Hier finden Sie die neusten Publikationen unserer Mitarbeitenden.

Haller, T. (2025). Swiss commoners’ struggles for the right balance: Ontologies, identities and responses to market and state pressures. Critique of Anthropology, 45(1), 48-59. Special Issue: Strategic Entanglements, Guest Editors: Jelena Tošić and Andreas Streinzer
The paper shows how Swiss commoners’ ontologies and identities are related to cultural landscape creation since the Middle Ages. However, their maintenance in the postindustrial world depends on the commoner’s specific bargaining power to deal with market and state pressures in order to face capitalist neoliberal uncommoning processes.

Anthropology and Tax. Ethnographies of Fiscal Relations
Edited by Johanna Mugler, Universität Bern, Switzerland, Miranda Sheild Johansson, University College London, Robin Smith, Copenhagen Business School

Disenchanted Modernities: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological Change and Local Responses.
Haller, T. and Weissman, S. (eds.) (2024). Disenchanted Modernities: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological Change and Local Responses. Hamburg, Berlin, Wien, Zürich: Lit-Verlag.

The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the field beyond research
The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the field beyond research, edited by Tim Burger, Usman Mahar, Pascale Schild and Anna-Maria Walter

Intimate Strangers. Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine and the Making of Truth
Zooming in on commercial surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine, Intimate Strangers addresses market expansion into the intimate spheres of life that play out on women's bodies as mothers and workers.Veronika Siegl follows the inner workings of a surrogacy market marked by secrecy, distrust, and anonymous business relationships. She explores intended mothers' anxious struggles for a child in light of stigmatized infertility and the aggressive biopolitics of motherhood; the uncertain but pragmatic pathways in and out of fertility clinics as surrogates navigate harsh economic realities and resist being objectified or morally judged; and the powerful role of agents and doctors who have found a profitable niche in nurturing and facilitating other people's existential hopes. Intimate Strangers discusses these issues against the backdrop of ultra-conservatism and moral governance in Russia, the rising international popularity of the Ukrainian surrogacy market, and the pervasiveness of neo-liberal ideologies and individualized notions of reproductive freedom.

Innere Grenzziehungen. Das Nothilfe-Regime im schweizerischen Asylsystem
Nothilfelager sind Orte innerstaatlicher Grenzziehungen im europäischen Grenzregime. Sie schließen abgewiesene Geflüchtete ein und damit aus der Gesellschaft aus. Simone Marti analysiert in einer ethnografischen Studie die herrschende »politische Rationalität« von Migrationsbehörden bei der Etablierung und Legitimierung des Nothilfe-Regimes. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Nothilfelager, die sie als totale Institutionen beschreibt. Zentral sind zudem die Bewältigungsstrategien abgewiesener Geflüchteter gegen die Demütigungen und Entwürdigungen, die der institutionellen Logik der Nothilfelager innewohnen.

Material Culture in Transit. Theory and Practice
As the first in the Book Series, Routledge Studies in Anthropology and Museums, Material Culture in Transit Theory and Practice
constellates curators and scholars actively working with material culture within academic and museal institutions through theory and practice. The rich collection of essays critically addresses the multivalent ways in which mobility reshapes the characteristics of artefacts, specifically under prevailing issues of representation and colonial liabilities. The volume attests to material culture as central to understanding the repercussions of problematic histories and proposes novel ways to address them. It offers valuable reading for scholars of anthropology, museum studies, history and others with interest in material culture.
Neuste Aufsätze und Buchbeiträge

Contesting heritage: Artistic and cultural (re)appropriations of Apulian tarantism. Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Conservation and Care
Schäuble, Michaela (2024). Contesting heritage: Artistic and cultural (re)appropriations of Apulian tarantism. Performance: The Ethics and the Politics of Conservation and Care, Volume II (pp. 51-78). Routledge.
Producing Knowledge for Socio-Ecological Transformation in Central Asia? A Humbling Experiment in Re-Cognizing Rivers.
Féaux de la Croix, Jeanne. Producing Knowledge for Socio-Ecological Transformation in Central Asia? A Humbling Experiment in Re-Cognizing Rivers. Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques 78:2,
pp. 311-334
Moving beyond the Framing Impasse in the Aral Sea Delta: Vernacular Knowledge of Salinization and Its Potential for Social Learning towards Sustainability.
Féaux de la Croix, J. and Samakov, A. 2024. A. Moving beyond the Framing Impasse in the Aral Sea Delta: Vernacular Knowledge of Salinization and Its Potential for Social Learning towards Sustainability. Sustainability 16, 8605.

"Landscapes of War: Women and Art Making in South Kurdistan"

Mega-Infrastrukturprojekte «Energiewende geht nur mit der Bevölkerung»
Die Energiewende gelingt nur, wenn die lokale Bevölkerung mit einbezogen wird – sei es in der Schweiz oder in Afrika. Dies zeigt Tobias Haller, Sozialanthropologe der Universität Bern anhand von Mega-Infrastrukturprojekten auf der ganzen Welt.
Journal Of Ethnic And Migration Studies: Special issue: The Affective Economy of Removal: Ethnographic Perspectives on Deportation and (In)voluntary Return
Mit Beiträgen von Victoria Tecca, Usman Mahar, Karlien Strijbosch, Elise Hjalmarson, Sabina Barone, Gerhild Perl

Neue Publikation, Inspirationen. Über die Entstehung ethnologischen Denkens, hrsg. von Lisa & Tim Burger & David Sumerauer.
Mit vielen Beiträgen aus Bern von aktuellen, assoziierten und ehemaligen Institutsmitgliedern: Lene Faust, Jeanne Féaux de la Croix, Kathrin Oester, Gerhild Perl und Michaela Schäuble