished).
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology Seminar Series.
University of Pretoria, Pretoria.
Eckert, Julia
Kultur und Schuld: Narrative der Verantwortung.
Kaufmann, Matthias; Renzikowsky, Joachim
Zurechnung und Verantwortung. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie vom 22. - 24. September 2010 in Halle (Saale) (pp. 155-167).
Stuttgart: Franz Steiner
Schäuble, Michaela
Henley, Paul: The Adventure of the Real: Jean Rouch and the Craft of Ethnographic Cinema.
Visual Anthropology, 25(3), pp. 231-236.
Taylor & Francis
Schild, Pascale
Representations and Practices of "Home" in the Context of the 2005 Earthquake and Reconstruction Process in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.
Luig, Ute
Negotiating Disasters: Politics, Representation, Meaning (pp. 205-234).
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Rehsmann, Julia
(Ad)optionale Spurensuche. Transnationale Adoption in Österreich.
Paradigmata. Zeitschrift für Menschen und Diskurse, 8, pp. 18-21.
Kulturverein Pangea
Hostettler, Ueli
Exploring Hidden Ordinariness: Ethnographic Approaches to Life Behind Prison Walls.
Budowski, Monica; Nollert, Michael; Young, Christopher
Delinquenz und Bestrafung (pp. 158-166).
Zürich: Seismo
Hangartner, Judith; Hostettler, Ueli; Sieber Egger, Anja; Wehrli, Angelica
Alltag und Ritual. Statusübergänge und Ritualisierungen in sozialen und politischen Feldern.
Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus.
Zürich: Seismo
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban
Connecting to the Past.
Jacobs, Julian; Alan, Macfarlane; Sarah, Harrison; Anita, Herle
The Nagas: Hill Peoples of Northeast India – Society, Culture and the Colonial Encounter (i-xxxii).
London: Edition Hansjörg Mayer
Wettstein, Marion
Origin and Migration Myths in the Rhetoric of Naga Independence and Collective Identity.
Huber, Toni; Blackburn, Stuart
Origins and Migrations in the Extended Eastern Himalayas. Brill's Tibetan studies library: Vol. 16/4 (pp. 213-238).
Leiden: Brill
Wettstein, Marion; von Stockhausen, Alban
Ongoing Research about Dumi Rai Culture and Tradition by the University of Vienna
Kathmandu: Isilim Magazine
Kehr, Janina
Blind spots and adverse conditions of care: Screening migrants for tuberculosis in France and Germany.
SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS, 34(2), pp. 251-265.
Kehr, Janina
Blind Spots and Adverse Conditions of Care: Screening Migrants for Tuberculosis in France and Germany.
Armstrong, Natalie; Eborall, Helen
The Sociology of Medical Screening. Sociology of health and illness monograph series (pp. 90-104).
London: John Wiley & Sons
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Identidad y Crisis: conflicto y convivencia ciudadana en Colombia en El fuego secreto de Fernando Vallejo.
Semilla Durán, María A.
Fernando Vallejo: un nudo de sentido contra toda impostura. Colección ArCiBel Americana (pp. 103-120).
Sevilla: ArCibel Editores
Zürcher, Rachel; Hostettler, Ueli
Evaluationsbericht. Pilotprojekt des offenen Massnahmenvollzug nach Art. 59 StGB im Klosterfiechten
Fribourg: Universität Freiburg-Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit
Leins, Stefan; Hertz, Ellen
Investir dans l'Apocalypse!
Conseth, Marc-Olivier; Knodel, Bernard; Laville, Yann; Mayor, Grégoire
What are you doing after the apocalypse? (pp. 76-81).
Neuchâtel: Musée d'Ethnographie
Leins, Stefan
The Real Economy and its Pariahs: Questioning moral dichotomies in contemporary capitalism.
Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology
Loher, David
(16 December 2011).
Border Knowledge, Rumours, and the Deterritorialised European Border Regime (Unpublished).
African Borderland Network ABORNE workshop.
15.-17.12. 2011.
Conte, Edouard
(25 November 2011).
Youthquake. The Arab revolt in transgenerational perspective (opening lecture).
SEG Jahrestagung 2011 - Colloque annuel de la SSE 2011.
Strasser, Sabine
(18 November 2011).
Between Traditional and Epistemic Violence: Forced Marriages and Harmful Discourses in Austria (Unpublished).
Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).
Aronsson, Anne
(18 November 2011).
Japanese Professional Women: Through the Labyrinth of Their Working Lives (Unpublished).
110th annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association.
Montréal, Canada.
Zenker, Olaf
(September 2011).
New laws against an old state: land restitution as a transition to justice in post-apartheid South Africa? (Unpublished).
Jubilee Congress of the Commission on Legal Pluralism.
University of Cape Town, Cape Town.
Schäuble, Michaela
(September 2011).
Pilgerfahrten, Prozessionen und politisierte Umzüge: Landschaftsgebundene Marienverehrung in Dalmatien (Unpublished).
34. DGV-Tagung „Wa(h)re ‚Kultur’?“.
Leins, Stefan
Pricing the revolution: Financial analysts respond to the Egyptian uprising.
Anthropology today, 27(4), pp. 11-14.
Zenker, Olaf
(July 2011).
Idiomatisation, ethnicity and linguistic relativity: second language acquisition in the Irish language revival of Northern Ireland (Unpublished).
Workshop anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Günther Schlee.
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale.
Kehr, Janina
(16 June 2011).
Comment la biomédecine change nos vies?
Paris: Radio France International
Zenker, Olaf; Anders, Gerhard
(June 2011).
Transition and justice in Africa: an introduction (Unpublished).
AEGIS 4th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 4).
Zenker, Olaf
(June 2011).
New laws against the old state: land restitution as a transition to justice in post-apartheid South Africa? (Unpublished).
Panel Anders/Zenker, ECAS 4.
Strasser, Sabine
(June 2011).
Transformations of honour: epistemic and cultural violence in Turkey and the EU, Ordering the Social, Producing Change (Unpublished).
Workshop: Transformations of honour: epistemic and cultural violence in Turkey and the EU, Ordering the Social, Producing Change..
Istanbul, Bogazici Universitesi.
Schäuble, Michaela; Schroer, Miriam
(May 2011).
(De-)Militarized Masculinities: The Case of War Veterans in Post-1995 Croatia (Unpublished).
Doing Gender – Doing the Balkans. Dynamics and Persistence of Gender Relations in South – Eastern Europe..
Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
Leben in Gesellschaft. Biomedizin, Politik, Sozialwissenschaften.
Bielefeld: Transcript
Schäuble, Michaela
(April 2011).
Zwischen radikalem Realismus und visionärem Delirium: eine Annäherung an das filmische Schaffen von Luigi di Gianni (Unpublished).
Ethnographie und Geschichtsdenken. Ein Workshop zu Ernesto de Martino und seinen Hinterlassenschaften.
Lehrstuhl für Medientheorie in Kooperation mit der DGV Regionalgruppe Mittelmeerrau, Universität Siegen.
Schäuble, Michaela
(January 2011).
Apparitions Along the Border: The Politics of Marian Devotion in Croatia and Herzegovina. (Unpublished).
EastBordNet-Konferenz "Remaking Borders".
Catania (Sicily).
Januar 2011.
Haller, Tobias
Making Businesses in the Open: Coping with Economic and Institutional Risk and Insecurity in the Kafue Flats, Zambia. Ethnologie in der Schweiz heute. SEG Jahrestagung - Colloque annuel de la SEE - Annual meeting of SEG/SSE - 12/13.11.2010. Panel 'Making A Future': Coping With Risk And Uncertainty, Negotiating Solidarity And Individuality In Contemporary Africa And Beyond, organized by Jan Patrick Heiss and Michaela Pelican, University of Zurich, University of Berne, 13.11.2010.
Rodewald, Raimund; Abraham, Andrea; Sommerhalder, Kathrin
Kriterien für die gesundheitsfördernde Wirkung von Landschaft: eine neue Bewertungsmethode.
GAIA - ökologische Perspektiven für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft / ecological perspectives for science and society, 20(4), pp. 256-264.
München: Oekom Verlag
Abraham, Andrea; Kissling, Bruno
Wie "soft facts" die Hausarztmedizin formen: Nachdenken über Komplexität. Bericht vom Workshop "How soft facts shape family medicine: reflecting on the blurred field of complexity" am Wonca-Europe-Kongress 2009 in Basel.
PrimaryCare, 11(5), pp. 78-79.
Muttenz: EMH Editores Medicorum Helveticorum - Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag AG
Abraham, Andrea; Baumann, Thomas
Normalität als Konstrukt. Medizinethnologische und pädiatrische Gesichtspunkte, Warter-Symposium 2011, Altensteig-Wart (D), 7.5.2011.
Abraham, Andrea
Durchschnittspatienten gibt es nicht: Pflege im Spannungsfeld von Standardisierung und Einzigartigkeit, Diplomfeier Bildungszentrum Pflege, Bern, 30.9.2011.
Biner, Zerrin Özlem
Multiple imaginations of the state: understanding a mobile conflict about justice and accountability from the perspective of Assyrian-Syriac communities.
Citizenship studies, 15(3-4), pp. 367-379.
Abingdon, UK: Carfax Pub. Co.
Conte, Edouard
Adam et consorts. Germanité et filiation de la Genèse au Déluge selon les traditions musulmanes.
Bonte, Pierre; Porqueres i Gené, Enric; Wilgaux, Jérôme
L'argument de la filiation. Aux fondements des sociétés européennes et méditerranéennes (pp. 39-71).
Paris: Les éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
Conte, Edouard
Julius Wellhausen und die 'Kinder Adams'. Die Aktualität der Orientalisten.
Schnepel, Burkhard; Brands, Gunnar; Schönig, Hanne
Orient - Orientalistik - Orientalismus. Geschichte und Aktualität einer Debatte. Colonial Studies (pp. 43-70).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Conte, Edouard
Prisms of Eurocentrism.
Messerli, Paul; Schwinges, Rainer C.; Schmid, Thomas
Entwicklungsmodell Europa: Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Herausforderung durch die Globalisierung (pp. 39-67).
Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag
Conte, Edouard
Elles seront des soeurs pour nous. Le mariage par permutation au Proche-Orient.
Études rurales(187), pp. 157-200.
Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales EHESS
Eckert, Julia
Work in Progress: The State at Work in Urban India.
Schareika, Nikolaus; Spies, Eva; Le Meur, Pierre-Yves
Auf dem Boden der Tatsachen. Festschrift für Thomas Bierschenk. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung: Vol. 28 (pp. 435-446).
Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag
Eckert, Julia
"Sie versprechen eine saubere Stadt". Ein Gespräch über die hindu-nationalistische Shiv Sena in Mumbai.
Becker, Jochen; Huffschmid, Anne; Lanz, Stephan; Pohlisch, Oliver; Reichard, Katja; Riedmann, Erwin; Wildner, Kathrin
Urban Prayers: neue religiöse Bewegungen in der globalen Stadt. MetroZones: Vol. 10 (pp. 159-175).
Berlin/Hamburg: Assoziation A
Eckert, Julia
Introduction: subjects of citizenship.
Citizenship studies, 15(3-4), pp. 309-317.
Abingdon, UK: Carfax Pub. Co.
Eckert, Julia; Yalçın-Heckmann, Lale
Preface to the special issues.
Citizenship studies, 15(3-4), pp. 307-308.
Abingdon, UK: Carfax Pub. Co.
Eckert, Julia
Globale Gerechtigkeit? Der Krieg gegen den Terror im Spannungsfeld von Rechtsversprechen und Sicherheitsbedürfnis - eine Fallgeschichte aus Indien.
Vorträge des Berner Forums für Kriminalwissenschaften (BFK).
Universität Bern.
Mooser, Sandra
Nollywood meets Switzerland. Nigerianische Videofilme und ihr Publikum in der Schweiz.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 54.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Münger, Laura
Im Kwassa-Kwassa nach Mayotte. Migrationsprozesse und sozialer Wandel in einem (post-)kolonialen Kontext.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 53.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Ohm, Britta
The Televised Community: Culture, Politics and the Market of Visual Representation in India.
Frankfurt: Europa-Universiät Viadrina
Ohm, Britta
The Secularism of the State and the Secularism of Consumption: 'Honesty', 'Treason' and the Dynamics of Religious Visibility on Television in India and Turkey.
European journal of cultural studies, 14(6), pp. 664-684.
London: Sage Publications
Ohm, Britta
Honesty and Treason: The Inversions of Secularism and Religion on Commercialising Television in India and Turkey; interdisziplinäre Vortragsreihe (Prof. David Herbert) Religions and Modernities: Encounters and Mediations from Europe to South East Asia, Universität Agder, Kristiansand/Norwegen, 7.9.2011.
Ohm, Britta
Commercial Neutrality and Journalist Objectivity: The Naturalisation of Hindutva and the Precarious State of Democratic Secular TV Reporting in post-Gujarat India; internationale Konferenz The Changing Face of Journalism in India, India Media Centre, University of Westminster, London/UK, 12.9.2011.
Ohm, Britta
Globalisierung und transnationale Medienkonzerne; Gastvorlesung in der Thematischen Vorlesung (Prof. Julia Eckert) Anthropologie des Transnationalismus und des Staates, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, 12.10.2011.
Mezhoud, Salem; Oxby, Clare
Disentangling "Forced Displacement" from Pastoral Mobility: Recovery and Reconstruction in the Sahel and in South Sudan.
Sternberg, Troy; Chatty, Dawn
Modern Pastoralism and Conservation: Old Problems, New Challenges. Anthropology and Ethnology Today Series: Vol. 16 (pp. 59-82).
White Horse Press
Ideli, Mustafa; Kieser, Hans-Lukas; Suter Reich, Virginia
Neue Menschenlandschaften. Migration Türkei-Schweiz 1960-2010.
Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Forschungsstelle Schweiz-Türkei: Vol. 3.
Zürich: Chronos
Suter Reich, Virginia
Regional Opportunities for Alevis' Politics of Recognition in Switzerland (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde.
Suter Reich, Virginia
Kultur vs. Religion - Verschiebung der Referenz in der Debatte um gesellschaftliche Inklusion von Migranten am Beispiel der alevitischen Bewegung in der Schweiz (Unpublished).
Summer School Kultur in Debatte, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde.
Frankfurt am Main.
Walentowitz, Saskia
Germanité, alliance, filiation. Dynamiques autopoïétiques de la parenté touarègue.
Bonte, Pierre; Porqueres i Gené, Enric; Wilgaux, Jérôme
L'argument de la filiation. Aux fondements des sociétés européennes et méditerranéennes (pp. 107-137).
Paris: Les éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
Wehrli, Angelica Laura Lucia
Filles à éliminer au Vietnam?
Castelli, Bernard; Hours, Bernard
Enjeux épistémologiques et idéologiques de la globalisation pour les sciences sociales. Collection questions contemporaines / Série globalisation et sciences sociales (pp. 239-265).
Paris: L'Harmattan
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Die neue alte schweizerische Integrationspolitik.
Gerber, Brigitta; Skenderovic, Damir
Wider die Ausgrenzung - für eine offene Schweiz. Beiträge aus historischer, sozial- und rechtswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Band 2 Debatten (pp. 11-41).
Zürich: Chronos
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Kreff, Fernand; Knoll, Eva-Maria; Gingrich, Andre
Lexikon der Globalisierung. Global Studies (pp. 224-227).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Zenker, Olaf
Autochthony, Ethnicity, Indigeneity and Nationalism: Time-Honouring and State-Oriented Modes of Rooting Individual-Territory-Group-Triads in a Globalising World.
Critique of anthropology, 31(1), pp. 63-81.
London: Sage Publications
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Moderne Geschenke und archaische Gaben.
Politik - Monatszeitschrift des politischen Zentrums, 2011(8), pp. 86-87.
Bern: CVP Schweiz
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Traditionelle Zahlungsmittel und ihr gesellschaftlicher Kontext, Veranstaltung zur semipermanenten Ausstellung "Traditionelle Zahlungsmittel aus Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien", Zürich, Money Museum, 25.10.2011.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die koloniale Transformation der Hochland-Tiefland-Beziehungen in Zentralsumatra, International Society for Alpine History (Associazione Internazionale per la Storia delle Alpi), based at the Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi LabiSAlp, Università della Svizzera italiana/Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio, Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Svizzera,
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Feilschen? Die performative Konstruktion von Äquivalenz. Wert und Äquivalent - Über Entstehung und Umwandlung von Werten aus archäologischer und ethnologischer Sicht (Graduiertenkolleg 1576), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, IG 311 (Westend), 20.1.2011.
Zurschmitten, Sabine
Andreas Türk, Christentum in Ostsumba. Die Aneignung einer Weltreligion in Indonesien aus praxistheoretischer Sicht [Rezension].
Anthropos, 106(2), pp. 720-721.
Salzburg, Oesterreich: Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Zurschmitten, Sabine
Revitalisierung, Inszenierung und Kommerzialisierung: gegenwärtige Auseinandersetzungen um Adat in der West-Manggarai (West-Flores), Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde, Wien, 14.-17.9.2011.
Abraham, Andrea
Framing quality. Constructions of medical quality in Swiss family medicine.
Td-Conference 2011 (pp. 31-32).
Bern: Td-Net
Eckert, Julia
Subjects of Citizenship. Special Issue.
Citizenship Studies: Vol. 15, 3-4, Part 1.
London: Taylor & Francis
Oxby, Clare
Will the 2010 'Code Pastoral' Help Herders in Central Niger? Land Rights and Land Use Strategies in the Grasslands of Abalak and Dakoro Departments.
Nomadic peoples, 15(2), pp. 53-81.
Montréal: Commission on Nomadic Peoples
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kaufen, zahlen und geben - wie wir mit Geld unsere soziale Umwelt konstruieren.
Brändle, Thomas; Riedo, Dominik
Über Geld schreibt man doch! Eine Anthologie (pp. 49-58).
Bern: Zytglogge
Türkmen, Saadet
Interkulturelle Kommunikation, Weiterbildung AG-Integration, Kerzers, 2.12.2011.
Türkmen, Saadet
Invalidität im Migrationskontext am Beispiel von Migranten aus der Türkei in der Schweiz - eine medizinanthropologische Untersuchung.
Heise, Thomas; Golsabahi, Solmaz
Mit Leib und Seele ankommen. Beiträge zum 4. Kongress des Dachverbands der transkulturellen Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik im deutschsprachigen Raum (DTPPP) 9.-11.12.2010, Ärztekammer Nordrhein, Düsseldorf (pp. 125-141).
Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung
Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc
Challenges for Participatory Conservation in Times of Global Change: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis and New Developments.
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 467-503).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Ludi, Eva; Amsalu, Aklilu; Chiuri, Wanjiku; Haller, Tobias; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Mhando, David
Sustainable Livelihoods for Coffee Producers in East Africa: Is Producing Speciality Coffee a Way Out of Poverty?
Wiesmann, Urs Martin; Hurni, Hans
Research for Sustainable Development. Foundations, Experiences, and Perspectives. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 6 (pp. 505-524).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Haller, Tobias
Winners and losers of the participatory approach in protected area management: Lessons from a comparative research project. Nature TM Inc? Questioning the Market Panacea in Environmental Policy and Conservation, International Institute of Social Studies Den Hague, 30.6.-2.7.2011.
Haller, Tobias
Einführung: Peasant-Studies und Schweizer Bauern aus sozialanthropologischer Perspektive. Panel: Strukturanpassung, institutioneller Wandel und bäuerliche Strategien der Ressourcennutzung in der Schweiz, SEG-Konferenz, Universität Zürich, 25.-26.11.2011.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
When country roads become highways: Development of transportation networks and the issuing changes in mobility patterns in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region; presentation at the Xinjiang-focused roundtable at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, 6.12.2011.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Transportation development, mobility patterns and social change in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China; public lecture at the Research Centre for Anthropology and Folklore at Xinjiang University, Urumqi,China, 23.11.2011.
Kobi, Madlen
Urban Renewal in Southern Xinjiang: Material Transformation and Residents' Adaptation, Präsentation am Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, 6.12.2011 (in Chinesisch).
Kobi, Madlen
Urban Renewal in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region: How Economic Development and New Apartment Houses Shape Urban Space Use. A Case Study with Examples From Kashgar, Aksu and Kuche, Präsentation am Center for Folklore Studies, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, November 2011 (in Chinesisch).
Toggweiler, Michael
Das anthropologische Spiel des Humanismus, Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern, Bern, 12.10.2011.
Toggweiler, Michael
Die Wahrheit der Pygmäen, "Kolloquium Wissen", im Rahmen der Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, 20.10.2011.
Toggweiler, Michael
Tapfer schreitet er durch Anderswelten [Interview].
uniaktuell - das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern(12.8.2011)
Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Derks, Annuska
The Politics and Profits of Labour Export.
Hughes, Caroline; Un, Kheang
Cambodia's Economic Transformation (pp. 182-198).
Copenhagen: NIAS Press
Anh, Nguyễn Tuấn; Derks, Annuska
Toàn cầu hóa và bản sắc làng việt ở miền bắc (Globalization and Village Identity in Northern Vietnam).
Dong, Phạm Tất; Nguyễn Thị Kim, Hoa; Anh, Nguyễn Tuấn
Những vấn dề xã hội học trong sự biến dổi xã hội (Sociological Issues in a Changing Society) (pp. 199-222).
Hanoi: National University Press Hanoi
Derks, Annuska
Xã hội học và nhân học có thực sự là hai ngành khoa học riêng biệt không? Sociology and Anthropology, are they really two disciplines?
Journal of Human Studies - Nghiên cứu con người, 5(56), pp. 32-51.
Hanoi: Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute for Human Studies
Derks, Annuska
Human Rights and (Im)mobility: Migrants and the State in Thailand, Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, 22.12.2011, Bern.
Derks, Annuska
Sociology and Anthropology, are they really two disciplines? Workshop on 'The Relation between Sociology and Anthropology', Institute of Sociology, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Administration, 25.2.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska
Différences sociales et inégalités, Introductory Presentation at Doctoral Day (Doctoriales), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 14.7.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska
Gender, Migration and Development, IMAS Programme, IHEID, Geneva / Asian Institute of Technology-Vietnam, 5.8.2011, Hanoi.
Derks, Annuska
Coal in the City: The Rise and Demise of a Cooking Fuel', Engaging Vietnam Conference, University of Social Sciences and Humanities-VNU, 4.-5.12.2011, Hanoi.
Wehrli, Angelica
How has the global financial crisis impacted Vietnam? Global issues and local perspectives, UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, February 2011.
Wehrli, Angelica
Co-Chair (mit Prof. Dr. Chris Tilly) des Panels "Migrants and Informal Employment", International conference on "Labor in the Global South: A Search for Solutions", UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, University of California, May 2011.
Piart, Luisa
Made in Istanbul.
La revue Economia(12), pp. 34-35.
Zenker, Olaf
Land restitution and transitional justice in post-apartheid South Africa
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Strasser, Sabine
Kreff, Fernand; Knoll, Eva-Maria; Gingrich, Andre
Lexikon der Globalisierung (pp. 270-273).
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Transnationale Migration.
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Lexikon der Globalisierung (pp. 385-389).
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Siegl, Veronika
Wie wertvoll ist wertfreie Epistemologie? Macht, Sprache und Transparenz in der Wissenschaft.
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Kulturverein Pangea
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L'Homme - europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 22(1), pp. 184-187.
Schäuble, Michaela
How History takes Place: Geographical and Sacralised Landscapes in the Croatian-Bosnian Border Region.
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Indiana University Press
Schäuble, Michaela
“All Filmmaking is a Form of Therapy”: Visualising Memories of War Violence in the Animation Film Waltz with Bashir (2008).
Weiss, Nerina; Six-Hohenbalken, Maria
Violence Expressed. An Anthropological Approach (pp. 203-222).
London: Ashgate
Schäuble, Michaela
Henley, Paul: The Adventure of the Real: Jean Rouch and the Craft of Ethnographic Cinema.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 136(2), pp. 417-419.
Schäuble, Michaela
The Militarisation and Masculinisation of Public Space in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished).
6th InASEA Conference on “Southeast European (Post) Modernities”.
Schäuble, Michaela
„Was audio-visuelle Anthropolog/-innen können, können nur audio-visuelle Anthropolog/-innen, oder?“ Eine Replik.
E-Debatte im Diskussionsforum der AG Visuelle Anthropologie
Perl, Gerhild
Unbehagliche Körper. Von Leichen, Toten und Kadavern.
Paradigmata. Zeitschrift für Menschen und Diskurse, 3, pp. 48-52.
Kulturverein Pangea
Dale, Cyprianus Jehan Paju; Djonga, John
Paradoks Papua.
Labuan Bajo: FOKER LSM/YTHP/Sunspirit Books
Hostettler, Ueli; Kirchhofer, Roger; Richter, Marina; Young, Christopher
Formation dans l’exécution des peines (Fep): Projet-pilote, 1.7.2009-30.6.2011: Fondation Drosos / OSEO Suisse central. Evaluation externe. Rapport final
Fribourg: Université de Fribourg (Sociologie, politique sociale et travail social)
Richter, Marina; Kirchhofer, Roger; Hostettler, Ueli; Young, Christopher
Wie eine „Insel“ im Gefängnis: Bildung im Schweizer Strafvollzug.
Tsantsa, 16(21), pp. 50-60.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
De la vie biologique à la vie sociale. Approches sociologiques et anthropologiques.
Paris: Editions de la Découverte
Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle; Niewöhner, Jörg
Zonen des Existentiellen: Leben verstehen, Leben schützen, Leben gefährden.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
Leben in Gesellschaft. Biomedizin, Politik, Sozialwissenschaften. VerKörperungen-MatteRealities: Vol. 13 (pp. 9-28).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle; Niewöhner, Jörg
Introduction. Une question vitale. Connaître, protéger, exposer la vie.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
De la vie biologique à la vie sociale. Approches sociologiques et anthropologiques (pp. 9-25).
Paris: Editions de la Découverte
Kehr, Janina
Die Dichte sozialer Leben: Zur Tuberkulose Umgebungsuntersuchung.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
Leben in Gesellschaft. Biomedizin, Politik, Sozialwissenschaften. Verkörperungen: Perspektiven empirischer Wissenschaftsforschung: Vol. 13 (pp. 229-329).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Kehr, Janina
L'épaisseur des vies sociales. A propos du dépistage de la tuberculose.
Niewöhner, Jörg; Kehr, Janina; Vailly, Joëlle
De la vie biologique à la vie sociale. Approches sociologiques et anthropologiques (pp. 268-297).
Paris: Editions de la Découverte
Ramirez, Maria del Pilar
Rostros de Ciudad: desplazamiento y testimonio.
Lienhard, Martin
Expulsados, desterrados, desplazados. Migraciones forzadas en América Latina y en África (pp. 233-246).
Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
’The one who first says I love you’: Female Same-Sex Relations and Relational Masculinity in Postcolonial Ghana.
Ghana studies, 14, pp. 223-264.
African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Moving metaphors we live by: water and flow in the social sciences and around hydroelectric dams in Kyrgyzstan.
Central Asian survey, 30(3-4), pp. 487-502.
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Strasser, Sabine
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Queering Multiculturalism (Unpublished).
Sexuelle Welten.
Aronsson, Anne
(22 November 2010).
Japanese Professional Women in the Neoliberal Order: Through the Labyrinth of their Working Lives (Unpublished).
Searching for the New Wave of Japanese Studies in Social Sciences.
Yale University; New Haven, USA.
Schäuble, Michaela
(November 2010).
"Balkan Brothels": A Filmic Investigation into the Correlation between Human Trafficking and International “Peacekeeping Mission“ in the Balkans. COST Action IS0803 Working Paper No. 103.
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(4 August 2010).
Women’s Movements in multicultural and multi-religious contexts in Europe (Unpublished).
Dialogforum zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik der Universität Krems.
Gmunden, Schloss Orth.
Aronsson, Anne
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Japanese Professional Women in the Neoliberal Order: Through the Labyrinth of their Working Lives (Unpublished).
Japanese Professional Women in the Neoliberal Order: Through the Labyrinth of their Working Lives.
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Auch Gewalt liegt im Auge des Betrachters.
Die Welt
Dankwa, Serena
(27 May 2010).
Wenn Ghanas Frauen Fussball spielen.
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Beyond Belonging: Cultural anxieties and threatening answers in Europe (Unpublished).
Gender Initiativ Kolleg: Gender, Violence and Agency in the Era of Globalization.
Universität Wien.
Leins, Stefan
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Muhammad als formidabler Risikomanager.
UZH News
Strasser, Sabine
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Intersectionality and Citizenship: Relocating Flexible Citizenship
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Conte, Édouard
Adam and his consorts. Nasab and Prophecy from the Genesis to the Flood according to Muslim Tradition.
Historiography in its Arabic Age: Al-Baladhuri's Ansab al-Ashraf.
Deutsches Orient-Institut, Kairo.
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Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan.
Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28.
Halle-Wittenberg: Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Martin-Luther-Universität
Neveling, Patrick
Wissen und Veränderung - Entwicklung, Geschichte, Sozialer Wandel.
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Neveling, Patrick; Klien, Susanne
Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention.
Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28 (pp. 1-52).
Halle-Wittenberg: Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Martin-Luther-Universität
Neveling, Patrick; Klien, Susanne
The Salience of Traditions, Inventions and Global Integration Compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands.
Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte: Vol. 28 (pp. 53-61).
Halle-Wittenberg: Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Martin-Luther-Universität
Neveling, Patrick
Einleitende Überlegungen: Wissen und Veränderung - Entwicklung, Geschichte, sozialer Wandel.
Sociologus, 60(1), pp. 1-14.
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Neveling, Patrick
Vom Nutzen der Geschichte, vom Wissen der Akteure und vom Nachteil der Multi-Sited Ethnography - Welthandel, Wirtschaftskrise und Standortwettbewerb in Mauritius Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Sociologus, 60(1), pp. 71-97.
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Neveling, Patrick
Ralph Lauren Mauritian Style: Methodological and Epistemological Challenges in the Study of Competing Notions of Legality, "Liberty" and Dependency within Global Commodity Chains, Workshop: "Parallel Commodity Chains - Substitutes and Informal Economy", Research Network "History of Global Commodities", University of Konstanz, Germany, 10-12 June 2010.
Neveling, Patrick; Simoni, Valerio
Workshop Convenors: Joining Phenomenologies and Political Economies of the Global, Biannual Conference European Association of Social Anthropologists "Crisis and Imagination", University of Maynooth, Ireland, 24-27 August 2010.
Neveling, Patrick
Introduction to the Workshop Joining Phenomenologies and Political Economies of the Global, Biannual Conference European Association of Social Anthropologists "Crisis and Imagination", University of Maynooth, Ireland, 24-27 August 2010.
Neveling, Patrick
Some Remarks on the Scalar Structurations of Capitalism and the Anthropology of the Twentieth Century Global System, Biannual Conference European Association of Social Anthropologists "Crisis and Imagination", University of Maynooth, Ireland, 24-27 August 2010.
Wergin, Carsten; Neveling, Patrick
Tourism and Scale.
Anthropology news, 51(2), pp. 3-4.
Arlington, Va.: American Anthropological Association
Ludi, Regula
Carl Albert Loosli, Judenhetze, Werke Band 6: Judentum und Antisemitismus, Hrsg. von Fredi Lerch, Erwin Marti, Zürich, Rotpunktverlag 2008 [Rezension].
Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 72(1), pp. 107-110.
Bern: Historischer Verein des Kantons Bern
Ludi, Regula
Swiss Refugee Policy and its Transnational Dimensions 1930-1950, Tagung "The Forty Years Crisis: Refugees in Europe 1919-1959, London, September 2010.
Ludi, Regula
Opferkonstruktionen in der Entschädigungspolitik der Nachkriegszeit, Tagung 2. Schweizerische Geschichtstage.
Abraham, Andrea
Geschichten über Körper, Krankheit und Kontext. Zur Untrennbarkeit von Narration und Medizinanthropologie. Narrative Medizin - Erzählende Medizin. Öffentliche Ringvorlesung, Kollegiale Instanz für Komplementärmedizin KIKOM Universität Bern, Audimax, 11. November 2010.
Beyeler, Sarah
Der Inkorporationsprozess der Ahmadiyya-Gemeinschaft in der Schweiz im Kontext ihrer Bauprojekte und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.
Allenbach, Brigit; Sökefeld, Martin
Muslime in der Schweiz. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 66-91).
Zürich: Seismo
Beyeler, Sarah
The self-representation and striving for recognition of Ahmadi-women in Switzerland: a qualitative-empirical approach. 11th EASA Biennial Conference: Crisis and Imagination. Maynooth, Ireland; 24-27th August 2010.
Beyeler, Sarah
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Beyeler, Sarah
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Biner, Zerrin Özlem
Documenting Truth in the Margins of the Turkish State. Workshop "Law Against the State". Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale, 15. April 2010.
Conte, Edouard
Adam and His Consorts. Kinship and Prophecy from the Genesis to the Flood According to Muslim Tradition, Public lecture, French Institute for the Near East, Amman, 10.3.2010.
Conte, Edouard
Demographic Transition in the Greater Middle East, Invited lecture, Conférence régionale des chefs de mission suisses au Moyen-Orient, Dead Sea, Jordan, 3.11.2010.
De Genova, Nicholas
Migration and Race in Europe: The Trans-Atlantic Metastases of a Post-Colonial Cancer.
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Derks, Annuska
The Boundaries of Bondage.
De Jonge, Huub; van Meijl, Toon
On the Subject of Labour. Essays in Memory of Frans Hüsken (pp. 85-89).
Nijmegen: In de Walvis
Derks, Annuska
Migrant Labour and the Politics of Immobilisation: Cambodian Fishermen in Thailand.
Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 915-932.
Leiden, NL: Brill
Derks, Annuska
Bonded Labour in Southeast Asia: Introduction.
Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 839-852.
Leiden, NL: Brill
Derks, Annuska
Migrant Rights and (Im)mobility: The Case of Cambodian Migrants in Thailand. Workshop on Globalisation, Human Rights and Mobility: Exploring the Gender Trope, ISEAS, 22-23 November 2010, Singapore.
Eckert, Julia
Von der Universalisierung und Partikularisierung von Normen: Sozialanthropologische Überlegungen zu Normgeltung als sozialem Prozess.
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Universelle Menschenrechte und partikulare Moral. Ethik im Diskurs: Vol. 5 (pp. 115-130).
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Eckert, Julia
Rumours of Rights, Law against the State or the Juridification of Protest (Unpublished).
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Halle/Saale, Germany.
Eckert, Julia
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Von der Universalisierung und Partikularisierung von Normen; Universelle Normen und Partikulare Moral (Unpublished).
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Eckert, Julia
Civil Servants, Work, and Life Course (Unpublished).
Humboldt University.
Eckert, Julia
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Eckert, Julia
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Phil-Hist Fakultät, Universität Bern.
Killias, Olivia
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Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 897-914.
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Haller, Tobias
Disputing the Floodplains - Institutional Change and the Politics of Resource Management in African Wetlands. African Social Studies Series: Vol. 22 (pp. 171-193).
Leiden, Boston: Brill
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Oxford New York: Berghahn Books
Nigg, Heinz
Heinz Nigg, Global Town Baden - 30 Porträts aus einer urbanen Region.
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Filmische Bilder als Erkenntnismittel.
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Zürich: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
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Forgetting to Remember: The Privatisation of the Public, the Economisation of Hindutva, and the Medialisation of Genocide.
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Suter Reich, Virginia
Anerkennungspraktiken alevitischer Gemeinschaften im Kontext der jüngsten basel-städtischen Verfassungsreform.
Allenbach, Brigit; Sökefeld, Martin
Muslime in der Schweiz. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 92-122).
Zürich: Seismo
Suter Reich, Virginia
Aleviten und alevitische Anerkennungspolitik in der Schweiz (Unpublished).
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Suter Reich, Virginia
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Wehrli, Angelica Laura Lucia
¡Viva la creatividad! Strategien zur Existenzsicherung in Zeiten des sozioökonomischen Wandels auf Kuba.
TRANS anthropologische Texte / TRANS anthropological texts: Vol. 6.
Berlin: LIT
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Differenzierung von Bürgerrechten.
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Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
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The Deportation Regime. Sovereignty, Space, and the Freedom of Movement (pp. 224-244).
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Zenker, Olaf; Kumoll, Karsten
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Zenker, Olaf
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Zenker, Olaf
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Zenker, Olaf
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Znoj, Heinzpeter
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Zürich: Seismo
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Leiden, Boston: Brill
Haller, Tobias
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Haller, Tobias
Disputing the Floodplains: Institutional Change and the Politics of Resource Management in African Floodplains. African Social Studies Series: Vol. 22 (pp. 1-75).
Leiden, Boston: Brill
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
"We had cattle and did not fish and hunt anyhow!" Institutional Change and Contested Commons in the Kafue Flats Floodplain (Zambia).
Haller, Tobias
Disputing the Floodplains: Institutional Change and the Politics of Resource Management in African Floodplains. African Social Studies Series: Vol. 22 (pp. 301-359).
Leiden, Boston: Brill
Haller, Tobias
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Haller, Tobias
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Leiden, Boston: Brill
Haller, Tobias
Common pool resources, legal pluralism and governance from a new institutionalist perspective: lessons from the African Floodplain Wetlands Research Project (AFWeP).
Eguavoen, Irit; Laube, Wolfram
Negotiating local governance. Natural resource management at the interface of communities and the state (pp. 137-180).
Berlin: LIT
Haller, Tobias
Disputing the Floodplains: Institutional Change, Common-Pool Resource Management and Conflicts in Africa Wetlands. African Diaspora and Diasporas in Africa - African Studies Association 53th annual meeting, The Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, California, 20.11.2010.
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Biner, Zerrin Özlem
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Derks, Annuska
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Derks, Annuska
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Paris: Editions de l'Aube
Wehrli, Angelica
Ama de Casa - A Hidden form of Entrepreneurial Success? Re-Challenging Gendered Roles.
International journal of Cuban studies, 2(1/2), pp. 104-116.
London: Pluto Journals
Harry Nixon, Chabwela; Haller, Tobias
Governance issues, potentials and failures of participative collective action in the Kafue Flats, Zambia.
International journal of the commons, 4(2), pp. 621-642.
Utrecht: Igitur
Zenker, Olaf
Crisis of the State. War and Social Upheaval, edited by Bruce Kapferer and Björn Enge Bertelsen [Rezension].
Anthropological notebooks, 16(2), pp. 80-81.
Ljubljana: Društvo antropologov Slovenije
Le, Thu Huong
A New Portrait of Indentured Labour: Vietnamese Labour Migration to Malaysia.
Asian journal of social science, 38(6), pp. 880-896.
Leiden, NL: Brill
Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi
Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât.
Ramallah: Birzeit University
Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger
Awâ'iqu binâ'i al-manhaj. Mugâribât zamakâniyya wa nihâyatu I-bidâ'ya.
Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi
Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât (pp. 7-58).
Ramallah: Birzeit University
Heacock, Roger; Conte, Edouard
icâdatu murâjica "utruhât fîûrbâkh".
Badr, Ra'ed; Conte, Edouard; Heacock, Roger; al-Malkî, Majdi
Al-bath al-naqdî fî l-culûm al-ijtimâciyya. Mudâkhalât sharqiyya-gharbiyya câbira li-l-ikhtisâsât (pp. 243-247).
Ramallah: Birzeit University
Conte, Edouard
The Pursuit of War by Other Means. The "Human Terrain" Concept as a Challenge to Anthropology.
Ruegg, François; Boscoboinik, Andrea
From Palermo to Penang / De Palerme à Penang - A Journey into Political Anthropology / Un itinéraire en anthropologie politique. Festschrift für Christian Giordano. Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien / Freiburg Studies in Social Anthropology/ Etudes d'Anthropologie Sociale de l'Université de Fribourg (pp. 365-381).
Berlin: LIT
Gambon, Helen Anna
Análisis de tenencia y uso de la tierra en dos comunidades campesinas en Cochabamba, Bolivia, en relación a la Ley INRA.
Arbeitsblatt des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 55.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Türkmen, Saadet
Gesund bleiben oder invalid werden, DTPP Kongress, Düsseldorf, 11.11.2010.
Toggweiler, Michael
Pygmäe und Monstrum. Operationstische anthropologischer différance. 1500-1900, Kolloquium "Alterität", im Rahmen der Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, 15.4.2010.
Toggweiler, Michael
Das Schweigen der Pygmäen. Strukturale Annäherungen an die kulturanthropologische Kategorienbildung, Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern, Bern, 3.3.2010.
Wehrli, Angelica
Preserving the 'Balance'. Evidences about Norms and Values in North Vietnam, Workshop Organisation and Realisation, Institute of Anthropology, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2010.
Wehrli, Angelica
Nam Dinh ville: le Manchester de l'ancienne Indochine face à la 'modernité', Séminaire transversal, UMR 201, Développement et Sociétés, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, juin 2010.
Wehrli, Angelica
(Re)challenging Norms and Values in Vietnam. Decision Making Strategies within the 'Hô' (Household) and Beyond, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, Mai 2010.
Wehrli, Angelica
Contested Norms and Values in the Realm of (Post-)Socialist Vietnam. Case Examples of the Red River Delta, XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 2010.
Wehrli, Angelica
Co-chair und Organisation (mit lic. phil. Sabine Zurschmitten) des Panels "Southeast Asia: Religions and States in Change", Jahreskonferenz der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft, SEG-SSE, November 2010.
Piart, Luisa
Des mondes marchands mobiles: les commerçantes à la valise ouzbèkes.
Laruelle, Marlène
Dynamiques migratoires et changements sociétaux en Asie Centrale. Sociétés et cultures post-soviétiques en mouvement (pp. 247-271).
Paris: Petra
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften.
Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41.
Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus
Strasser, Sabine; Najmabadi, Shahnaz
Anthropology of the Middle East, 2010(5).
Berghahn Books
Strasser, Sabine
Blut, Milch und Ehre: Feministische Debatten zu Modernisierung und Multikulturalismus in der Türkei und in Europa.
Arni, Caroline; Saurer, Edith
Blut, Milch und DNA. L'Homme - europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft: Vol. 21/2 (pp. 81-100).
Wien: Böhlau
Strasser, Sabine
Rethinking Citizenship: Critical Encounters with Feminist, Multicultural and Transnational Concepts of Citizenship.
Halsaa, Beatrice; Roseneil, Sasha; Sümer, Sevil
Remaking Citizenship in Multicultural Europe: Women’s Movements, Gender and Diversity. Citizenship, gender and diversity (pp. 21-40).
Basingstoke: Palgrave
Strasser, Sabine
Transnationale Politik: Zugehörigkeit, Aktivismus und soziale Spannungen jenseits von Grenzen.
Bakondy, Vida; Kogoj, Cornelia; Ongan, Gamze
Viel Glück! Migration heute. Perspektiven aus Wien, Belgrad, Zagreb und Istanbul.
Wien: Mandelbaum
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Einleitung: Multikulturalismus queer gelesen.
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41 (pp. 7-24).
Frankfurt am Main: Campus
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus im Widerstreit. Kulturelle Diversität, Geschlechteregalität und sexuelle Autnomie.
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41 (pp. 25-44).
Frankfurt am Main: Campus
Strasser, Sabine; Markom, Christa
Kulturelles Unbehagen: Eine kleine Stadt und ihre großen Sorgen.
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41 (pp. 71-119).
Frankfurt am Main: Campus
Strasser, Sabine; Tuncer, Trem; Sungur, Altan
Ehe und Ehre im Wandel: Arrangement und Zwang in der Türkei.
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41 (pp. 197-217).
Frankfurt am Main: Campus
Strasser, Sabine
Ist der Multikulturalismus noch zu rettten? Ein Konzept auf dem Prüfstand von Wissenschaft, Politik und Recht.
Strasser, Sabine; Holzleithner, Elisabeth
Multikulturalismus queer gelesen. Zwangsheirat und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in pluralen Gesellschaften. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 41 (pp. 335-359).
Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus
Strasser, Sabine
Migrationsforschung in Österreich, ein [Krimi]. Kommentar zur Kritischen Migrationsforschung.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten(74)
Strasser, Sabine
Parallel Societies’ and ‘No Integration’: Interventions of Social Sciences to the ‘Outside-World'.
Anthropology of the Middle East, 5(1), pp. 100-113.
Berghahn Books
Ammann, Ruth; Hofstetter, Karin
Oh du heiliges Geschlecht! Ein Klagelied. Die heillos heilige Geschlechterwelt.
Megafon. Die Zeitung der Reitschule Bern(350), pp. 10-11.
Schäuble, Michaela
“Balkan Brothels”: A Filmic Investigation into the Correlation between Human Trafficking and International Peacekeeping Missions
(EastBordNet COST Action IS0803 Working Paper 103).
Schild, Pascale
Situationen, Widersprüche und Konflikte "muslimischer" Identitätspolitik im diskursiven Kontext der Schweiz.
Allenbach, Brigit; Sökefeld, Martin
Muslime in der Schweiz. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 181-212).
Zürich: Seismo
Schäuble, Michaela
Faces of Aging.
Runnel, Pille
Worldfilm. Tartu Festival of Visual Culture. Catalogue of the Film Festival. (pp. 92-97).
Estonian National Museum
Hostettler, Ueli; Kirchhofer, Roger; Richter, Marina; Young, Chris
Bildung im Strafvollzug BiSt: Pilotprojekt, 1. Mai 2007 - 30. Juni 2010: Drosos-Stiftung / SAH Zentralschweiz: Externe Evaluation: Schlussbericht
Freiburg: Universität Freiburg - Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
Pamuk’s Kars and Its Others: An Ethnography of Identifications and Perceptions of Ethnicity, Nationalism and Secularism (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Social Sciences)
De Genova, Nicholas
The management of “quality”: class decomposition and racial formation in a Chicago factory.
Dialectical Anthropology, 34(2), pp. 249-272.
Springer Netherlands
Kehr, Janina
Geographien der Gefahr: Warum wieder über die Tuberkulose gesprochen wird.
Dilger, Hansjörg; Hadolt, Bernhard
Medizin im Kontext. Krankheit und Gesundheit in einer vernetzten Welt (pp. 161-180).
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Building Dams in Central Asia: sacred products of the Soviet and post-Soviet state?
Anthropology news, 51(2), pp. 6-7.
American Anthropological Association
Leins, Stefan
Zur Ethik des islamischen Finanzmarktes.
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 11(1), pp. 66-75.
Leins, Stefan
Der eigene Mythos beflügelt den islamischen Finanzmarkt.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, p. 35.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne
Jailoo, Mazar jana GEStin kandai bailanishi bar (engl. Übers.: Kyrgyz: What are the connections between summer pastures, pilgrimage sites and hydro-dams?).
Aitpaeva, G; Egemberdiva, E
Jalal-Abaddagy yiyk jerler jana el daanyshmandygy (engl. Übers.: Holy Sites and Folk Wisdom of Jalal-Abad Province) (pp. 436-455).
Holy Sites and Folk Wisdom of Jalal-Abad Province
Schäuble, Michaela
(1 December 2009).
Gender as a Marker of Ethnic Difference in the Former Yugoslavia (Unpublished).
Research Seminar of the Christina Institute.
Schäuble, Michaela
(November 2009).
How history takes place: an example from the Croatian-Bosnian border region (Unpublished).
workshop meeting “Hidden Histories and Promised Lands”, COST-Action.
Queen’s University, Belfast.
November 2009.
Schäuble, Michaela
(4 October 2009).
Transformationsprozesse: Ethnologische Forschungen in Halle (Radio-Interview).
Radio Bremen: Studio Nordwest
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
’It’s a Silent Trade’: Female Same-Sex Intimacies in Postcolonial Ghana.
Nora: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 17(3), pp. 192-205.
Taylor & Francis
Strasser, Sabine
(12 June 2009).
Beyond belonging: national tensions and transnational spaces (Unpublished).
Kreisky Forum.
Piart, Luisa
Review: Public Istanbul. Spaces and Spheres of the Urban, edited by Frank Eckardt and Kathrin Wildner.
geschichte.transnational: Fachforum zur Geschichte des kulturellen Transfers und der transnationalen Verflechtungen in Europa und der Welt.
Global and European Studies Institute (Leipzig)
Strasser, Sabine
(May 2009).
Local Disjunctures and transnational ties (Unpublished).
InASEA “Migration in, from and to Southern Europe".
Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara.
Strasser, Sabine
(May 2009).
The Golden East (with Gamze Ongan) New Perspectives: Migration in the Central and Southeast European Region (Unpublished).
Symposium Initiative Minderheiten.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Insights to Indigenous Media and collaborative Video Work.
Die Maske. Zeitschrift für Kultur-und Sozialanthropologie, pp. 15-16.
Kulturverein Pangea
Hauschild, Thomas; Schäuble, Michaela
(14 April 2009).
Return of the Mediterranean: niche structures and reserves on the northern and southern shores (Unpublished).
MPI für Sozialanthropologie und Seminar Ethnologie.
MLU Halle-Wittenberg.
Schäuble, Michaela
(April 2009).
Turning Back to the Mediterranean? Euroscepticism and the (Re)Conceptualization of Ethnic Regionalism in Croatia (Unpublished).
workshop meeting “Solid Seas and Liquid Lands", COST-Action.
Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Rom.
April 2009.
Strasser, Sabine
(26 March 2009).
Threats and Gains: cultural anxiety and integration policy in Austria (Unpublished).
International Conference of the Institute for Conflict Research „Europa und das Andere“.
Strasser, Sabine
(6 February 2009).
Contested Multiculturalism: Social relations within and between majorities and minorities (Unpublished).
Conference of the NGO Kristall.
Desclaux, Alice; Msellati, Philippe; Walentowitz, Saskia
Women, mothers and HIV care in resource-poor settings (Introduction).
Social science & medicine, 69(6), pp. 803-806.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science
Conte, Édouard; Walentowitz, Saskia
Kinship Matters. Tribals, Cousins and Citizens in Southwest Asia and Beyond.
Études rurales(184), pp. 217-248.
Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales EHESS
Walentowitz, Saskia
Regards anthropologiques sur l'échographie et le foetus.
Forum l'espace éthique méditerranéen, 17, pp. 14-15.
Marseille: Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille AP-HM
Desclaux, Alice; Msellati, Philippe; Walentowitz, Saskia
Women, Mothers and HIV Care in Resource Poor Settings.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Berthod, Marc; Bihr, Sibylle; Boller, Boris; Bozzini, David; Chappaz-Wirthner, Suzanne; Kaech, François; Kappus, Elke; Käufeler, Heinz; Lavanchy, Anne; Lichtensteiger, Sabina; Martin, Hélène; Ossipow, Laurence; Regehr, Ursula; Rey, Séverine; Salis Gross, Corina; Schwörer, Tobias; Waldis, Barbara; Walentowitz, Saskia; Wallner, Astrid and Wenk, Irina
Tsantsa, Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft (SEG).
Thurnheer, Katharina
"Uns traf es am Schlimmsten." Opferperspektiven und Gender im Kontext von Tsunami-Hilfe und Krieg in Sri Lanka.
Maeder, Christoph; Mäder, Ueli; Schilliger, Sarah
Krieg (pp. 162-178).
Zürich: Seismo
Thurnheer, Katharina
Weiterleben und neu beginnen. Familien nach dem Tsunami in Ost-Sri Lanka.
Binswanger, Christa; Bridges, Margaret; Schnegg, Brigitte; Wastl-Walter, Doris
Gender Scripts. Widerspenstige Aneignungen von Geschlechternormen. Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse: Vol. 40 (pp. 85-104).
Frankfurt/M.: Campus
Thurnheer, Katharina
A House for a Daughter? Constraints and Opportunities in Post-Tsunami Eastern Sri Lanka.
Contemporary South Asia, 17(1), pp. 79-91.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
Beyeler, Sarah; Suter Reich, Virginia
Sichtbarkeit von Inkorporationsbedingungen. Ein Vergleich muslimischer Bauvorhaben in der Schweiz.
Tsantsa(14), pp. 141-146.
Zürich: Seismo
Suter Reich, Virginia; Beyeler, Sarah
Sichtbarkeit von Inkorporationsbedingungen am Vergleich muslimischer Bauvorhaben in der Schweiz (Unpublished).
Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern.
Suter Reich, Virginia
Revitalizing Alevism in a Diaspora, Modul 7 (Unpublished).
Cultural Heritage/Patrimony des Graduiertenkollegs der SEG.
Suter Reich, Virginia; Beyeler, Sarah
Muslimische Gemeinschaften und Inkorporationsregimes: Ein Vergleich der Ahmadi- und Alevi-Diaspora in der Schweiz und die Gender-Problematik (Unpublished).
uncovering gender-NFP 58-Tagung.
Suter Reich, Virginia
Alevi diaspora and Swiss incorporation settings, Doktoranden-Kolloquium des NFP 58, Fribourg, 3. und 4. Dezember 2009.
Suter Reich, Virginia
Diskursanalytisches Methode für die Untersuchung der alevitischen Diaspora in der Schweiz - Machbarkeitsüberlegungen, Blockseminar Diskursanalyse - Begriffe, Konzepte und Methoden, im Rahmen der Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, 14.12.2009.
Sieber, Anja
Schatten der Kriegsvergangenheit: Persistenz und Wandel der Frauenrollen in Bosnien-Herzegowina.
Maeder, Christoph; Mäder, Ueli; Schilliger, Sarah
Krieg (pp. 145-161).
Zürich: Seismo
Beyeler, Sarah; Sökefeld, Martin
Muslimische Gemeinschaften und Inkorporationsregimes: Ein Vergleich der Ahmadi und Alevi-Diaspora in der Schweiz. Zweite Zwischenberichtstagung im NFP 58. Au Parc Hôtel, Fribourg 26. - 27.11.2009.
Beyeler, Sarah
Die Ahmadiyya-Jamaat in der Schweiz. Eine empirisch-qualitative Annäherung. Die Ahmadiyya-Jamaat in der Schweiz. Eine empirisch-qualitative Annäherung. Kolloquium für Doktorierende im NFP 58. Universität Fribourg 3. - 4.12.2009.
Heacock, Roger; Conte, Édouard
Critical Research in the Social Sciences. A Transdisciplinary East-West Handbook.
Ramallah: Birzeit University
Heacock, Roger; Conte, Édouard
Disciplinary Building Blocks, Space-Time Reconfigurations and the End of the Beginning (Chapter 1).
Heacock, Roger; Conte, Édouard
Critical Research in the Social Sciences. A Transdisciplinary East-West Handbook (pp. 7-64).
Ramallah: Birzeit University
Conte, Édouard
Julius Wellhausen und die 'Kinder Adams': Die Aktualität der Orientalisten, Festvortrag, NEU-ORIENT-IERUNGEN, Geschichte, Pfadabhängigkeiten und Gegenwart orientalistischer Imaginationen aus interdisziplinärer Sicht, Symposium anlässlich des 10. Jahrestages des Orientwissenschaftlichen Zentrums der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 16.7.-18.7.2009.
Conte, Édouard
A Contest of Concepts: 'Ètnos' and 'Ethnicity' Revisited in the Wake of the Cold War, Religion and Ethnicity in Mongolian Societies, University of Bern, 3.-7.8.2009.
Killias, Olivia
The Politics of Bondage in the Recruitment, Training and Placement of Indonesian Domestic Workers.
Sociologus, 59(2), pp. 145-172.
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Killias, Olivia
Following the Maid. Multi-Sited Ethnography in Times of "Transnational" Domestic Labour.
Tsantsa(14), pp. 147-151.
Zürich: Seismo
Killias, Olivia
The Personal Bond Between Maid and Madam: Contractual Labour Migration and Unfree Labour in Contemporary Transnational Domestic Work. Panel "Exploring Past and Present Forms of Bonded Labour in Southeast Asia", ICAS; Daejeon, South Korea, 6. bis 9. August 2009.
Killias, Olivia
The Politics of Bondage in the Recruitment, Training and Placement of Indonesian Domestic Workers. Vortrag am Institutskolloquium des Seminars für Südostasienwissenschaften, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 12. Mai 2009.
Killias, Olivia
Made in Indonesia. The Politics of Bondage in the Recruitment, Training and Placement of Indonesian Transnational Domestic Workers. Vortrag an der Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft, im Rahmen des Panels "Past and Present Forms of Bonded Labour in Asia", 21. - 22. November 2008, HES-SO, Genf.
Wehrli, Angelica Laura Lucia
¡Viva la creatividad! Strategien zur Existenzsicherung in Zeiten des sozioökonomischen Wandels auf Kuba.
Trans Anthropologische Texte: Vol. 6.
Berlin: LIT
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Die neue schweizerische Integrationspolitik.
Piñeiro, Esteban; Bopp, Isabelle; Kreis, Georg
Fördern und Fordern im Fokus. Leerstellen des schweizerischen Integrationsdiskurses. Sozialer Zusammenhalt und kultureller Pluralismus (pp. 23-46).
Zürich: Seismo
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Kulturalisierung und Diskriminierung in Strafprozessen.
Tangram - Bulletin der Eidgenössischen Kommission gegen Rassismus(24), pp. 55-59.
Bern: Eidgenössische Kommission gegen Rassismus EKR
Zenker, Olaf
Between the lines of socio-cultures of trauma: Republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict
(Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 115).
Halle: Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Donahoe, Brian; Eidson, John; Feyissa, Dereje; Fuest, Veronika; Hoehne, Markus V.; Nieswand, Boris; Schlee, Günther; Zenker, Olaf
The formation and mobilization of collective identities in situations of conflict and integration
(Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 116).
Halle: Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Zenker, Olaf
Autochthony and activism among contemporary Irish Nationalists in Northern Ireland, or: if 'civic' nationalists are 'ethno'-cultural revivalists, what remains of the civic/ethnic divide?
Nations and nationalism, 15(4), pp. 696-715.
Oxford: Blackwell
Zenker, Olaf
Response to Joep Leerssen.
Nations and nationalism, 15(4), pp. 720-722.
Oxford: Blackwell
Zenker, Olaf
Diskussionsbeitrag zu Meyers und Schareikas "Neoklassische Feldforschung".
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 134(1), pp. 107-109.
Berlin: Reimer
Zenker, Olaf
Putting land rights in the right hands under the rule of law: land restitution and the moral modernity of a new state of justice in post-Apartheid South Africa; 3rd European Conference on African Studies (ECAS), Leipzig/Deutschland; 4.-7. Juni 2009.
Zenker, Olaf
Autochthony, indigeneity and nationalism: time-honouring and state-oriented modes of rooting individual-territory-group-triads in a globalising world; DGV-Tagung 2009, Frankfurt a.M./Deutschland; 30. September bis zum 3. Oktober 2009.
Haller, Tobias; Chabwela, Harry N.
Managing common pool resources in the Kafue Flats, Zambia: from common property to open access and privatisation.
Development Southern Africa, 26(4), pp. 555-567.
Colchester: Routledge
DeMotts, Rachel; Haller, Tobias; Hoon, Parakh; Saum, Roland
Dynamics of common pool resource management in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
Development Southern Africa, 26(4), pp. 569-583.
Colchester: Routledge
Mvula, Peter Mathias; Haller, Tobias
Common pool resource management in Lake Chilwa, Malawi: a wetland under pressure.
Development Southern Africa, 26(4), pp. 539-553.
Colchester: Routledge
Hara, Mafaniso; Turner, Stephen; Haller, Tobias; Matose, Frank
Governance of the commons in southern Africa: knowledge, political economy and power.
Development Southern Africa, 26(4), pp. 521-537.
Colchester: Routledge
Merten, Sonja; Haller, Tobias
Whose Logic? The Local Redistribution of Food Aid Targeting Old and Chronically Sick People in Zambia.
Human organization, 68(1), pp. 89-102.
Washington, D.C.: Society for Applied Anthropology
Haller, Tobias
Fish and Game on the Road in the Kafue Flats, Zambia: Linking the rural commons with the city, University of Basel, Institut for Ethnology, 18.11.2009.
von Benda-Beckmann, Franz; von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet; Eckert, Julia
Rules of law and laws of ruling. On the governance of law.
Law, Justice and Power.
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited
von Benda-Beckmann, Franz; von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet; Eckert, Julia
Rules of Law and Laws of Ruling: Law and Governance between Past and Future.
von Benda-Beckmann, Franz; von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet; Eckert, Julia
Rules of law and laws of ruling. On the governance of law. Law, Justice and Power (pp. 1-30).
Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Limited
Eckert, Julia
Rechtsaneignung: Paradoxien von Pluralisierung und Entpluralisierung in rechtspluralen Situationen.
Kötter, Matthias; Schuppert, Gunnar Folke
Normative Pluralität ordnen. Rechtsbegriffe, Normenkollisionen und Rule of Law in Kontexten dies- und jenseits des Staates. Schriften zur Governance-Forschung: Vol. 19 (pp. 191-208).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Eckert, Julia
The Social Dynamics of Communal Violence in India.
International journal of conflict and violence, 3(2), pp. 172-187.
Bielefeld: University of Bielefeld, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence
Eckert, Julia
Law and Fear (Unpublished).
Inaugural Conference of the Law and Social Science Network, JNU.
New Delhi, India.
Eckert, Julia
POTA and the Construction of the Dangerous Other (Unpublished).
Inaugural Conference of the Law and Social Science Network, JNU.
New Delhi, India.
Eckert, Julia
Partizipation, Politik der Gewalt und "der Feind im Innern" (Unpublished).
Global Prayers.
Haus Der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
Eckert, Julia
Verantwortung (Unpublished).
Philosophische Fakultät der Martin Luther Universität Halle.
Eckert, Julia
Comment on the Tools of Peace and Reconciliation Processes: law, ethics and the politics of truth, The Possibilities of (Re)conciliation: the Legalisation of Justice (Unpublished).
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Abraham, Andrea; Kissling, Bruno; Neuenschwander, Sylviane; Hartmann, Helen
How contextual knowledge matters: decision-making in family medicine beyond numbers and standards.
Swiss medical weekly, 139(33-34), p. 148. EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag
Abraham, Andrea; Kissling, Bruno; Neuenschwander, Sylviane; Hartmann, Helen
How "soft facts" shape family medicine: reflecting on the blurred field of complexity.
Swiss medical weekly, 139(33-34). EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag
Abraham, Andrea
Doing quality: disentangling quality talk in Swiss family medicine. Society for Medical Anthropology Conference, Yale University in New Haven/USA, 24.-27.9.2009.
Abraham, Andrea; Kissling, Bruno; Neuenschwander, Sylviane; Hartmann, Helen
How "soft facts" shape family medicine: reflecting on the blurred field of complexity. Wonca Europe Congress, Basel, 16.-19.9.2009.
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Suter Reich, Virginia; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Lätsch, Angelika: Von Kåfjord zu Gaivuotna? Norwegische Minderheitenpolitik in einer peripheren samischen Küstengemeinde.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 48.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Suter Reich, Virginia; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kunz, Naomi: "Nous ne sommes pas des turcs, mais nous sommes de la Turquie. Nous ne sommes pas des israéliens, mais nous sommes juifs." Multiple Identitätskonstruktionen türkisch-jüdischer Immigranten in Israel.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 49.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Suter Reich, Virginia; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Zürcher, Regina: ¡Cada quien reza por su santo! Die Auswirkungen der Migration auf die kommunale Organisation ländlicher Comunidades in El Salvador. Eine empirische Studie.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 50.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Social structure and mobility in historical perspective. Sungai Tenang in highland Jambi.
Bonatz, Dominik; Miksic, John; Neidel, J. David; Tjoa-Bonatz, Mai Lin
From Distant Tales: Archaeology and Ethnohistory in the Highlands of Sumatra (pp. 347-366).
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Politics of Bonded Labour among Rotan-Collectors in Southwestern Sumatra, late 1980s. International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 6), Panel on Exploring Past and Present Forms of Bonded Labour in Southeast Asia Daejeon, Korea, August 2009.
De Genova, Nicholas
Conflicts of Mobility, and the Mobility of Conflict: Rightslessness, Presence, Subjectivity, Freedom.
Subjectivity - international journal of critical psychology, 29(S1), pp. 445-466.
Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillian
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
The Han in the People's Republic of China: Discourse on Unity and the de facto Diversity.
Linguistic and oriental studies from Poznań(9), pp. 149-166.
Poznań (PL): Wydawn. Naukowe UAM
Türkmen, Saadet
Gesundheitsverständnis und -verhalten der türkischen Migranten in der Schweiz, Medas Schweiz, Olten, 8.1.2009.
Türkmen, Saadet
Die Bedeutung der Gesundheit in der Migration, Volkshochschule Bern, 29.4.2009.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Since they have never been to school, they do not know who they are - The Making of the Chinese Nation at its 'Peripheries'; presented at the conference of the Society of East Asian Anthropology and Taiwan Society for Anthropology and Ethnology; Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2.-5.7.2009.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Co-organization of the international workshop 'Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Chinese State: Multiscalar Dimensions and Legal Pluralism', Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Zurich, 12.-13.6.2009.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Workshop paper Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Chinese Territoriality, presented at the workshop 'Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Chinese State: Multiscalar Dimensions and Legal Pluralism', Institute of Asian Studies, University of Zurich, 12.-13.6.2009.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Paper 'Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (People's Republic of China) and the Interaction between the National and the Global'; presented at the 19th ASEN Annual Conference 'Nationalism and Globalization', London School of Economics, 31.3.-2.4.2009.
Toggweiler, Michael
Von Pygmäen, Monstern und Anderen. Struktural-historische Annäherungen an die kulturanthropologische Kategorienbildung. 1500-1900, Institutskolloquium des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern, Bern, 18.3.2009.
Toggweiler, Michael
Of Monsters and Others. A structural approach to an anthropological objective, Tagung Monsters and the Monstrous: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil (22.9.-25.9.2009), Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford, Mansfield College, 24.9.2009.
Toggweiler, Michael
Pygmäen, Monstern und Anderen im Bild, Kolloquium "Bildlichkeit", im Rahmen der Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, November 2009.
Toggweiler, Michael
Versuch einer genealogischen Archäologie des Wissens, Blockseminar Diskursanalyse - Begriffe, Konzepte und Methoden, im Rahmen der Graduate School at the Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, 14.12.2009.
Zenker, Olaf
Between the lines of socio-cultures of trauma: Republicanism, dissenters and the politics of meta-trauma in the Northern Irish conflict, Universität Bern, Forschungskolloquium des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie, Bern, 29.4.2009.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
Juggling Femininities. Mzbel and Ghana's Gendered Popular Music.
Ineichen, Martina; Liesch, Anna K.; Rathmann-Lutz, Anja; Wenger, Simon
Gender in Trans-it. Transkulturelle und transnationale Perspektiven. Beiträge der 12. Schweizerischen Tagung für Geschlechtergeschichte (pp. 147-157).
Zürich: Chronos
Derks, Annuska
Conceptualising Bonded Labour in Past and Present Southeast Asia, International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 6), 6.-9.8.2009, Deajeon, Korea.
Derks, Annuska
Issues, Challenges and Needs Related to Asian Migrations and Diasporas, Workshop on Asian Migrants and Diasporas, Center For Asian Studies, Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies, 20.5.2009, Geneva.
Derks, Annuska
The Politics of Labour Export, Conference on Cambodia's Economic Transformation, 5.-6.1.2009, Phnom Penh.
Wehrli, Angelica
Moments du changement et leur pouvoir performatif, Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft, SEG-SSE, Université de Neuchâtel, November 2009.
Piart, Luisa
Les commerçantes ouzbèkes à la valise en partance pour Istanbul. Initiative et changements sociaux.
Cheikh, Mériam; Peraldi, Michel
Des femmes sur les routes (pp. 63-87).
Casablanca & Paris: Le Fennec & Karthala
Danış, Didem; Piart, Luisa
Ayamama, retour sur un bassin-versant après l’inondation de septembre 2009. Compte-rendu de l’excursion urbaine du 25 novembre 2009.
Blog de l'Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul
Strasser, Sabine
Bewegte Zugehörigkeiten. Nationale Spannungen, transnationale Praktiken und Transversale Politik.
Vienna: Turia und Kant
Strasser, Sabine
Multicultural tensions and integrative reflections.
Six-Hohenbalken, Maria Anna; Tošić, Jelena
Anthropologie der Migration. Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (pp. 127-144).
Wien: facultas
Strasser, Sabine
Transnationale Studien: Beiträge jenseits von Assimilation und „Super-Diversität“.
Six-Hohenbalken, Maria Anna; Tošić, Jelena
Anthropologie der Migration. Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (pp. 70-92).
Wien: facultas
Strasser, Sabine
Die Politik mit dem kulturellen Unbehagen: zum Verhältnis von kultureller Diversität, Antidiskriminierung und Geschlechteregalität.
Appelt, Erna
Gleichstellungspolitik in Österreich – eine kritische Bilanz. Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert: Vol. 5 (pp. 99-114).
Innsbruck: StudienVerlag
Schäuble, Michaela
Contested Masculinities: Discourses on the Role of Croatian Combatants During the ‘Homeland War’ (1991-1995).
Ruth, Seifert; Christine, Eifler
Gender Dynamics and Post-Conflict Reconstruction (pp. 169-197).
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
Harris, Mark: Ways of Knowing. New Approaches in the Anthropology of Experience and Learning.
Social Anthropology, 17(4), pp. 495-497.
Schäuble, Michaela
Leutloff, C.: Claiming Ownership in Postwar Croatia: The Dynamics of Property Relations and Ethnic Conflict in the Knin Region.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 134(1), pp. 147-151.
Schäuble, Michaela
Gesichter des Alters / Faces of Aging (DV, 115 min) [Movie].
Schäuble, Michaela
Future Nostalgia: Emotionalising the Past in Times of Political Transition. An ethnographic example from post-war rural Croatia (Unpublished).
Panel/Session "Politics of the Past: Nostalgia, Authenticity, Conservation“ at the IUAES World Congress.
Kunming, China.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Trakulhun, Sven. Siam und Europa. Das Königreich Ayutthaya in westlichen Berichten 1500-1670.
Anthropos, 104, pp. 263-265.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Deep Corruption in Indonesia - Discourses, Practices, Histories.
Anders, Gerhard; Nuijten, Monique
Corruption and the Secret of Law. Law, Justice and Power (pp. 53-74).
Burlington, VA: Ashgate
Schild, Pascale
Ein symbolisches Konfliktfeld.
Bulletin Schweizerische Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen, 2009(28), pp. 20-23.
Schäuble, Michaela
„Gesichter des Alters“.
Kollewe, Caroline; Jahnke, Karsten
FaltenReich: Vom Älterwerden in der Welt (pp. 169-181).
Berlin: Reimer Verlag
Hostettler, Ueli; Kirchhofer, Roger; Richter, Marina; Achermann, Christin
Bildung im Strafvollzug BiSt: Drosos-Stiftung / SAH Zentralschweiz: Externe Evaluation: Zweiter Zwischenbericht. Stand 15.10.2009
Freiburg (Schweiz): Universität Freiburg - Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit
Hostettler, Ueli; Kirchhofer, Roger; Richter, Marina
Evaluations- und Grundlagenforschung im Strafvollzug.
Newsletter Soziologie, Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit(5), pp. 1-10.
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Yucatán in an Era of Globalization, by Eric N. Baklanoff and Edward H. Moseley.
Hispanic American Historical Review, 89(4), pp. 725-726.
Duke University Press
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Indigene Repräsentation im neuen Venezolanischen Fernsehen. Erkundungen zur medialen Konstruktion indigener Bilder und Identitäten.
Saarbrücken: VDM
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Take me to a Place Outside [Movie].
Granada Centre for Visual Anthropology
Sprumont, Dominique; Schaffter, Gaël; Hostettler, Ueli; Richter, Marina; Perrenoud, Jean
Zusammenfassung: Ärztliche Praxis in Hafteinrichtungen: Wirksamkeit der Richtlinien der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften zur Ausübung der ärztlichen Tätigkeit bei inhaftierten Personen. Mai 2009
Neuchâtel: Université de Neuchâtel (Institut de droit de la santé)
Wettstein, Marion
Review: Michael Aram Tarr and Stuart Blackburn. 2008. Through the Eye of Time – Photographs of Arunachal Pradesh 1859-2006: Tribal Cultures in the Eastern Himalayas.
European bulletin of Himalayan research, 35/36, pp. 185-191.
SAI Heidelberg
Kehr, Janina
The Politics and Poetics of Migrant Tuberculosis: Modeling a Social Disease in French Public Health.
Kalitzkus, Vera; Twohig, Peter L.
The Tapestry of Health, Illness and Disease (pp. 99-123).
Amsterdam: Rodopi
Zenker, Olaf
(November 2008).
Individualised and collectivised autochthony: time- honouring modes of rooting individual-territory-group-triads in a globalising world (Unpublished).
107th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Panel “New Directions with Core Heuristics in Political Anthropology”.
San Francisco.
Strasser, Sabine
(November 2008).
Is culture to blame for everything? (Unpublished).
Konferenz “Zwangsfreiheiten”.
Universität Innsbruck.
27. - 29.11.2008.
Strasser, Sabine
Contesting Multiculturalism? Gender Equality, Cultural Diversity and Sexual Autonomy in the European Union
Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Schäuble, Michaela
(October 2008).
How History Takes Place (Unpublished).
Workshop Landscapes of Violence: Memory and Sacred Space.
Max-Planck-Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Halle.
Strasser, Sabine
(27 August 2008).
‘Honour and Shame’ on the Move: Sexualities, Violence and Multicultural Tensions in an Austrian Town (Unpublished).
EASA conference 2008 ‘Experiencing diversity and mutuality’.
Zenker, Olaf
(April 2008).
Autochthony and activism among contemporary Irish Nationalists in the north of Ireland, or: if ‘civic’ nationalists are ‘ethno’-cultural revivalists, what remains of the civic/ethnic divide? (Unpublished).
The 18th Annual Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), Panel: “Ethnic revivalism in Europe”.
London School of Economics (LSE), London.
Sariaslan, Kübra Zeynep
(6 March 2008).
For the Sake of A Beloved One: Informal Practices of Women around Hacı Bayram Shrine (Unpublished).
METU Social Anthropology Graduate Student Symposium.
Ankara, Türkei.
06. März. 2008.
Georgelin, Hervé
Perception of the other's fate: what Greek Orthodox refugees from the Ottoman Empire reported about the destruction of Ottoman Armenians.
Journal of genocide research, 10(1), pp. 59-76.
Abingdon, UK: Routledge
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Tupaju - der gelbe Gott. Farbwahrnehmung und Farbnutzung am Beispiel der Guaraní Südamerikas.
Bieri H, Zwahlen S M
"Trinkt, o Augen, was die Wimper hält, ...". Berner Universitätsschriften: Vol. 52 (pp. 197-213).
Bern: Haupt
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Michael Toggweiler: Kleine Phänomenologie der Monster.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 42.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Andaji Garmaroudi, Shirin
Verwandtschaft zwischen Unfruchtbarkeit und Religion. Assistierte Reproduktionstechnologien in Iran.
Motika, Raoul; Meier, Christian H.
Bioethische und gesundheitliche Herausforderungen für die islamische Welt: AIDS, Drogen und Reproduktionsmedizin (pp. 63-80).
Heidelberg: Heidelberger Centrum für Euro-Asiatische Studien e.V. (HECEAS e.V.) an der Universität Heidelberg
Derks, Ann
Khmer Women on the Move: Exploring Work and Life in Urban Cambodia.
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press
Sökefeld, Martin
Aleviten in Deutschland. Identitätsprozesse einer Religionsgemeinschaft in der Diaspora.
Kultur und soziale Praxis.
Bielefeld: Transcript
Sökefeld, Martin
Struggling for Recognition. The Alevi Movement in Germany and in Transnational Space.
Oxford New York: Berghahn Books
Nigg, Heinz
"Wir sind wenige, aber wir sind alle." Biografien aus der 68er-Generation in der Schweiz.
Zürich: Limmat Verlag
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Michelle Zumofen: Was bedeutet die Entschädigung der Opfer der "bewaffneten Auseinandersetzung" für den Friedensprozess in Guatemala?
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 45.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Sökefeld, Martin
Difficult Identifications: The Debate on Alevism and Islam in Germany.
Thielmann, Jörn; Al-Harmaneh, Ala
(pp. 267-297).
Leiden, Boston: Brill
Sökefeld, Martin
Einleitung: Aleviten in Deutschland: Von takiye zur alevitischen Bewegung.
Sökefeld, Martin
(pp. 7-36).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Sökefeld, Martin
Sind Aleviten Muslime? Die alevitische Debatte über das Verhältnis von Alevitentum und Islam in Deutschland.
Sökefeld, Martin
(pp. 195-218).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Sandra Witmer: Unterschiedliche Wege zum roten Pass. Ein Vergleich der Einbürgerungsverfahren in den Städten Solothurn und Langenthal.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 43.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Kobi, Madlen; Münger, Laura; Rothen, Verena; Toggweiler, Michael; Wehrli, Angelica; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Raphael Strauss: Sans-Papiers: Lebensrealität und Handlungsstrategien. Eine deskriptive Studie illegalisierter MigrantInnen in der Region Bern.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 44.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Sökefeld, Martin
Moving Images. Truck Art in Pakistan.
Tsantsa(13), pp. 174-190.
Zürich: Seismo
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Nationalität, Ethnizität und andere Konstruktionen. Imaginierte Gemeinschaften. Individuelle Identitäten.
Terra Cognita - Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration(13), pp. 14-17.
Bern: Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen EKM
Lüthi, Damaris
Perpetuating Religious and Social Concepts in Extended Motherland: Tamil Christians in Berne (Switzerland).
Jacobsen Knut A., Raj Selva J.
(pp. 97-115).
Ashgate Publishing Limited
Beyeler, Sarah; Suter Reich, Virginia
Inkorporation von zugewanderten Religionsgemeinschaften in der Schweiz am Beispiel der Aleviten und der Ahmadiyya.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte (SZRKG) / Revue suisse d'histoire religieuse et culturelle (RSHRC) / Rivista svizzera per la storia della religione e della cultura (RSSRC)(102), pp. 233-260.
Fribourg: Academic Press
Conte, Édouard; Shehada, Nahda
Equity vs. Predictability? The Role of the Qadi in the Palestinian Territories.
Kieser, Hans-Lukas; Meier, Astrid; Stoffel, Walter
Revolution islamischen Rechts. Das Schweizerische ZGB in der Türkei. Schriftenreihe der Stiftung Forschungsstelle Schweiz-Türkei: Vol. 2 (pp. 125-144).
Zürich: Chronos
Walentowitz, Saskia
Popenoe Rebecca, Feeding Desire. Fatness, Beauty and Sexuality among a Saharan People, Routledge, London 2004 [Rezension].
Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée REMMM(121-122), pp. 276-278.
Aix-en-Provence (F): Presses Universitaires de Provence
Thurnheer, Katharina
Das Überleben gestalten. Geschlechterbeziehungen nach dem Tsunami im kriegsversehrten Osten Sri Lankas.
Genderstudies, 2008(12), p. 14.
Bern: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung, Universität Bern
Killias, Olivia
Javanese Women Employed as Domestic Workers at Home and Abroad. Vortrag an der Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesien, 24. April 2008.
Killias, Olivia
Indonesian Domestic Workers at Home and Abroad. Institutskolloquium, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universität Bern, 1. Oktober 2008.
Killias, Olivia
Javanese Women Employed as Domestic Workers at Home and Abroad. Vortrag an der Monash University, 10 April 2008.
Killias, Olivia
Indonesian Domestic Workers at Home and Abroad. Vortrag an der Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2. April 2008.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe.
Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3.
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc
Introduction: The Problem of Participatory Conservation.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3 (pp. 13-34).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Meroka, Patrick; Haller, Tobias
Government Wildlife, Unfulfilled Promises and Business: Lessons from Participatory Conservation in the Selous Game Reserve, Tanzania.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3 (pp. 177-219).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Fokou, Gilbert; Haller, Tobias
Are Local Stakeholders conservationists? Livelihood Insecurity and Participatory Management of Waza National Park, North Cameroon.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3 (pp. 325-360).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc
Participation, Ideologies and Strategies: A Comparative New Institutionalist Analysis of Community Conservation.
Galvin, Marc; Haller, Tobias
People, Protected Areas and Global Change. Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research NCCR North-South University of Bern: Vol. 3 (pp. 507-550).
Bern: Geographica Bernensia
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
We are Zambians - Don’t Tell Us How to Fish!" Institutional Change, Power Relations and Conflicts in the Kafue Flats Fisheries in Zambia.
Human ecology, 36(5), pp. 699-715.
New-York, NY: Springer
Haller, Tobias; Galvin, Marc; Meroka, Patrick; Alca, Jamil; Alvarez, Alex
Who Gains From Community Conservation? Intended and Unintended Costs and Benefits of Participative Approaches in Peru and Tanzania.
Journal of environment & development, 17(2), pp. 118-144.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage
Shahbaz, Babar; Mbeyale, Gimbage; Haller, Tobias
Trees, trust and the state: A comparison of participatory forest management in Pakistan and Tanzania.
Journal of international development, 20(5), pp. 641-653.
Chichester: Wiley
Merten, Sonja; Haller, Tobias
Property rights, food security and child growth: Dynamics of insecurity in the Kafue Flats of Zambia.
Food policy, 33(5), pp. 434-443.
Amsterdam: Elsevier
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Struggle for Power and Recognition: Historical Background and Contemporary Developments in Majority-Minorities Relations in the People's Republic of China, guest lecture at the University of St. Gallen, 24.4.2008.
Joniak-Lüthi, Agnieszka
Concepts of Han-ness, minzu Unity and Diversity: Analysis of Popular Discourse; presentation at the Sinological Colloquium, Ostasiatisches Seminar, University of Zurich, 28.2.2008.
Thüler Leimgruber, Sue
Gesünder wohnen? Gedanken zur radikalen Umgestaltung von Ngadha-Wohnhäusern im Namen von Fortschritt und Hygiene.
Archiv für Völkerkunde, 57-58, pp. 13-36.
Wien: Verein Freunde der Völkerkunde
Toggweiler, Michael
Kleine Phänomenologie der Monster.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 42.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Sieber, Anja
Der zerbrechliche Frieden in Prijedor.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern(138), pp. 28-29.
Bern: Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Wehrli, Angelica
¡No es fácil! – Facing daily challenges in Havana, Cuba.
Autrepart(48), pp. 73-86.
Paris: Editions de l'Aube
Zenker, Olaf
Flag, nation and symbolism in Europe and America, edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen and Richard Jenkins.
Anthropological notebooks, 14(1), pp. 123-124.
Društvo antropologov Slovenije
Strasser, Sabine; Sauer, Brigit
Zwangsfreiheiten. Multikulturalität und Feminismus.
Historische Sozialkunde/Internationale Entwicklung: Vol. 27.
Vienna: Promedia and Südwind
Strasser, Sabine
Europe’s Other: Nationalism, Transnationals and Contested Images of Turkey in Austria.
European societies, 10(2), pp. 177-195.
Strasser, Sabine
Multicultural tensions and Integrative Reflections
(Working Paper: Integrative Analysis).
Strasser, Sabine
Preface: Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen eines Vorzeigemodells.
Sticker, Maja
Sondermodell Österreich? Die Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (IGGiÖ). Drava Diskurs: Vol. 11.
Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Ist doch Kultur an allem schuld? Ehre und kulturelles Unbehagen in den Debatten um Gleichheit und Diversität.
Sauer, Brigit; Strasser, Sabine
Zwangsfreiheiten: Multikulturalität und Feminismus. Historische Sozialkunde. Internationale Entwicklung : HSK: Vol. 27 (pp. 63-77).
Wien: Promedia
Strasser, Sabine
We will not integrate! Multiple Belongings, Political Activism and Anthropology in Austria.
Laerke, Anna; Armbruster, Heidi
Taking Sides. Ethics, Politics and Fieldwork in Anthropology (pp. 175-197).
New York: Berghahn Books
Eckert, Julia
The Social Life of Anti-Terrorism Laws. The War on Terror and the Classifications of the "Dangerous Other".
Bielefeld: transcript
Eckert, Julia
Laws for Enemies.
Eckert, Julia
The Social Life of Anti-Terrorism Laws: The war on terror and the classifications of the "dangerous other". Sociology (pp. 7-31).
Bielefeld: transcript
Eckert, Julia
Creating Hindustan: Violence and Religion in Hindu-nationalist Mobilisation
(RSCAS working paper 15).
European University Institute
Strasser, Sabine
Cultural diasporas
(Culture and Education).
Brussels: European Parliament (Directorate General for Internal Policies of the Union. Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies
Perl, Gerhild; Mitterbauer, Julia
Enemies from the Inside. An exploration into queer, feminist, and anti-nationalist activism in Belgrad.
Morawek, Katharina
Are you talking to me? Discussions on Knowledge Prduction, Gender Politics and Feminist Strategies. (pp. 171-179).
Wien: Löcker Verlag
Hostettler, Ueli; Achermann, Christin
Cidadãos estrangeiros em duas prisões na Suíça: vida prisional, reabilitação e destino pós-reclusão.
Cunha, Manuela Ivone
Aquém e além da prisão: cruzamentos e perspectivas (pp. 223-247).
Lisboa: 90 Graus Editora
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia; Tiefenbacher, Kerstin
Ethnographische Beobachtungen. Feldforschung in Leitersdorf.
Hölbling, Barbara
Hosted. Ein Dorf als Performance-Raum - als begehbare Installation (pp. 332-339).
Hohenems: Bucher
Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli; Kirchhofer, Roger; Richter, Marina
Bildung im Strafvollzug BiSt: Drosos-Stiftung/SAH Zentralschweiz: Externe Evaluation: Erster Zwischenbericht
Freiburg (Schweiz): Universität Freiburg (Departement Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik)
Wettstein, Marion
Der Ursprung des Webens.
Marschall, Wolfgang; von Wyss-Giacosa, Paola; Isler, Andreas
Genauigkeit: Schöne Wissenschaft (pp. 237-239).
Bern, Schweiz: Benteli
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens.
Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India.
Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Die Naga – Eine Einführung.
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens (pp. 11-29).
Gent: Snoeck
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion; Wettstein, Marion
The Nagas – an Introduction.
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban
Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India (pp. 11-29).
Gent: Snoeck
Wettstein, Marion
Besiegte Krieger, erfolgreiche Weberinnen: Männerkleidung im Wandel männlicher Identität bei den Ao Naga.
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Naga Identitäten: Zeitenwende einer Lokalkultur im Nordosten Indiens (pp. 129-146).
Gent: Snoeck
Wettstein, Marion
Defeated Warriors, Successful Weavers: Or how Men’s Dress Reveals Shifts of Male Identity among the Ao Nagas.
Oppitz, Michael; Kaiser, Thomas; von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
Naga Identities: Changing Cultures in the Northeast of India (pp. 129-146).
Gent: Snoeck
von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
'Kulturelle Extravaganz’ und Identitätssuche im heutigen Nagaland.
Kunz, Richard; Joshi, Vibha
Naga: Eine vergessene Bergregion neu entdeckt (pp. 180-187).
Basel: Merian
von Stockhausen, Alban; Wettstein, Marion
‘Cultural extravagance’ and the search for identity in presentday Nagaland.
Kunz, Richard; Joshi, Vibha
Naga: A Forgotten Mountain Region Rediscovered (pp. 180-187).
Basel: Merian
Bischoff, Alexander; Wanner, Philippe
The Self-reported Health of Immigrant Groups in Switzerland.
Journal of immigrant and minority health, 10(4), pp. 325-335.
Schäuble, Michaela
(November 2007).
Participation in the Workshop "Towards an Anthropology of Hope? Comparative Post-Yugoslav Ethnographies" (Unpublished).
School of Social Sciences, sponsored by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the British Academy.
University of Manchester.
November 2007.
Hangartner, Judith
Margins of Power: The constitution and contestation of Darhad shamans' power in contemporary Mongolia (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Philosophisch-historische Fakultät)
Strasser, Sabine
(September 2007).
Multicultural Tensions and Integrative Reflections (Unpublished).
FEMCIT Annual Meeting.
Cumberland Lodge, UK.
Schäuble, Michaela
(April 2007).
Re-Visioning History through Landscape (Unpublished).
Departmental Seminar, History Department, University College.
April 2007.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
(April 2007).
Ghana’s Golden Jubilee.
World Routes.
BBC Radio 3
Schäuble, Michaela
(January 2007).
Die Indianer Dalmatiens (Unpublished).
GWZO- Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropa.
Universität Leipzig.
Januar 2007.
Lüthi, Damaris
Sri Lanka-Tamilen in West- und Mitteleuropa seit den 1980er Jahren (Beispiel Schweiz).
Bade, K. J.; Emmer, P. C.; Lucassen, L.; Oltmer, J.
Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (pp. 1001-1015).
München: Fink
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Transkulturalität in der Therapie von Folter- und Kriegsopfern.
Maier, T.; Schnyder, U.
Psychotherapie mit Folter- und Kriegsopfern: ein praktisches Handbuch (pp. 203-231).
Bern: Hans Huber
Sieber, Anja
Vom Umgang mit der Vergangenheit. Kriegsauswirkungen auf interethnische Beziehungen im bosnischen Prijedor.
Tsantsa(12), pp. 142-146.
Zürich: Seismo
Thurnheer, Katharina
Meandering Through Fieldwork. Ethnography In Post-Tsunami, War-Affected Batticaloa.
Tsantsa, 12, pp. 147-152.
Zürich: Seismo
Walentowitz, Saskia
In anderen Umständen / Maternités extra-ordinaires - Einleitung / Introduction.
Tsantsa(12), pp. 24-40.
Zürich: Seismo
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Das Mensch-Umwelt-Verhältnis in der Sozialanthropologie.
Di Giulio, Antonietta; Defila, Rico; Hammer, Thomas; Bruppacher, Susanne
Allgemeine Ökologie. Innovationen in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz (pp. 89-101).
Bern: Haupt
Weber, Simon
Status im Alltag auf Bali.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 38.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Sökefeld, Martin
Problematische Begriffe: "Ethnizität", "Rasse", "Kultur", "Minderheit".
Schmidt-Lauber, Brigitta
Ethnizität und Migration: Einführung in Wissenschaft und Arbeitsfelder (pp. 31-50).
Berlin: Reimer Verlag
Sökefeld, Martin
Zum Paradigma kultureller Differenz.
Johler, R.: Thiel; Schmid, J.; Treptow, R.
Europa und seine Fremden. Die Gestaltung kultureller Vielfalt als Herausforderung (pp. 41-58).
Bielefeld: Transcript
Sökefeld, Martin
Comment on Strauss, Claudia, "Blaming for Columbine.".
Current anthropology, 6(48), p. 826.
Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press
Sökefeld, Martin
Ethnologie in der Schweiz: Das Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern.
Ethnoscripts - Analysen und Informationen aus dem Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Hamburg, 9(1), pp. 190-195.
Hamburg: Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg
Büchler, Tina; Sieber, Anja; Landolt, Sara
"...Intersectionality: here is the buzzword..." An Interview with Prof. Jasbir K. Puar on her reserach, interdisciplinarity, intersectionality and assemblages.
Genderstudies(11), pp. 9-10.
Bern: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geschlechterforschung, Universität Bern
Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli
Femmes et hommes en milieu pénitentiaire fermé en Suisse: réflexions sur les questions de genre et de migrations.
Nouvelles questions féministes, 26(1), pp. 70-88.
Lausanne: Éd. Antipodes
Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli
Infektionskrankheiten und Drogenfragen im Freiheitsentzug. Rapid Assessment der Gesundheitsversorgung. Schlussbericht
Freibung i.Ü. und Neuchâtel: Departement Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik der Universität Freiburg i.Ü. und Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies (SFM)
Hostettler, Ueli
Gabbert, Wolfgang: Becoming Maya. Ethnicity and Social Inequality in Yucatán since 1500. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2004 [Rezension].
Anthropos, 102, pp. 257-258.
Salzburg, Oesterreich: Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
Robert V. Kemper and Anya Peterson Royce (eds). 2002. Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term Field Research in Anthropology. Walnut Creek, CA: Alta Mira Press [Rezension].
Anthropological theory, 7, pp. 258-259.
London: Sage Publications
Richter, Marina; Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli
Mehr Information und Prävention. Eine Untersuchung über Infektionskrankheiten und Drogenfragen im Freiheitsentzug.
info bulletin / bulletin info Informationen zum Straf- und Massnahmenvollzug(2), pp. 13-16.
Bern: Bundesamt für Justiz BJ
Richter, Marina; Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli
Plus d'information et de prévention. Une enquête sur les maladies infectieuse et les questions de drogue dans l'exécution des peines.
Bulletin Info - informations sur l'exécution des peines et mesures(2), pp. 13-16.
Bern: Office fédéral de la justice, Unité Exécution des peines et mesures
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Von der Assimilation zur Integration - Konzepte, Diskurse und gesellschaftlicher Wandel.
Domenig, Dagmar
Transkulturelle Kompetenz. Lehrbuch für Pflege-, Gesundheits- und Sozialhilfe (pp. 49-66).
Bern: Hans Huber
Arni, Caroline
Zeitlichkeit, Anachronismus und Anachronien. Gegenwart und Transformationen der Geschlechtergeschichte aus geschichtstheoretischer Perspektive.
L'Homme - europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 18(2), pp. 53-76.
Köln: Böhlau
Arni, Caroline; Burghartz, Susanna
Geschlechtergeschichte, gegenwärtig.
Themenband von L'Homme (18/2). Europäische Zeitschrift für Feministische Geschichtswissenschaft.
Köln: Böhlau
Arni, Caroline
L'amour en Europe. Ein Versuch über Robert Michels' vergleichende Liebeswissenschaft und den Liebesdiskurs in der Moderne.
Arni, C.; Glauser, A.; Müller, C.; Rychner, M.; Schallberger, P.
Der Eigensinn des Materials. Erkundungen sozialer Wirklichkeit (pp. 71-89).
Basel, Frankfurt am Main: Stroemfeld
Arni, Caroline
Wie Liebende. Das Ehepaar Lina und Ernst B.
Nellen, Stefan; Schaffner, Martin; Stingelin, Martin
Paranoia City. Der Fall Ernst B.: Selbstzeugnis und Akten aus der Psychiatrie um 1900 (pp. 23-35).
Basel: Schwabe
Hangartner, Judith
Die Jurte: Mobile Konstruktion und Projektionsfläche mit symbolischer Stabilität.
Schneemann, Peter J.; Fiedler, Andreas
Freiraum und Funktionsraum: der Kunst- und Bau-Wettbewerb auf dem Areal des Inselspitals Bern (pp. 26-35).
Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz
Wehrli, Angelica
"Si tú tienes divisas, tienes el mundo abierto". (If you have foreign currency, the world is yours), Paulo 43 years. Legal and Illegal Ways of Securing a Livelihood in Havana, Cuba.
Courtman, Sandra
The Society for Caribbean Studies Annual Conference Papers / / Pubmed ([1-18]).
Foundation for Caribbean Studies
Salis Gross, Corina; Cangatin, Serhan; Schnoz, Domenic
Smoking Cessation Programs for the Migrant Population in Switzerland.
Krieg! : Abstracts, SGS-Kongress "Krieg!", 12.-14. September 2007, Universität Basel (pp. 95-96).
Basel: Institut für Soziologie der Universität Basel
Salis Gross, Corina; Cangatin, Serhan; Schnoz, Domenic
Smoking Cessation Programs for Migrant Populations in Switzerland.
Swiss Cancer League, German Cancer Society
ECToH 07. 4th European Conference Tobacco or Health 2007. Abstract Book (p. 305).
Lengerich: Pabst
Salis Gross, Corina; Cangatin, Serhan; Schnoz, Domenic
Smoking Cessation Programs for the Migrant Population in Switzerland.
Deutsch-Türkische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und psychosoziale Gesundheit e.V.
Kimlik(ler) / Identität(en) / Identity(ies) (p. 86).
Marburg: Deutsch-Türkische Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und psychosoziale Gesundheit e.V.
Grichting, Esther; Salis Gross, Corina; Frick, Ulrich
Mütterfragebogen. Konstruktion und Pilottestung im Rahmen der Weiterentwicklung des Fragebogens zur Qualitätskontrolle in Schweizer Spitälern. Projekt im Auftrag des Vereins outcome
(Berichte 235).
Zürich: Institut für Sucht- und Gesundheitsforschung der Universität Zürich
Walentowitz, Saskia
Exclusive breastfeeding for HIV-free survival: Acceptable, feasible, affordable, sustainable, safe?
Bulletin - Medicus Mundi Schweiz(105), pp. 24-28.
Basel: Medicus Mundi Schweiz
Walentowitz, Saskia
In anderen Umständen / Maternités extra-ordinaires. Dossier thématique de la revue suisse d'ethnologie TSANTSA.
Themenband von Tsantsa 12/2007.
Basel: Schweiz. Ethnologische Gesellschaft / Société Suisse d'Ethnologie
Killias, Olivia
Indonesian Domestic Workers at Home and Abroad. Vortrag im Rahmen der Konferenz 'Debt, Mobility and Dependency in Southeast Asia', Asia Research Center for Migration, Chulalongkorn University, 30. August 2007.
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf; Kunz, Karl-Ludwig; Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli; Weber, Jonas
Schlussbericht NFP 51 "Social Integration and Social Exclusion". AusländerInnen im geschlossenen Strafvollzug: Sicherheit und Resozialisierung vor dem Hintergrund nationaler Gesetzgebungen, fremdenpolizeilicher Massnahmen und der Zunahme transnationaler Mobilität
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Haller, Tobias; Blöchlinger, Annja; John, Markus; Marthaler, Esther; Ziegler, Sabine
Fossil Resources, Indigenous Peoples and Oil Companies. Strategies of multinational oil companies, states, and ethnic minorities. Impact on environment, livelihoods and cultural change.
Action anthropology: Vol. 1.
Wien: LIT
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Culture, changing livelihoods, and HIV/AIDS discourse: Reframing the institutionalization of fish-for-sex exchange in the Zambian Kafue Flats.
Culture, health & sexuality, 10(1), pp. 69-83.
Taylor & Francis
Haller, Tobias
Understanding Institutions and Their Links to Resource Management from the Perspective of New Institutionalism
(NCCR North-South Dialogue 2).
NCCR North-South, Bern
Haller, Tobias
Is there a culture of sustainability? What social and cultural anthropology has to offer 15 years after Rio.
Burger, P.; Kaufmann- Hayoz, R.
15 Jahre nach Rio – Der Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften: Perspektiven – Leistungen – Defizite. (pp. 329-356).
Bern: Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften SAGW
Eckert, Julia
Zivilgesellschaft und Friedenstaatlichkeit: Die Herausforderungen der Sicherheitspolitik. Einleitung.
Graulich, Kurt; Simon, Dieter
Terrorismus und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Analysen, Handlungsoptionen, Perspektiven. Forschungsberichte / Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppen: Vol. 17 (pp. 335-344).
Berlin: Akademie-Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Paradoxes of Everyday Democracy in Urban India.
Molt, Peter; Dickow, Helga
Kulturen und Konflikte im Vergleich. Festschrift für Theodor Hanf / Comparing Cultures and Conflicts (pp. 648-658).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Schäuble, Michaela
Očevid: (auto)biografski pripovjedni oblici u dokumentarnim filmovima o ratu u bivšoj Jugoslaviji (Croatian translation of ‚Spurensicherungen’).
Treća - Časopis za Ženske Studije, 1, pp. 39-56.
Schäuble, Michaela
Die Heilige und ihre Helden. Eine Marienwallfahrt an der bosnisch- kroatischen Grenze.
Polar. Halbjahresmagazin für Theorie, Kultur, Alltag, 1(3), pp. 34-39.
Schäuble, Michaela
Spiel mit dem Terror? Reflexionen über die Gewaltinszenierung eines traumatisierten Soldaten im Nachkriegskroatien.
Berliner Debatte Initial(3), pp. 24-35.
Gesellschaft für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Publizistik
Schäuble, Michaela
Spurensicherungen. (Auto-)biographische Erzählformen in Dokumentarfilmen über den Krieg im ehemaligen Jugoslawien.
Braun, Peter; Beganovic, Davor
Krieg Sichten. Zur medialen Darstellung der Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien (pp. 171-202).
München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
The Body of the Saint: Iconographies of Suffering in a Catholic Commemoration Ceremony in Vukovar, Croatia.
Luse, Agita; Lázár, Imre
Cosmologies of Suffering (pp. 159-181).
Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar’s Press
Schäuble, Michaela
Classen, Constance (ed.): The Book of Touch.
Anthropos, 102(2), pp. 604-607.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Schäuble, Michaela
Contested Masculinities: Nationalism and Militarisation in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished).
Building on the Past. Concluding Seminar of Marie Curie Fellows.
Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm.
Schäuble, Michaela
Diskurse über kroatische Kämpfer im ‚Heimatkrieg’ (1991-1995) (Unpublished).
Zur Bedeutung von Gender für die Analyse gewaltförmiger Konflikte.
ZGS - Zentrum Gender Studies, Universität Bremen.
Schäuble, Michaela
Recollecting Violence: Gender, Religion, and National Identity in Central Dalmatia (Unpublished).
Building on the Past. Introductory Seminar of Marie Curie Fellows.
Dipartimento di Studi Storici, Università Ca` Foscari, Venedig.
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Indigene Prepräsentation im "neuen" Venezolanischen Fernsehen.
Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, 2007(Art. 3), pp. 3-17.
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Dietrich Ortega, Martha-Cecilia
Indigene Repräsentation im ‚neuen’ Venezolanischen Fernsehen.
Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, pp. 3-17.
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
Zenker, Olaf
(November 2006).
Framing the research: analytical approach, methodology and structure of the PhD thesis (Unpublished).
Rottenburg Forschungskolloquium, Halle/Saale.
Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg, Seminar für Ethnologie.
Zenker, Olaf; Schlee, Günther; Kumoll, Karsten
(September 2006).
Introduction (Unpublished).
Conference “Beyond Writing Culture: current intersections of epistemologies and practices of representation”.
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale.
Zenker, Olaf
(September 2006).
Language Matters: reflexive notes on representing the Irish language revival in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Conference “Beyond Writing Culture: current intersections of epistemologies and practices of representation”.
Max- Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Halle/Saale.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
(26 July 2006).
Südafrika und das Grundrecht auf Homosexualität.
SRF 2 Kultur
Zenker, Olaf
(14 July 2006).
Bilder eines Konflikts: Politische Wandmalereien in Nordirland (Unpublished).
Öffentlicher Vortrag im Rahmen der „Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften 2006“.
Martin-Luther- Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Strasser, Sabine
(June 2006).
Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity in Austria (Unpublished).
Nuffield Conference: Gender equality, cultural diversity. European comparisons and lessons.
Universität Amsterdam.
Zenker, Olaf
(8 February 2006).
On prophets, godfathers, rebels and prostitutes: a contemporary history of the Irish language in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Rottenburg Forschungskolloquium, Halle/Saale.
Seminar für Ethnologie, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Hangartner, Judith
The Resurgence of Darhad Shamanism: Legitimisation Strategies of Rural Practitioners in Mongolia.
Tsantsa, 11, pp. 111-114.
Zürich: Seismo
Sökefeld, Martin
Mobilizing in Transnational Space: A Social Movement Approach to the Formation of Diaspora.
Global networks - a journal of transnational affairs, 6(3), pp. 265-284.
Oxford: Blackwell
Sökefeld, Martin
Interaktionspartner im Vergleich: Ali Hassan und Mohammad Abbas in Gilgit.
Ethnoscripts - Analysen und Informationen aus dem Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Hamburg, 8(2), pp. 7-29.
Hamburg: Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg
Conte, Edouard
The Swiss Schengen posters. Thoughts on the public expression of xenophobia.
Ruegg, F.; Poledna, R.; Rus, C.
Interculturalism and Discrimination in Romania Policies, Practices, Identities and Representations (pp. 315-334).
Berlin: LIT
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Migration to Europe and the Question of Common Values.
Drenth, P. J. D.; Honnefelder, L.; Schroots, J. J. F.: Sitter-Liver
In Search of Common Values in the European Research Area (Proceedings of the Conference on Common Values in the European Research Area in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19 - 20 May, 2005). ALLEA Report Series: Vol. 4 (pp. 159-170).
Amsterdam: ALLEA - All European Academies
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
El lenguaje de los cantos sagrados de los Paî-Tavyterã.
Wolf, D.; Symeonidis, H.
Guaraní y "Mawetí-Tupí-Guaraní". Estudios históricos y descriptivos sobre una familia lingüística de América del Sur. Regionalwissenschaft Lateinamerika: Vol. 11 (pp. 167-189).
Berlin: LIT
Sabbioni, Marzio; Salis Gross, Corina
Die migrationsspezifische Anamnese.
van Eeuwijk, P.; Obrist, B.
Vulnerabilität, Migration und Altern (pp. 166-201).
Zürich: Seismo
Berger Megahed, Corina; Büchel, Romana; Rothen, Verena; Toggweiler, Michael; Walentowitz, Saskia; Wymann, Christian; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Flurina Semadeni, Virginia Suter: "Nous sommes des aventuriers". Eine emische Sichtweise auf Migration in Westafrika.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Sozialanthropologie: Vol. 33.
Bern: Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Bern
Wehrli, Angelica
Household Livelihood Strategies in the Context of Socio-Economic Transformation in Nam Dinh City, Vietnam.
Vickers, A.; Hanlon, M.
Asia Reconstructed: Proceedings of the 16th Biennial Conference of the ASAA, 2006, Wollongong, Australia (pp. 1-26).
Canberra: Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) Inc. & Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies (RSPAS), The Australian National University
Walentowitz, Saskia
Tout un monde au creux d'un plat. Propos sur la grande écuelle des Touaregs.
Journal de la Société des Africanistes(76), pp. 103-120.
Paris: Société des africanistes
Walentowitz, Saskia
La vie sociale du fœtus. Regards anthropologiques.
Spirale, 2005/4(36), pp. 125-141.
Walentowitz, Saskia; Kageha, Emmy; Desclaux, Alice; Nduati, Ruth; Gaillard, P.
Including CD4 counts in counselling for prevention of HIV transmission through breastfeeding. Results from ANRS 1271 / Kesho Bora Study, Nairobi.
AIDS Society, International
XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto 13-18 août 2006 (CD ROM).
Cointrin: International AIDS Society
Regehr, Ursula
Zur Konstruktion von Indigenität. Soziale Praxis und gesellschaftliche Machtstrukturen in paraguayischen Chaco.
Tsantsa, 11, pp. 115-117.
Zürich: Seismo
De Jong, Willemijn
Die Erfindung der Armut in der indonesischen Provinz. Transnationale Entwicklungskonzepte und lokale Austauschprozesse.
Tsantsa, 11, pp. 23-33.
Zürich: Seismo
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Nathan Porath: When the Bird Flies. Shamanic Therapy and the Maintenance of Worldly Boundaries among an Indigenous People of Riau (Sumatra). (Book review).
Anthropos, 101(2), pp. 644-646.
Salzburg, Oesterreich: Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Derks, Ann
Khmer Daughters and Global Factories.
Ollier, Leakthina; Winter, Tim
Expressions of Cambodia: The Politics of Tradition, Identity and Change (pp. 193-204).
London: Routledge
Derks, Ann
Frauenhandel, zwischen Drama und Dramatisierung.
Zwahlen, Sara; ,
Kollektive Gewalt (pp. 171-190).
Bern, Frankfurt a.M.: Lang
Achermann, Christin; Chimienti, Milena
Migration, Prekarität und Gesundheit : Ressourcen und Risiken von vorläufig Aufgenommenen und Sans-Papiers in Genf und Zürich.
SFM-Studien: Vol. 41.
Neuchâtel: SFM/FSM
Arn, Brigitte; Mordasini, Andrea Gian
Politische Partizipationsmöglichkeiten für die ausländische Wohnbevölkerung und Grundlagen der Integrationspolitik in den Kantonen und beim Bund. Eine Bestandesaufnahme
Bern: Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen
Zenker, Olaf
De facto exclusion through discursive inclusion: autochthony in discourses on Irishness and politics in Catholic West Belfast.
Paideuma, 52, pp. 183-195.
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
„No capital needed!“ De facto open access to Common Pool Resources, Poverty and Conservation in the Kafue Flats, Zambia.
Policy Matters; newsletter of the IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy, 14, pp. 103-113.
Strasser, Sabine
Krise oder Kritik? Zur Ambivalenz von weiblicher Besessenheit als translokale Strategie.
Wohlfart, Ernestine; Zaumseil, Manfred
Transkulturelle Psychiatrie - interkulturelle Psychotherapie. Interdisziplinäre Theorie und Praxis (pp. 299-310).
Heidelberg: Springer
Strasser, Sabine
„Die dritte Türkenbelagerung?“ Bewegte Zugehörigkeiten, strategische Repräsentationen und die Bekämpfung von Ungleichheiten.
Kurswechsel. Zeitschrift für gesellschafts-, wirtschafts- und umweltpolitische Alternativen, 2006(2), pp. 88-98.
Strasser, Sabine
Spirit possession in Turkey.
Joseph, Suad
Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. Bd. 3 Family, Body, Sexuality and Health (pp. 438-439).
Leiden: Brill
Eckert, Julia
From Subjects to Citizens: Legalisation from Below and the Homogenisation of the Legal Sphere.
The journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 38(53-54), pp. 45-75.
Eckert, Julia
Kultur im Wandel – Wandel des Kulturbegriffs: Ein Versuch über die Abwesenheit des Begriffs der Selbstorganisation in der Ethnologie.
Freund, Alexndra; Hütt, Marc-Thorsten; Vec, Miloš
Selbstorganisation: Wissenschaftsmodelle für Natur und Gesellschaft (pp. 129-146).
Köln: Böhlau
Eckert, Julia
Von Bombay zu Mumbai: Hindunationalismus in der Metropole.
Ahuja, Ravi; Brosius, Christiane
Mumbai - Delhi - Megastadt. Zugänge zu indischen Metropolen (pp. 65-79).
Heidelberg: Draupadi Verlag
Holzleithner, Elisabeth; Strasser, Sabine
Troublesome Issues: Current Debates on Tensions between Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity in Austria
(New orientations for democracy in europe).
Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Schäuble, Michaela
Wiedergänger, Grenzgänger, Doppelgänger: Rites de Passage in Bram Stokers Dracula.
EuroMed - Studien zur Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie des euromediterranen Raumes: Vol. 4.
Münster, Hamburg & London: LIT Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
Anthropology Matters, 8(1).
Anthropology Matters
Schäuble, Michaela
Doing Fieldwork in Eastern Europe: Introduction.
Anthropology Matters, 8(1), pp. 1-5.
Anthropology Matters
Schäuble, Michaela
Imagined Suicide: The Making of Heroes in Post-War Croatia.
Anthropology Matters, 8(1)
Anthropology Matters
Schäuble, Michaela
Sarah Green: Notes from the Balkans. Locating Marginality and Ambiguity on the Greek-Albanian Border.
Anthropos, 101(2), pp. 612-615.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Schäuble, Michaela
Stéphane Voell: Das Nordalbanische Gewohnheitsrecht und seine mündliche Dimension.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 131, pp. 152-155.
Kulbach, Sandra; Schäuble, Michaela; Mellinger, Nan; Straub, Johanna
Mutterstücke / Mothers – 4 Pieces (DV-CAM, 58 min) [Movie].
Schäuble, Michaela
’We don´t need Europe, but Europe needs us’: The Mobilisation of Local Reserves Against Globalisation in Contemporary Croatia (Unpublished).
9th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropology, EASA.
Bristol (UK).
Schäuble, Michaela
Delimiting Islam: Marian Veneration and Battle Re-Enactment in a Dalmatian Sanctuary (Unpublished).
RAMSES II Conference “Mirroring and Syncretism between Mediterranean Religions”.
Institut für Ethnologie, Universität Tübingen.
Schäuble, Michaela
Imagined Suicide: Narratives of Violence and Self-Sacrifice in Post-War Croatia (Unpublished).
11thAnnual ASN World Convention.
Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York.
Schäuble, Michaela
Kriegsverbrecher, Helden oder Märtyrer? Aktuelle Diskurse zur Rolle kroatischer Kampfsoldaten im Jugoslawienkrieg (1991-1995) (Unpublished).
Zur Relevanz von Gender in Konflikten und in der Konfliktbearbeitung.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin.
Richter, Marina; Hostettler, Ueli
Dokumentation der Literatur-Datenbank Infektionskrankheiten im Strafvollzug (Standards, Empfehlungen, Best Practices). Mandant: Bundesamt für Gesundheit, Sektionen Aids, Drogen und Grundlagen, Vertrag Nr.: 06.001327 / 2.25.01.-1040
Freiburg (Schweiz): Universität Freiburg (Departement Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik)
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Fischer, Edward F., and Hendrickson, Carol (2002). Tecpán Guatemala: A Modern Maya Town in Global and Local Context. Boulder: Westview Press.
Mesoamerica, 48, pp. 172-174.
Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamerica (CIRMA)
Dietrich, Martha-Cecilia
Indigenous co-determination - a question of survival?
Lateinamerika Anders. Panorama, 2006(6)
Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
Zenker, Olaf
(5 December 2005).
The Irish language and Irish identity in Catholic West Belfast: practical experiences and representations among Gaeilgeoirí (Unpublished).
Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM), Autumn 2005 Seminar Series.
Roehampton University and University of Surrey, Guildford.
Zenker, Olaf
(October 2005).
De facto exclusion through discursive inclusion – autochthony in discourses on Irishness and politics in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV), Panel Lentz “Autochthonie, Indigenität – neue Diskurse der Exklusion?“.
Strasser, Sabine
(9 September 2005).
The Third Siege. European Enlargement and the Construction of Turkey as the Significant Other (Unpublished).
Summer School, Universitäten Trento und Innsbruck.
Zenker, Olaf
(July 2005).
Irish identity and the Irish language in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Summer School “Ethnicity and Nationalism”, Project Presentation at the Central European University (CEU).
Zenker, Olaf
(22 June 2005).
Fakten schaffen durch Sprache: Das ethnographische Beispiel der Revitalisierung der irischen Sprache im katholischen West Belfast (Unpublished).
Symposium “Die Konstruktion der Fakten durch die Sprache“ der Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaftlichen Sektion anlässlich der Jahresversammlung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 2005.
22. Juni 2005.
Strasser, Sabine
(May 2005).
Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity: The Austrian Case (Unpublished).
Nuffield Conference: Gender equality, cultural diversity. European comparisons and lessons.
London School of Economics.
Strasser, Sabine
(April 2005).
Review: Terre de Femmes: Tatmotiv Ehre. Schriftenreihe: Nein zu Gewalt an Frauen. Terre de Femme: Tübingen 2004.
Anschläge. Das feministische Magazin, 2005(4), p. 40.
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
(21 January 2005).
Wessen Weltmusik?
Musik der Welt.
SRF 2 Kultur
Zenker, Olaf
(11 January 2005).
"Irish is all around us" - The relationship between Irish identity and the Irish language in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Werkstatt-Reihe.
11. Januar 2005.
Zenker, Olaf
Irische Identität und irische Sprache im Spannungsfeld von Diskurs und Praxis im katholischen West-Belfast, Nord-Irland
(Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Reports. Sonderausgabe 2005).
Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Haller, Tobias; Merten, Sonja
Polygamy and Livestock: Security during the 2002 Drought in an Ila chiefdom in Zambia.
Mayor, Anne; Roth, Claudia; Droz, Yvan
Soziale Sicherheit und Entwicklung / Sécurité Sociale et Développement. Schweizerische Afrikastudien - Etudes africaines suisses: Vol. 5 (pp. 69-90).
Münster: Lit Verlag
Zenker, Olaf
"Irish is all around us”: Irish identity and the Irish language in discourse and practice among Gaeilgeoirí in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Rottenburg Forschungskolloquium.
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle- Wittenberg, Seminar für Ethnologie, Halle/Saale.
2. Februar 2005.
Eckert, Julia
The Trimurti of the State.
Sociologus, 55(2)
Duncker & Humblot
Eckert, Julia
Whose State is it: Hindunationalist Violence and Populism in India.
Schlichte, Klaus
The Dynamics of States (pp. 41-70).
Aldershot: Ashgate
Eckert, Julia
Indisches Oxymoron: Rechtsstaat ohne Rule of Law.
Tobler, Hans Werner; Kappel, Rolf; Waldmann, Peter
Rechtsstaatlichkeit im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Rombach Wissenschaft. Reihe Historiae: Vol. 17 (pp. 341-374).
Freiburg i.B.: Rombach
Eckert, Julia
Death and the Nation: State Killing in India.
Sarat, Austin; Boulanger, Christian
The Cultural Lives of Capital Punishment: Comparative Perspectives (pp. 195-218).
Stanford: Stanford University Press
Eckert, Julia
The Trimurti of the State: state violence and the promises of order and destruction
(Working paper des Max Planck Instituts für ethnologische Forschung 80).
Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Eckert, Julia
The Politics of Security
(Working paper des Max Planck Instituts für ethnologische Forschung 76).
Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Strasser, Sabine; Pichler, Heidi; Kalny, Eva
Wenn Blicke töten könnten! Reflexionen zu ethnographischen Skizzen "junger MuslimInnen" in Wien.
Binder, Susanne; Rasuly-Paleczek, Gabriele; Hohenbalken, Maria
HerausForderungMigration. Beiträge zur Aktions- und Informationswoche der Universität Wien anlässlich des „UN Migrant’s Day“. Abhandlungen zur Geographie und Regionalforschung: Vol. 7 (pp. 215-226).
Wien: Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Waldrauch, Harald/Karin Sohler: Migrantenorganisationen in der Grossstadt: Entstehung, Strukturen und Aktivitäten am Beispiel Wien. Campus: Frankfurt, New York.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten(54)
Schäuble, Michaela
The Ethnographer´s Eye: Vision, Filmic Narration and Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anthropology.
Homem, Rui Carvalho; Lambert, Maria de Fátima
Writing and Seeing: Essays on Word and Image (pp. 301-311).
Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi
Schäuble, Michaela
Wars of Memory: Self-Victimization and Violence as Political Resource in Croatia (Unpublished).
Schäuble, Michaela; Suber, Daniel
Mythos und Märtyrer: Zur Reflexion des Balkan-Krieges im serbischen Film der 1990er Jahre (Unpublished).
>>Pastforward. Zur Darstellung von Geschichte in verschiedenen Medien”.
Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die Marginalisierung von ethnischen und religiösen Minderheiten in Südostasien.
Vielfalt(55), pp. 4-5.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Der heilige Krieg auf den Reisfeldern. Der Hijrah-Kalender als Stratagem im antikolonialen Widerstand in Zentralsumatra um 1900.
Bulletin der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Mittlerer Osten und Islamische Kulturen, 20(9), pp. 9-14.
Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Strasser, Sabine
Differentiated Equality. Theory and Politics of Antidiscrimination in the European Union
Wien: Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Der Nachbar.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Beck, Charlotte; Büchel, R.; Galizia, M.; Prodolliet, S.; Schneider, J.
Fremde Freunde. Gewährsleute der Ethnologie (pp. 214-227).
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Beck, Charlotte; Büchel, R.; Galizia, M.; Prodolliet, S.; Schneider, J.
Fremde Freunde. Gewährsleute der Ethnologie.
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Mugler, Johanna
To Live and Move in Safety: Fear of Crime, Crime and the Social Consequences of Spatial Security Strategies.
Postamble, 1(2)
University of Cape Town
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Rhodes, Lorna A.: Total Confinement. Madness and Reason in the Maximum Security Prison. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. 315 pp. ISBN 0-520-24076-6.
Anthropos, 100(1), pp. 293-295.
Anthropos Institute
Wettstein, Marion
Jenseitswelten: Von Geistern, Schiffen und Liebhabern.
Zürich: Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich
Dankwa, Serena Owusua
’Shameless Maidens’: Women’s Agency and the Mission in Akuapem.
Agenda: Empowering women for gender equity, 19(63), pp. 104-116.
Agenda Feminist Media Project
Schäuble, Michaela
(11 December 2004).
Erinnerung und Darstellung traumatischer Kriegserfahrungen in magisch-religiösen Praktiken: Die Rekonstruktion weiblicher Identität in Kroatien nach 1991 (Unpublished).
'Holy War' and Gender: Violence in Religious Discourses.
Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Strasser, Sabine
(9 September 2004).
Facing distance and proximity: migration, translocalities and the nation-state (Unpublished).
European Association of Social Anthropologists’ Conference: Face to Face: Connecting Distance and Proximity.
Zenker, Olaf
(27 April 2004).
Irish identity and the Irish language in discourse and practice among Gaeilgeoirí in Catholic West Belfast (Unpublished).
Department of Anthropology Research Seminar.
Queen’s University Belfast.
27. April 2004.
Schäuble, Michaela
(21 February 2004).
Kino als Form von Gymnastik.
taz – die tageszeitung
Zenker, Olaf
Techniken zur kommunikativen Herstellung von Gruppenzugehörigkeit: Eine Gesprächsanalyse über Imagearbeit bei Obdachlosen.
Haller, Tobias; Fokou, Gilbert; Zinsstag, Jakob
A la recherche des déterminants institutionnels pour le bien-être des populations sédentaires et nomades dans la plaine du Waza-Logone de la frontière camerounaise et tchadienne.
Médecine tropicale, 64, pp. 474-478.
Institut de médecine tropicale du Service de santé des armées, Marseille
Eckert, Julia
Anthropologie der Konflikte. Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische Thesen in der Diskussion.
Kultur und soziale Praxis.
Bielefeld: transcript
Eckert, Julia; Beckert, Jens; Kohli, Martin; Streeck, Wolfgang
Transnationale Solidarität: Chancen und Grenzen.
Frankfurt am M.: Campus
Eckert, Julia
Partizipation und die Politik der Gewalt: Hindunationalismus und Demokratie in Indien.
Studien zu Ethnizität, Religion und Demokratie: Vol. 5.
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Eckert, Julia
Gewalt, Meidung und Verfahren: Zur Konflikttheorie Georg Elwerts.
Eckert, Julia
Anthropologie der Konflikte; Georg Elwerts konflikttheoretische Thesen in der Diskussion. Kultur und soziale Praxis (pp. 7-25).
Bielefeld: transcript
Eckert, Julia
Urban Governance and Emergent Forms of Legal Pluralism in Mumbai.
The journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law, 50, pp. 29-60.
Strasser, Sabine
From Margin to Mainstream? Migration Studies and Social Anthropology in Austria.
Khittel, Stefan; Plankensteiner, Barbara; Six-Hohenbalken, Maria
Contemporary issues in socio-cultural anthropology : perspectives and research activities from Austria (pp. 59-82).
Wien: Löcker
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Heide Oestreich: Der Kopftuchstreit. Das Abendland und ein Quadratmeter Islam.
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Abschied vom Harem? Selbstbilder – Fremdbilder muslimischer Frauen. Orlanda: Berlin 2004.
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer
Schäuble, Michaela
Sacral Communication and Remembrance of War in Contemporary Croatia: Iconographies of Completeness and Healing versus Iconographies of Injury and Deficit (Unpublished).
8thBiennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropology, EASA.
Schäuble, Michaela
Nachruf Jean Rouch.
Film- und TV Kameramann, 53(3), p. 73.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Petermann, Werner: Die Geschichte der Ethnologie. Wuppertal: Edition Trickster im Peter Hammer Verlag (2004).
Tsantsa, 9, pp. 168-169.
Hostettler, Ueli
Resistencia y Acomodo: Mayas y Ejidos en el Centro de Quintana Roo.
Castillo Cocom, Juan Ariel; Castañeda, Quetzil E.
Estrategias Identitarias: Educación y la Antropología Histórica en Yucatán (pp. 171-192).
Mérida: UPN - OSEA - SEY
Hostettler, Ueli
Repensando La Identidad Maya En Yucatán, 1500-1940.
Castillo Cocom, Juan Ariel; Castañeda, Quetzil E.
Estrategias Identitarias: Educación y la Antropología Histórica en Yucatán (pp. 129-139).
Mérida: UPN - OSEA - SEY
Hostettler, Ueli
Ethnographic Perspectives in Maya Studies: Trends in Writing about Mayas in Guatemala, Mexico, and Belize.
Ethnohistory, 51(2), pp. 435-444.
Duke University Press
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Warren, Kay B., and Jean E. Jackson (eds.): Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002. 294 pp. ISBN 0-292-79138-0.
Anthropos, 99(1), pp. 306-309.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
Rethinking Maya Identity in Yucatán, 1500-1940.
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 9(1), pp. 187-198.
Achermann, Christin; Hostettler, Ueli
Ausländerinnen und Ausländer im geschlossenen Strafvollzug: eine ethnologische Gefängnisstudie.
Tsantsa, 9, pp. 105-108.
Kehr, Janina
Reisen und Medizin, 22. Stuttgarter Fortbildungsseminar des Instituts für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung vom 8.‐10. Mai 2003 in Stuttgart.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 27(2), pp. 161-163.
Zenker, Olaf
(26 June 2003).
‘Siad féin - The people themselves’. The everyday making of ethnic identity in discourse and practice among Catholics in the context of conflict in Northern Ireland (Unpublished).
Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung Werkstatt-Reihe.
26. Juni 2003.
Schäuble, Michaela
(7 May 2003).
The Ethnographer's Eye: Vision, Filmic Narration and Poetic Imagery in Contemporary Anthropology (Unpublished).
Writing and Seeing- International Conference on Literature and Visual Arts.
Porto, Portugal.
Zenker, Olaf
The people themselves: the everyday making of ethnic identity in discourse and practice in the context of conflict in West Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Reports 2002-2003).
Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
Strasser, Sabine
I am not a politicized migrant! Transnational Studies and Transversal Strategies among Political Activists in Vienna, Austria.
Journal of Economic and Social Research, 5(1), pp. 19-44.
Fatih University Istanbul
Haller, Tobias
Rules which pay are going to stay: Indigenous institutions, sustainable resource use and land tenure among the Ouldeme and Platha, Mandara Mountains, Northern Cameroon.
Le Meur, P.-Y.; Lund, C.
Gouvernance foncière au quotidien en Afrique / Everyday Governance of Land in Africa. APAD- Bulletin: Vol. 22 (pp. 117-134).
Münster: Lit Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Sociologus, 53(2).
Duncker & Humblot
Eckert, Julia
The Charisma of Direct Action: Power, Politics and the Shiv Sena.
Delhi: Oxford University Press
Eckert, Julia
Reconciling the Mohalla.
Scheffler, Thomas
Religion between Violence and Reconciliation. Beiruter Texte und Studien: Vol. 76 (pp. 365-389).
Würzburg: Ergon
Eckert, Julia
Die Verstetigung des Konflikts: zur Rolle von Religion im Hindu-Nationalismus.
Minkenberg, Michael; Willems, Ulrich
Politik und Religion. Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS). Sonderheft: Vol. 33 (pp. 346-366).
Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Sundar Mumbai: Die städtische Gewaltordnung der selektiven Staatlichkeit.
Becker, Jochen; Lanz, Stephan
SPACE // TROUBLES Jenseits des Guten Regierens: Schattenglobalisierung, Gewaltkonflikte und städtisches Leben. metroZones: Vol. 1 (pp. 35-50).
Berlin: b_books Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Die Ethnisierung der Politik in Afghanistan.
Politisierung von Ethnizität. WeltTrends. Zeitschrift für internationale Politik und vergleichende Studien: Vol. 38 (pp. 88-98).
Berlin: Berliner Debatte Wissenschaftsverlag
Eckert, Julia
Rache und Nation.
Berliner Debatte Initial, 14/3(3), pp. 28-36.
Berlin: Gesellschaft für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Publizistik
Eckert, Julia
Enmity as Programme : Shivsena’s Cult of Militancy.
Manushi (New Delhi)(134), pp. 20-24.
Strasser, Sabine
Beyond Belonging: Cultural Dynamics and Transnational Practices in the Austrian Migration Policy “from below” (Unpublished).
(Habilitation, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Vienna)
Schäuble, Michaela
Laufen, Fischen, Filmen: Die Inuit Legenden der Igloolik Isuma Productions.
Texte zur Kunst(51), pp. 186-189.
Texte zur Kunst Verlag
Schäuble, Michaela
The Execution of Precious Memories - A Sound Performance by Blixa Bargeld (DVD, 40 min) [Movie].
Schäuble, Michaela
Beliebte Ethnographie.
Film- und TV Kameramann, 52(7), pp. 110-111.
Schäuble, Michaela
Visuelle Anthropologie.
Film- und TV Kameramann, 52(4), pp. 116-117.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Godbout, Jacques T. and Alain Caillé: The World of the Gift.
Anthropos, 98(1), pp. 237-238.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Eckert, Julia; Dafinger, Andreas; Behrends, Andrea
Towards an anthropology of governance.
Max Planck, Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Report 2002-2003 (pp. 19-30).
Halle/Saale: druck-medienverlag
Strasser, Sabine
Biographies of belonging and windows of opportunity: new minorities from Turkey in Austria (Unpublished).
Socrates-Erasmus Intensive Programme: Agency. Discourses of Power, and Collective Representations.
Universität Wien.
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] McClusky, Laura: "Here, Our Culture Is Hard": Stories of Domestic Violence From a Maya Community in Belize. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. x+310 pp. ISBN 0-292-75248-2. Price: $45.00 (cloth). ISBN 0-292-7249-0. Price: $21.95 (pbk.).
Anthropos, 98(2), pp. 587-589.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
New Inequalities: Changing Maya Economy and Social Life in Central Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Research in Economic Anthropology, 22, pp. 25-59.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Hostettler, Ueli
Rituels funéraires chez les Mayas du Mexique et du Guatemala.
Droz, Yvan
La violence et les morts; éclairages anthropologiques sur la mort et les rites funéraires (pp. 153-162).
Genève: Georg
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Edward F. Fischer. Cultural Logics and Global Economies: Maya Identity in Thought and Practice. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. vii + 287 págs. Mapas, ilustraciones, cuadros, bibliografía e índice.
Mesoamerica, 45, pp. 255-259.
Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamerica (CIRMA)
Hostettler, Ueli
The Chamula Rebellion, 1867-1870: A Maya "Caste War" Revisited (Köhler's Der Chamula-Aufstand in Chiapas, Mexiko: Aus der Sicht heutiger Indianer und Ladinos).
Current anthropology, 44(1), pp. 135-136.
University of Chicago Press
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf
(31 December 2002).
Leitfaden für die Einführungsvorlesung in Medizinanthropologie, 1995 – 2002.
Vorlesungsskript "Einführungsvorlesung in Medizinanthropologie".
Eckert, Julia
(24 September 2002).
Religiöse Gefühle sind nicht das Problem.
Frankfurter Rundschau
Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main
Eckert, Julia
(25 April 2002).
Feuer die niemand löschte; über die Pogrome gegen Muslime im indischen Gujarat.
Frankfurter Rundschau, 96
Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main
Strasser, Sabine
(January 2002).
Identitäten und Differenzen: intellektuelle und politische Strategien im globalen Zeitalter (Unpublished).
Annual meeting of the research programme “Local identities and wider influences”.
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Haller, Tobias
Common Property Resource Management, Institutional Change and Conflicts in African Floodplain Wetlands: Presentation of a research project and reflections on institutional change and conflicts.
The African Anthropologist, 9(1), pp. 25-35.
Haller, Tobias
Spiel gegen Risiken in der ‘Natur’.
Giordano, Christian; Boscoboinik, Andrea
Constructing Risk, Threat, Catastrophe. Anthropological Perspectives. Studia Ethnographica Friburgensia: Vol. 27 (pp. 53-68).
University Press Freiburg
Eckert, Julia
Der Hindunationalismus und die Politik der Unverhandelbarkeit. Vom politischen Nutzen eines vermeintlichen Religionskonfliktes.
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 52(42-43), pp. 23-30.
Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung
Eckert, Julia
’Was ist islamisch?‘: Diskussionen zu Recht und Verfassung unter afghanischen Juristen
(Manuskript für die Fachgruppe: Dialog mit dem Islam).
Auswärtiges Amt der BRD
Eckert, Julia
Governing Laws – on the Appropriation and Adaptation of Control in Mumbai
(Working paper des Max Planck Instituts für ethnologische Forschung 33).
Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung
Eckert, Julia
Shivshahi in the Mohalla.
Manushi (New Delhi)(129), pp. 22-28.
Eckert, Julia
The Charisma of Autocracy.
Manushi (New Delhi)(130), pp. 13-19.
Eckert, Julia
Keeping a Movement Moving.
Manushi (New Delhi)(131), pp. 38-43.
Strasser, Sabine
Rätselraten oder Platzmachen? Internationale Migration und kritischer Multikulturalismus in Österreich.
Stuhlpfarrer, Karl; Rettl, Lisa
Demokratie-Zivilgesellschaft-Menschenrechte: 5. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag 2001 (pp. 58-66).
Innsbruck: Studien Verlag
Strasser, Sabine; Schliesselberger, Eva
Mentoring: ein widerspüchliches Konzept als Instrument der Frauenförderung in der Wissenschaft.
Goldberg, Christine; Rosenberger, Sieglinde K.
KarriereFrauenKonkurrenz (pp. 215-227).
Innsbruck, Wien, München, Bozen: Studien Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Beck, Charlotte; Prodolliet, Simone; Schneider, Jürg; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Pfefferland – Geschichten aus der Welt der Gewürze (pp. 8-25).
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Galgant - ein kleines kulturhistorisches Rätsel.
Beck, Charlotte; Prodolliet, Simone; Schneider, Jürg; Znoj, Heinzpeter
Pfefferland – Geschichten aus der Welt der Gewürze (pp. 42-59).
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Beck, Charlotte; Prodolliet, Simone; Schneider, Jürg; Galizia, Michele; Büchel, Romana
Pfefferland. Geschichten aus der Welt der Gewürze.
Wuppertal: Peter Hammer Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Das Geld - unser Totem und Tabu.
Hönig, Roderick; Madörin, T.
ImagiNation – Das offizielle Buch der Expo02 (pp. 99-101).
Zürich: Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Acciaioli, Gregory, Kees van Dijk and Roger Tol: Authority and Enterprise among the Peoples of South Sulawesi.
Anthropos, 97(2), pp. 643-645.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
Changing Socioeconomic Stratification: The Maya of Central Quintana Roo.
Gubler, Ruth; Hostettler, Ueli
The Fragmented Present. Mesoamerican Societies Facing Modernization. Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 9 (pp. 137-149).
Markt Schwaben, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Hostettler, Ueli
Labor Regime and Social Justice: Consequences of Economic and Social Stratification among Maya Peasants in Central Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Anthropos, 97(1), pp. 107-116.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Fischer, Edward F.: Cultural Logics and Global Economies: Maya Identity in Thought and Practice. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. 287 pp. ISBN 0-292-72534-5. Price: $22.95.
Anthropos, 97(2), pp. 575-577.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
Comment on: Folkecology, Cultural Epidemiology, and the Spirit of the Commons, by Scott Atran et al.
Current anthropology, 43(3), pp. 444-445.
University of Chicago Press
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Nationalist Myths and Ethnic Identities: Indigenous Intellectuals and the Mexican State. By Natividad Gutiérrez. (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999. xix + 242 pp., preface, introduction, maps, tables, bibliography, index. $50.00 cloth, $25.00 paper.).
Ethnohistory, 49(4), pp. 888-890.
Duke University Press
Gubler, Ruth; Hostettler, Ueli
The Fragmented Present. Mesoamerican Societies Facing Modernization. Second Revised Edition.
Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 9.
Markt Schwaben, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Strasser, Sabine
(17 December 2001).
Bewegte Zugehörigkeiten: transnationale Beziehungen und multikulturelle Perspektiven (Unpublished).
Lecture series „Global Transformations“.
Center for Advanced Gender Studies at the University of Vienna.
Strasser, Sabine
(1 December 2001).
Beyond Belonging? Anti-racist and transnational strategies among "Muslim migrants" in Vienna (Unpublished).
Berlin Conference on Anthropology in the Middle East: Gendered Perspectives.
Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin.
Strasser, Sabine
(6 October 2001).
Neue Räume und doch keine Platz. Internationale Migration und kritischer Multikulturalismus in Österreich (Unpublished).
Universität Klagenfurt.
Strasser, Sabine
(21 July 2001).
I am not a politicised migrant! Multiple belonging and strategic representations among anti-racist activists in Vienna (Unpublished).
Socrates-Erasmus Intensive Programme: Agency. Discourses of Power, and Collective Representations.
Universität Wien.
Zenker, Olaf
Ethnizität und politischer Aktivismus: Eine Fallstudie über drei jugendliche Aussiedler in Hamburg.
München: Grin Verlag
Strasser, Sabine; Gürses, Hakan; Herzog-Punzenberger, Barbara; Reiser, Karl; Çınar, Dilek
The Necessary Impossibility: Dynamics of Identity among Young People of Different Backgrounds in Vienna.
Journal of international migration and integration, 2(1), pp. 27-54.
Haller, Tobias
Leere Speicher, erodierte Felder und das Bier der Frauen. Umweltanpassung und Krise bei den Ouldeme und Platha in den Mandarabergen Nord-Kameruns.
Studien zur Sozialanthropologie.
Berlin: Reimer Verlag
Eckert, Julia
The Power of Action.
Sociologus, 51(1-2), pp. 89-122.
Duncker & Humblot
Strasser, Sabine
Dynamiken der Deterritorialisierung – oder wie Bewegung in die Sozialanthropologie kam.
Schlehe, Judith
Interkulturelle Geschlechterforschung. Identitäten-Imaginationen-Repräsentationen. (pp. 29-51).
Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus
Strasser, Sabine
Krise oder Kritik? Zur Ambivalenz von weiblicher Besessenheit als translokale Strategie.
Davis-Sulikowski, Ulrike; Diemberger, Hildegard; Gingrich, Andre; Helbling, Jürg
Körper, Religion, Macht. (pp. 199-219).
Frankfurt/Main, New York: Campus
Strasser, Sabine
Canim sikiliyor - Meine Seele langweilt sich! Inszenierungen weibliche Ohnmacht in einem türkischen Dorf am Schwarzen Meer.
Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 130/131, pp. 165-176.
Verlag Ferdinand Berger und Soehne GmbH
Schäuble, Michaela
Usch in the Bush/ Usch im Busch (DVD, 31min) [Movie].
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Haller, Tobias (Hrsg.) Fossile Ressourcen, Erdölkonzerne und indigene Völker.
Tsantsa, 6, pp. 196-198.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Mächtige Minderheit. Chinesische HändlerInnen in Indonesien.
Unimagazin Die Zeitschrift der Universität Zürich, 4(1), pp. 34-37.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Heterarchy and Domination in Highland Jambi. The Contest for Community in a Matrilinear Society (Unpublished).
(Habilitation, Universität Bern, Institut für Sozialanthropologie)
Restall, Matthew; Hostettler, Ueli
Introduction: The Meaning and Mechanics of Maya Survivalism.
Hostettler, Ueli; Restall, Matthew
Maya Survivalism. Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 12 (ix-xiv).
Markt Schwaben, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Hostettler, Ueli; Restall, Matthew
Maya Survivalism.
Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 12.
Markt Schwaben, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Hostettler, Ueli
Milpa, Land, and Identity: A Central Quintana Roo Maya Community in a Historical Perspective.
Hostettler, Ueli; Restall, Matthew
Maya Survivalism. Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 12 (pp. 239-262).
Markt Schwaben, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Kehr, Janina
Conference Report. "Biomedizin Macht Diskurs", Universität Hamburg.
Argument - Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, 43(4/5), pp. 703-705.
Dankwa, Serena; Arlt, Veit
Ghana Popular Music 1931-1957. From Palm Wine Music to Dance Band Highlife.
Ghana Popular Music 1931-1957.
Paris: Disques Arion: Compact Disc
Eckert, Julia; Conrad, Sebastian; Reichardt, Sven
Reinheit und Gewalt: Politische Bewegungen und die Krise der Repräsentation.
Sociologus (Schwerpunktheft).
Berlin: Duncker & Humblot
Eckert, Julia
Wie man die Bewegung in Bewegung hält: Die Shivsena in Maharashtra.
Draguhn, Werner
Indien 2000. Indien. Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft: Vol. 2000 (pp. 45-68).
Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde
Eckert, Julia
The Politics of Violent Action. Towards a Sociology of anti-democratic Movements
(Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere 87).
Berlin: Das Arabische Buch
Strasser, Sabine
Beyond Belonging? Zugehörigkeit im Zeitalter der Globalisierung.
Nagl-Docekal, Herta; Woelki, Marion
Quergedacht: Geschlecht, Wissenschaft, Disziplin. Vortragsreihe im Wintersemester 1999/2000 (pp. 149-158).
Konstanz: Frauenrat der Universität Konstanz
Strasser, Sabine; Çınar, Dilek; Gürses, Hakan; Herzog-Punzenberger, Barbara; Reiser, Karl
Unmögliche Notwendigkeiten. Jugendliche unterschiedlicher Herkunft in Wien.
Berghold, Josef; Menasse, Elisabeth; Ottomayer, Klaus
Trennlinien. Imagination des Fremden und Konstruktion des Eigenen. (pp. 149-178).
Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Impurity as Criticism: Reports from a Black Sea Village in Turkey.
ISIM Newsletter(5), p. 13.
Strasser, Sabine; Schliesselberger, Eva
Integration oder Abhängigkeit? Zur Ambivalenz von Mentoring-Programmen als organisationspolitische Praxis in der Wissenschaft.
Page, Julie; Leemann, Regula Julia
Karriere von Akademikerinnen : Bedeutung des Mentoring als Instrument der Nachwuchsförderung. Schriftenreihe vom Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft: Vol. 2000/1d.
Zürich: Bern BBW 2000
Strasser, Sabine
Shankland, David (ed.): The Turkish Republik at 75 Years. The Eothen Press, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire 1999.
Islam Arastirmalari Dergisi. Turkish Journal of Islamic Studies, 4, pp. 284-286.
Turkiye Diyanet Vakfi. Islam Arastirmalari Merkezi
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Florence Weiss: Vor dem Vulkanausbruch. Eine ethnologische Erzählung.
Tsantsa, 5, pp. 189-191.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
M. Rössler: Der Lohn der Mühe.
Anthropos, 95(1), pp. 300-303.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Hervik, Peter: Mayan People Within and Beyond Boundaries: Social Categories and Lived Identity in Yucatán. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1999. xxxiii + 214 pp. ISBN 90-5702-340-7. Price: $48.00.
Anthropos, 95(2), pp. 596-599.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Nutz Lok'el li Kaxlane - Die Vertreibung der Ladinos aus San Andrés Larraínzar, Chiapas, Mexiko. Von Geschichten, einem Ereignis und Geschichte. Norbert Roß. Münster: Lit Verlag, 1997. V + 224 pp.; appendixes, bibliography.
American Ethnologist, 27(1), pp. 219-220.
American Anthropological Association
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Jones, Grant D. (1998), The Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom, Stanford University Press (Stanford). xxvii + 568 pp. $69.50 hbk, $24.95 pbk.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19(1), pp. 107-109.
Haller, Tobias
Bodendegradierung und Ernährungskrise bei den Ouldeme und Platha. Umwelt- und Ernährungsprobleme bei zwei Feldbauerngruppen in den Mandarabergen Nord- Kameruns: Eine Folge der Adaptation an Monetarisierung und Wandel traditioneller institutioneller Rahmenbedingungen.
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 124(2), pp. 335-354.
Haller, Tobias
Migration, Bierproduktion und Umweltkrise: Anpassungsstrategien an die monetäre Umwelt in den Mandarabergen Nord-Kameruns.
Roost-Vischer, Lilo; Mayor, Anne; Henrichsen, Dag
Brücken und Grenzen/Passage et frontières. Le forum suisse des africanistes: Vol. 2 (pp. 116-135).
Münster: Lit Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Riot‘s: That‘s something that happens in the slums‘. Land, städtische Unruhen und die Politik der Segregation.
Alber, Erdmute; Eckert, Julia
Settling of land conflicts by mediation. Schlichtung von Landkonflikten: ein Workshop (pp. 63-64).
Berlin: Freie Universität Bernlin und GTZ
Eckert, Julia; Alber, Erdmute
Schlichtung von Landkonflikten = Settling of land conflicts by mediation.
Eschborn: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit)
Eckert, Julia
Kalter Frieden in Bombay: Zur Koexistenz von Hindus und Muslimen unter der Shivsena
(Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere 77).
Berlin: Das Arabische Buch
Eckert, Julia; Elwert, Georg; Gosztonyi, Kristof; Zitelmann, Thomas
Konflikttreiber –Konfliktschlichter. Vergleichende Forschungen in Bosnien, Bombay & Oromiya Regional State
(Sozialanthropologische Arbeitspapiere 75).
Berlin: Das Arabische Buch
Strasser, Sabine; Zach, Astrid; Grubner, Bärbel; Nöbauer, Herta; Zuckerhut, Patrizia
Lokale Differenzierung - Globale Integration. Feministische Ethnologie, Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie.
Birkhan, Ingvild; Mixa, Elisabeth; Rieser, Susanne; Strasser, Sabine
Innovationen: Standpunkte feministischer Forschung und Lehre. Materialien zur Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Vol. 9/1 (pp. 15-38).
Wien: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Birkhan, Ingvild; Mixa, Elisabeth; Rieser, Susanne; Strasser, Sabine
Innovationen: Standpunkte feministischer Forschung und Lehre.
Materialien zur Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Vol. 9/1.
Wien: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Vor der Information: Staatsarchitektur.
Sechste Hilfe. Die unsichtbare Zeitschrift, 34, p. 33.
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Vor der Information: Staatsarchitektur.
Stimme von und für Minderheiten, 31, p. 27.
Schäuble, Michaela
“Sehnsucht nach Kultur” – Ethnologie und Öffentlichkeit.
Sociologus, 49(1), pp. 131-133.
Duncker & Humblot
Strasser, Sabine
Confrontations: Negotiations of Identities amongst Youth of Different Ethnic Backgrounds in Vienna
Wien: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Transport, Research Programme on Xenophobia
Hostettler, Ueli
"Supimos ayudar en algo al progreso del pueblo": maestros y escuelas rurales en comunidades del centro de Quintana Roo, México.
Pfeiler, Barbara; Koechert, Andreas
Interculturalidad e identidad indígena: Preguntas abiertas a la globalización en México. Collección Americana: Vol. 4 (pp. 237-270).
Hannover: Verlag für Ethnologie
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Carlsen, Robert S.: The War for the Heart and Soul of a Highland Maya Town. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1997. 206 pp. ISBN 0-292-71194-8. Price: $14.95.
Anthropos, 94(1/3), pp. 244-247.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Hostettler, Ueli
[Book Review] Dumond, Don E. (1997), The Machete and the Cross: Campesino Rebellion in Yucatan, University of Nebraska Press (Lincoln and London). xvii + 571 pp. £54.50 hbk.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 18(1), pp. 127-128.
Strasser, Sabine; Schliesselberger, Eva
In den Fußstapfen der Pallas Athene. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zur Förderung unterrepräsentierter Gruppen im universitären Feld am Beispiel von Frauen in den Kulturwissenschaften.
Materialien zur Förderung von Frauen in der Wissenschaft: Vol. 7.
Wien: Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Verkehr
Eckert, Julia
Ethnizität, Konflikt und politische Ordnung.
Eckert, Roland
Wiederkehr des 'Volksgeistes'? Ethnizität, Konflikt und politische Bewältigung. (pp. 271-311).
Opladen: Leske + Budrich
Eckert, Julia
Die Gewalt der Aktion: Die Macht der Shiv Sena in Bombay.
Koehler, Jan; Heyer, Sonja
Anthropologie der Gewalt : Chancen und Grenzen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung . (pp. 131-148).
Berlin: Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung
Strasser, Sabine
Ambiguité de l´impureté: Corps de femme, moments critiques de la vie, et possession par les esprits dans une village de la cote est de la mer Noire en Turquie.
Godelier, Maurice; Panoff, Michel
Le corps humain: Supplicié, possedé, cannibalisé. (pp. 29-54).
Amsterdam: Édition des archives contemporaines
Strasser, Sabine; Schliesselberger, Eva
Mutter oder Mentor? Zur Ambivalenz von Förderungsbeziehungen unter Frauen in der Wissenschaft.
Perko, Gudrun
Mutterwitz (pp. 212-247).
Wien: Milena-Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Schöning-Kalender, Claudia et al.(ed.): Feminismus-Islam-Nation. Frauenbewegungen im Maghreb, in Zentralasien und in der Türkei. Frankfurt/New York 1997.
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer, 3, p. 24.
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Schein, Gerlinde/Sabine Strasser: Abschied von den Anderen. Zur Debatte um Kategorien und Identitäten.
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer, 1, pp. 3-5.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Sons versus Nephews. A Highland Jambi Alliance at War with the East India Company, ca. 1800.
Indonesia, 65, pp. 97-121.
Southeast Asia Program Publications at Cornell University
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Hot Money and War-Debts. Transactional Regimes in Southwestern Sumatra.
Comparative Studies in Society and History, 40(2), pp. 193-222.
Cambridge University Press
Znoj, Heinzpeter
The Gender of the Ancestors. Contesting Matriliny in Highland Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia).
Asiatische Studien / Etudes asiatiques AS/EA, 52(2), pp. 635-666.
Berlin: de Gruyter
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Alan D. Schrift (ed.) 1997, The Logic of the Gift. Towards an Ethic of Generosity.
Tsantsa, 3, pp. 148-151.
Strasser, Sabine
Between Autonomy and Exclusion. On the Significance of External Lecturers at Austrian Universities
Wien: Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Transport
Hostettler, Ueli
Transformaciones en el medio rural: Unidad doméstica y estratificación socio-económica en el Municipio de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Mayas
Memorias del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Mayistas (pp. 190-205).
México, D.F.: UNAM-IIF
Hostettler, Ueli
Trabajando para comer y trabajando por dinero: cambios socioeconómicos a través de testimonios de la tradición oral maya del centro de Quintana Roo.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Mayas
Memorias del Tercer Congreso Internacional de Mayistas (pp. 270-279).
México, D.F.: UNAM-IIF
Gretler, Simone
Health promotion in pre-service teacher training in Switzerland.
Sozial- und Präventivmedizin, 43(5), pp. 239-246.
Strasser, Sabine; Schein, Gerlinde
Intersexions. Feministische Anthropologie zu Geschlecht, Kultur und Sexualität.
Reihe Frauenforschung: Vol. 34.
Wien: Milena-Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Intersexions - oder der Abschied von den Anderen.
Schein, Gerlinde; Diemberger, Hilde
Intersexions. Feministische Anthropologie zu Geschlecht, Kultur und Sexualität. Reihe Frauenforschung: Vol. 34 (pp. 7-32).
Wien: Milena-Verlag
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Islamische Kalenderreform in einer matrilinearen Gesellschaft Zentralsumatras.
Traverse - Zeitschrift für Geschichte / Revue d'histoire, 4(3), pp. 23-35.
Hostettler, Ueli
Estratificación socioeconómica y economía doméstica en el municipio de Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo.
Arzáplo Marín, Ramón; Gubler, Ruth
Persistencia cultural entre los Mayas frente al cambio y la modernidad. Memorias 2 (pp. 17-39).
Mérida: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Hostettler, Ueli
Milpa Agriculture and Economic Diversification: Socioeconomic Change in a Maya Peasant Society of Central Quintana Roo, 1900-1990s (Mexico).
Dissertation Abstracts International Section A, Humanities and Social Sciences, 57(8), p. 3561.
University Microfilms International
Strasser, Sabine
Die Unreinheit ist fruchtbar! Grenzüberschreitungen in einem türkischen Dorf am Schwarzen Meer.
Rororo, Neue Frau: Vol. 13930.
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rohwolt-Verlag
Eckert, Julia
Das unabhängige Usbekistan: auf dem Weg von Marx zu Timur.
Berliner Studien zur internationalen Politik: Vol. 1.
Münster: Lit Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Fuchs, Brigitte/Gabriele Habinger (eds.): Feminismen & Rassismen. Differenzen, Machtverhältnisse und Solidarität zwischen Frauen. Wien: Promedia 1996.
Frauensolidarität, 57(3), p. 41.
Strasser, Sabine
Review: Walker, Alice/Pratibha Parmar: Narben oder die Beschneidung der weiblichen Sexualität. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt 1996 (1993).
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer, 2, p. 15.
Strasser, Sabine
Rezension zu: Reina, Lewis: Gendering Orientalism. Race, Femininity and Representation. London and New York, Routledge: 1996.
Weiberdiwan. Rezensionszeitschrift der Buchhandlung Frauenzimmer, 3, p. 17.
WeiberDiwan - Verein zur Förderung feministischer Literatur und Wissenschaft
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Le riz et le temps à Sumatra.
Archipel, 51, pp. 161-178.
Association Archipel
Hostettler, Ueli
Cambios en el patrón de estratificación socioeconómica: los Mayas del centro de Quintana Roo, 1930-1993.
DeTeresa, Ana Paula; Cortés Ruiz, Carlos; Tejera Gaona, Héctor
La nueva relación campo-ciudad y la probreza rural. La sociedad rural mexicana frente al nuevo milenio: Vol. 2 (pp. 241-266).
México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdes Editores
Hostettler, Ueli
Milpa Agriculture and Economic Diversification: Socioeconomic Change in a Maya Peasant Society of Central Quintana Roo, 1900-1990s.
Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International
Hostettler, Ueli
"Talking About a Changing World": Maya Views of Socioeconomic Transformations in Central Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Mexicon, 18(6), pp. 106-110.
Verlag Anton Saurwein
Hostettler, Ueli
"Hablando del cambio": testimonios de la tradición oral maya del centro de Quintana Roo.
Hostettler, Ueli
Los Mayas de Quintana Roo: investigaciones recientes. Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Bern, Nr. 14 (pp. 47-54).
Bern: Institut für Ethnologie
Hostettler, Ueli
Los Mayas de Quintana Roo: Investigaciones antropológicas recientes.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Bern: Vol. 14.
Bern: Institut für Ethnologie
Strasser, Sabine
Die Unreinheit ist fruchtbar! Grenzüberschreitungen in einem türkischen Dorf am Schwarzen Meer.
Frauenforschung: Vol. 25.
Wien: Wiener Frauenverlag
Strasser, Sabine
(Nicht) nur ein Bild von dir! Überlegungen zu „Kultur“ als Festschreibung, Ausgrenzung oder selbstbestimmter Prozess.
Pühretmayer, Hans; Schmid, Gabriele
Kritik der Sozialforschung. Ein Kurswechsel-Buch (pp. 81-92).
Wien: Sonderzahl Verlag
Strasser, Sabine
Eine Einleitung.
Mathieu, Nicole-Claude
Nachgeben heißt nicht zustimmen. Ethnologische Überlegungen zum Geschlechterverhältnis. Reihe Frauenforschung: Vol. 29 (pp. 7-40).
Wien: Milena-Verlag (Wiener Frauenverlag)
Strasser, Sabine
Cincilik - eine Angelegenheit für die Heiler? Zur Bedeutung der körperlichen Krisen von Frauen in einem türkischen Dorf.
Ögrenelim, Birlikte
Frauen im Fremdland. Reflexionen und Analysen. (pp. 205-224).
Wien: Promedia
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Psota, T.
Rejang-Lebong - Geographie und frühe Geschichte.
Marschall, Wolfgang
Menschen und Märkte Wirtschaftliche Integration einer Region im Hochland Südsumatras (pp. 23-36).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Psota, T.
Die Marktintegration abgelegener Orte.
Marschall, Wolfgang
Menschen und Märkte – Wirtschaftliche Integration einer Region im Hochland Südsumatras (pp. 139-156).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Tausch und Geld in Zentralsumatra. Zur Kritik des Schuldbegriffs in der Wirtschaftsethnologie.
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Produktion und Vermarktung von Fisch.
Marschall, Wolfgang
Menschen und Märkte Wirtschaftliche Integration einer Region im Hochland Südsumatras (pp. 303-336).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Geld, Schuld und Kredit.
Marschall, Wolfgang
Menschen und Märkte Wirtschaftliche Integration einer Region im Hochland Südsumatras (pp. 157-174).
Berlin: Reimer
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Das Ganze ist das Gegenteil seiner Teile. Migration im Kontext von Nationalstaat, ‚Weltstaat’ und ‚Drittweltstaat’.
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf; Alber, Jean-Luc; Bolzman, Claudio; Fibbi, Rosita; Imhof, Kurt; Wimmer, Andreas
Das Fremde in der Gesellschaft - Migration, Ethnizität und Staat (pp. 161-171).
Zürich: Seismo
Hostettler, Ueli
Changing Socioeconomic Stratification: The Maya of Central Quintana Roo.
Gubler, Ruth; Hostettler, Ueli
The Fragmented Present. Mesoamerican Societies Facing Modernization. Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 9 (pp. 137-149).
Möckmühl, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Gubler, Ruth; Hostettler, Ueli
The Fragmented Present. Mesoamerican Societies Facing Modernization.
Acta Mesoamericana: Vol. 9.
Möckmühl, Germany: Verlag A. Saurwein
Strasser, Sabine
Im Namen der Ehre.
sic!. Forum für feministische Gangarten(5), pp. 10-11.
Strasser, Sabine
Rezension zu: Delaney, Carol: The Seed and the Soil. Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society. Berkeley, Los Angeles 1991.
Social Anthropology, 2(2), pp. 179-182.
Znoj, Heinzpeter
A Rejang Story-Teller and His Story: Between Fiction and Reality.
Marschall, Wolfgang
Texts from the Islands. Oral and Written Traditions of Indonesia and the Malay World. Proceedings of the 7th European Colloquium on Indonesian and Malay Studies, Berne, June 1989. Ethnologica Bernensia (pp. 215-220).
Bern: Institut für Ethnologie
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Der intime Staat. Korruption aus ethnologischer Sicht.
Reformatio - Zeitschrift für Kultur, Politik, Religion, 43(2), pp. 143-150.
Theologischer Verlag Zürich
Znoj, Heinzpeter
John R. Bowen 1991, Sumatran Politics and Poetics. Gayo History, 1900-1989.
Anthropos, 89(1/3), pp. 244-246.
Zaunrith'sche Buch-, Kunst- und Steindruckerei
Strasser, Sabine
Die Unreinheit ist fruchtbar! Grenzüberschreitungen in einem türkischen Dorf am Schwarzen Meer (Unpublished).
(Dissertation, Universität Wien)
Hostettler, Ueli
Unidad doméstica y estratificaión socioeconómica: el caso de los Mayas cruzoob en el centro del estado de Quintana Roo, México.
Boletín de la Escuela de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Yucatán, 19(112), pp. 5-22.
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatan
Oxby, Clare
Restocking: a Guide. Herd reconstitution for African livestock keepers as part of a strategy for disaster rehabilitation.
Roslin, Scotland: VETAID, Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine
Znoj, Heinzpeter
(17 July 1993).
Die kulturelle Relativität der Zeit. Ein Kommentar zur Verkürzung der Ausbildungszeiten.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ, p. 17.
Verlag Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Strasser, Sabine
Impure or fertile? Two essays on the crossing of frontiers through anthropology and feminism.
del Valle, Teresa
Gendered Anthropology. (pp. 177-192).
London: Routledge
Strasser, Sabine; Kronsteiner, Ruth
Women in the field - reflections on a never ending journey.
del Valle, Teresa
Gendered Anthropology. (pp. 162-176).
London: Routledge
Strasser, Sabine; Çınar, Dilek
Grenzziehungen in Österreich. Anmerkungen zu den Gefahren der Entdeckung von Fremdheit.
Nahe Fremde - Fremde Nähe. Frauen forschen zu Ethnos, Kultur, Geschlecht. Reihe Frauenforschung: Vol. 24 (pp. 257-272).
Wien: Milena-Verlag (Wiener Frauenverlag)
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Neuer Reis, neue Zeit.
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, pp. 10-14.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Kafkas Schloss im Regenwald. Feldforschung im Unterholz der Metaphern.
Rebus, 4, pp. 39-48.
Hostettler, Ueli
Staatliche Landpolitik und periphere Lage: Chance für das Überleben kultureller Eigenständigkeit? Die Cruzoob-Maya in Quintana Roo, Mexiko.
Bulletin de la Société Suisse des Américanistes, 53-54, pp. 59-72.
Sociedad Suiza de Americanistas
Strasser, Sabine
Impurity or Symptoms of Health: Body Images in a Turkish Village.
Planned Parenthood in Europe, 21(3), pp. 25-29.
Znoj, Heinzpeter; Prodolliet, S.
Illusory Worlds and Economic Realities: The Gold of Lebong. A Contribution to the History of Rejang-Lebong.
Marschall, Wolfgang; King, Victor T.
The Rejang of Southern Sumatra. Occasional paper (University of Hull. Centre for South-East Asian Studies): Vol. 19 (pp. 52-93).
Hull: Centre for South-East Asian Studies
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die Narben des Verstehens.
Rebus, 1, pp. 47-59.
Hostettler, Ueli
Sozioökonomische Stratifizierung und Haushaltstrategien. Eine Untersuchung zur Wirtschaft der cruzob Maya des Municipio Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo, Mexiko.
Arbeitsblätter des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Bern, Nr. 3.
Bern: Institut für Ethnologie
Marschall, Wolfgang
LIA: Das grosse Ritual auf den Mentawai-Inseln. By Reimar Schefold. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 1988.
Journal of Southeast Asian studies, 22(1), pp. 190-192.
Cambridge University Press
Oxby, Clare
Peuples Pasteurs en Crise. Les réponses des organisations non gouvernementales en Afrique.
Collection Ateliers de développement.
Paris: Syros-Alternatives
Strasser, Sabine; Arbeitsgruppe für Ethnologie, Wien
Von fremden Frauen. Frausein und Geschlechterbeziehungen in nichtindustriellen Gesellschaften.
Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft: Vol. 784.
Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp
Strasser, Sabine; Kronsteiner, Ruth
Frauen im Feld. Überlegungen zu einer nie enden wollenden Reise.
Kossek, Brigitte; Langer, Dorothea; Seiser, Gerti
Verkehren der Geschlechter. Reflexionen und Analysen von Ethnologinnen. Reihe Frauenforschung: Vol. 10 (pp. 180-195).
Wien: Milena-Verlag (Wiener Frauenverlag)
Znoj, Heinzpeter
Die Evolution der Kulturfähigkeit. Zur Kritik des ethnologischen Kulturbegriffs.
Bern: Peter Lang
Strasser, Sabine; Jakober, Andrea
„... wenn die Lage und Entwicklung des Arbeitsmarktes die Beschäftigung zuläßt...“.
Appelt, Erna; Lösch, Andrea; Prost, Edith
Stille Reserve? Erwerbslose Frauen in Österreich. Österreichische Texte zur Gesellschaftskritik: Vol. 31 (pp. 161-171).
Wien: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik
Oxby, Clare
Settlement Schemes for Herders in the Subhumid Tropics of West Africa: Issues of Land Rights and Ethnicity.
Development policy review, 2(2), pp. 217-233.
Oxby, Clare
Group Ranches in Africa.
World animal review, 1982(42), pp. 11-18.
FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome
Oxby, Clare
Pastoral Nomads and Development.
London: International African Institute
This list was generated on Sat Dec 21 09:53:50 2024 CET.