Presentation of Prof. David Howes, Concordia University on 25 March 2025
Sensitive Material: A Study of the Spiritual, sensorial and Legal Personality of Indigenous Artifacts, Within and Without Museum Collections.
David Howes is Distinguished Research Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and Founding Director of the Centre for Sensory Studies at Concordia University, Montreal as well as an Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Law at McGill University. He was recently inducted into the Royal Society of Canada.
David Howes holds two degrees in law and four degrees in anthropology. He is a legal anthropologist, a pioneer of the anthropology of the senses, and a leading theorist in the interdisciplinary field of sensory studies. Howes is currently directing one research project called ‘Explorations in Sensory Design’ and another on ‘Sensitive Material: A Preliminary Reconnaissance of the Spiritual, Sensorial and Legal Personality of Indigenous Artifacts.’ Recent books include The Sensory Studies Manifesto (2022), Sensorial Investigations (2023) and Sensorium (2024).